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/lit/ - Literature

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10214808 No.10214808 [Reply] [Original]

How did you learn French and how long did it take ?

Tips?yes, please

>> No.10214823

Go to jewtube
Watch tons of videos in french
Have google translate on a tab
Only after you've developed an ear for it you can start reading literature

I'd say about five months

>> No.10214832

> 2017
> Not learning Español

French is a shit and dying language wannabe frogman.

México is rising.

Vete a la mierda.

I’m still in Spanish 1001.

>> No.10214841

Thanks for the response
Do you think that starting with videos/audio is better than trying to read some simple book written in French ?

Do you have any video/movie to recommend?

Btw the pic isn't related with the topic discussed in thread.

>> No.10214844

I already know spanish, thanks for the suggestion.

>> No.10214950


>implying all the former colonies french speaking niggers aren't the future of literature through sheer numbers

>> No.10214983

A muslim epic on the conquest of France

>> No.10214987

I think video is better because even if you can't understand most of it, you'll still catch words trough visual context. I'd recommend you start with something familiar that's only dubbed in french. Spongebob or something

>> No.10214988

Why post a thread with such a displeasing photo? I don't understand

>> No.10215002
File: 280 KB, 1053x1054, 22710472_162662250988559_3495028258435497984_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are like a little baby, watch this

>> No.10215005

Thanks for the suggestion

Because I don't wantthe thread to swarmed with people asking "who's the cuteqt?; name of the girl please" and other silly comments.
I come to lit to talk about lit or related themes, not to see images of nasty lascivious young woman who don't give a fuck about you, but would love to get your money for their "camshow" or patreon. Anyway keep looking at images of (almost)naked girls if you want though

>> No.10215037

Who's the qt?

>> No.10215044
File: 777 KB, 600x600, 1509359983880.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Sam lost about 40 pounds, gave himself a shave(including unibrow) and got a nice short back and sides haircut he would be a solid 7.5/10 considering hes tall
I hate seeing wasted potential

>> No.10215051

Tfw you read Stephen King at midnight when your parents aren't home

>> No.10215054

To be fair french speaking niggers are generally christian.

Not that we're not dying to sandniggers tho

>> No.10215071

The death of France is well-deserved though

>> No.10215110

I comfort myself by thinking USA will die at the same time, if not slightly before.

>> No.10215173

>he would be a solid 7.5/10

Implying that he isn't 9.8 at least or 10 with the bowlcut

>> No.10215182

Thread: help anon learn French
No actual help,religious discussion, racism and two images of Sam

>> No.10215193
File: 133 KB, 1600x534, crusader-map-mural-koudelka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP there's a great book which is unfortunately out of print, called 'French for Reading' - that book + learning vocabulary flash cards has got me to a pretty decent level of french.

>> No.10215226

first answer is a very valid response. We're morally free to shitpost from that point on.

Anyway if OP desires to follow that advice, I might be able to link youtube channels that might interest him in my quality of cheese eating surrender monkey

>> No.10215246

Guess I should've used anothet pic

I will see if I can buy/download, do you happen to have the author's name?

I would honestly appreciate any suggestion.

>> No.10215249
File: 11 KB, 254x400, 692098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Karl C. Sandberg

>> No.10215334


>> No.10215346


As you'll see, I'm much into vulgarization/educational channels.


Physics teacher, suggest checking last, because his speech is extremely... fancy I'd say. Nonetheless absolutely fascinating, and /lit/ would absolutely love him, because he started with the greeks and absolutely loves talking about them and philosophy in general. His 11 videos course is gold, but you can check out his shorter videos to see if you can follow.


In depth, detailled history, just a guy talking to his camera. Literally the lefty-est, but he doesn't hide it (quite the opposite), so just take his leftist prism into account and enjoy the quality history.


To put it in a bit sarcastic way, the pop-culture version of the above channel. More like a junior-high, bluepilled entry level history course, but if what you're looking for is easily consumed french speech and not in-depth historical discussion, this should be easier on you, because it has french (and english I think?) subtitles on most vid.


Science. Guy is the faggest, but it's pretty solid vulgarization -despite flashy, somewhat pop wrapping.


Economy. I personally consider this guy to be the best vulgarizator on the french web.


Web-based comedy/nonsense filmmaking. Might very well be a miss depending on your tastes, but check out their webseries and short sketches. If you like it, they made a web movie you can have here -comes with french& english subtitles. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5lUBlW72qBQ


Vulgarization meta-channel, as the name suggest. I have no idea what you'll find there because I have personally never used it, but I guess it might serve you as an aggregator.

I think that's enough for a first draft. I have a handful of other channels if that doesn't satisfy you.
Also if you're into modern sf-f I can give you a few books I liked, for when you're comfortable enough with french to start reading, but not enough to dig into the 19th century stuff.

>> No.10215393

I'm really tahnkful, anon. I will be definitely checking these channels.
I am not into comtemporary fiction, Id accept suggestions though, but I have read that Albert Camus work is fine for begginers, is that true? Ive read translations of L'etranger, his philosophy book and la chute.
Id appreciate any channel about lit, if you can suggest some good French movies that would be great also.

>> No.10215565


I'll look around for a lit chan, don't expect to find much to be honest.

Any preferences for films?

About Camus, I honestly couldn't say -not only do I not qualify as a beginner, but it's been years since I touched camus.
You should give a try to la horde du contrevent eventually, it's a cult hit for french fantasy amateurs -see if it sticks with you. Not a beginner read tho imo, and pretty hit or miss. Either you'll love it or find it uninteresting and pretentious.

>> No.10215615

I just realised it took me about 10 years to have an absolute mastery over French, but only 6 for English.

>> No.10215648

Really thankful for your responses.
I like good movies like Amélie for instance, nothing that involves war, heroes, action movies...I tend to prefer movies that involve personal conflicts, romances, thriller, suspense...
I tried to find info regarding the novel and its author in English, but I couldnt. Anyway, make sure to check it later, it comes with a CD which is kind weird for me.

>> No.10216407

>I tried to find info regarding the novel and its author in English, but I couldnt. Anyway, make sure to check it later, it comes with a CD which is kind weird for me.
I'm not surprised. It's an "underground" book -any french fantasy amateur worth his salt has heard of it, but no one outside that circle has, and it pretty much sold on word of mouth alone. Add to it that it's pretty much untranslatable (e.g an entire plot point revolves around a poetry/play on words contest between characters), and you'll never find any english info. About the cd tho, I don't have it and never listened to it so I doubt it's essential. I think it exists because of the whole artsy transmedia/more than a book thing, like certain albums of bowie. Anyway it probably came in a limited edition.

You can start by checking other J-P Jeunet. Un Long Dimanche de Fiancailles is basically Amélie 2.0 -tho it technically involves war. I think it originally was a book too, dunno what it's worth. Also check Delicatessen & la Cite des Enfants Perdus. Still by Jeunet, make sure you check Alien 4/Resurrection -not a french speaking movie but while you're watching Jeunet, you might as well watch the best Alien.

Other than that, let's see..

La Jetée; Louise en Hiver; Le Roi et l'Oiseau; Tout en Haut du Monde; La Haine; Garde à Vue; Renaissance; 36 Quai des Orfevres; Nikita
Look into Godard, Truffaut & cie if that's your thing. You can check Tous les Matins du Monde -both film and book. I don't like them but I think /lit/ would
That should get you started

>> No.10216441

5 years of class, with surges of independent effort.

I can easily converse in French. When reading literature I usually know every word on the page except 2. Understanding Grammar is almost never a problem.

>> No.10216520

He's a liver-lipped Jew with pores the size of dinner plates.

>> No.10216735

Skyrim in french was so fun. Helps with vocab because there are so many objects to learn the names if. You can get gradually better at understanding the spoken dialog which is quite straightforward.

>> No.10216941

I did the same thing with Pokemon

>> No.10217087

100% aryan genetix

I really struggled with french, and it felt like a chore. Seems far to idiomatic to understand to my anglo brain. I'll give it another crack one day but I've moved onto German for now... Which I am actually enjoying

>> No.10217710

I had no idea these channels existed except for nota bene
every french youtuber is left wing or he gets censored anyway
You could check Frederic delavier on youtube, he's a giant sperg but I love him and he speaks slowly. He talks about evolution, philosophy, anatomy and bodybuilding
If you are a doomsday prepper you should check vol west and piero san giorgio, great guyz, great philosophies.
Don't start with Camus, start with children books like everybody. Try le petit prince

>> No.10217719

OP you should check out the Assimil french course, highly recommend it.

>> No.10217736

No need to learn French, not many countries use it and France itself will speak Arabic soon.

>> No.10217738
File: 117 KB, 640x503, 1509487522518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moved to France and in 2 years I'm already writing philosophical essays in French.

>> No.10217741

The New Face of America

>> No.10218199

>every french youtuber is left wing or he gets censored anyway

Isn't that the same for every youtuber regardless of language?

>> No.10218847

bamp u fags

>> No.10219005

6 months of formal study at university, year and a half of independent study.

I watched a shit ton of a anime and played a shit ton of games in French. I made this long ass vocabulary list of all the words I learned. I was reading novels within about 7 weeks.

>> No.10219308

>Delicatessen & la Cite des Enfants Perdus
thanks for the recommendations, this one seems particularly interesting, but I will check the others too.

got it, thanks

>> No.10219417

i started in school, then went to study in france for one year and my french went from .. say 15 to 100
so what I'm saying is try and stay among the people, i mean after you get some grammar done, it takes about a month in the community to really grasp how the language goes

>> No.10221057

his KSTV era was when he looked the best. Relatively clean shaven, short blonde hair, not fat as shit.

>> No.10221083

/int/ has an entire sticky on this with really helpful resources.