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10194500 No.10194500 [Reply] [Original]

Looking for anti globalism writings. Any recs?

>> No.10194522 [DELETED] 

I doubt one (1) person on this whole board can even define this term

>> No.10194549

Globalism means the sublating of local or national sovereignty, economy and culture into global ordering of all these thingd

>> No.10194555

I'll give it a shot: globalism is a jewish instigated and led phenomenon whereby the nation and its people are weakened through the promotion of free market policies and corporate incentives that place an increasing amount of control in the hands of public and private international organizations and financial institutions.

>> No.10194562

*and includes mass importation of foreign peoples also primarily promoted and led by jewish groups.

>> No.10195115

"The Globalization of Poverty and the New World Order" by Prof. Michel Chussodovsky is worth a read, it examines, country by country, the effects of IMF and World Bank economic reforms and how this practice manifests as institutionalized looting of countries' assets and resources, often condemning whole populations to grinding poverty.

>> No.10195117

Globalism and globalization are different things, no?

>> No.10195132

I don't think globalism is jewish instigated, though the House of Rothschild/ other City of London moneyed aristocracy have played a large part in the 19th/20th centuries. There does seem to be heaps of Jews and Zionists on board with the global imperium project though.

>> No.10195154

I don't know dude. Though the IMF, World Bank, WTO seem to be important pieces of an international technocratic superstructure, so Chussodovsky's book is well worth a read whether you are interested in either globalism as an ideology, or globalization as a process.

>> No.10195278

"Confessions of an Economic Hitman" by John Perkins is a great supporting text for Chussodovsky.

>> No.10195397


Can confirm, I've read it and it's excellent. It's a shame the term 'New World Order' is in the title because I think it turns people off from reading a great piece of scholarship even if the usage of the term is justified.

>> No.10195428

There's a reason Henry Ford referred to the problem as the "international jew." Jews oppose the nation and its people and therefore set up international systems as a means to undermine the national systems. The Soviet Union, which was a jewish creation, was another example of this. Globalism is a reflection of the international jew.

>> No.10195463

I actually have two hard copies, and one is titled simply "The Globalization of Poverty" I havn't compared the two, but it appears to have less pages and isn't published by GlobalResearch. I've been meaning to examine them for differences.

>> No.10195469
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>the bible of the early 2000's anti-globalization movement

>> No.10195489

Sounds kinda left-wing judging by the blurb on Amazon - not that I'm biased, I just prefer a non-partisan approach. This really turns me off: " Empire is also an unabashedly utopian work of political philosophy, a new Communist Manifesto" wtf

>> No.10195509

Yes, the book i'm writing. I'll pm you when i finish it.

>> No.10195523
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This book is pretty good, if you want to read the critique in the form of a dystopian novel.

>> No.10195898

>jewish instigated
>the only people who are in control and push for mass immigration are wh*tes in the EU parliament and the US government

>> No.10196312

Thomas Sowell's "A Conflict of Visions" is good supporting material. It isn't actually about Globalism (which I think ironically Sowell supports in a way) but it is more about why generally, people on opposite sides of the political spectrum, believe what the believe and what courses of action they are likely to take. It's a good book getting into very low level political and life motivations. Definitely helped me understand a lot of people on what you could call the "globalist left" and even why I support the "nationalist right".

>> No.10196411

>The Soviet Union, which was a jewish creation

What a silly idea. Please, stop quoting Henry Ford. He was delusional, shortsighted businessmen. He should have sticked to what he did best instead of spewing things he knew nothing about. I mean you don't listen to cobbler's opinion about politics, don't you? USSR was a secular state that had nothing to do with Jews and Jewishness. During 20's property of all Jewish religious communities was expropriated, synagogues were destroyed. Hebrew was banned. Only Yiddish, Jewish dialect of German, was allowed to be used as language of education and printing.
Also don't forget about Stalin antisemitism that led to the persecution of all Jewish writers, teachers, doctors etc etc. All Yiddish publishing houses were shut down during that period.
Russian revolution was logical and expected thing actually. Don't forget that 80% of population of Russian Empire were basically slaves up to 1864. And even after abolishing of serfdom they had to pay huge money for land renting. Add to this 'Cookwomen's Children Circular' which limited the admittance of children of the non-noble origin to the gymnasiums. According to this document, gymnasiums and progymnasiums had to restrict the enrollent of children of people of lower classes.
No wonder the peasantry was so pissed off.

>> No.10196462

>USSR was a secular state that had nothing to do with Jews and Jewishness

This is bullshit and you know it. The jews led the bolshevik revolution against the Russian state and then erected the Soviet Union in its place. The jews were responsible for millions of deaths and they ruled over the SU until their ally Stalin got tired of their poor governorship and began phasing them out. Stop playing the muh victims game for these murderers, no one buys it anymore.

>> No.10196470

Man I'm from Russia, I know about Revolution and Soviet Union in toto way more than some fat ignorant american kid from /pol/.

>> No.10196488

Clearly not. And it's beyond pathetic if you're a non-jewish Russian and defending the people who slaughtered millions of your countrymen.

>> No.10196539

Industrial Society and Its Future

>> No.10196574

>Don't forget that 80% of population of Russian Empire were basically slaves up to 1864.
Serfdom is nothing like slavery. Serfdom is basically just a mortgage contract.

(Not to say that the Russian Empire didn't have a whole boatload of retarded issues, but please don't draw false equivalencies.)

>> No.10196659

>the media doesn't shape public opinion at all

>> No.10196696

In Russian Empire serfdom was literally like slavery. Nobility was selling and buying serfs. They split families, they even payed their card debs by serfs. It was basically some form of commodity. Russian serfdom was nothing like central/west European serfdom.

>> No.10196724

If you were anti-globalism you sure as hell wouldn't be using the world wide web

>> No.10196740

An open consipracy by Wells ,i think, or maybe it was Verne
TSOG:the thing that ate thr constitution by wilson
Illuminatus trilogy by shea and wilson
The coming insurrection
Some pol tier shit like
Turner diaries
The protocols of the elders of zion
Tavistock sposored research articles/journals

>> No.10196763

Give this a read: https://sci-hub.cc/10.1177/0267323192007001004

The anti-globalisation movement is inherently left-wing, that's where its origins are. The nationalist right only adopted "anti-globalist" rhetoric recently to sublimate their immigration/racial anxieties - that's all they really care about.

>> No.10196791

That's laughable. The most hardcore leftists are literally the shock troops for jewish globalism, even if half of them are too stupid to realize it. White/European nationalism and jewish globalism is the current paradigm, the left and right dividing line is caput.

>> No.10196805

You know there is more than one point of view that can be considered 'left' or 'right'?
Attac is probably the most often named group that works against globalisation (even tho they don't do shit) and they can't be considered right wing.

>> No.10196819

I'm aware that there are many variations of so-called leftists who are being manipulated by jews and therefore have no idea what's going on, yes.

>> No.10196822

Globalism cant be simply divided in left vs right when its two sides of the same coin.
Globalism works by subverting any and all ideologies. And using them as a means to an end rather just intentionality.
Humanistic New sincerity is anti globalism.

>> No.10196861

Your new sincerity loser ideology has nothing to do with it, but what you said is only partly true in odd circumstances like jewish globalists funding right wing groups in Ukraine. Otherwise it pushes a staunchly liberal agenda and is opposed most strongly to ethnic nationalism since that is the yin to its yang and the only thing that threatens its program.

>> No.10196873

The globalism thrives in conflict

>> No.10196887

What? What does that even mean?

>> No.10196907

Hardt and Negri's "Empire".

>> No.10196910


>> No.10196919

I have the assumption that people mostly just want to get by and live a good life.
Most of them do not want to fight and kill each other for bullshit reasons.
Globalism thrives in conflict so it can dominate the narrative after the body count has been tallied.
We are a global society, has been since WW 1, probably even before.

>> No.10196927

I think someone like Schmitt gives an interesting and compelling right-wing case for anti-globalism. Also, despite his history of involvement with the Nazis, he manages to do so without invoking anti-semitic conspiracy theories.

>> No.10196936

>globalism is a jewish
Well, that's enough for me

>> No.10196952

>The nationalist right only adopted "anti-globalist" rhetoric recently

>what is the john birch society
>what are the paleocons

Remember when leftists were historically minded?

>> No.10196968

Right wing groups and movements are all infiltrated by globalists. Same for almost every poltical movements across the globe. Do you really think they would let right wing anti globalism strive by itself? This is why you see incoherent babble on all side. Right wingers advocating for capitalism (Which is the precursor of globalism) and left wingers arguing for 'diversity'. Americans are brainwashed on so many levels, don't expect them to grasp the extent of globalists influence over politics and culture and I'm not saying this to shit on americans, most if not all of them have good intentions; but I've lived in the US and political intelligence is non-existent (I mean look at trump, dude is a staunch globalist ((like every US politician from trump to sanders)) whom the alt-right mistook as their saviour. lol) . In Europe the real anti-globalists (meaning censored and demonized) are usually ex-commies who get called fascists every day of the week. See how dissonant political discourse has become?
This is correct.

>> No.10197002

uniting the world under one church

>> No.10197012

Your understanding of politics seems very underdeveloped. Yes, most every mainstream political entity is in the pocket of jewish globalists but that is not the case with ethnonationalists, in Europe and America, because ethnonationalism is precisely what jewish globalism is trying to destroy. Left vs right doesn't matter anymore, regardless of what fake anarcho-communists believe or do at global summits; the conflict is between nationalists who want to protect their people and homelands and the jews running the west's institutions who along with their boomer lackeys are ruining western nations through anti-nationalist, globalist policies.

>> No.10197101

My reply was underveloped because it is a reply not an all-including ever-seeing anti-globalist manifesto lmao. Don't look for ennemies where none are to be found. I actually agree with you. This is exactly what I was saying in my previous reply.

On calling globalism 'Jewish globalism': They absolutely are the main driving force behind it but so are protestants. Look at the richest and/or most influential countries: US, Israel and Switzerland. Globalism is an ideal shared between multiple cultures. What is also shared is each side of the conflict' wish to dominate their now-allies and everyone else when globalism wins. So basically facism/nationalism in its original meaning. The correct policies you're refering to is ethnonationalism AND protectionism. Being ethnonationalist doesn't stop you from expanding all over the globe.

>> No.10197141

>Free market
>Weakening the nation
This is your brain on /pol/

>> No.10197196

>nationalists who want to protect their people

They don't want to protect their people. I guess they afraid of changing and keeping up with the changing world. You protect shit by holing up in some fucking burrow not letting anyone in, blind to the real world. People should unite, accept and help each other instead of doing the exact opposite thing. It's counterproductive. It's degeneration. I guess your ideal world is conglomerate small ultra-xenophobic national states similar to Japan? It's never gonna happen, thanks god.

>> No.10197239

This is a really stupid post. 1. You're implying that all nationalism is conservative and seeks to preserve the status quo, which means you've never heard of Eastern Europe or South America. 2. You're conflating desire to preserve one's culture/race/whatever with an opposition to change in itself. 3. You believe nationalism is incompatible with the global free-market (it's not, see China, South Korea, Japan etc.) 4. An opposition to immigration does not therefore create degeneracy, as exemplified by strongly traditionalist regimes in the Middle East, Poland, Singapore (only recently beginning to opposes immigration). 5. You argue that we should "unite" but this simply displays your lack of understanding as to why nationalism exists in the first place. I'll let you figure that one out for yourself, big guy.

>> No.10197245

Fair enough. My only quibble would be that the protestants you're referring to are and have been for a long time moral slaves to the jews we're talking about. They are following the jewish globalist program partly out of dislike for the lower classes, which has also been stoked by jews for centuries, and partly out of moral ideology, stemming from the universalist programming jewish Christianity instilled in them and reaching its logical end in similarly universalist post-Christian liberalism.

>> No.10198794

Read Huxley-senpai's Brave New World uwu

>> No.10198809

Can you answer me how many US elections, or elections of govenment representatives you have participated in?
Becuase it sounds like you are the who sounds like he just turned legal voting age after your homeschool cirriculum just went over world war 2.
Your talking points all sound like they come from lauren southern.

>> No.10198819

>hurr spoonfeed me books because I can't google and want to start pointless /pol/ threads

>> No.10198823

This is a lit board can we make an effort to replace the word jew with spooks?

Actually mods should word filter alot of shit here to spooks.

>> No.10198830

>t. 16 year old who discovered Stirner last week.

>> No.10198900

Dude if you havent figured out the levels of self deprication jews put themselves through.
This "jewish ideology is the source of everything wrong in western society" is probably the biggest fucking spook, if you havent guessed.
And yes its part of 4chan vernacular, but has been getting obsessivly focused on as of late instead of casually brushing it off as a joke.
Sure you could say its the nufags fault, but allowing it to happen is why this placed has turned into an anti-semitic recruiting pool. So old fags are just as much to blame for new faggotry.
I was a newfag in 2012 and it was after lurking many many threads where the rare oldfag would pop in with his two cents and a history lesson really gave me insight to the culture.
This is when there were tons of complaints about the severe wain in OC. And how people have taken this site over with political and buisiness agendas compared to anonymous discouse. So they left and its only me and a couple other vocal veterans who can only talk about tales their grandfather told them and how good everyone actually had it in 2003.

But i digress.
International conspiracy and oppression is too complex to boil it down to "its the jews" . In all likelyhood there are several key players, and a bunch more looking to get fingers in the pie. However all of them probably have some accountability to answer for for fucking up the current state of things just to get a head.
When they say cluster fuck its exactly what it is.

>> No.10198928
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I remember when being a nazi on here was ironic and just for the lulz and to get reactions from the public. Everyone still hated stormfags here, then the stormfags continued to spam the same 4 threads on here every single day 24/7 , then there was an influx of Muslim posters and then they also started spamming the shit out of /new/ with shitty stormfag propaganda and now all newfag children coming here think it's always been like this and that we're just stormfront replicated.

>> No.10198932

Perhaps you wouldn't have your head so high in the clouds and be less of a weirdo if you actually, say, spent more time learning about the jewish question and less writing sperg posts.

>> No.10198953

Stormfront is run by the FBI and natzees haven't been around for over 70 years. Make an attempt to evolve into less of a stereotypical idiot, please.

>> No.10199030

fuck off stormfag you're not fooling anyone

>> No.10199044

Stop posting on this site, shlomo.

>> No.10199063
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>> No.10199142

Maybe people should just stop sperging out about hooknosed boogeymen and focus more on themselves.

>> No.10199145

Why not the aryan question instead? They are the niggers of europa

>> No.10199197

Not the Russian guy but please enlighten us with your knowledge Mr. /pol/, how is it bullshit?

>> No.10199202

Maybe if all you do is watch TV and lurk online like you sheltered wh*tes do

>> No.10199233
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Pic related.

>> No.10199243

Shouldn't you be avoiding the jewish mind-control rays of the internet, Cletus? Only Stormfront is safe! Go there NOW!

>> No.10199306

Global homogenisation in all aspects: products, culture, education, military, politics, economics, mentality, tools, music and traditions. Generally it is fueled by capitalism, worse, it makes these things superficial and highly commercialised. A tradition becomes nothing more than a sale and set of limited products available at a certain time, for example.

>> No.10199416

It's funny how historically "international Jewish conspiracies" and their aims always coincide with the geopolitical goals of the British Empire. Every fucking time. "Blame the Jews" was a masonic trick of the Anglo/Jewish elite, knowing the Jewish people will always be there to be cannon fodder, or to deploy as a revolutionary vanguard in continental Europe against Britain's rivals.

>> No.10199425

You left out religion. The ecumenical movement and Rockefeller funded World Council of Churches seeks to subvert and blend all religions into bland meaninglessness.

>> No.10199439
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pretty legit

>> No.10199751
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The anti-globalisation movement is inherently right-wing, that's where its origins are. The internationalist left only adopted "anti-globalist" rhetoric recently to sublimate their cheap labor/class anxieties - that's all they really care about.

>> No.10199753
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>> No.10199780

That's right, and the contrary is silly.

There's so much intellectual clutter that many, though mainly those still stuck in the jewish/leftist zeitgeist milieu, have no understanding at all of what is going on in the world, but the political dynamic now is ethnic nationalism vs jewish globalism. Those are the two sides here. It doesn't matter if some goodthinking white leftists are more populist, or if many white leftists are promoting jewish globalism, or if some jews appear nationalistic -- individuals don't matter here and 50+ years of judaic subterfuge has caused enormous confusion morally and intellectually among whites that it's difficult for many to reach the truth. The two forces that are and will continue to be in conflict over the coming century, though, are white/European nationalists who want to restore their nations and the jews who think they can advance their globalist agenda using white nations as their institutional HQs while importing third world peasants, promoting diversity to shield their power, and morally browbeating and outright attacking all whites who oppose this agenda.

That's the main point here. Wrapping your head around the above is all that matters if you're white.

>> No.10199799

Simpleton with good intentions

Blatantly retarded hothead

To the point, concise

The closest answer here, except I'd remove 'generally'. It is fuelled by commercialisation

Most people in this thread are 'da joos' white-nat faggots who don't realise their very ideology was born out of liberal and essentially third estate thought (the greatest transgression against Being in history)

The very essence of globalisation is a revolt against a transcendental order ordained by various metaphysical doctrines around the world by merchants, most of whom were gentiles

>> No.10199805
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>> No.10199841

And as one can see with this poster, when your basis of understanding is purely abstract instead of being rooted in race-based realities and tangible ideas in general, you are going to miss the plot.

>> No.10199845

Not really? Globalism necessarily isn't technological progress

>> No.10199950

>it's da joos

>> No.10200288

I thought capitalism thrived on a diversity of products instead of just choosing one brand of canned soup?

>> No.10200526
File: 380 KB, 1073x978, i just started reading marx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


capitalism thrives on having kfc and mcdonalds everywhere you travel so you experience the dominant 'cultural' model. it's worse than colonialism.

>> No.10200543

Man my friend's dad has been telling me to read this for like 10+ years now but I always forget to look into it. Is it good? All I know about it is the author had a pretty high-profile conversion to Catholicism

>> No.10200606

Kfcs and mcdonalds offer different things in each of nation/region.

When have cultural business practises not universally been about supply and demand?They only really start the practise accounting (the heart and soul of "civilized" business) when primitive tribal communities form into a larger communities are start thinking about making projections on the future.
What makes you assume that a globalized government wont allow people to start businesses?
Who do you think spends the most money on black markets?

>> No.10200728
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You're correct. Diversity and infinitely customizable, individualised output is the bread and butter of post-Fordist economic systems

>> No.10200839

Can someone tell me the differences between a Jewish buisnessman and a White buisnessman? Most buisnessmen are scum regardless of race

>> No.10201414

Are you being serious? They are very different people who evolved for tens of thousands of years in different environments. Why in the world would they be the same? This is the issue with the 'blame it all on capitalism and ignore the jewish problem' crowd ... they literally are not using logic or really even their brain.

>> No.10201560

>i have no idea what franchise means

>> No.10201570
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>> No.10202556

>He doesnt know how franchises operate

>> No.10203075
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Why oh why must you waste your precious brain like this...

>> No.10203098


Your passive aggression whilst saying nothing apart from empty chiding is degrees more pathetic and intellectually bankrupt than his post was.

If he's wrong then explicate why that is. Teach him something. If you can't even do that much then you have nothing to say and you're pretending otherwise.

>> No.10203117

You sound like a passive-aggressive woman

>> No.10203385

Globalism isn't an ideology, it's an economic process, and it's called globalization.

>> No.10203413

t. butthurt /pol/tards

>> No.10203420


>le boogeyman card yet again

I don't lurk /pol/. Shit, I'm not even white so I don't get down with any of the nazi crap that they always talk either. You really are that much of a passive aggressive woman my dude.

>> No.10203427

I'm not even him
>being this butthurt when someone makes fun of you on the internet
Who's the woman again?

>> No.10203435


>Who's the woman again?

The queefmo who goes around calling everything that he disagrees with /pol/. He's as partisan hack as they are.

>> No.10203527

Globalism is the ideology and globalization is the economic model that accompanies it

>> No.10203656
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>race-based realities

>> No.10203661
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>everybody who's not me doesn't really believe what they believe or choose what they choose to do

>> No.10203674 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.10203684

*teleports behind you*
*makes you the scapegoat*
Pshht. . . Nothin' personal, kiddo. . .

>> No.10203685
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>forgots pic

>> No.10203692
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>why aren't they the same
>why would they be the same lol

>> No.10204222

>it's not a jewish conspiracy, it's an anglo conspiracy!!!

>> No.10204551

>everyone ITT severly under estimates organized crime and how deep some of that stuff is

>> No.10204561
File: 2.83 MB, 1544x6256, Irish conspiracy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dead wrong mate

>> No.10204589

>humanity shouldn't be united

Kill yourselves. We'd be colonising other planets by now if we could actually work together.

>> No.10204624

>dude we'd already have fully automated gay space communism just sing l'internationale amirite lmao

>> No.10204649

White people are the only ones who have ever shown an ability to do such a thing. Uniting with non-whites has only brought us down and the the money that should have gone to NASA was instead spent on educating blacks with literally zero change in their mean capabilities.

>> No.10204666


Back to /pol/.

>> No.10204676

darova pidaraha

>> No.10204681

whos dat badman?

>> No.10204699


>> No.10204746

Okay okay i need t bring ethics into this.
I havent really said anything about this but why do you insist on insisting that non white people should always be stupid, or sub human, why must you keep them there? Whynot focus on keeping the ignorsnt in their place? Why not focus on raising everyones consiousness? Instead of keeping it static, and walled off?

>> No.10205736

Why do you think whites have some obligation to lift everyone else up? That's not our job and we're being submerged, we need to put up the gates, start sending them back, and focus on ourselves.

>> No.10205935


The way you were so butt hurt by his passive agression, so much so that you called him pathetic makes you even more pathetic than him