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/lit/ - Literature

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10228774 No.10228774 [Reply] [Original]

He'll be fine

>> No.10228776

This kike needs to croak.

>> No.10228879

The school of resentment well represented here today.

>> No.10228893

I just picked Genius up for $4 from a used bookstore today
Is it worth the read?

>> No.10228895
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how long do you think he has left? i'd give it 2-3 years.

>> No.10228897
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Who'll protect the canon after he's gone?

>> No.10228898

I thought this guy was dead. He never die, he is like what? Some Dorian Gray, bullshit?

>> No.10228905

Whites should resent that a subversive jew was ever made gatekeeper of their highest artistic tradition.

>> No.10228916

If you're interested in his thoughts qnd opinions about specific author's specific works. I found it at least entertaining

>> No.10228922

This word makes me cringe every time. I voted for Trump, too.

>> No.10228948

I agree. I think it's because real white people don't identify as a race but rather as their own culture. Only people who are outsiders (i.e. minorities or social outcasts) identify themselves as their race.

>> No.10228953
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Fat and jolly Bloom is gone forever :(

>> No.10228958
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>derailing the Bloom-poasting

>> No.10228959

What's his best work?
Embarrassing, there are white Jews and he is one

>> No.10228963


Reading great literature keeps him alive

>> No.10228972

I really like his commentary book on Yeats, and although his Shakespeare book is controversial I found it really helpful when I was studying the plays.

>> No.10229050

Whites outside of Europe regularly identify as whites. And there is nothing wrong with whites identifying with their race because race is the most rooted and determinative aspect of who we are.

>there are white Jews and he is one
No and no.

>> No.10229055

I identify as 'white' when contrasted with 'black' people, but I object to being lumped in with other white people around me under the term 'whites.' It reduces me to a component in an aggregate rather than an individual with properties other than skin tone.

>> No.10229074

Do you know where the tenacious individualism you're advertising here comes from and is unique to? Being white/European.

>> No.10229083

So then you agree by identifying as white, you are going against your own nature you fucking faggot.

>> No.10229092

>Implying Descartes wasn't black

>> No.10229096

>implying Nietzsche wasn't black

>> No.10229106

No, I am embracing my nature because I understand and appreciate who I am and where I come from; whereas you are merely acting out of instinct and trying to flaunt your grandiose sense of uniqueness while being unaware of what that actually stems from and how un-unique it actually is.

>> No.10229109

what do you think about making him a card, a la /a/ or /v/

>> No.10229114

You're talking to 2 people arguing the same point, you're the one trying to be 'unique.'

>> No.10229141

I'm explaining how individualism is a characteristic that is unique to white people, to a white person claiming his sense of individualism is what keeps him from identifying as white.

>> No.10229144

Falstaffian Bloom

>> No.10229147

And we're telling you that all the great philosophers who advocated individualism were black

>> No.10229149

>praises Christian authors more highly than any others in the history of literature
okay faggot

>> No.10229201
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dont you think it's time to abandon these foolish theories?

>> No.10229208

And what would you have instead?

>> No.10229239


>> No.10229245

Could I get a quick rundown?

>> No.10229288

It's a shame his cannon didn't last, but then again whose does?

>> No.10229300

he'll be dead in under a year

>> No.10229315
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>hurrr duuurr he praised jane austen!!!!! a woman!!!!!! he's against the canon! huuuuuurrrrrrrr duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuur!!!!!

>> No.10229341

You sound like an idiot.

>> No.10229461

Apparently he occasionally played Falstaff when he was younger lmao, would loved to have seen that.

>> No.10229476

This must be so.

>> No.10229499

>Apparently he occasionally played Falstaff

Now he plays with flowers and smiles upon his fingers' ends.

>> No.10229521
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mfw the internet masses choose Jordan Peterson as their intellectual to worship over Big Bad Bloom

>> No.10229526


>> No.10229533
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the magnitude of this reality just hit me

>> No.10229553

Assume you two aren't white? Whites should not be praising this jew.

>> No.10229574

I've never seen all this shit about Bloom's jewishness until this thread. Is it just one retard that wandered off his containment board?

>> No.10229590

You should pay more attention to your culture and be more aware of who's being put in charge of it and for what purpose.

>> No.10229598

In what way is a product of America's greatest universities who devotes his life to the defense of the western literary tradition a threat to my culture?

>> No.10229606

Yeah wait a minute what the fuck are you on about not to mention he is literally white

>> No.10229614

He's not white, he's Jewish

>> No.10229617

In many ways you seem to be a ways from grasping. I suggest you rub the blush from your eyes and take a closer look at why an alien class of middle easterners is running your institutions and installing their tribal sentries to inform you about the quality of your own culture.

>> No.10229633
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No, you.

>> No.10229638

>in many ways
Give me a for instance. I know you've never read anything by him and only have the vaguest notion who he is, but you need to do better than this. This whole your only issue has been that he's a Jew and other people in authority positions are also Jews. In what way is Harold Bloom's specific Jewishness in any way harmful to me?

>> No.10229643

Why don't you "rub the blush" and realize that not every single fucking kike on the planet is out to destroy whitey.

>> No.10229664

A number of small things not worth bickering with you about, but he's not a serious person, he's a figurehead of a culture he doesn't belong to. You need to inform yourself on the jewish question instead of blindly following people you're instructed to.

Enough are to warrant their removal.

>> No.10229783

It's the same autist who has been doing this lately for about a week or so. Invariably, he will return home and/or kill himself by next week.

>> No.10229674

>He's not white he's Ukranian
>He's not white he's Polish

>> No.10229786

There was that whale who accused him of sexual assault thirty years after she graduated because he allegedly put his hand on her leg once.

>> No.10229679

Oh wow surprise surprise the /pol/ psycho doesn't back up anything he says, but thinks that a people should be removed over "a number of small things not worth bickering about."
Harold Bloom grew up in New York, taught himself English, has consumed more of the great works of Western art than you ever will. He is also incredibly controversial, and generally unpopular, among academics. The Jewish overlords haven't done a very good job of defending their tribal sentry, have they?

>> No.10229792

That makes it worse

>> No.10229689

It's so fucking sad that the only way threads are sustained on this board is when some lunatic comes and won't shut up about the moronic rubbish /pol/ has filled him with.

>> No.10229690

You're pathetic, worshipping the people destroying your culture, gullibly thinking they're doing the opposite merely because they tell you they are. I hope you will try to become a more serious thinker in the future.

>> No.10229692

If you're referring to me, I have spent less than 5 minutes of my life on pol.

>> No.10229702

>You're pathetic for not taking my word for it that a guy is destroying your culture because of his race

>> No.10229707
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>This lovely old man is a threat to anyone

>> No.10229808

Bloom is the smartest american next to Thomas Sowell.

I just heard an interview where Bloom said he could read, with full comprehension, 1000 pages an hour at this peak, around age 30. Jesus, the massive power of the jewish intellect will never fail to astonish my pleb goy brainlet.

>> No.10229737

I just read books you absolute nigger. You know? in the literature board? fuck sake.

>> No.10229957

>determinative aspect of who we are.
Maybe for (you): an intellectual midget with no personality; a kissless faggot; an illiterate sperg. Of course you'd simply say "I'm white, g-guys". You disgust me, mongrel. Kill yourself. The only whites you'd identify with are the maggots in the trailer park.

>> No.10230146

lmao @ how this thread immediately died once the nazi left

>> No.10230210

>replying for this long

desubh you get what you ask for

>> No.10230301

>there are white Jews and he is one

“No”, both of his parents were Jewish

>> No.10230304

Ukrainians and Poles are white Europeans, Jews are Semitic Middle Easterners.

>> No.10230308

Why is it that such people, despite all of their learning, can't ever create an original masterpiece of Literature of their own?

>> No.10230309

The only people who like Thomas Sowell are retarded boomercons

>> No.10230310

>a mongrel jew and a coon are the smartest americans

>> No.10230387

>Whites outside of Europe regularly identify as whites.
Yes because they're retards with no identity and no Culture

>> No.10230541
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fuck off stormfag your day of the rope is coming

>> No.10230547


>> No.10230843

I don't see how anyone can call Bloom a traitor to the canon. He's been protecting it from Marxists and feminists his whole life.

>> No.10230883

Paglia will shove it up her cunt, and no one wants to touch that.

>> No.10231023

*sips water* My dear, Charles, we aren't teaching English any more.... There are graduates who do not read a lick of Shakespeare, Cervantes, Milton... *sips again* Hamlet is a kaleidoscope... *squints* Following Polonius, I only half-ironically subtitled the book, 'poem unlimited'. The school of resentment... *smacks lips* BE SAYIN' THAT, BE SAYIN' THAT, AYO, WE OWE THE BLACKS CULTURAL REPARATIONS BY REPRESENTING DEM IN POST-COLONIAL TEXTS

>> No.10231058

You should really consider killing yourself. You're even worse than the boomer conservative slave who worships a kike on a stick and your leftist contemporaries who worship netflix kikes. But I actually wouldn't be surprised if you are jewish. No semi-awake white man is going to use the word "goy" unironically. "Goy" is a word whites who understand the jewish problem use.

>> No.10231155

t. mehmet bin khaatab

>> No.10231260
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>he dismisses the Lord and Savior of the world as a "kike on a stick"

>> No.10231271

>implying DFW didn't poke fun of Bloom in IJ because he knew about the Judenfrage

>> No.10231278

If only. He was close for a proto-web X-er though.

>> No.10231466

>being this atomized

>> No.10231478

so bloom often complains about how awful literary study is now because it's all become politicized and stuff. what would proper literary study look like according to bloom?

>> No.10231655

Comparing every single new author to Shakespeare, Dante, Proust, etc (up to Borges) in order to understand influences, styles, methodology and esthetics.

No background sjw bullshit. No dumb censorship because of triggering.

>> No.10231748

you're wrong
i love Sowell but i'm RETARDED and YOUNG

>> No.10231761

I like this

>> No.10231766

I also like epic buzzwords.

>> No.10231881

>a big part of who you are is your genes
>scientists can predict your race if given your DNA with 98% accuracy
>along 1000's of loci clustering emerges, and in this clustering variation between individuals in the same cluster is less than variation between individuals in different clusters
>evolution implies that geographic differences would result in some sort of human biodiversity like we see in all other species

>foolish theories

>> No.10232876
File: 169 KB, 788x581, R6QoSFN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jews are more "European" than most self proclaimed "honorable europeans".
Ancient Israel helped create modern western civilization and had traded and intermarried with Greeks and Romans for thousands of years . All the while most "European whites" were nomadic tribes living in trees and sacrificing their daughters to their moon gods.

>> No.10232920

Nice fiction, rabbi. Make it a little more believable next time.

>> No.10233045

some jews are white

>> No.10233063

>what would proper literary study look like according to bloom?

Samuel Johnson

>> No.10233085

Also Walter Macken

>> No.10233107
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>> No.10233316

"god's chosen people" is a modern fabrication that it not anywhere in any biblical text.

>> No.10233333

This board has been ruined by its recent obsession with Jews.

>> No.10233336

How "modern" do you think it is, rabbi?

>> No.10233342


Why the fuck are you calling me rabbi you mentally deficient queer? Try reading my post again and understanding it this time.

>> No.10233348

No, it has been improved. White men gaining racial consciousness and badgering off the jews who think they can maintain a safe space on a board dedicated to white culture is a positive step forward.

>> No.10233360

You, obviously. The notion that jews are a special people who have a right to control the earth is anything but modern.

>> No.10233374


I'm saying that phrase, as most people know it from the bible, is a modern invention, you fucking dunce.

>> No.10233389

And I asked you how modern. Now are you going to answer the question this time or continue to act like a semitic baby?

>> No.10233652


>> No.10233665

at that rate he'd have to read a page in 3.6 seconds
how is that possible?

>> No.10233898


>> No.10234051

Chomsky needs to die first.

>> No.10234290

Like fucked has this board become that you can't bloom-post without all this Nazi shit.
Can mods ban for anti-semitism please?

>> No.10235246

holy shit who spends their time doing s tuff like this?