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10242739 No.10242739 [Reply] [Original]

>every wise philosopher, every sage, every mystic and metaphysician recommends sexual purity, nofap, noporn, no lust
>at best sex belongs within marriage: face to face, always raw, for the purpose of procreation

any exceptions to this rule? no hindu/buddhist tantra shit, that's heteredox nonsense.

>> No.10242748

Idk man, I like dirty sex, and I don't think there's anything wrong with that

>> No.10242753

it's because sex almost always involves degrading to simple base desire, making us no different from animals. If we were to speculate on an exception to sex being fundamentally barbarous perhaps only when it's truly affectionate and not just lust?

>> No.10242761

Cause it's hard to resist. And the strongest proof, to yourself, that you are in control.

>> No.10242765

Superstitious bullshit. Wisdom is for pseuds.

>> No.10242767

>truly affectionate and not just lust?
it can't just be affectionate, because that's just sentimental/emotional which is actually romanticized lust.
To be good it has to conform to God's laws, approach the objective "Good" somehow.

>> No.10242770
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Even Brian Wilson practiced NoOrgasm.

>> No.10242781

Interesting. I like your views on emotions anon, but since we're only humans surely we can never truly reach an objective good and therefore simple intent is enough, even if it doesn't conform exactly to a divine law?

>> No.10242787

wisdom is what allows one to distinguish true from false, reality from delusion, right from wrong; without wisdom 'pseud' has no meaning.

>> No.10242790

>simple intent is enough
Nobody, not even material secularists should believe this.

>> No.10242791

What about sex magick

>> No.10242799
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>, but since we're only humans surely we can never truly reach an objective good a
this statement behaves as if its found an objective ground, objective truth, albeit an objective "limitation" of human nature. In fact it eats itself via its own internal contradiction.
For if its true then its own value becomes uncertain, it commits the error of "relativism". see:

"Relativism reduces every element of absoluteness to relativity while making a completely illogical exception in favor of this reduction itself. Fundamentally it consists in propounding the claim that there is no truth as if this were truth or in declaring it to be absolutely true that there is nothing but the relatively true; one might just as well say that there is no language or write that there is no writing"-- Schuon.

>> No.10242803

new age shit, made up by dumb women and hippies in the 70s
of course it happened in history too, but the movements die out fast because they are unstable and degenerate

>> No.10242805

>sex magick
I would think Invented traditions would come under the heteredox nonsense category.

>> No.10242809

Good response anon. I need to get better at philosophising

>> No.10242837

That statement isn't relativistic you fucking pseud

>> No.10242852
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no problem, I recommend starting with the greeks, specifically Plato, then moving on to the NeoPlatonists and then the Early and Medieval Church Fathers.

>> No.10242859

> Every time desire is betrayed, cursed, uprooted from its field of immanence, a priest is behind it. The priest cast the triple curse on desire: the negative law, the extrinsic rule, and the transcendent ideal. Facing north, the priest said, Desire is lack (how could it not lack what it desires?). The priest carried out the first sacrifice, named castration, and all the men and women of the north lined up behind him, crying in cadence, "Lack, lack, it's the common law." Then, facing south, the priest linked desire to pleasure. For there are hedonistic, even orgiastic, priests. Desire will be assuaged by pleasure; and not only will the pleasure obtained silence desire for a moment but the process of obtaining it is already a way of interrupting it, of instantly discharging it and unburdening oneself of it. Pleasure as discharge: the priest carries out the second sacrifice, named masturbation. ^ Then, facing east, he exclaimed: Jouissance is impossible, but impossible t jouissance is inscribed in desire. For that, in its very impossibility, is the Ideal, the ^manque-a--jouir that is life."10 The priest carried out the third sacrifice, phantasy or the thousand and one nights, the one hundred twenty ^ days, while the men of the East chanted: Yes, we will be your phantasy, your ideal and impossibility, yours and also our own. The priest did not turn to the west. He knew that in the west lay a plane of consistency, but he thought that the way was blocked by the columns of Hercules, that it led nowhere and was uninhabited by people. But that is where desire was lurking, west was the shortest route east, as well as to the other directions, rediscovered or deterritorialized.

>> No.10242863

> The most recent figure of the priest is the psychoanalyst, with his or her three principles: Pleasure, Death, and Reality. Doubtless, psychoanalysis demonstrated that desire is not subordinated to procreation, or even to genitality. That was its modernism. But it retained the essentials; it even found new ways of inscribing in desire the negative law of lack, the external rule of pleasure, and the transcendent ideal of phantasy. Take the interpretation of masochism: when the ridiculous death instinct is not invoked, it is claimed that the masochist, like everybody else, is after pleasure but can only get it through pain and phantasied humiliations whose function is to allay or ward off deep anxiety. This is inaccurate; the masochisfs suffering is the price he must pay, not to achieve pleasure, but to untie the pseudobond between desire and pleasure as an extrinsic measure. Pleasure is in no way something that can be attained only by a detour through suffering; it is something that must be delayed as long as possible because it interrupts the continuous process of positive desire. There is, in fact, a joy that is immanent to desire as though desire were filled by itself and its contemplations, a joy that implies no lack or impossibility and is not measured by pleasure since it is what distributes intensities of pleasure and prevents them from being suffused by anxiety, shame, and guilt. In short, the masochist uses suffering as a way of constituting a body without organs and bringing forth a plane of consistency of desire. That there are other ways, other procedures than masochism, and certainly better ones, is beside the point; it is enough that some find this procedure suitable for them.

>> No.10242867

Similarly, or actually in a different way, it would be an error to interpret courtly love in terms of a law of lack or an ideal of transcendence. The renunciation of external pleasure, or its delay, its infinite regress, testifies on the contrary to an achieved state in which desire no longer lacks anything but fills itself and constructs its own field of immanence. Pleasure is an affection of a person or a subject; it is the only way for persons to "find themselves" in the process of desire that exceeds them; pleasures, even the most artificial, are reterritorializations. But the question is precisely whether it is necessary to find oneself. Courtly love does not love the self, any more than it loves the whole universe in a celestial or religious way. It is a question of making a body without organs upon which intensities pass, self and other—not in the name of a higher level of generality or a broader extension, but by virtue of singularities that can no longer be said to be personal, and intensities that can no longer be said to be extensive. The field of immanence is not internal to the self, but neither does it come from an external self or a nonself. Rather, it is like the absolute Outside that knows no Selves because interior and exterior are equally a part of the immanence in which they have fused. "Joy" in courtly love, the exchange of hearts, the test or "assay": everything is allowed, as long as it is not external to desire or transcendent to its plane, or else internal to persons. The slightest caress may be as strong as an orgasm; orgasm is a mere fact, a rather deplorable one, in relation to desire in pursuit of its principle. Everything is allowed: all that counts is for pleasure to be the flow of desire itself. Immanence, instead of a measure that interrupts it or delivers it to the three phantoms, namely, internal lack, higher transcendence, and apparent exteriority.13 If pleasure is not the norm of desire, it is not by virtue of a lack that is impossible to but on the; contrary, by virtue of its positivty, in other words, the plane of consistency it draws in the course of its process.

>> No.10242946
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d-did somebody say sex

>> No.10242961

Only if you are 100% certain there is no objective truth.
I can say I'm *pretty* sure there is no objective truth or I have no good reason to believe in objective truth, I'm 99.9% certain maybe, without contradicting myself.

>> No.10242972
File: 7 KB, 188x268, Camille-Dumoulié.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the Platonist approach to desire, negative, privative, viewing desire as a "lack" and thus a flaw.

There's a smaller current of thought in Western philosophy viewing desire as affermative, which goes: Aristotle -> Spinoza -> Nietzsche -> Bataille -> Deleuze -> Dumoulié

I'd tell you to read the latter's book on Desire, which is the best one on the topic, but it wasn't translated to English lol.

>> No.10242989
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He looks like what you get if a Bond villain fucks a Taoist monk.

> mfw desire hits in

>> No.10243000

>a bunch of fucking nerds praise never getting your dick wet

wow who wudda thunk

>> No.10243013


>> No.10243047

Deep insights Mr. Hedonism

>> No.10243057

>I'm not a fucking HEDONIST mom!
>Browses a timewaster anime imageboard

>> No.10243059

people who are not good at phenomenology rely on their imagination so they are not qualified to talk about desire : all they can talk about is, as usual, desire and society.

>> No.10243068
File: 295 KB, 1680x1050, a64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont listen to these lies.
Promiscuity and lust should be considered virtues.
Fuck like a rabbit, the old ones never got enought pussy to truly understand the value of unlimited fuckery
Now go and make some bastards out there

>> No.10243069

>I'm nothing like those FUCKING NERDS mom!
>Browses a literature board

>> No.10243075

>You need to be a selfcastrating neet in order to read books

>> No.10243082


>you go into full denial mode when you are faced with even the most innocuous of hypocrisies too
insecure as fuck desu

>> No.10243091
File: 150 KB, 261x370, Gabriele_D'Anunnzio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No hypocrisy friend, art is the highest pleasure. Are you sure you aren't projecting?

>> No.10243098


>Are you sure you aren't projecting?
no i know i'm a nerd. meanwhile you get into fights about how totally not a nerd you are on literature boards. you might be the most insecure person on this board right now and this is coming from a trashman. why do you larp this hard?

>> No.10243104

I'm killing time while I wait for my train to arrive. Keep projecting.

>> No.10243109


you are so blase and unfazed by it all. very cool.

>> No.10243117

eheh, I know ;)

>> No.10243127
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>> No.10243137

Blasé and unphased.

>> No.10243146


wow really i had no idea.

thank you, pseud.

>> No.10243152

So should I jerk it or not you fucking nerds I need an answer quick

>> No.10243158
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if dubs on this post yes.

trips and it's twice with no break.

>> No.10243165

don't jerk just read your bible and let someone else fuck every woman you find attractive

>> No.10243167

Wan't Aquinas a huge lecher or maybe that was Anselm?

anyways if you want to be living the stoic life you gotta think about things
more than that
you gotta think about things more than you think about pussy
even further
you have to think about things like they were pussy

but you have to come to grips that you are never going to get any.
thats the hard part.

>> No.10243170

Nice try.

>> No.10243172

That's knowledge. Wisdom is usually some brain teaser for an idiot, something 'profound'. It's a quality given to owls, one of the dumbest birds.

>> No.10243181


t. try hard pedant

>> No.10243184

Thomas Jefferson was impregnating slaves while giving his treaties on liberty

>> No.10243185

Anyone else notice how much better music sounds even after a few days of abstinence?

>> No.10243197
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> he doesn't start with the pre-Socratics

>> No.10243203
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>when theres a metaphysical section at your bookstore but no philosophy section

>> No.10243215

Elaborate please. How does phenomenology approach desire and which authors or books are relevant?

>> No.10243221

Are you thinking of Augustine?

>> No.10243231


>> No.10243234

Jefferson was a unitarian, deist, cuck and not my president.

>> No.10243241

This is a common response to sex saying that it’s animalisitic, but most animals do not have sex for pleasure like humans, if anything it’s a trait that truly belongs to us

>> No.10243269

This is from Deleuze and Guattari, correct?

>> No.10243318

Yep. There's no better shitposting material.

>> No.10243350


also OP not everyone is destined for greatness.

>> No.10243369

*cough* De Sade *cough*

>> No.10243405

>but you have to come to grips that you are never going to get any.
>implying Plato never got any

>> No.10243447
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>any exceptions to this rule? don't post exceptions to this rule though

>> No.10243663
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>every wise philosopher, every sage, every mystic and metaphysician recommends sexual purity, nofap, noporn, no lust
I find this very unlikely.

>> No.10243695


Not so much abstaining, but realizing it is worthless.

>> No.10243697
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>but most animals do not have sex for pleasure like humans, if anything it’s a trait that truly belongs to us

you are fucking retarded and should do a bit of research before spouting shit from your mouth just to sound like a pseudo intellectual hipster.

>> No.10243832
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>> No.10243842

Aleister Crowley and Gurdjieff suggest it too?

>> No.10244225

>grants one of the most unique experiences you can ever have

Maybe the life denying philosophers

>> No.10244226

Name a few that aren't from before the 1700s

>> No.10244235


>he has never locked eyes with the woman he loved as she wrapped her legs around him, grabbed the back of his head and pulled it down to hers, and whimpered for him to cum in her
>he has never had that brief moment of profoundly naked intimacy following a mutual orgasm
>he has never drifted off to sleep after speechlessly gazing into his loved ones eyes for what seems like an eternity, completely content with everything
>he shitposts on 4chan about how things are worthless instead

>> No.10244243
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>> No.10244263

>>every wise philosopher, every sage, every mystic and metaphysician recommends sexual purity, nofap, noporn, no lust
[citations needed]

>> No.10244267

This. Fuck you, OP.

>> No.10244270

Have you ever looked into a beautiful woman's eyes and seen nothing?

>> No.10244276
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>he has never
>he will never

>> No.10244305

I never think about pussy. Am I enlightened?

>> No.10244310

I have done all those things

Only a brainlet would think that experiencing flashes of beauty and pleasure throughout your life will somehow save you from misery

>> No.10244317

Add to that confederate sympathizer and your straight

>> No.10244318


Why do you think Brave New World citizens get all the drugs, sex and games they want? It keeps them docile.

>> No.10244324

just a fag desu

>> No.10244326
File: 66 KB, 610x959, bfd2972d287d86511b2cd50a48becfe7--drawing-pictures-anime-pictures.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are anime girls getting cute all the sudden is this the power of 4chan??

>> No.10244328

>Completely missing the point of BNW

>> No.10244371

>inb4 wise philosopher

>> No.10244386

>Taking Nietzsche seriously

>> No.10244394

they all lived in era much different to ours namel they had no internet.
we now have access to instant gratification.
also im fairly certain the greeks were promiscuous as fuck

>> No.10244406

Please explain the point.

>> No.10244440

BNW was utopia, actualized.
The only people who did not understand this were
a. Outsiders
b. People created in Error
If people would just stay high and ball, everything would be perfect.
Reptilian sedation is all that humans truly seek, and a government that in abundance is truly the best.
Freedom is the path to misery.

>> No.10244464


Indeed, what is so striking about so many of the figures treated in these essays is their conviction that in the depths of human sexuality lies hidden the secret of religion, occultism, magical power, spirituality, transcendence, life, God, Being itself. This astonishing connection, such figures would insist, is not metaphorical, or rhetorical, or symbolic, as some would prefer to have it. It is fundamental, cosmic, ontological, religious. We are not dealing here, then, with a
politics or sociology or anthropology of sex. We are dealing with a metaphysics of sex, itself intimately entwined with the destiny of the
soul. The historian of Western esotericism, of course, must remain agnostic about such final matters, but the historical data are quite
clear about what our sources thought and wrote.

>no hindu/buddhist tantra shit, that's heteredox nonsense


Gordon White shows how tantra owns its philosophy and practices to upanishad and samkhya philosophy, "folk" practices as the ayurveda, and the original priestly fire sacrifice.
Despite the sexual element, tantra is as orthodox to the religious life of India as it gets.

>> No.10244472

That's why angle I suspected you were going with.

I actually agree. Praise Ford.

>> No.10244513

>made by women in the 70s
Who is Aleister Crowley?

>> No.10244527

Praise Ford.

>> No.10244986
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>but most animals do not have sex for pleasure like humans

>> No.10245037

>not being an Epicurean
Just enjoy life, nigga

>> No.10245437

A fucking fraud

>> No.10245440


>> No.10245448

>austerity, bread and water, old rags and a bunch of plebs in a suburban commune
>only activity is talking about Epicurean dogma
>can't even fuck eachother

>> No.10245471

The only reason Hindus affirm sexuality is because reincarnation makes finality and irrelevant consideration.

>> No.10245500

To be a human requires suffering. BNW is a utopia, but it shows that it wouldn't be something we'd want. I tend to agree with Leon "The Madman" Bloy, that civilisations lose their humanity when they lose to ability to destroy themselves.

>> No.10245508

Hollywood rape, tinder adultery, no-fault divorce, and crazy incel murder sprees. And somehow we think we're too sexually enlightened for the thousands of years of traditional wisdom that advised people to sublimate their sexualities.

Our society has the sexual maturity of a lusty teen, and somehow we've convinced ourselves that that regression is progress.

>> No.10245530

what chink religion/philosophy proscribed sex but no orgasm?

>> No.10245535



*aborts child and drinks its blood*

>> No.10245546

>that that

Not surprised the goddamn worthless tripfag philistine who babbles drunkenly and circuitously about the "reality of suffering" uses such a distasteful formulation. Go back to /mu/ you pigfucking subhuman

>> No.10245622

This is an interesting point brought up by Bloy, and I must admit this is the first i'm hearing of him.
After a preliminary scan of his life he sounds like my kind of guy. Could you please direct me to the work where he makes that assertion ??

>> No.10245629

>one of the most unique experiences
>an experiance trillions of animals on earth have had


Im sure a Hog feels the same way when it impregnates a she-Hog

>> No.10245633

This. There's nothing more lonely than having a girl furiously deep throat your cock and feeling that the night sky above you is more interesting than the absolute non-feeling provided by this girl.

>> No.10245640

Nietzsche didnt understand asceticism

>> No.10245643

>to be a human requires polio and the black death because things can't change


>> No.10245646
File: 672 KB, 906x799, normie's.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus fuck I used to come here so I could avoid thinking about this sort of thing.

Seems like every thread on the front page right now is pseuds bitching about women to one degree or another.

When were we invaded by rutting plebs?

>> No.10245660

That's not what I said

>> No.10245661

literally nothing wrong with that that you prescriptive pseud

>> No.10245669

No you named another shitty thing that should be abolished.

>> No.10245671

Except it shows you L I T E R A L L Y couldn't find another way to construct the sentence other than to repeat the same word twice, attention-whoring letztermensch brainlet

>> No.10245675

>implying that people actually would want to get around it

i don't think that that is correct, double words are fun

>> No.10245677


>> No.10245679


There's no need suffering needs to be part of the human condition.

>> No.10245682

It isn't necessary to find another way to formulate the sentence when the sentence is perfectly fine as is. Find better shit to do than pedantically complaining about style on an image board

>> No.10245685

What would a life without suffering consist of?

>> No.10245696

Neutrality and/or pleasure.

>> No.10245703

But the function that suffering plays would need to be replaced by something else. A world without suffering would requiring changing our entire nature

>> No.10245706

>superfluous words
>"perfectly fine"

Seriously, fuck off back to /mu/.

>> No.10245710


>> No.10245736

what the fuck is that

>> No.10246359
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>any exceptions to this rule?
>not knowing the GOAT philosopher

>> No.10246427

>wanting to see someone you love and respect turn into a disgraceful moaning mess because of animalistic emotions

>> No.10246448

Women are hedonists and their enemy is boredom, effort, risk, danger.
Fortunately, men are desperate enough to feel relevant, dutiful, respected, valued so they are pushy enough to try to be noticed by women (because they fail to be relevant beyond women). and sooner or later, they cracks the bf-shield

Women know that chads and other robots are willing to help them, to have an easy life. The natural problem of women is that they get bored sooner or later with whoever choose to try to entertain them.
So women change their partners to avoid the rut and to create drama. men do not like to be changed, since they loved to be relevant for once in their life, they whine and hate women when women find other providers.
Of course, changing partners constantly becomes a bore too, so they want some fixed men in their life to give them emotional and material support, Rarely sex because women know that, no matter how good the lover is, it gets boring sooner or later.
When they are replaced, men become resentful towards women, since they lose the validation of their existence. They pretend that they can live without women and that they even are better than women, smarter, stronger (in forgetting that women do not need to be so, because men want to be so in place of women)

Knowing that they are not able to stop loving to be supported by men, Women love also to think that they need no man and that they live to help others >muh compassion. This is part of the tactic to enhance their pleasures: women think that they are good people in society, only to feel even more raw, more animal, more of a little minx, typically in private, when they are fucked properly by some beta ready to serve them sexually.

>> No.10246528
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Very broad generalizations of women, based solely on your bitter and crapsack view of the world. Keep it to yourself, or better yet, go back to your containment board.

Go back to r9k.

>> No.10246539

he was a socially awkward loser

>> No.10246706
File: 205 KB, 813x1170, teresa-avila.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The saints teach us that devotion to God is the highest and most profound pleasure.

>> No.10246732

Isn't that the woman who wild, moaning orgasms while thinking about God? If I could do that I probably wouldn't masturbate or have sex either.

>> No.10246796

Does the r/pill make you feel better about your virginity? How can you not see that this is the biggest case of sour grapes in history?

>> No.10246799

>>every wise philosopher, every sage, every mystic and metaphysician recommends sexual purity, nofap, noporn, no lust

False. And even if they do recommend that, you should not take their word for it. Try it out for yourself, and see if it works for you. Don't just go by what mystics and sages tell you.

>> No.10246808
File: 159 KB, 962x769, 00D46FF2000004B0-3510414-image-a-13_1458992200061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone can do it. You just have to find Christ and follow him to whatever end. Follow him to the exclusion of all else. Follow him, and don't let anything stand in your way. Can you do it?

>> No.10246823

please, name some besides bonobos and dolphins, some amount that would make it at least half the animal kingdom (to disqualify the "most" part)

>> No.10246832


just like you can enjoy shitty pop-country AND Stockhausen, you can blow a load then read Kant.

>> No.10246835

I wish I could go back in time and see the forefathers of philosophy have bants and just roast each other

>> No.10246838

To quote Simone Weil:

To reproach mystics with loving God by means of the faculty of sexual love is as though one were to reproach a painter with making pictures by means of colors composed of material substances. We haven’t anything else with which to love.

>> No.10246842

>all of these moral high horses and robots

You guys sound like autists.

>> No.10246862


Its Ethical nullity perfectly reflected by its Aesthetic nullity.

>> No.10246863
File: 40 KB, 615x410, huxley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks sex is the highest form of mystical experience

>> No.10246866


Fucking lies.

Artists of all sorts are some of the most notorious libertines in human history.

Get bent OP.

>> No.10246880

Most of those old fucks had no idea about the psychological benefits of choking the one eye snake. A lot of them also thought that a deity was watching their every move. Why listen to the opinions of cockless skellies when empiricism exists?

>> No.10246992

> he has never found it was all his own fantasies spared by another person for this or that mundane reason
> he has never realized he can also reach the same state of mind with a prostitute or a hook-up after some consideration

>> No.10246993

>>at best sex belongs within marriage: face to face, always raw, for the purpose of procreation

Love AND procreation.

>> No.10247008


>> No.10247032

ITT virgins needing to look on the bright side

>> No.10247043

>the bright side


>> No.10247084

Orgasm is a debilitating function of the body
It literally destroys thought
So masturbation is at the very best a meaningless exercise
Nothing more than a typical mindless response to an automated trigger in the brain
The same kind that occurs a thousand times to everybody every day

Sex on the other hand is a little different
The importance of sex is that it is the only real thing that allows one to fully grasp both the origin and zenith of human existence
It is both your creator and the entire goal of your existence
To put it simply It is everything you are and ever will be
Without it you are nothing not a human not even alive

>> No.10247094

Used to think of BW as a kind of saintly figure too but then I heard a fucked up story about him and his daughter and a dildo. I wonder if it's true

>> No.10247803

>he thinks there fundamental distinctions between things

Jesus, are you 12?

>> No.10247826

In broad strokes this is true, but if women share the responsibility of the laziness of their gender, then men have to share the responsibility of the violence of theirs.

>> No.10247833

diogenes certainly didn't abide by any nofap rules
"If only i could also ease my hunger by just rubbing my belly"

>> No.10247836

There's nothing wrong with masturbating to ideas in your mind, but porn is objectively degenerate garbage

>> No.10247839

Hinduism is the best religion. Also you're a virgin either way so just stop masturbating to anime.

>> No.10247962

>zenith of human existence
>creator and the entire goal of your existence
> everything you are and ever will be

Do people actually believe this?

>> No.10247978

>>The importance of sex is that it is the only real thing that allows one to fully grasp both the origin and zenith of human existence
lol, hedonists trying to find transcendence or immanence in their pleasures.

=>pure plebeian

>> No.10248627

I don't know about transcendence, but sex has existed for a ver very long time, and presumably will continue to exist as long as there is life
sex is eternal, of course it's immanent

>> No.10248745
File: 782 KB, 650x488, gnosticism-science2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>was a Chad who fucked constantly
>was dumb as shit and never read anything
>took a vow of chastity for personal reasons
>could actually feel myself becoming more intelligent
>started reading the classics and philosophy for the first time ever
>felt happy for the first time in my adult life
Embrace your virginity, anons. Sex and masturbation do nothing but rot your brain.

>> No.10248758

>but defecation has existed for a ver very long time, and presumably will continue to exist as long as there is life
>defecation is eternal, of course it's immanent

>> No.10248761

What's the difference between sex and defecation even? Both feel good on the most base and instinctual of levels. Both are necessary for the survival of humanity.

>> No.10248791

Exactly, that guys dumb arguments can be applied to any basic bodily function. Sex obsessed people are brainlets, the ancients understood this.

Neither pain nor pleasure should be considered, for both are functions of the lower self

>> No.10248853

Sexual desire is a prison. They're wise because they just know that it's not worthwhile to chase them and feed into their hunger.

>> No.10248918

no one's arguing in favor of obsession with it though, just appreciation

>> No.10248924
File: 117 KB, 860x826, Teresa describes an angel carrying a fire-tipped ''spear'' with which he pierces her ''heart'' repeatedly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10248962

If you appreciate sex any more than you appreciate taking a good shit, then you're a brainlet.

>> No.10248970

You can tell someone's a virgin when they post fantasy shit like this

>> No.10248972

>Neither pain nor pleasure should be considered, for both are functions of the lower self
Literally "its just chemicals bro" but with an added flavor of mysticism

>> No.10248979

I have and it was fucking garbage every time. Also protip for when you lose your virginity: mutual orgasms don't actually exist.

>> No.10248983

Sex literally is just chemicals though. I'm not talking about emotions, but sexual pleasure is something that can be broken down by a 1st year med student.

>> No.10248987

>masturbate while thinking about god
>write down your experience and add some random sacral shit
>become patron saint of spain

>> No.10249030


No, it is not materialistic at all, it is simply anti-sentimentalist

>> No.10249044

Now I'm genuinely starting to wonder how often nuns and monks masturbate to religious figures. Probably not often but I'm willing to bet it happens.

>> No.10249055

Everything is "just chemicals bro" if you look hard enough

I think it's very reductionist

>> No.10249070

Now I kinda want to join a monastery so I could go around constantly rubbing myself beneath the robes, dripping my fluids all over the sacred grounds.

With that out of the way, I'd guess it's quite rare. Especially nowadays when you become a nun or monk by free will, as opposed being sent there for 10 years as punishment for being found out while fucking whoever behind the stables. Cumming, like our girl Teresa, during some kind of religious trance is probably way more common.

>> No.10249077

any spiritual practice against non-procreational ejaculation cause it saps your spirit or whatever is just another shitty form of materialism viewing the body as a battery to collect reserves and be drained

>> No.10249159

He was socially awkward. Not a loser

>> No.10249176
File: 9 KB, 420x420, 1491998541748.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have pregnancy risk six a lot, it's extremely hot

contraceptive sex is essentially gay

>> No.10249250

i can orgasm with just my mind, don't know when i'll be motivated to have actual sex again, so dont dis eastern practices op.

>> No.10249280

A few years back I toured several monasteries and one of my guides was the most attractive monk I've ever seen. I'm not even gay but this dude was objectively 10/10. I wondered for days about whether or not the other monks ever run a train on him.

>> No.10249287

Diogenes jerked off in the street, what’s stopping you?

>> No.10249306

>tfw to unintelligent too shit in the theater

>> No.10249967
File: 252 KB, 1280x960, 1509128911515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since you like to give sexual pleasure to people, go to your own parents and give your mom and dad some of it, unless I guess you despise them?

>> No.10250172

Friedrich Nietzsche said otherwise when talking about the Übermensch

>> No.10250316

A woman in her 70s. Duh.

>> No.10250963

Taoism. That's even worse, TBh. slopes can be so cruel

>> No.10250967


>> No.10250971

my story is the opposite
>was (and still am) a handholdless virgin
>no hobbies, no interests
>pick up reading to pass the time
>become alienated from the modern world without having reached an authentic understanding of the past
>totally lost, don't know what to believe
>worse than ever before.

Reading does nothing but rot your brain.

>> No.10251452
File: 239 KB, 350x382, chandler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Im sure a Hog feels the same way when it impregnates a she-Hog

>> No.10251455

Why is considering just the lower self bad?

>> No.10251463

This is actually the only right post in the thread that supports the group of people in the op. Girls as a whole take up way too much time. If you're rich though, maybe it's easier to attract girls

>> No.10251509

The solution is to experience and pursue both - hedonism and asceticism. Not at the same time but successively. The order doesn't matter though. Only after that you can decide what aspects you want to integrate into your life. Having gone through various approaches of facing reality is key because life itself is always a compromise of different values.

>> No.10251611

He doesn't want to even try.

>> No.10251614

>mutual orgasm
Virgin anon, go write your silly sex fantasies somewhere else, please.

>> No.10252114

>every wise philosopher, every sage, every mystic and metaphysician recommends sexual purity,
This is extremely untrue you fucking moron. Sageing your thread and your life.