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/lit/ - Literature

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10228621 No.10228621 [Reply] [Original]

Hey, what /lit thinks about nazi literature ?

>> No.10228820

I love nazi literature, Bjork Shaudenfrudenshleppeinheimer is my favorite philosopher of all time. I just love how he knew so little about everything and how edgy he was. If you read his final work before his death "Zee Problhem wit zee schewz" he actually discovers physical proof of how to finally rid the world of the jews. Here's the steps

1:take any amount of nazi literature seriously

2: read at least one work written by a nazi for any reason other than an interest in history.

3: jump off a cliff.

If every connoisseur of nazi literature does this the jews will be irradicated and everyone who fulfilled these three steps will come back to life with blonde hair and blue eyes.

>> No.10228825

Can't name any book or novellist.

>> No.10229163

You're an Ass blasted thumb sucker with fetal alcohol syndrome
Jünger, Hamsun, Pound, Celine, etc.

Politics do not determine the value of art. The far Right and Left both have and naturally attract brilliant artists. Stop being /pol/ and anti-/pol/ obsessed shills.
Just talk about the actual works.

Shit thread btw & OP is still a faggot.

>> No.10229169

Nazi literature is nazi literature. Nothing else. Nothing interesting.

>> No.10229186

Celine is pretty good.

>> No.10229282


>> No.10229779
File: 100 KB, 900x508, plato-allegory-of-the-cave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's always Plato. He's the best.
I think he was a bit too fascistic even for nazis but oh well.

>> No.10229721
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>> No.10229740

The man was a fascist, not a Nazi

>> No.10229743

you want fascist and futurist lit, op. nazi lit itself is pretty shit, better to read things from outside germany. (most of the good authors itt)
what you probably want is something more traditionalist though. try carlyle on heroes

>> No.10229829

Have fun going extinct white cucks

>> No.10230000

celine wasn't a nazi, shithead, he was just anti-semitic
> inb4 if you're antisemitic you're a nazi
so i guess that, for instance, dostoevskij was a nazi as well

>> No.10230194

I thought Nietzsche was a good read

>> No.10230196

Daily reminder that Nazism will never ever fucking work because people like freedom and not your retarded butthurt murdering complexes.

Same goes for Commies btw, didn't forget about you cucks.

>> No.10230214
File: 103 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people like freedom
like the freedom to be nazis and rule their own nations?

>> No.10230286

>a u t i s m

>> No.10230429

>implying Nazis rule anything

>> No.10230430

haha BOTH sides are stupid!

>> No.10230432

Yes. They really are. And politics aren't a fucking coin toss, you piece of shit.

>> No.10230677


>> No.10230975

reminder freedom hasn't worked either. you act like humans will stop being shit heads under one political system and not another set of systems. hate to break it to you but they're all as shitty as you.

>> No.10232676

Okay and the 12 year old calling people cucks please leave too this isn't a should we be fascist post it's a lit post

To understand fascism I think you need to go to the kind of ideas it build on, the conservative revolutionaries in Germany especially Spengler's decline of the west, and also some of the more esoteric thinkers with traditionalist like Evola and Geuenon. Technically Heidegger was a nazi but it doesn't particularly come through in his work.

Goebbels wrote pretty extensively and is worth reading. Most of the intellectual
weight behind this stuff came from France and Italy though. naziism was as influenced by Anglo Saxon racialist and colonial thinkers too, Kipling is an obvious example, as is Houston-Stewart Chamberlain who married Wagners daughter and was an immense personal influence on Adolf Hitler. Gabriele D'Annunzio is my favourite, contemporary of Mussolini and led the first fascist government experiment in Fiume. He wrote extensively both plays and novels. All the above are worth a read. Obviously Carl Schmitt (though I've personally never read any) is a big figure too. In the UK Mosley was a fairly good writer and wrote extensively, though I find him less interesting

Anyways enjoy. A lot of the best right wing writing comes after this though

>> No.10232709

fpbp desu

>> No.10232769

Benno von Archimboldi

>> No.10232830

Does Heidegger count?

>> No.10232842

I've probably read more D'Annunzio than you but it's always nice to meet someone else who likes to read girly romances about rediscovering feminine things after illness.

Try blagging your "knowledge" on someone who doesn't read and responds to namedrops. Unless you want to talk about the typhoid qt.

>> No.10232849

well the major turn in his work is based on his time in a work camp, so how do you think that worked out? pro work camp? anti work camp?

>> No.10232904

Its not namedropping if you literally have a thread which hasn't named any authors whatsoever so you offer a few to get the ball rolling

To be honest I wouldn't describe Orsola as being a girly romance I found it incredibly savage. Beyond that the shitty scanned copy of the Dead City and the other 4 in the Rosenthal translations are all I've read. Again, maybe I'm missing something from the Italian, but they don't seem effeminate to me, if anything a bit grotesque

>> No.10233037

Il Piacere is definitely a girly romance. Even before that he's known for the girly romance, like the Book of the Virgins... After The Pleasure it gets even more girly with The Innocent and the rest of the series. The Dead City isn't really much of change of trend and it's followed pretty closely by Francesca which is supposed to be supreme Romance shit (i.e. girly shit).

You cannot be this repressed that you're reading multiple romance stories and failing to see the appeal of bodice rippers is for girls.

Even the writing is designed to be whispery and soft. He's basically an earlier and Italian DH Lawrence and you want anyone to be convinced you're not reading it for romance. It's just not happening, faggot, you're reading romance stories not grotesques.

>> No.10233089

tfw I like DH Lawrence...

I'm not gay, go away!!!

>> No.10233356

haha le "if you don't pick one of the ends of the poltical spectrum you're either an establishment shill or an indolent cuck" meme.

italian here, can confirm that d'annunzio's prose is a bit emasculated. a more thought-provoking right wing avant-garde was the italian futurism, although was more impactful in the realm of the visual arts rather than the literature

>> No.10233473

it's okay bro, nazis didn't pick hugo boss to make the uniforms because they were straight.

>> No.10234627

Never a party member, afaik.
Try better next time.

>> No.10234636

so in context with "far right" literature what does /lit/ think about von salamon especially about "die geächteten"

>> No.10234639

Good read. There are 2 English translations out there. One old, one new. (or perhaps the new one is a reedition? I don't know). Arktos have been shilling his stuff for a while now.
It's certainly worth a look for a feel of the spirit of the times.

Also worth a look is Christian de La Maziere's controversial Ashes of Honor/Captive Dreamer.

And of course, our very own Sven HaSSel.

>> No.10234650
File: 9 KB, 350x250, Italian-Futurism-300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

germans suck, italians were the superior fascist writers and philosophers

too bad they can't implement shit

>> No.10234655
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>literally have to import people from traditional societies because of self-extinction
i guess it "works" for some definition of "works"

>> No.10234694

Mein Kampf and the The Myth of the Twentieth Century are dogshit.

Futurists were awesome. The modern right would hate because they they embraced modernity and loathed tradition. Marinetti wanted to destroy museums and tear down classical buildings.

>> No.10235006

>Hey, what /lit thinks about nazi literature ?
I think that it should be burned.

>> No.10235040
File: 95 KB, 884x803, 1495229177680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Freedom to rule your own nation
>Mfw there's someone who thinks that wanting to cleanse Jews and Slavs, starting an unwinnable war because muh lebensraum special snowflake complex and getting 1.5 millions of germans killed is an acceptable way to rule a nation
At least they looked cool, I guess.

>> No.10235059

It really captures the mood of a nation defeated in battle but not in spirit.
Not nazi though, just very nationalist.

>> No.10236192

>rule their own nations
how does invading other countries fit in with this?
have you read any history on how native americans and other aboriginal groups have been treated?