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File: 15 KB, 959x577, Buddhist proselytism at the time of king Ashoka (260–218 BCE) according to the Edicts of Ashoka..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10163764 No.10163764 [Reply] [Original]

Did the Greeks just rip off Indian philosophy? There were Buddhists monks walking the streets of Ancient Greece. Why does no one talk about this? Bad for whitey's ego?

>> No.10163795

You are aware that the highest castes of Indians are the products of Aryan invasions 4000-5000 years ago, right? All of India's religion and philosophy is old Indo-European paganism and Hindu is an Indo-European language. But yes, there is interconnectedness between all of these past European civilizations, from Egypt to India to Persia to Greece and up to today.

>> No.10163806

I am, but the notion that Greeks were original and not influenced by other cultures in their philosophy seems to be what is generally taught.

>> No.10163809

All of the world's greatest wisdom started in the Mesopotamia/ancient India, before going to Palestine and Europe where it was formed into a coherent, all encompassing system.

t. Dominican deacon that works as chaplain at my university

>> No.10163828

Not true. South India had significant influence on Hinduism from ancient times. Shiva is a south Indian deity.
The caste system was not as cut and dry as what you're saying either. There are North Indian Dalits and South Indian Brahmins. It has been that way since ancient times too.

>> No.10163835

Not sure why it would be, even Plato said much of Greek thought came from Egypt.

>> No.10163846

It's funny when historylets discover for the first time in their tiny brain that the ancient world was still the world and not merely autistic categories of disconnected civilizations and then post shit like this thinking it's some kind of revelation

>> No.10163849

>Dominican deacon
That's cool. I respect that. I am a Catholic myself. However, on what authority do you say that? I only ask because I'm curious to read work by somebody else who draws those connections.

>> No.10163856

That was not part of the known world in Plato's time period.

>> No.10163859

>There were Buddhists monks walking the streets of Ancient Greece


>> No.10163870


>> No.10163880

Can you explain that a little more?

>> No.10163903

I'm not sure desu (we had this conversation a long time ago), but I remember him telling me about the work of Pyrrho, as well as the fact that many of the Old Testament myths have their origins in the myths of ancient Mesopotamia.

One of my professors, who if I remember right is a Third Order Franciscan, is writing a history of the Soul from the pre-Socratics to the current Catholic understanding. I'm not sure when it'll be finished (I've been begging him for an advance copy haha), but once it's out I'll be sure to post it in one of the Catholic threads.

>> No.10163904


^ describes the syncretization of Hellenic and Buddhist thought. Contact between the two flourished during Alexander's conquest and the ensuing Hellenic Empires in Bactria, but contact had also occurred before Alexander.

>> No.10163905


>> No.10163909


Alexander the Great conquered all the way to India.
He was basically a tornado that swept up and mixed together big segments of the ancient world.
It's called the Hellenistic era.

>> No.10163910

method acting tier LARPing, pretty impressive

>> No.10163926

I'm glad you liked it, even though I'm not larping.

>> No.10163942

Greek philosophy began before Buddhism was even a thing.

>> No.10163949



^ Greek buddhist who built a still-standing buddhist temple in Sri Lanka during 2nd century BCE.


Greco-Buddhism flourished in the Greco-Bactrian empire. Menander was an Emperor of the GB empire, and helped institutionalize greco-buddhist thought in the empire, and by diffusion, with the rest of the Hellenic world.


^ Gymnosophist (likely Buddhist) monk from India who burned himself alive in Roman Athens.

The introduction of Greco-buddhist thought into the eastern Mediterranean, and its syncretization with Pythagoreanism and Platonism helped lay some of the fundamental philosophical underpinnings of early Christian thought.


>> No.10164094

>Bad for whitey's ego?
Thread's legitimacy discarded.

>> No.10164099

>seems to be what is generally taught.
t. someone who hasn't received any form of education post-highschool

>> No.10164359

It sure beats the Jesus went to Tibet hypothesis.

>> No.10164428

Knowledge of Buddhism came with Alexander's push to India. Alexander was tutored by Aristotle. So logically the two greatest examples of Greek philosophy, Aristotle and Plato, as well as Socrates and the great pre-Socratics like Heraclitus, Pythagoras, Parmenides, ect. predate the introduction of Buddhism to the ancient Greek world.

>> No.10164447

>Bad for whitey's ego?
You wut m8

Buddha was an Aryan. That's why he had blue eyes. All the high castes are white or white admixed. In fact Buddhism and Hinduism borrow more from Greek polytheism than anything else. For example their worship of rivers.

Poo in loos are just bastardized slave spawn

>> No.10164462

A lot of autists itt

>> No.10164633
File: 730 KB, 930x1395, 1508335011530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Catholic Deacon here as well bro

>> No.10164637


>> No.10164647

literally no one thinks this

>> No.10164773


>Scythianus' pupil Terebinthus supposedly presented himself as a "Buddha" ("he called himself Buddas" Cyril of Jerusalem) and became well known in Judaea and was said to have conversed with the apostles and to have brought books back from his trade with India. The same author says his books and knowledge were taken over by Mani, and became the foundation of the Manichean doctrine.[a]

big if true

>> No.10164781

>using white for water
Fuck that map is triggering me.

>> No.10164796
File: 43 KB, 493x449, IMG_5419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mt. Kailash
>South India
What did OP mean by this?

>> No.10164802

They rip off the egyptians and phoenicians.

>> No.10164809

Considering how mentally stunted all branches of non-Greek philosophy are, no.

>> No.10164847

Nice try anon

>> No.10164860

They encountered the gymnosophists during the 3rd century BCE, but the Greeks had established their great philosophical movements by then, as Aristotle's death is dated 322 BCE, Epicurus opened his school in Athens in 306, and Zeno began teaching in the Stoa Poikile 301.

Then there is the far more interesting case of Pyrrho, but he wrote no books so we can't say how much influence did the gymnosophists have on him.

The one Greek that wanted to study in India so much that he would join the army, Plotinus, ultimately couldn't.

>> No.10164978


>> No.10164984

>Be American
>Believe this meme
>I actually go to Greece
>They are white
>A couple meds but nothing more than S. France

>> No.10165039
File: 955 KB, 2085x1600, 002-ben-hur-theredlist(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So some questions: How connected was the world during the axial age? Was it bronze age level? I always thought the interconnectedness was small in comparisson to the bronze age or roman age. Are we talking post-Alexander?

Is the whole "alexander connected two worlds" thing a meme?

>> No.10165363

The world was very connected post-Alexander.
Pre-Alexander was less connected than Late Bronze age.
"Whole" middle east and large parts of Southern Europe spoke Greek and had "connections" all the way to Yeezus. There were even "Greek" kingdoms in India for hundreds of years.
Then Carthage controlling north Africa and Iberia trading with the Hellenistic world.

>> No.10165376

Early Axial Age "only" had Neo-Assyrians, but then Cyrus conquers half the known world, so I guess you can call that "connected", although not so much with Europe.

>> No.10165424

No, they unironically stole their philosophy from the egyptians and babylonians.

>> No.10165437

You mean it was passed on.

>> No.10165441

>The egyptians and babylonians
There isn't much stuff on them. Not enough meme potential maybe.

>> No.10165548 [DELETED] 

>I am, but the notion that Greeks were original and not influenced by other cultures in their philosophy seems to be what is generally taught.

You can find any discussion of the early pre-socratic philosopher Thales stating he learned some of his analytical skills, e.g. trig, from Egyptian flood measurements and thought to apply similar sort of breaking down analysis to ideas, math, and cosmology. If you had started with the Greeks, you would have known this.

Also human culture grows and builds on itself both from creative individuals and flows between populations. The only people that think culture is a made up of isolated bubbles and is stolen are faggot autistic academic leftist "philosophers" that haven't done any archaeology or anthropology.

>> No.10165596

Where are the proofs

And why are there no mummies

>> No.10165776

The Greeks did not invent the tradition of the sage, but they did invent the independent tradition of the philosopher.

>> No.10165782

Alot of Babylonian influence too

>> No.10165808

You're merely speculating and likely wrong. So much was destroyed in earlier European civilizations south of the Mediterranean after being overrun by semites, but it's foolish to just assume what existed in Greece didn't exist for centuries or millennia before.

>> No.10165825

>the entirety of significant classical philosophy PREDATES contact with hindoo civilization
Fucking idiot.

>> No.10167019


>> No.10167133

"poo's poo, and cannot be unpooed"
-pajeet poomenides

>> No.10167198

Greeks didn't "rip off" anything, you'd have known that had you started with them. Ever heard of that myth when Zeus kidnapped Europa, an ASIAN princess? Greeks have always known where they were from and were very aware (and not even hiding it) of being influenced by Asia Minor's culture.
But the Buddhist crap you pulled out of your ass anon. Plato was literally calling for mobilisation. Spartans were soldiers by profession. The founding myth of the Greeks is a 10 year war. These were no peaceful people.