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[ERROR] No.10302140 [Reply] [Original]

How come only Ligotti managed to adequately continue the Lovecraftian tradition?

>> No.10302142

There is no 'Lovecraftian tradition' other than racism

>> No.10302146

and his very specific brand of monsters.
he was a racist, but let's not say stupid shit

>> No.10302147

Sure there is, the man himself formulated it in Supernatural Horror in Literature.

>> No.10302154

Lovecraft was explicitly anti-traditionalist in his work; he was pomo AF.

>> No.10302158

yeah, but he hated black people.

>> No.10302164

All Big L's protags are reactionaries.

>> No.10302170

Is that the girl from that one video?

>> No.10302182
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Pic related recently wrote Providence, the greatest post-Lovecraftian work in existence. On the video game front, Bloodborne is an interesting thematic supplement.

>> No.10302184

traditionalism doesn't hate them, it just knows their place on their behalf.
that doesn't make him less PoMo/subversive

>> No.10302196

He isn't pomo, he takes clear and precise, honest stances. He absolutely despised sophism and degenerate trickery.

>> No.10302197

He didn't Ligotti is an annoying faggot

>> No.10302202

>He absolutely despised sophism
and yet he believed in fucking alien gods, yeah, sure

>> No.10302205

I want to beat this slant eyed cunt with a tire iron. I don't know why but her face just needs to be busted open

>> No.10302217

I'd like to spend 30 minutes tonguing her clit, if you know what I mean

>> No.10302219


That would be Conan Doyle, Lovecraft was the opposite of what his books were about.

>> No.10302226


the very real horror of excruciating pain and physical illness as well as mental illness.

>> No.10302228

Please go back to r/books

>> No.10302236

Laird Barron can be decent. Horrible writer overall.

>> No.10302241

So he was hella PoMo

>> No.10302248

Dude what do you think PoMo means?

>> No.10302253


>> No.10302264

Plenty of people have written adequate near-lovecraftian Horror, but they'll write a hundred terrible stories in-between the good ones.

>> No.10302273

Racism is barely a footnote in his work.

>> No.10302279

>he hasn't got that every monster is a metaphor for minorities

>> No.10302289
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How come only Ito managed to adequately continue the Lovecraftian tradition?

>> No.10302294

>he didn't read Klein

>> No.10302299

what a pomo thing to say

>> No.10302300

I see you don't know your mangakas, sir.

>> No.10302323
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>ancient alien horrors so unfathomably powerful and complex human minds cannot begin to comprehend their existence
>he must mean minorities lul

>> No.10302325 [SPOILER] 
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Anyone got epubs/mobis of T.E.D Klein? Can't find them.

>> No.10302331

The Shadow Over Innsmouth is literally about race mixing and degenerate foreign religions.
I was memeing saying they were a metaphor but you're purposefully blind if you can't see the obvious race angle throughout his work

>> No.10302337

Who does it better? 6000 is another good one.

>> No.10302339

Stop trying to make “Pomo” happen, it’s not going to happen.
Also postmodernism good and Jordan Peterson intentionally misrepresents it to drain money from his brainlet patreon donators.

>> No.10302343

try kago shintaro

>> No.10302344

you don't say

>> No.10302350

will do

>> No.10302354

>degenerate foreign religions
All religion is degenerate. Boxing natural human spirituality into a uniform institution for mass control and indoctrination by those in control of the power structure is borderline criminal. Spirituality is an exploration of the human condition, not a rigid tool to manipulate and shape.

>> No.10302378

yeah no religion holds civilization in check

enjoy your dirt hugging shit where you eat spiritual dwellings, red nigger man.

>> No.10302389
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>All religion is degenerate.

Stupid cunt, Christianity is what the West is founded on

>> No.10302396

Oh, I did not know Ancient Greeks were Christians, thank you padre.

>> No.10302403

Greek Civilization was Pre-Western

>> No.10302421

>implying the west is inherently superior
>implying Christianity isn’t an inherently flawed foundation due to its inability to back up its lofty spiritual claims that anchor its strict rules
>implying the status quo is the only way humans can live
Flush the spooks from your mind and sort yourself out

>> No.10302423

Civilization does not need to be held in check. Holding civilization in check is how you end up with mental illness and high suicide rates. Holding the population “in check” only benefits those who stand to profit from the established social order. Ideas and thoughts should flow freely.

>> No.10302426

>Hasn't read any Augustine or Aquinas
>Posts on /lit/

>> No.10302432
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You're done talking now

>> No.10302436

What constitutes western civilization in this case? Europe and North America? The anglosphere? Modern nations not in the eastern cultural hemisphere? You’re playing it fast and loose with these poorly defined labels. When did it start exactly? With the rise of Christianity as a religion inside the Roman Empire? If western means Christian, western civilization might not have much in the way of a future

>> No.10302437

Wtf I love open borders now!

>> No.10302440

Not an argument

>> No.10302441

>If western means Christian, western civilization might not have much in the way of a future

Correct, hence why we see everything falling apart

>> No.10302445
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Yes... it is

>> No.10302446
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>> No.10302449

Wow, you took a massive leap from that to open borders. A society can collectively decide what is right for itself, but forcing the citizens of said society to think only within pre-approved mental and ideological boundaries is a method of control and should be resisted.
>he still falls for left/right spooks

>> No.10302458
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>mfw I have been systematically derailing Lovecraft threads for months by pretending to be a politically motivated racist and claiming him as a vanguard of racialist thought

>> No.10302462

You're right fuck racism and wypipo n' sheeeit

>> No.10302463

Obnoxiously reductivist thinking detected.
Surely no social, economic, or geopolitical factors are at play here. It’s because those darned kids are spending too much time on their Nintendo games instead of going to church. And those darned modern women.

>> No.10302466

>It controls people so it's bad

>> No.10302468

Me too but unironically>>10302463

>> No.10302470

2/10 troll at best

>> No.10302476

From the perspective of someone in a position of power, nothing.
From the perspective of someone lower on the social ladder, uncomfortable freedom is strongly preferable to comfortable slavery. Cattle lives in a pasture, humans yearn for absolute freedom, or at least the illusion of it.

>> No.10302478

>From the perspective of someone lower on the social ladder, uncomfortable freedom is strongly preferable to comfortable slavery.

>> No.10302486

>From the perspective of someone lower on the social ladder, uncomfortable freedom is strongly preferable to comfortable slavery.
According to what? You?

>> No.10302489

The factors you talk about only list what are the limits of possibility to act within a given social context. What it doesn't answer is why act at all?
The Faith the West was founded on has been stripped from us and we have nothing in its place but the empty platitudes of the pleasure principal. The environment is irrelevant to this front, there can only be death from here

>> No.10302504

>humans yearn for absolute freedom
Speak for yourself.

>> No.10302509
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All the clocks were striking noon when I began the daylong process of being diagnosed for what was very wrong with me. I can recall some details vividly, like lying on a gurney outside of the radiology department while I screamed for help or euthanasia, which only brought a nurse running to my side to inform me I could either be quiet or be expelled from the hospital. She’d taken sure measures before with screamers like me, and I believed her. What I can’t figure out is how the whole of one day had passed until I was wheeled in for “emergency” surgery in the wee hours of the next day. However, even though I was no more than a heap of messed up meat that hadn’t taken its medications that day, there still was a little voice in the back of my brain that every so often squeaked out a few words. The first of two most memorable squeaks was when the surgeon said to a vague figure in the background, “Your brother is a very sick man,” and then turned to me to inquire whom I wanted to appoint to make decisions for me in case I couldn’t make them for myself. “My brother,” said the little voice in the back of my brain. But I couldn’t say that. I could only raise my arm a little and point toward the vague figure in the background. The second most memorable occasion was when an anesthesiologist manifested himself and said, “My name is Dr. Blackstone.”

“Of course it is,” piped the little voice at the back of my brain.

>> No.10302525

>we wuz western civilization n shieet
t. ""white"" amerilard with no history nor culture
Wtf I love being a slave now! Please whip me master!
Wow... so this is the power of universalist religions uh

>> No.10302531
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I think reddit might be your scene buddy

>> No.10302533

>Holding civilization in check is how you end up with mental illness and high suicide rates.

We call those people trannies

>> No.10302537

Has human history not made this apparent? In situations where a population feels they lack control of their own destiny, strife follows. It transcends linguistic and cultural barriers. The enlightenment thinkers discussed this on a grand scale.

>> No.10302538

>Wtf I love being a slave now! Please whip me master!
If I've learned anything from the experience of "freedom", it's that it's not worth it and I'd rather live in a more regulated, stable society. For one who values human autonomy as much as yourself, don't you think people should be able to make this sort of value judgment?

>> No.10302541

>Has human history not made this apparent?

It really hasn't

>> No.10302545

That round faced blushing butterball is the most successful con artist of the 2010’s

>> No.10302546
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>> No.10302548

t. Drinks unfiltered water

>> No.10302552

And why do trannies exist? Because effeminate males are so thoroughly alienated they end up associating with the other gender and, in desperation, cut their peckers off to “transition.” Symptom.

>> No.10302554

Pre-Western, you realize the Greeks were influencial in Muslim civilization too?

>> No.10302555

IS providence really that good? The first issue I've read and it was kind of inconsistent. The letters were boring as hell.

>> No.10302560

This is the literature board, Bucko. I think /pol/ might be more your speed

>> No.10302565

/lit/ is just the intellectual wing of /pol/, boards aren't isolated islands like on reddit

>> No.10302600
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Ligotti's forums seem so comfy. What's the crew like?

>> No.10302663

i wish he just did a daily blog of his shit life desu

>> No.10302675

Yeah, it's a commentary on Lovecraft and Lovecraftian the same way From Hell is a commentary on 20th century and flanerism.

>> No.10302692

used to post there but I think it's fairly dead now. pretty free of shitposting but naturally Ligotti attracts some "interesting" personalities.

>> No.10302701
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>> No.10302721
File: 157 KB, 1300x1019, sleeping-man-guy-passed-out-couch-arms-wrapped-around-pillow-35179436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's a commentary

>> No.10302795

o i am laffin
Intellect and adolescent angst have no partnership.

>> No.10302806

Why does Ligotti get hate? I thought at his best he was a great atmospheric writer of his genre and at his worst a little bit rambley.

>> No.10302829

his prose is banal and his ideas, weak.

>> No.10302839

>Intellect and adolescent angst have no partnership.

Tell that to most of the Western Canon

>> No.10302859

I wonder how many of her friends know about "that" video?

>> No.10303071


ok guys, what girl and what video?

>> No.10303116

reverse image search

>> No.10303402
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>> No.10303420


if it was real it would be a fat tranny talking through his asshole for hours on end and covering classical sculptures with his garish clothing

i know, i was in the vienna museum of modern art

>> No.10303444

obviously the photo has been edited
however those stills are from a real video that kelly balthazar aka 'mayli' did for facialabuse

>> No.10303449

I did enjoy the nods to Lovecraft traditions, but I wish they'd developed the lore more and made the bosses more than just spooky monsters, kind of cheapens the effect of a Great One when it turns out to be a retarded spider thing can be killed with an axe in a few minutes
Could have really distanced themselves if they'd made the combat a bit different than DaS, that was the game's one flaw imo

>> No.10304290


> hasn't read "A Colder War" by Stross, or
> "The Unthinkable" by Sterling

>> No.10304295
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i love Jethro Tull!

>> No.10304298

The monsters aren't the point.

>> No.10304445

That interview was a great read. I haven't read any of Ligotti's stories, now I think I will.

>> No.10304553

Deep Ones?
Racism and his fear of seafood played a role in his book.

>> No.10304561

I am an atheist myself, but I won't deny the role religion played for the emergences of culture. Stonehenge or Catal were only as an example.

>> No.10304582

why do people say this shit? atheism is the foundation for the greatest control and indoctrination ever conceived why do you think its pushed so much. Hollywood and Academia with the backing of the elite just tell the nigger cattle what do think and what to do and there cant be any principled rejection because now there are no principals. Religion essentially formed a contract between the elite and the people, of course the elite preached the opposite view (divine right etc.) but under a moral mindset the people are obviously obligated to uproot powerful evil people but under atheism they have no reason to reject them.

>> No.10304860

Most did pastiches, he did his own thing. But the idea that Ligotti is the logical "next Lovecraft" is not that true. Read Ligotti's philosophy and compare it to Lovecraft's. They're not the same. The relevance of this is that with both writers they just used their literature as a vehicle for their philosophies.

Fuck off leftist.

Who doesn't.

>the greatest post-Lovecraftian work in existence
lol ok then

Not minorities. Only the deep ones. The other entities are not about niggers.

Good choice.

t. Shlomo Goldberg

>> No.10304879

>he was pomo AF

please stop

>> No.10304911

Lovecraft's work has nothing to do with his worldview. Other than despising immigrants and mongrels.