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10285483 No.10285483[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

There's plenty of books about a guy on a quest to find a girlfriend/wife but about a chick on a quest for a bf/husband?

>> No.10285495

Most chick lit is like that.

>> No.10285497

sounds pretty unrealistic

>> No.10285511

P R I D E & P R E J U D I C E

>> No.10285520

why would a girl struggle and start a quest to find a bf when she just have to ask to any guy she's interested in ?

>implying the girl is pretty

>> No.10285529

But is there any good ones?

>> No.10285537

All a woman has to do is literally refrain from saying 'no' to one of the many men who hit on her.

The only problem arises when the woman has overly high self-esteem and fails to have realistic demands and wants men who are to good for her to hit on her.

>> No.10285540

Jane Austen and the Brontes of course

>> No.10285549

It sounds like a really original idea for a story.
There's a reasonably cute, adorkable girl, fresh out of law school, who has landed the job of her dreams in Manhattan. There's only one problem.... she needs a husband. So her chubby friend and/or gay friend sets her up on a series of dates, in which she always finds something wrong with the guy. At the end, she decides she wants to be single, since she don't need no man for happiness. Or if test audiences hate that, she can find some Mr. Perfect black dude who is rich.

>> No.10285560

>hot girl
>struggling to get dick
not an argumentative essay

>> No.10285578

With girls, Nature has had in view what is called in a dramatic sense a “striking effect,” for she endows them for a few years with a richness of beauty and a, fulness of charm at the expense of the rest of their lives; so that they may during these years ensnare the fantasy of a man to such a degree as to make him rush into taking the honourable care of them, in some kind of form, for a lifetime — a step which would not seem sufficiently justified if he only considered the matter.

>> No.10285598

Not dick but love

>> No.10285604

based schops

>> No.10285607

What is love?

>> No.10285613

the stuff that comes out of the dick and the wallet

i mean
>baby don't hurt me

>> No.10285643
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Tfw I did this, but as a dude.

I'm a good lookin' dude with no talent, and I just got an ugly chick to take good care of me

jelly boys?

>> No.10285658

What are some good books about a guy trying to find a gf/wife?

>> No.10285664

>What are some good books about a guy trying to find a gf/wife?

>> No.10285687

ugly chicks are the best

it's an acquired taste but pretty girls fucking know 100% how pretty they are. a lot of ugly girls are jewels in the rough by comparison. they compensate for their looks by having better character.

not to say all pretty girls are airheaded, and not to say all ugly girls are brilliant, but there's a lot more airheaded pretty girls than ugly ones and a lot more smart ugly girls than pretty ones

>> No.10285693

t. ugly girls

>> No.10285777

I prefer to emulate the modern woman: I don't need no woman to take care of me, I'll have the state take care of me and let the ugly roasties pay taxes without getting to fuck me and call myself independent and strong.