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>> No.10327451

Did Brandon Sanderson and Stephanie Myer go to the same school of writing?

>> No.10327453
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First for squid

>> No.10327487

is calling a city Gotham going to get me in trouble with DC, or should I just bite the bullet and say its new york even though my brain processes that as cringe

>> No.10327494

Yes, apart from (no offense) your work never likely attracting their notice in the first place, and why is it so critical? Is your MC the mayor?

>> No.10327498

Why would calling a city after a real place get him in trouble

>> No.10327505

okay so rand makes morraine shut up
but will he make egwene and nynaeve shut up as well?

>> No.10327510

Just Finished Children of Húrin. What now?

>> No.10327515

Maybe try that name in another language or a variant of it.

>> No.10327518


>> No.10327520

>List of nicknames of New York City
>Gotham, first used by Washington Irving in his satirical periodical Salmagundi (1807) and made popular as the location of Batman comics, first specified in 1940[16]
You'll be fine

>> No.10327536

Washington Irving was a real person, not just a catch-22 joke?

>> No.10327541

Will she really die?
wait dont tell

>> No.10327545


>> No.10327546

I think he's referring to your butchered spelling

>> No.10327568

my spelling is perfect

>> No.10327605

Wait for the superior Legendarium, from the master GRRM!

>> No.10327676

there is any other book aside from wheel of time where the protagonist is a dragon?

>> No.10327727

what is that jak'o shadows that mat sings about?

>> No.10327748

Webnovels are novels too

>> No.10327751

They sing about dancing with death.

>> No.10327764

but what does jak'o shadows have to do with it?

>> No.10327803

Something about setting fantasy in a real place triggers my "cringe warning" in spite of the fact that I only apply that rule to myself.

Like, i know it's not intrinsically cringey but I associate it with things that are cringey. It seems all the most embarrassing fantasy books and movies are set in New York or urban California, so when Im reading something and im on high cringe alert, it being set in the real world looks like a flaw

>> No.10327813

Temeraire series.
Eragon lol

>> No.10327826

it is death

>> No.10327844

Nynaeve is Lan's job.

>> No.10327870

she eventually get's better namely after Lan reunites with her, but she's bitchy for a while

likewise she gets better when she leaves the Aiel

>> No.10327881

i fucking hope so
egwene is too arrogant
specially when she's a insect compared to rand

>> No.10327892

Nynaeve spends every second deliberately making herself angry to be able to channel, she gets better once she doesn't have to do that anymore.
Egwene gets so much more insufferable once she's away from the Wise Ones. Granted she doesn't do something as absurdly evil as raping Nynaeve to keep her quiet anymore, but she's still a Cunt.

>> No.10327906

Oh boy

>> No.10327931

She's in the middle of AiSedai once she leaves the wise ones, they make her look downright humble by comparison(specifically after being trained by the Wise Ones)

Plus she starts doing stuff that gives her an actual reason to be high on herself

And let's be honest Nynaeve isn't acting like that on purpose, that's been her personality going back to before she learned she could channel, getting Mandragoraned mellows her out a lot(also having to acknowledge and obey Matt, which is fucking hilarious to boot)

>> No.10327939

oh boy what?
She's weak compared to rand
or are you saying she will become as strong as him?
if so i will fucking drop this shit

>> No.10327943

>Inb4 Elsecallers are also known as Bootycallers cuz they let radiants fuck their spren.
What? There was nothing in teh book about human x spren breeding.

>> No.10327946

dude, explain

>> No.10327959

She never becomes as powerful or important as he, but continues to think she is.

>> No.10327977

Pfft no, Rand's the strongest character in the series bar none, and has the strongest artifacts in the series as well

Hell Egwene never even becomes the strongest female character in the series, power level wise Nynaeve is stronger

>> No.10327982

>Suddenly rough hands enveloped Nynaeve's arms. Her head whipped from side to side, eyes bulging. Two huge, ragged men lifted her into the air, faces half-melted ruins of course flesh, drooling mouths full of sharp, yellowed teeth. She tried to make them vanish - if a Wise One dreamwalker could, so could she - and one of them ripped her dress open down the front like parchment. The other seized her chin in a horny, callused hand and twisted her face toward him; his head bent toward her, mouth opening. Whether to kiss or bite, she did not know, but she would rather die than allow either. She flailed for saidar and found nothing; it was horror filling her, not anger. Thick fingernails dug into her cheeks, holding her head steady. Egwene had done this, somehow. Egwene. "Please, Egwene!" It was a squeal, and she was too terrified to care. "Please!"
Egwene was running around in TAR against Wise Ones' orders. To keep Nynaeve quiet she does that to her.

>> No.10327991

i just read this part
but i think(hope) egwene was going to make them bite her not rape
i hope...
rule 34?

>> No.10327994

A reminder for you all to read Children of Húrin. The greatest work of fantasy in the 20th century.

>> No.10328008

also to kind of impress on her that she didn't know what the fuck she was doing there and the kind of shit that could happen

Nynaeve's and basically all the Aes Sedai don't have any experience in Tel'aran'rhiod and assume they can learn it the same way they can learn everything when in fact it's very different and they have a hard time accepting that, and it almost gets a lot of them killed at one point after this

>> No.10328022

It occupies an awkward middle ground between The Silmarilion and LotR. It's supposed to be a closer look at the story from the Silmarilion but it isn't as in depth and rich of characterization as LotR. I do like the naked deer metaphor though.

How do you guys think it's pronounced?

>> No.10328080 [DELETED] 
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I finished my Sword Of The Lictor reread. I'll reiterate my comments from yesterday - slow start with Severian at Thrax, but after the first hundred pages there's a lot of action - The Alzabo, Little Severian, The Sorcerors. The climax, with the Island people at Lake Diuturna castle, is also very rousing stuff - and would leave an irresistible cliffhanger for the first time reader. Aside from the plotting, there feels like a lot more philosophy and reflective passages in this book than in Shadow + Claw, and overall I enjoyed those books a little more.

Anyway, it's onto the last volume after a small break, and some of my spoilerific BOTNS thoughts:

[spoiler}did the Typhon sequence really happen, given that Severian was cold, starving, thirsty, oxygen starved, and traumatised by grief? Note Sev says, shortly after, that it may have ben a dream or vision -- intriguingly, later, in the Hetman's house, Sev speculates that his imaginary visions and reason could be switching places (i.e. imaginary figures becoming external)

Typhon's erection, which was being 'nursed' in front of Severian. Could Typhon have raped him?

Cyriaca's little potted history of a previous civilisation, the rise and fall of an automated society where robots restore human status, is wonderful

Just what on earth is going on with Little Severian anyway?

Baldander's sequence is still quite disturbing in its incidental details - the artificially fattened catamite child in the bed, the eviscerated woman under the belljar, all of the Dr Moreau-esque abominations.[/spoiler]

>> No.10328092
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I finished my Sword Of The Lictor reread. I'll reiterate my comments from yesterday - slow start with Severian at Thrax, but after the first hundred pages there's a lot of action - The Alzabo, Little Severian, The Sorcerors. The climax, with the Island people at Lake Diuturna castle, is also very rousing stuff - and would leave an irresistible cliffhanger for the first time reader. Aside from the plotting, there feels like a lot more philosophy and reflective passages in this book than in Shadow + Claw, and overall I enjoyed those books a little more.

Anyway, it's onto the last volume after a small break, and some of my spoilerific BOTNS thoughts:

did the Typhon sequence really happen, given that Severian was cold, starving, thirsty, oxygen starved, and traumatised by grief? Note Sev says, shortly after, that it may have ben a dream or vision -- intriguingly, later, in the Hetman's house, Sev speculates that his imaginary visions and reason could be switching places (i.e. imaginary figures becoming external)

Typhon's erection, which was being 'nursed' in front of Severian. Could Typhon have raped him?

Cyriaca's little potted history of a previous civilisation, the rise and fall of an automated society where robots restore human status, is wonderful

Just what on earth is going on with Little Severian anyway?

Baldander's sequence is still quite disturbing in its incidental details - the artificially fattened catamite child in the bed, the eviscerated woman under the belljar, all of the Dr Moreau-esque abominations.

>> No.10328147

Regarding the Typhon bit: Severian meets Typhon again, somewhen else

>> No.10328150

I'm 99% sure the fag who wrote it just misspelled dragon and went along. Kind of like the way gurm names characters.

>> No.10328156


Is that a real word tho?

>> No.10328170

oh yea

>> No.10328189

Well I'm stealing it. Got into Soldier of the Mist and I have to say it is strangely similar to BotNS which might otherwise piss me off but Gene's prose and dialogue just hook me like a junkie. Are 5th Head of Cerberus and Long Sun similar also?

>> No.10328191

Regarding the second bit: Funnily, the same imagery is repeated in another book. It seems to be one of Typhon's quirks. Boys will be boys, alas.

Regarding the fifth bit: Did 'the meeting and farewell' with the cenobites make more sense this time around?

>> No.10328218

Similar, but Soldier of the Mist actually manages to be even more disjointed and difficult to follow than BotNS.

Haven't read 5th.

Long Sun is pretty different from the two. I didn't really like it. Although I suffered some spoilers before reading it.

>> No.10328242


Do you mean the cacogens/hierodules at Baldander's castle? Yes, by now my impression is that they are time travelers, or ar least are not limited to three dimensions - and generally they want to ensure human rule (as opposed to Exultant/Vodalus rule, or the Abaia who I suspect are the ones who are orchestrating many of the book's players by Cthulhu-like mind control.) The Cacogens appear far from a monolithic entity though, and will be from different planets/galaxies as well as time zones. What is more perplexing is their little regard for the Claw, and the nature of their 'test.'

>> No.10328252

How can it be more disjointed?
Latro loses his memory but I assume the stuff he writes in his book is chronological. I also assume some of the people he meets are actually gods, unrevealed. So going off this, can you tell me how it's disjointed and difficult? It seems to me like it's pretty straightforward with a tinge of mystery around it. Shit, is it something to do with Latro's life before Plateea that makes me question everything or throws me off and I need to reread it?

>> No.10328278

Oh yea, cacogens.
They can, only, I'm pretty sure, travel backwards in time. Thus this was the first tiem Severian meets them, and the last time they meet Severian.
Yea, I don't mean that it isn't in chronological order. Only that it makes some serious leaps forward in time occasionally. And doesn't make much effort explaining how it got there.

>> No.10328303

They do not do that, necessarily. They are machines and their handler and could travel forward in time if they needed to on that giant ship from Urth

>> No.10328323

Are cacogens machines? Or Hierodules, specifically. I thought they were aliens, or an off-shoot branch of humanity, changed by the Hierogrammates into what they currently are. Severian speculates so, at least. I don't remember anything about them being machines. They die after only a decade or two after all, like Baldanders says..Are you thinking of those ships that summon aquastors? Regarding Tzadkiel's ship, true enough.

>> No.10328349

I don't think it's clear but 2 out of Famulimus, Ossipago and Barbatus are machines and one is their handler. Can't remember which. Hyerodules are mutated humanity or humanity mixing with the people on Tzadkiel's planet or people mixing with people from the future that visit Urth and who are almost alien. I never got what the fuck Abaia or Erebus are tho.

>> No.10328370

Oh, I never got that. Makes sense.

Me neither. From UotNS it seems like they have another vision for humanity, competing with the Hierogrammates'. I don't think their origin is ever explained, though.

>> No.10328379

On that note what the fuck was that thing that made the manapes run in the mine?

>> No.10328411

I always though it was another thing like Abaia and Erebus. Slumbering and awaken by Severian. Fits nicely into the Chtulu-imagery as well.

>> No.10328451

>implying strength actually matter in the end
Rand understood, after being emo for a while, that defeating the Dark One is not about UNLIMITED POWER, which is why he destroy the Choedan Kal and only use Callandor as a trap while Egwene wield Vora's sa'angreal as her personal dildo of destruction

>> No.10328468

5th is not as "advanced" and there are not as many non English phrases. But it's still clearly Wolfe.

>> No.10328473

I am on book 5 yet, will this spoiler be too much spoiler or i can read?

>> No.10328479

Which is more like BotNS, Vampire Hunter D or Berserk?

>> No.10328492

Stay away from it.

>> No.10328494

I'm at the end book 6 and i regret having read it

>> No.10328496

The book you mean.

>> No.10328507

okay thanks anons

>> No.10328526

I think it was some awesome fighting machine. In Autarch, during the war, before being saved by the Autarch on his meme mammoth, Severian observe an Ascian mech of some kind and mention that it might be even worse than the thing that terrified the man apes.

It's a spoiler.

>> No.10328555

The war with Ascia is fucking mental. You get cavalry using pikes, fucken midgets riding /bigguys/, air machines, mechs, lasers, bowmen. How the fuck do you even fight a war like that?

>> No.10328559

>In Autarch, [...]
On that note, I've seen speculation that (BotLS spoiler) it was one of those ogre-faced machines on the Whorl

>> No.10328565

I think it was your dear old mother

>> No.10328566

Whole bunch of volunteers, that's how you fight it. I love how Severian is just gobsmacked by how metal the Ascians are but actually they're just about beaten since they're sending pregnant women to combat.

>> No.10328580
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Not to forget flying cat girl super soldiers.

>> No.10328582

I'm still in awe of an army of masketta men riding banes

>> No.10328589

The Autarch knew what the good life is, too bad he couldn't fuck'em. That mammoth pissed me off tho.

>> No.10328610

I think about that part a lot.

>> No.10328612

God, I loved the part in the Last House when the ancorite explains or reveals to Severian that the Commonwealth is actually winning the war, by going through the three possible reasons for a sudden increase in the enemy's strength. I can't put it to words well. It's doesn't even read like a plot reveal, it's so obvious and logical, in retrospect, that of course the war can't be going badly if it's so distant from the rest of the country.

>> No.10328623

>of course the war can't be going badly if it's so distant from the rest of the country
Tell that to the western roman empire.

>> No.10328648

Not really comparable.

>> No.10328654

Too soon

>> No.10328675

Imagine being a hunter in your village and going off to war with bow and arrow. So you join some volunteer brigade with other archers and crossbowmen and you start fighting Ascians. So first there's some dudes youe rout, then there's midgets riding some retarded bodybuilders, then you get fucking pregnant women and just as you seem to break a fuckhuge ray of light kills the entire company to your right in one hir and through the clearing in the ranks you see some giant white fishwoman crawling towards you. I'd fuck off and forget this ever happened.

>> No.10328701

Any good fantasy books about duty and characters that know they are marching to almost certain death but they dont run away, they face it and shit?

>> No.10328719

Tolkien, silly

>> No.10328729

aside from tolkien dummie
i tought it was already implied

>> No.10328735
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Any of you guys ever read Limbo by Bernard Wolfe? Is this the future of virtue signalling? Ive heard that some people have made themselves paraplegics for victim points.

>> No.10328783
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>> No.10328813
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You want to know if any of us read "I have no mouth and i must scream"? yes, we did.

>> No.10328845

How many pieces of fiction did he pretty much copy directly for that?

>> No.10328909

How much of a genre theme is there to Dandelion Wine by Ray Bradbury? Is it completely youthful slice-of-life or is there some kind of sf/horror/fantasy to it?

>> No.10328910

any books out there where the MC gets the cute Elf?

>> No.10328932

Dalinar gives the people of Roshar an ideal to strive for. They will rise behind him, they will stumble, they will fall. But in time, they will join him in the .

>> No.10328934
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How far along are you guys?

>> No.10328941

The Godling Chronicles

fair warning you didn't specify that they had to be good

>> No.10328958
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>> No.10328971
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H-hey guys, so I kind of joined a book club at a library near me that is reading War Of The Worlds, I got a copy and am about 30 pages (7 chapters) in and it's okay but I'm just curious if the sci-fi elite actually consider it a true classic/patrician novel?? I know nothing about this stuff, I'm just doing this club to try and be social because I basically have no friends...

>> No.10328985

I never heard of that one but I am intrigued now

>> No.10329052

Are you a cute girl? I can be your friend.

>> No.10329108

We're all friends here anon.

>> No.10329109

It’s a classic, as in babbys first sci-fi

>> No.10329113

It's one of the most influential SF novels ever written along with The Time Machine, also by Wells. But it's one of those things you have to take an academic interest in, if you're weaned on modern fiction it might be hard to get into.

>> No.10329128

the time machine is better desu

>> No.10329146
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The Invisible Man >>> The Time Machine >>> shit >>> The War of the Worlds
Griffin is a great character.

>> No.10329153

Just read ship of fools (onto the leviathan) and it was a good trip. Thx to the anon who recommended me Paul russo. Trying to get a copy of the destoying angel. If someone can hit me with a link I ll appreciate a lot.

Wich good books featured some generational ships?

>> No.10329215

Okay I got 15 minutes into The Silmarillion audiobook and i'm hooked. I'm guessing I should start with The Hobbit?

>> No.10329239

It's a decent starting point, namely because it's short(200 pages) and introductory to the universe

>> No.10329244

meant to type 300 pages

>> No.10329287

how bad?

>> No.10329347
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>> No.10329392
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Robert E. Howard, better in small doses? I read his Solomon Kane ten-pager The Skull In The Stars (1929) and quite enjoyed it for all the cliches and predictability, the same way somebody might approach a Hammer Horror movie.

REH's pistol-and-rapier wielding puritan is en route to the next town when he is accosted by a local who warns of grisly murder if he takes the shorter and more convenient path by night. Solomon ignores the warning, continues, and confronts the nocturnal being who has been killing wayfarers so violently.

There is anticipation, lurid violence and a satisfying resolution, in Howard's usual dynamic style. The moor land descriptions give this story a tone of gothic horror - all flickering shadows, whispering winds, and red moonlight. The village rustic here will also feel familiar to Lovecraft readers. Two thumbs up for this one if you want to read something short, violent and moody.

>> No.10329420

>cliches and predictability
They used to call those "conventions," back when people didn't lose interest in a story because someone told them the end.

>> No.10329470
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Excerpt, Robert Howard's The Skull In The Stars


"Name of the Devil!" exclaimed Kane sharply, the unaccustomed oath showing his irritation, "the swamp road and the moor road—what is it that threatens me and why should I go miles out of my way and risk the bogs and mires?"

Sir," said the boy, dropping his voice and drawing closer, "we be simple villagers who like not to talk of such things lest foul fortune befall us, but the moor road is a way accurst and hath not been traversed by any of the countryside for a year or more. It is death to walk those moors by night, as hath been found by some score of unfortunates. Some foul horror haunts the way and claims men for his victims."

"So? And what is this thing like?"

"No man knows. None has ever seen, it and lived, but late-farers have heard terrible laughter far out on the fen and men have heard the horrid shrieks of its victims. Sir, in God's name return to the village, there pass the night, and tomorrow take the swamp trail to Torkertown."

Far back in Kane's gloomy eyes a scintillant light had begun to glimmer, like a witch's torch glinting under fathoms of cold grey ice. His blood quickened. Adventure! The lure of life-risk and drama! Not that Kane recognized his sensations as such. He sincerely considered that he voiced his real feelings when he said:

"These things be deeds of some power of evil. The lords of darkness have laid a curse upon the country. A strong man is needed to combat Satan and his might. Therefore I go, who have defied him many a time."

"Sir," the boy began, then closed his mouth as he saw the futility of argument. He only added, "The corpses of the victims are bruised and torn, sir."

He stood there at the crossroads, sighing regretfully as he watched the tall, rangy figure swinging up the road that led toward the moors.

The sun was setting as Kane came over the brow of the low hill which debouched into the upland fen. Huge and blood-red it sank down behind the sullen horizon of the moors, seeming to touch the rank grass with fire; so for a moment the watcher seemed to be gazing out across a sea of blood. Then the dark shadows came gliding from the east, the western blaze faded, and Solomon Kane struck out, boldly in the gathering darkness.

The road was dim from disuse but was clearly defined. Kane went swiftly but warily, sword and pistols at hand. Stars blinked out and night winds whispered among the grass like weeping spectres. The moon began to rise, lean and haggard, like a skull among the stars.

>> No.10329532

Why the fuck is RAFT of all Xeelee books recommended? Is it because it's the first published book in the sequence? Someone should swap that out with Timelike Infinity or Vacuum Diagrams.

>> No.10329568
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That was kind of weird.

>> No.10329676

>not liking weird alternate universe adventure stories
Also, the Raft image is probably a stand-in for the sequence as a whole, since it is the first Xeelee novel that was published.

>> No.10329695

Honestly it's been a while since I read it and I don't remember much more than it wasn't very good, boring protagonist, boring villain, very basic high fantasy and vanilla races in it, that kind of stuff

>> No.10329699

meant for >>10329287

>> No.10329721
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Depends but it doesn't even take place within the same universe as the overall sequence so it's silly that that is the suggestion. Honestly, I don't think someone should make a rec list unless they have read the books, or series, in question. I've never read Raft and don't care to, personally.

>> No.10329806

I made that chart. I used Raft because I thought it had a cool concept without being too tied into the rest of the Xeelee books. Definitely felt like I needed Baxter in the "90s" row too. I thought about substituting Vacuum Diagrams, but didn't since I think it works better as an introduction to the Xeelee books than as a standalone work.

>> No.10329814

I liked the Thrax portion. Partly because it gives you a real sense of the comfortable life Severian leaves had then but also the
>muh worldbuilding
aspect of showing the reader a bit of the world and government of the Commonwealth from that perspective.

>> No.10329817

Vampire Hunter D for the fucked lore

>> No.10329822
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Why not? I first read Vacuum Diagrams and fucking loved it, later devouring a lot of the Xeelee material. Of course, this is my own personal opinion but still.

>> No.10329852

Nonstop was pretty good and a quick read, I've heard good things about KSR's Aurora.

>> No.10329915
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You shilling this now?

>> No.10329948
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What are books with a similar style or subject matter to this?

>> No.10330070

>Tfw reading demon princes
Dis is good m8s.

>> No.10330081

It takes place in a different universe in the same sense that the end of Ring takes place in a different universe. It's still the same continuity, and the Raft-universe inhabitants even rejoin the main universe in a later short story.

>> No.10330130

>tfw want to listen to wizard knight but the audiobook quality is so horrendous it makes my ears bleed.

>> No.10330205

Well, when you put it this way.

>> No.10330338

Nynaeve is fucking great. Especially later on in the series, she's easily one of the best characters in the series overall. Egwene though is a horrible cunt.

>> No.10330377

>like a witch's torch glinting under fathoms of cold grey ice
Do you know who these guys were drawing on for this imagery?
That clause sounds like a more interesting story than Solomon equally apportioning bandits.

>> No.10330386

why listen to the audiobook when you can read it yourself?

>> No.10330395

Egwene remains a cunt until the end

>> No.10330404

no time.
i work full time and when im off i dont have time for lots of things.

>> No.10330469


168 hours in a week
40 for work
56 for sleep

what are you doing the other 72 hours of the week?

>> No.10330472

i work 60 hours a week.
the rest is spent with family.
being an engineer is suffering.

>> No.10330490

Quit and become a plant operator.

>> No.10330492

eventually ill quit yeah.
but first i gotta save up some money to buy a house straight up.
only two more years to go.
i dont like loans or being in debt.
i never actually took out a loan and never owed someone money so im not about to start that trend.

>> No.10330504

Good shit man.
I'm engineer as well and get stuck working 120 hours over ten days due to how niche my job is.
It is ruff.
Tfw only $65k saved up but no debt.

>> No.10330614

>reading challenge
Why force yourself to read books?

>> No.10330838

>Vampire Hunter D for the fucked lore
Where would I find that lore?
I watched that a decade ago and loved the small amount of World building it showed

>> No.10330971

Not forcing. That is just how much I read a year.
You can't force someone to do something they wanted to in the first place.
Don't you read? What are you doing here then?

>> No.10331141

I've read 40 books this year and I assume that I'll read about 5-10 more. But if I had 50 books as a goal, and had only read 30, I'd probably feel forced to read short stories to inflate my numbers. Who want to fail at their favorite hobby?

But that's just my reason not to do a reading challenge. If you like it, good for you!

>> No.10331230

Then put 30 books a year then as your goal.
I read on average 60 books a year. That why I set my goal to 50.
>if I had 50 books as a goal, and had only read 30, I'd probably feel forced to read short stories to inflate my numbers
I see this done on goodreads. The guy uses books he read already as filler. He sets his goal as 100 and something. And near the end of the year you see old books popping up. At least be reasonable. There are 52 weeks a year, you can do a book a week. How the fuck you doing 140 a year?

>> No.10331287

I don't like Robert Howard half as much as Clark Ashton Smith and Lovecraft so there will be very little shilling, but he can be an enjoyable writer when I'm in the right mood. Plus, it's worth throwing out something non-Conan for the general reader's awareness. Generally I've enjoyed his horror and other characters more.

I don't know, but the excerpt is a good indication of the wild-eyed similies that Howard is so keen on. I read that he liked to read aloud his stories - no doubt wildly gesticulating while doing so - and he seems to be keen on inventive similies that would translate better to spoken word than on the written page, where I think they can look silly.

>> No.10331357

>all the Aes Sedai [...] assume they can learn it the same way they can learn everything
Aes Sedai don't learn anything, ever. At least not until the Pattern provides the new generation who rediscover everything.
Cadsuane Sedai and the Forsaken aren't exaggerating when they refer to Aes Sedai as children. Except that they don't even have the curiosity of children. Or the intelligence of a normal average child. The only way they learn things is by transmission of knowledge. They don't experiment, they don't create knowledge, they even forget more and more. They can't even unlearn what they learn wrong (hand gestures when doing certain weaves etc).

The Brown Ajah should have safeguarded all the knowledge that the world has forgotten, but failed miserably. The White Ajah should have produced science (we have hints of white sisters discussing math theorems) but instead all they do is Vulcan-level cringe-worthy rationalization of their opinions and feelings. The Green Ajah should have devised weaves to use as weapons but all they know is shitty fireballs. I mean what the fuck? Any idiot could do better.

It seems to me that any average human being would be seen as a fucking genius among these idiots.

>> No.10331408
File: 445 KB, 736x1004, It's literally a giant vagina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Aes Sedai live in an Ivory Tower on an Island literally shaped like a giant vagina. Jordan was using the Aes Sedai as an example of how female authority can be mishandled. The counterpoint to this is the Aiel Wise Ones. They're wordly, intelligent and powerful women who are far, far more effective at running their world than the Aes Sedai theirs.
The reason the Wise Ones are more effective is that they don't live in that Ivory Tower, each and every Wise One was something else before she became Wise. Some were Far Dareis Mai, some were Roof-mistresses, and pretty much all of them were or are mothers (in contrast to Aes Sedai who practically never have children).
The Blue Ajah meddle in causes and usually fail. the Wise Ones meddle in causes and usually succeed. The Brown Ajah preserves knowledge. The Wise One preserve knowledge and TEACH, and so on and so on.

>> No.10331487

>Brandon Sanderson
Is this guy any good? This qt I know likes him and was thinking of reading it to converse with her.

>> No.10331546

>Is this guy any good? This qt I know likes him
In your heart you know the answer, anon

>> No.10331568

Find me a river island that is not shaped like a giant vagina.

>> No.10331603

in which book mat get away from rand?
i know he will become badass but he's a sidekick since beggining
if i have to read some pov that isnt rand i'd prefer it to be perrin or mat, not elayne, nynaeve or shitwene

>> No.10331607

also i am in the middle of book 5

>> No.10331619

It's just after Rand takes Cairhien in book 5.

>> No.10331644

I can't pretend though. I really fancy her but she's quite the normie in terms of tastes.

>> No.10331652

Sanderson is fun

>> No.10331695

Farseer Trilogy

>> No.10331732

The wiki as always. I have no idea if any the novels are translated.

>> No.10332067

a hack

>> No.10332073

tesser is fun.

>> No.10332126
File: 22 KB, 355x351, ok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some books that prominently feature the trope of doing 'simple' training really intensely to achieve an impressive amount of power?

>> No.10332214

>ywn get an handjob from Shallan's naked safehand.

>> No.10332259

it is kinda funny how lewd Sanderson makes the safe hand thing, especially when Navani wants to be kinky as fuck

>> No.10332261
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I've just finished it.

I was really disappointed. My expectations were too high.

What did you guys think?

>> No.10332281

>expecting anything but trash for sanderson

>> No.10332302

Great opinion anon.

>> No.10332311

Memes aside. I'm actually sad. The first two books were amazing to me. Such potential.But I think it's me growing up more than anything else.

He has an amazing imagination but doesn't deliver. He's overly repetitive. Reuses personality traits and trauma. Some characters are just insufferable. He stales the story way to many times and doesn't give the reader what he wants to read.

I always thought that having more books was better, but that's blatantly false. It just drags the story into unnecessary territory.

>> No.10332336

>wide-eyed similies . . . can look silly
It reminded me of that bit from CAS that you posted, with the wizard in his lair. I think CAS used the sea to describe his eyes--emerald something--but I was struck here because where would REH have read about witches doing naughty ish in ice caves? I'm suppose from context that he could be referencing the witches of Salem...

>> No.10332339

It was pretty good asides from Shallan's spies antics, which I never gave any fuck about, and the love triangle.

It drags a bit around the middle but overall stuff were happening.

>> No.10332346

There's a book I'm trying to remember the name of, the only book I ever stopped reading because it was just too obnoxious. It's a scifi story, written in the 50s or maybe early 60s. The premise is that this engineer and his secretary are inexplicably thrown into a post-apocalyptic future. They set up house in the office building they were working in and do survival things until one day this horde of horrible terrible creatures (which turn out to be devolved black people) comes and sets up camp nearby, which is about when I stopped reading. Anyone know what I'm talking about?

>> No.10332349

theres a lot of books with almost that exact premise anon.
anything more to go on?
goodreads has book collections for just such genre which is either described as survival or SHTF(shit hits the fan).
maybe look around there.
your description really is way too generic.

>> No.10332362

I felt that the ending was predictable and underwhelming. A lot of key moments were scraped out.

Szeth just appears and rolls along without any dialog whatsoever
What the fuck is going on with Renarin
When Kaladin didn't say the Words at Shadesmar, I felt like I was fucking without being allowd to cum

These are just a few examples. I will write more if I remember.

>> No.10332374 [DELETED] 

>Szeth just appears and rolls along without any dialog whatsoever
You mean after the climax? I assumed they got an explanation.
>What the fuck is going on with Renarin
His spren got corrupted by the Unmade who might not be completely bad but they still bonded. None of the characters really understood it anyway.
>When Kaladin didn't say the Words at Shadesmar, I felt like I was fucking without being allowd to cum
I completely agreed but Dalinar coming around was amazing. When will Kal fucks Syl anyway.

>> No.10332378

>theres a lot of books with almost that exact premise anon.

Can you name one?

>> No.10332392


pick one.
chances are the plots are incredibly similiar to your book. minus you know the time-traveling.

>> No.10332403


>Szeth just appears and rolls along without any dialog whatsoever
You mean after the climax? I assumed they got an explanation.
>What the fuck is going on with Renarin
His spren got corrupted by the Unmade who might not be completely bad but they still bonded. None of the characters really understood it anyway.
>When Kaladin didn't say the Words at Shadesmar, I felt like I was fucking without being allowd to cum
I completely agreed but Dalinar coming around was amazing. When will Kal fucks Syl anyway.

>> No.10332404

>minus you know the time-traveling.

That's literally the most fundamental part of the premise. A premise which none of these books share. Not to mention all but one of them were written decades after the timeframe provided.

Are you mentally retarded? I want to know before I call you a stupid faggot whether it's your fault or if you're just a victim of circumstance.

>> No.10332406

Where are Kaladins Parents
Why the fuck do we have to deal with Warbreaker shit? I don't want to read the fucking book+Azure+The retarded sword
Killing the Herald at the end just like that? Or was that thing Wit picked up him?
What about fucking sane minded Ishar? Wasn't he fucked up? Then They said he was the one who didnt lost his mind?

>> No.10332411

Nightblood et al. are actually Stormlight characters first. Warbreaker is just their origin story.

>> No.10332435

I take the opposite approach: I read with gluttony until I'm satiated and then I won't pick it again for a while.

I do this every year with REH, Lovecraft, Machen, CAS and other weird fiction authors

>> No.10332440
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Yes but nobody would know that until they've read the 'main' chronology first to piece the clues together.

Still in Hearthstone.
Warbreaker was literally written to explain Vasher as a character. Unfortunately, Brandon refuses to write Nightblood (the sequel) any time soon.
That was a Cryptic, you fucking dolt. Read less slow.

>> No.10332443

>Where are Kaladins Parents
In Alekthar, where else? It was established the Parshmen weren't interested yet in total annihilation of mankind
>Killing the Herald at the end just like that? Or was that thing Wit picked up him?
Wit picked up a cryptic, probably the one that was going to bond with Elokhar.
>What about fucking sane minded Ishar? Wasn't he fucked up? Then They said he was the one who didnt lost his mind?
The one who said Ishar wasn't insane were insanes themselves, they can't really be objective judge.

>> No.10332509
File: 2.21 MB, 200x174, Babys first Warp travel.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so this is the power of speedreading.....

>> No.10332557

>*Dalinar looked at his fabrial Watch*
Reminder that this is the same thing as:
>*Tugs her braid*

>> No.10332572

cradle series

>> No.10332574
File: 788 KB, 1956x2560, SS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start with this one.

>> No.10332604
File: 891 KB, 1280x717, 1509604646768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wheel fo time memes

>> No.10332606

Shallan alone is reason enough for me to not enjoy the series anymore.

>> No.10332611

It's funny because it's true.

>> No.10332620

why tough?

>> No.10332633

Thanks, I'll check it out.
>falling for the t-rex memes

>> No.10332644

She was already insufferable, but Brandon exceeded himself with this book.

Her alter egos are the most annoying thing in the series.

>> No.10332658

To whomever told me several threads ago that Witches of Karres was a cute read, thank you. It was indeed a cute read and I enjoyed it a lot.

>> No.10332685

will kaladin and syl ever fug?

>> No.10332710

>they think the dislike of speedreaders isn't justified
>they think you can trust anyone who speedread a book and gives an opinion
Most of the hate in these generals are from speedreaders who skipped pages and don't even know of what they speak.

>> No.10332725

>Trying to defend a shitty author

I hope you see the irony.

>> No.10332760

Kinda thought they were going to this book when Syl told Kaladin she watches people have sex and he imagined himself fucking some girl while she watched and advised him.

Sad it went nowhere.

>> No.10332762

>Trying to defend a shitty author
I'm not talking Sanderson alone. They do this for every series. It's just that Sanderson was the one to expose them.

>> No.10332783

there will be no more stormlight books?

>> No.10332800

No, I meant it went nowhere in this particular book.

>> No.10332810

To expose what exactly? What are you on about?

>> No.10332812

I think a huge piece of it is because they refuse to take in any novice who isn't an impressionable teenager, and then proceed to drill into their heads that Aes Sedai are the absolute best and know everything.

Sure the new generation rediscovering everything is probably pattern shenanigans, but i'd say they do it not despite having been novices for little time, but because of it.

>> No.10332832

Also note that like one in five Aes Sedai were darkfriends, probably a hundred times more than among the general population.

>> No.10332857

>reading comprehension
Reread the comment thread again.

>> No.10332859
File: 61 KB, 1280x720, predator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

syl is underage

>> No.10332875


>> No.10332881
File: 197 KB, 765x512, the_way_of_kings___stormbless_by_krhart-d390r0p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She will always be daddy's little girl, you got that punk?

>> No.10332884

Apparently the Nahel bond is already more intimate than any romantic relationship, so they might as well have some hot fairy sex.

>> No.10332910

Stormfather doesn't look human
>tfw you will never fuck cultivation's daughter

>> No.10332921

What does Hoid want?
What does the Ghostblood want?
Why is Nale so based?

>> No.10332945
File: 42 KB, 312x475, 23577208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To the anon that always cries for succulent nubile older women. This book is for you.

>> No.10332946

To reforge Adonalsium, maybe. He's collecting magic from every shard at the moment.
To save Roshar in the short term, worldhopping shenanigans long term.
Dual wielding shardblades.

>> No.10332959

To horn in on other Sanderson plots as the author avatar.
To horn in on other Sanderson plots for no reason.
He's not, Sanderson missed out on making him living armor.

>> No.10332964

I'm on book 4 of this series, and so far it fits.
Malazan Book of the Fallen. Almost the entire theme are the main characters wondering into shit they either know they don't understand and hope for the best, or shit they think they understand but then quickly learn they don't.

>> No.10333002

>Azure teaching sprens how to make shardblades that don't need captive/ dead spren
>V dual weilding radiant and voidbringer powers
>people know that odium doesn't always know what your next line is going to be
>Syl wants to be dicked
>Jasnah wants rough king sex
>Kaladin one step away from being able to marry Jasnah after he swears 4th ideal
>bunch of Zelda's navi following kaladin around waiting for him to ideal up

This series is going to be blood and destruction. Spren UPRISING WHEN???

>> No.10333030

Say what you will but Sanderson completely lost control over the story on Oathbringer.
The super important ending regarding Andolin on book 2 was completley inconsequential on book 3.

Oathbringer feels like a rushing mess.

>> No.10333060

>Character everyone aknowledged as a dick no one would miss is killed
>No one miss him

It checks out

>> No.10333083

It had to happen. Adolin just saved his father from doing it.
Hell, Szeth would have ended up doing it.
Also with how the turncoat shamed the family name, they probably thought he did it to get into a position of power and turn on everyone else.

Everyone saw he tried to kill Dalinar multiple times, why would they grieve for him? His wife had to run because it looked like she was involved.

>> No.10333110

There were literally zero consequences. Why so much drama then? It feels cheap to dispose of a villain like that.

>> No.10333120

It will probably become more of an issue when Szeth starts enforcing Dalinar's code.

>> No.10333138

why does everybody say that there is something possible between Kaladin and Jasnah?

>> No.10333149

>very serious characters
>both disregard conventions
>nobody else to ship
Basically it. I still ship it. It'll get more traction when Kaladin is Highprince Sadeas.

>> No.10333163

Basically boils down to the fact that they're the only two protagonists celibate and not blood related.

Although. Szeth is here now and I have no idea how old Jasnah is. Can't be more than 30.

>> No.10333183


Another retarded moment. We all know that he suffers from the head. But no one reacted when he appeared? The motherfucker tried to kill them all and killed his brother and all we are left with is:

>wanna be my body guard after everything that’s happened? Mmmkay

Sanderson’s editors should be fired. Fuck Tor too.

>> No.10333188

So's Rysn. Who's going to play katawa shoujo with her?

>> No.10333194

There will be an immense trust and racism problem with him, I'm sure. Would be awesome for Szeth and Adolin to have this bloody rivalry that lasts the whole series where they hate each other but everybody else hates both of them more.

Shinovar was conspicuously absent in Oathbringer, actually. Did Dalinar try to contact them? I can't remember.

>> No.10333205

Keep dreaming. All you will have is Shallan until the end.

>> No.10333209

Lift will make us plead for more Shallan.

>> No.10333367

>Lyft became awesome.
>Not that she wasn’t already awesome, but she became even more awesome.

>> No.10333369


>> No.10333425

>not wanting wet pussy lift getting her vag sloppy dicked
>not realizing that Sanderson is anime and that lift is actually older than Dalinar but looks like a teen

>> No.10333523

>narrator isn’t a British man
When will the UN declare this a crime against humanity? Enough is enough.

>> No.10333533

>americlap can't understand proper english
It makes sense.

>> No.10333602

>narrator isn’t a British man
>americlap can't understand proper english
Well THAT is embarrassing. Almost as embarrassing as listening to audio books.

>> No.10333607

You missed his point completely. Setting any kind of goal kills any enjoyment of the activity because it turns into a chore. I agree with him. I read for enjoyment, I get no pleasure out of reading just to pad my reading list and reach some arbitrary limit.

>> No.10333690

>it went nowhere in this particular book.

much like a lot of things in oathbringer.


>Can't be more than 30.

mid 30's roshar age i believe.

She's all right when she shuts her mouth. Her and szeth where a neat duo for the two seconds they where together. though sanderson seems to have a phobia about having his radiants interact with each other for more than 2 seconds so if we do see her again it will probably by herself. whatever, even with her awesome I'd still take more of her over more shallan. Her chapters where unbearable in this book, please no more 600 pages of sneaking missions and feeding the poor again. Enough is enough Sanderson.

>> No.10333733

i bet sanderson want to follow jordan footsteps and make a 14 books series.

>> No.10333745

> I have no idea how old Jasnah is. Can't be more than 30

There's a flashback to just after her birth that says like 36~ years ago

>> No.10333751

We can only hope

>> No.10333808

Then he dies, leaving the series for another new author to finish.
And so the cycle begins anew.

>> No.10333859
File: 434 KB, 1638x2441, OB_SHALLAN-MANDRA_ebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stormfather ISN'T a human, you stormin' dolt.

Yeah actually a bit upset that we got little-to-nothing regarding the Ghostbloods.

I think it's been confirmed that he doesn't actually want to reforge Adonalsium.

>caring about Adolin murdering Sadeas
Are you from 17th Shard?

>> No.10334158

Damn. The mandra is more majestic looking than I thought. I imagined kog from league of legends with eyes running down it's body, and multiple wings.
That art is wonderful.

>> No.10334174

How do you feel about syl having the maturity of a 5 year old but the body and desiree of a 20 something?

>> No.10334222
File: 38 KB, 205x300, Starship_Troopers_(novel).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most red pilled sci fi author?
/pol/ says its Robert Heinlein.

>> No.10334231
File: 128 KB, 2244x720, [HorribleSubs] Bernard Jou Iwaku. - 08 [720p].mkv_20171127_024549.901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10334277

1000 sci fi books or just 1000 in general?

>> No.10334381

Mieville is very red

>> No.10334505

>Robert Heinlein

Heinlein wrote a book about mixed race polyandrous libertarians on the moon bombarding earth with rocks after one of their ambassadors to earth gets arrested by racists in the US for miscegenation and bigamy.

>> No.10334531

>the thread turns into a Sanderson thread
You /lit/tle fuckers can bash him all you want but deep down inside you know you love this man

>> No.10334536

At least he actually puts out books, unlike GRRM.

>> No.10334570

I mean, it's not like I have standards.

>> No.10334575

no, i fucking hate him.

>> No.10334584

I really like fantasy

>> No.10334585
File: 82 KB, 456x680, 2997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody else read the RCN series? I'm about halfway through it right now and it's pretty good. Nice to see a author who understands how important electronic warfare is to modern warfare.

>> No.10334656

Any book recommendations for a 26 year old virgin?

>> No.10334666

You’re wrong. I used to love him. After this one I don’t care anymore.

>> No.10334760

Daniel black series. Should be right up your alley.

>> No.10334793

but is it GRI approved?

>> No.10334799

That's somewhat odd, given that Stranger in a Strange Land is basically the antithesis of /pol/.

>> No.10334890
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>Very much enjoyed the first two books
>Third book is ?? and I have no idea what it's even included with the first two

>> No.10335001

What should a man read after realizing that Sanderson is a bad writer?

>> No.10335046

Dune; stop after emperor, or chaperhouse if you must

>> No.10335057

Is the book of the new sun good?

>> No.10335092

By new generation I wasn't referring only to the new Aes Sedai but to the Ta'verens and everyone they pull in. The world had to wait for Rand to create universities which lead to rediscovering motors in a scene which I found very comical in the streets of Cairhien (I think), or for him to realize how useful spyglasses could be (except for Atha'an Miere who were still using them). Or for Mat to indirectly lead to the rediscovery of black powder, at least used in a context of war.
All of this should have been the job of the Browns and Whites.

>> No.10335096
File: 37 KB, 317x475, 24611565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sharakhai, the great city of the desert, center of commerce and culture, has been ruled from time immemorial by twelve kings—cruel, ruthless, powerful, and immortal. With their army of Silver Spears, their elite company of Blade Maidens, and their holy defenders, the terrifying asirim, the Kings uphold their positions as undisputed, invincible lords of the desert. There is no hope of freedom for any under their rule.

>Or so it seems, until Çeda, a brave young woman from the west end slums, defies the Kings’ laws by going outside on the holy night of Beht Zha’ir. What she learns that night sets her on a path that winds through both the terrible truths of the Kings’ mysterious history and the hidden riddles of her own heritage. Together, these secrets could finally break the iron grip of the Kings’ power...if the nigh-omnipotent Kings don’t find her first.

Can anyone recommend or dissuade me from pic related? Someone told me it was good but the premise sounds very YA/Divergent/Hunger Games.
>young girl living in a dystopia finds out she's special and leads a rebellion against the evil oppressors

>> No.10335100

ive read it and honestly its very cliche and overdone. it is very YA but theres a bunch of things happening that would warant an adult rating.
from what i remember it has some terrible pacing and seems to be geared mostly towards a female readership. some of the subject matter seems to also make no sense from a morals perspective as in the morals and general consensus seem to shift to where the author wants them to be rather than how they would actually fit into the world.
i wouldnt recommend it unless you are really bored and have nothing else to read.

>> No.10335103

>Setting any kind of goal enhances any enjoyment of the activity because it turns into a challenge
Here, I fixed that for you. I know we are the 10% here but some of us are guys

>> No.10335188

It was there to show that he caught the watch bug

>> No.10335202

He writes a lot and he's gotten fairly good at it. I get annoyed sometimes but there's enough ANIME to keep me satisfied.

Needs to fix his health though, he's got metabolic syndrome...

>> No.10335206

He's just big-boned. ;_;

>> No.10335221

>Robert "rational anarchy" Heinlein
>Robert "polyamory" Heinlein
>Robert "bigamy" Heinlein
>Robert "free sex" Heinlein
>Robert "free sex with your siblings" Heinlein
>Robert "free sex with your siblings, kids, parents and clones" Heinlein
The only redpilled thing about Heinlein is his obsession with breeding. But, did you honestly expect /pol/ to both read AND be right?

>> No.10335230

>conveniently forgetting the libertarian stuff
>conveniently forgetting that /pol/ is also ron/pol/
>conveniently forgetting that no board is one person

>> No.10335232

>reading Oathbringer
>Adolin is some super chad warrior prince that fought in countless battles and survived many suicide missions
>he had seduced virtually every noble woman and then threw them away when he got bored
>acts like a total autistic virgin when he’s talking to Shallan for no reason at all

Sanderson is such a fucking soy boy you can just see the estrogen dripping off of him. Beta males man, they think everyone is as autistic as they are.

>> No.10335236

Sounds pretty /pol/ to me. I don't know if you've looked over there but the Nazis all left. It's nothing but Ancaps and Commies now.

>> No.10335243

I don’t see many commies but ancaps are somewhat common because of all the memes and Stefan molyjew. I’d say pol is still very right wing tho

>> No.10335251

I did not forget anything, I just mentioned some of the things that makes him not red pilled. i.e degeneracy.

No I have not been there lately, but I assume the definition of red pill have not changed with the, according to you, changing demographic.

>> No.10335253

/pol/ is the opposite of whatever you, the anon posting, thinks is right and decent.

>> No.10335262

Trysmoon series
Night Angel Trilogy
Black Jewels Trilogy
Lots of sexual tension to rile you up.

>> No.10335284

Man.. I loved when the daughter offered herself to her father. "You can have me anytime you want daddy."

>> No.10335291


>> No.10335295

It has over there. "redpill" just means "what I agree with" now.
I mean, it pretty much always did, but in the past you typically wouldn't get "redpilled" on how great Stalin was and how gay jews are actually our greatest allies. I'm not exaggerating btw.

Getting even further offtopic though. Anyone got recs for a book with an ULTRAJEW protagonist? Like so jew the nose pokes you in the eye through the paper and your wallet dissapears after reading it.

>> No.10335300

>>acts like a total autistic virgin when he’s talking to Shallan for no reason at all
He was always autistic. Did you even read the book? His father and all said that he raised a fop.
Look how he gets excited for clothing more than a woman.
Look how he makes his own clothes.
Look how he said he would have killed himself if he didn't have a change of clothing.

Speedreading, surface details skimming, low comprehension and iq anons are the worst. Books are all about taking information given and working shit out yourself.

>> No.10335325

The Man Who Used The Universe.

>> No.10335331

She defies the Kings' law, man.

>> No.10335412
File: 67 KB, 276x475, 973565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heard really great praise and also tons of hate for this. Is it good?

>> No.10335418

girl power

>> No.10335422

i liked them a lot.
theres like 3 series of books though and you want to read them in chronological order.
keep that in mind.
theres the chroniclkes series then comes the second chronicles and then the last chronicles.

>> No.10335513

Awaiting your rant after you take that anon's advice and read it.

>> No.10335613

>defies the Kings' laws by going outside on the holy night of Beht Zha'ir

>> No.10335713

The prose, characterisation, mystery and plot is very good but the pacing needs work and is largely fixed by the second book.

>> No.10335798

>reading Arabian Nights themed fantasy from a guy named Bradley
Throne of the Crescent Moon

>> No.10335837

That sounds alright.
Is it good?

>> No.10336178
File: 97 KB, 211x326, Gene.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About to buy this.

What am I in for?

>> No.10336221

>What am I in for?
Terrible cover art

>> No.10336272

Any fantasy books that uses summoning as the main magic system? I still haven't seen any books that uses the demons in Ars Goetia.

>> No.10336428

Thx I'm in the middle of aurora and is pretty cool.
I tried searching destroying angel on all the lit links and got no luck.

>> No.10336438

It's an e-book.

>> No.10336448

That makes it okay?

>> No.10336511

Don't judge a book by its cover.

>> No.10336536

some of these amazon published books glory in really bad cover work...

>> No.10336545
File: 44 KB, 318x424, 34122191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you really sure about that anon?

>> No.10336563


Incoming highstorm. Has the absolute madman gone full Morrison?

>> No.10336651

A tired aphorism. Proper cover art enhances value.

>> No.10336659

>That that isn't obviously a post-modern master piece

>> No.10336662
File: 459 KB, 1076x1134, prince-web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this even real? also, what's your favorite covers anons?

>> No.10336716

>is this even real

>> No.10336796

You are looking for the works of David Gemmell. Start at Legend.

>> No.10336858

I'm a big Lovecraft fan and Matt Ruff's Lovecraft Country has caught my eyes. Is it worth checking out anons?

>> No.10336930

So I’m about 1/10 through Oathbringer. Shallan is going bat shit crazy right now. What the fuck happened

>> No.10336984

You could read the book and find out maybe. Lovecraftian horrorspren in the basement messing with her mind.

>> No.10337000

Enjoy the first 2 parts of the book. The rest is shit until the end.

>> No.10337090

Will Wight House of Blades.

>> No.10337106

I'm glad that the anon who shits on night angel because of it's cover will never read book of the new sun because of this cover.

>> No.10337282

The Bartimaeus Sequence. However be warned, it's YA.

>> No.10337600

Currently listening to Vampire$.
God, it's such a shame Steakley only wrote two novels in his life. I fucking love the dialogue and psychology and the rapid no-nonsense storytelling style of his.

>> No.10337694

New Thread

>> No.10337743

First result on my chart, mobilism

>> No.10337768

Just ignore those cunts. If they too lazy to find it, let them buy it.

>> No.10337864

are there literally no good scifi space opera type series that have come out in the last 10 years? The only one I hear about is The Expanse but I tried reading a couple of the books and found them pretty boring honestly. everything else I find I military scifi space marines shit that is just the authors masturbating over the specs of their fake spacecraft and weapons. No one writes the good fun shit? I just want some good pulpy fun stuff that is similar to Star Wars, Firefly, Farscape, Mass Effect, or whatever.

>> No.10337867

Red Rising Trilogy