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10177570 No.10177570[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>I’ve tried to make friends here, and I’ve really put effort in. Starting conversations with people before and after class, going to school clubs, trying to get to know my co-workers, hell, I even e-mailed my councilor and asked her for help. So far I’ve turned up with a whole lot of nothing. Every time I think about this I feel my skin lusting after the blade I swore I would never pick back up. But dammit I refuse to fall back down the mountain I’ve spent the last year climbing.
>I know that not everyone has a lot of friends, and that good friends are hard to come by; but is it too much, after two years of being lonely, to ask for one good friend? I’m not even asking for one good friend and five okayish ones- just one good one. Sometimes it’s hard for me to think that I’m ever going to get a good friend again- I’ve been at this shit for two years now. Despite this, and despite everything telling me that it’s never going to happen, I will keep trying to start conversations and find a friend. I will talk to every single person in this city if I have to because I know somewhere out there is a friend, and I’m going to find them.
She's more like /lit/ than you think. Except the $50,000 she's made from her book

>> No.10177617

what are you quoting

>> No.10177880

Her blog

>> No.10177918

Her 4/10 'book' hasn't made back the 5k editing cost.

>> No.10177929

I'd bang.

>> No.10177960

This bitch probably has so many friends, the fact that she can go out and 'talk to people' and takes it for granted infuriates me.

>> No.10177963

50k is nothing, senpai

>> No.10177974

Garbo author

>> No.10177981

she doesn't even look like she wants to die

>> No.10177988

Probably more than you made from insulting her on a Greek folk dancing board.

>> No.10177992

Rather in a gutter than on a pedestal

>> No.10178039

Never insulted her once. She's doing her thing.

I am curious as to why you folks are jerking over her week after week though. There's better things you can do.

>> No.10178092

> after two years of being lonely
> just two years


BRB, scanning through her blog to find any clues about her sexual life. Expect me to be mad as hell when I find some.

>> No.10178096

This is a combination of the traditional "don't talk to me, muh anxiety" and "I cut; is your joke still funny?" tumblr posts that just happens to be exceptionally verbose.

>> No.10178099

> Despite the fact that I have a wonderful boyfriend


>> No.10178117

>Despite the fact that I have a wonderful boyfriend, and that my roommates are goddesses, I can’t help but feeling an overwhelming sense of loneliness.
>To be honest, I haven’t had real friends in two years.
White people yo.

>I will keep trying to start conversations and find a friend. I will talk to every single person in this city if I have to because I know somewhere out there is a friend, and I’m going to find them.
A cute ending tho and above the shit neckbeards on /lit/ do. Also it's just me but isn't her writing in the blog way better than the stuff in her book she paid 5k for to edit?

How did you get the idea she takes it for granted? The other post is about her anxiety, it's just she actually does something to overcome it unlike the losers who keep wallowing in self-pity.

>> No.10178153

>There's better things you can do.
Don't be ridiculous.

Some anon should convince her to do an AMA here.

>> No.10178187

>How did you get the idea she takes it for granted?
because I do know what it feels for me to be in a social situation and the thought of talking to people with the intention of making friends terrifies me and it's literally impossible? I've even tried medication before and it didn't help me at all, and I'm also a relatively pretty girl who could easily talk anybody up if she wanted to... Overcoming your social autism is not a matter you can change at your own will.

>> No.10178195

I'll ask her if she ever thought that delivering a baby is symbolically equal to pulling the tampon with the very same baby in ingredient form. I wonder whether she has a collection of baby tampons...

>> No.10178200

> I'm also a relatively pretty girl
Delusional traps truly have it worst. I feel with you, bro.

>> No.10178233

>Overcoming your social autism is not a matter you can change at your own will.
Yet so many other people managed that. It's tempting to see your problem as something totally different and special, and hey, it's possible; but there are tons of people (especially from the artsy community) who were/are complete social retards and still found ways to deal with it. Besides, for many it's very situational.

t. guy who walks extra two miles to buy smokes because he's too anxious to talk to clerks at gas stations but had tons of girlfriends and quite a few people who technically count as friends

How would you react in extreme situations, say someone is calmly taking your purse?

>> No.10178536

I'm not the person you're replying to, but I feel that's a brilliant question to ask

>> No.10178554

>thinks they're lonely
>is in a healthy relationship with someone they themself admit is great
If only you knew how bad things really are

>> No.10178567

>female ""loneliness"
>a boyfriend, over 500 facebook friends, several acquaintances

>male loneliness
>/r9k/ hikikomoris who haven't left their rooms in over a decade

why are women so pathetic and dishonest?
I want you to check r/ForeverAlone right now: most females there have boyfriends and FWBs

>> No.10178577
File: 99 KB, 843x632, dearmom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear Mom

I will always remember the way my heart sank,

When I first showed my mother the cuts on my wrists.

The way she struggled to mask her reaction,

As I stood in the hall

Showing her the hatred towards myself

That I had carved into my own skin.

Her eyes struggling to hold back tears.

I stood before her, a young women,

Having faced sixteen revolutions around the sun,

And not wishing to have to face more.

In her mind I was still five,

Bright eyes

Messy hair

She could solve all my problems with a hug and a kiss.
But the image before her did not match up with that.
Before her stood a girl full of self-loathing,

Begging for her help

I watched and felt her heart sink as she realized

I wasn’t a little girl anymore,

That she could not fix me with a hug and a kiss.
Then, months later, refusing to return to therapy

I could hear her voice shake,

I could not see her shadowed face,

But I could only imagine the tears she was trying to hold back,

Her voice pleading with me:

“I don’t know how to help you, I would do anything to make you love yourself as much as I love you”

How do you go back to your mother and tell her

You stopped taking your medicine,

That your two months clean have been eradicated,

Only minutes separating you from when you last took your anger out on yourself.

How do you tell the person who keeps you hanging on that you just want to let go.

That you can’t imagine doing this anymore

How could you even think of doing that,

When you can already feel her heart breaking.
That the little girl she still sees when she looks at you is long gone

>> No.10178667

>implying you can't be surrounded by people and still feel lonely and disconnected from everyone
Low empathy brainlet detected.

>/r9k/ hikikomoris who haven't left their rooms in over a decade
How did they get food before they could summon it with their unlocked wizard powers?

>> No.10178688


it seems unfair to expect women like this to be quiet about their troubles with loneliness simply because there are autists out there who have it worse. i am one of those autists and chances are she will never know loneliness of these levels in her entire life, but i wouldn't want to take her voice away either and put her down for wanting to work through her own shit.

there will always be an autist out there who has it worse. that doesn't mean that every normie should be bound to perpetual silence because of it. that seems pretty nonsensical.

>> No.10178700
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>>implying you can't be surrounded by people and still feel lonely and disconnected from everyone
This is the most normie shit ever
>Why are these people complaining about food I literally can't get any
>"Uhm low empathy much? Implying you can't be hungry while surrounded by food"

>> No.10178706

t. yet another whiny female who never experienced hardship

Neurotypical, non-deformed western females are literally incapable of experiencing loneliness. Failing to recognize this only perpetuates said asymmetries

>> No.10178710


thinking that you have the market cornered on loneliness because you have shittier social skills than other people is equally as asinine as the normies who exploit these issues to accrue social cachet.

enough of this shit you try hard faggot.

>> No.10178715


you're just being a sad sack rn.

>> No.10178723

Yeah, we are the ones lacking in empathy, not the normalfags with large social circles literally unable to put their problems into perspective and realize they have it easy

>> No.10178733

Lol what do you think having friends is besides engaging in reciprocal empathy? Smh

>> No.10178738


get over yourself bro. just because others have it worse that doesn't mean that everyone else has it good by proxy. life is pretty shitty for everyone to varying degrees. don't choose to be spiteful over it. it'll only fuck with your character as a man and make shit worse for you in the end. take a deep breath and let it go.

>> No.10178743

I know a girl similar to her. She has dozens of close friends, dozens of orbiters and is very attractive, has no social problems aside from being a little shy upon the first meeting, and still complains about being lonely, ugly and having anxiety. She's also writing a fantasy novel. Those kind of people are as delusional as some autists here. That's why I believe fiction is important, because it allows you to see realities different than yours. It doesn't make yours less real but helps to realize how much of your problems come from your unrealistic expectations and crooked vision of how the world works.

Bit of a blogpost I know

>> No.10178748

>life is pretty shitty for everyone
Retarded normalfag platitude and refusal to engage with facts. 9 out of 10 homeless people are male. Males are 80% more likely to commit suicide. I'm done talking to you

>> No.10178766

why are you so goddamn obsessed with her being more successful than you? stop being jelly bro

>> No.10178778


>Retarded normalfag platitude

not really. as a previous poster said it's basic empathy. but yeah anyone who breaks narrative is a normie lmao okay.

>I'm done talking to you

you mean you're done having your sadboi pity party messed with.

you're probably young too. you don't even know the meaning of the tism trial yet you wannabe. protip: all this loneliness should ideally inspire some real growth of character within you. that's why you're going through it. you're meant to rise above it via empathy.

>> No.10178780

>you have the market cornered on loneliness because you have shittier social skills
Yes and it's true, yet I'm not the one bitching about it until this little broad got shoved onto my board and I hear you saying I don't have enough empathy to understand her problems

>> No.10178786

would face fuck

>> No.10178788

And hundreds of millions are starving, don't have access to running water, and no opportunities to improve their situation, while you can bitch about your horrible life online from a comfy room. So much about perspective.

>> No.10178797


>> No.10178806


the anger that you have toward these "normies" is palpable. you need to remember that this is only a 4chan motif because it seems like you're starting to associate with it on a deep emotional level and integrate it into your character and how you view the world. basically it's fucking with you. shitpost through an ironic distance or not at all. if you start to actually think in terms of this dichotomy for real then you are legitimately getting meme'd on.

>my board
gross btw.

>> No.10178814

>all people have problems, therefore you should give my trivial tribulations as much weight as hardcore hardships. it's called empathy bro!

>> No.10178823


t. crawling in my skin

t.t. these wounds they will not heal

>> No.10178829
File: 539 KB, 1944x1416, just-be-yourself-bro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We all have it hard, my dude

>> No.10178830
File: 25 KB, 314x499, 1508550882467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek the psychological diagnosis from an anonymous post, I think you are viewing the 3+ people arguing with you as one entity when in reality I just fucked with you for making an empathy argument on 4chan
I don't think her troubles aren't valid, but they're hard to take seriously relative to my own experience of a fundamentally similar issue, how could I not draw comparison. And the most important aspect of all this is that she is open about it, maybe I'm bitter but I would never tell anyone about my deepest issues unless it's anonymous. So it's hard not to view this as a plead for attention instead of... what's it supposed to be again? Venting?