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10151457 No.10151457 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any books/essays dealing specifically with the insidious presence of capitalist/market elements inside of contemporary SJW elements, starting from their very conceptions?

Specifically, I would like to know more about the replacement of large/global/over arching causes (such as the ones derived from the great wars, "war on drugs", "war on terror", "war on poverty"), by micro-causes such as microaggressions and micro-racism, which are fought individually and through segregation rather than aggregation. I believe this, in turn, facilitates the process of increasing the market spectrum, a great triumph of late capitalism since even anti-capital revolutions become markets to exchange (social) capital instead. But of course this last part is only my conjecture.

Closest I can recall from memory about this is some stuff from Nick Land but he is rather enthusiastic and abstract about it (which is fine), whereas I would like something more precise in the history department. I don't remember enough of Hoppe to claim this but I suppose he kinda mentions it too? Thanks ahead of time to everyone who has anything to suggest.

>> No.10151468
File: 43 KB, 316x475, Ride_the_Tiger_Cover-1-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like someone is ready to become redpilled

>> No.10151516

I wonder what the early frankfurt writers would have thought about this latest strain of leftism. I know many of them had problems with the leftist protests of the 60's and had a way of looping everything back to totalitarianism.

>> No.10151553

coordinated action takes more than shared conviction. it takes capital, including social capital, the accumulation of which sets off a race to the bottom.

there's a reason #BlackLivesMatter, a social media movement with high key private investors has taken off rather than, say, bands of blacks from specific neighborhood spontaneously self-policing and starting community gardens.

>> No.10151581

Much of the jargon of 'social justice' originates in the diversity consulting industry with people like Peggy Mcintosh. Secondhand echoes of Foucault and Derrida mixed in with generic feel good platitudes. Fact: intersectional feminist super star Bell Hooks is a voracious reader of self-help literature. You know, there's something distinctively californian about American managerial culture, family resemblances with new age gobbledygook, Silicon Valley, the be yourself, express yourself ethos. After the 60s, counterculture individualism became an instrument of postfordian management. New media and the postfordian work environment demand total involvement, so you need a class of professional busybodies to keep increasingly restless labor units in check. We are atomised, yet suffocated by the proximity of everyone else and the awareness we are under constant surveillance. We are assigned a role in the planet wide absurdist theatre event.


>> No.10151586
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>> No.10151599

Fact: most westerners 2017 AD are stirnerites without knowing it

>> No.10151642

eventually tho. not yet. we all have self ownership but not everyone is thoroughly conscious of it yet. blinded by religion, morals, politics, any imaginary spook.

also funfact: Max Stirner managed to get Evola butthurt. And Evola having no comeback or solid attack towards his egoism he just said he was a "jew" like the typical /pol/tard lol. Stirner really is the most succesful higher quality shitposter because he says it like it is.

>> No.10151672
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>successful higher quality shitposter
>everything I don't like is a shpook

>> No.10151699
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every ideology that rules you to be "that or this way" is a spook, yes.

This is what I'm talking about btw:
The Italian edition of The Unique and His Property has an appendix concerning reactions to and influence of Max Stirner's work. There is a chapter within it that involves Evola:

Rather, it took a genuine associate of the Herrenklub of Berlin, a ferocious ghibelline like Julius Evola (never registered to the [Italian] fascist party, which he despised for its “feminine” flaccidity), to come to the true conclusion, for only one was possible: **Stirner is a Jew**. Thus, without any foundation (but whatever could factual evidence matter in such a grandiose design?) we find again Stirner, as “father of integral anarchism”, included by Evola in the list of instigators whom brought forth “the destructive endeavour” of Judaism “in the properly cultural field, protected by the taboos of Science, Art, Thought.” They are, in the order they're invoked: Freud, Einstein, Lombroso, Stirner, Debussy (whom it is conceded to be a "half-Jew"), Schönberg, Stravinsky, Tzara, Reinach, Nordau, Lévy-Bruhl, Bergson, Ludwig, Wassermann, Döblin (introduction to The Jewish International, The “Protocols” of the “Learned Elders” of Zion, Rome, 1937, pages xix-xx; this is the slightly changed and updated version – and the name of Stirner is part of the update – of another list of the great co-conspirers, which Evola proposed a few months earlier: Marx, Heine, Börne, Freud, Nordau, Lombroso, Reinach, Durkheim, Einstein, Zamenhof, Offenbach, Sullivan – evidently he must have viewed The Mikado as a document of Jewish infiltration - Schönberg, Stravinsky, Wassermann, Döblin, in Julius Evola, Three Aspects of the Jewish Problem, Rome, 1936, pages 38-39).

Hahahahah calling the Milkman "a Jew" when he is whiter than you as a damage control is hilarious.

>> No.10151768
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>> No.10151798

tell that to the 'muh human rights' crowd

>> No.10152013

Here's a new one from meme author Angela Nagle

>Corporations have long since absorbed progressive language about diversity and inclusion; the website of missile defense system company Northrop Grumman offers a detailed celebration of racial and gender diversity, with the weapons manufacturer boasting that it observes seven different pride and heritage months, contracts with minority-owned small businesses for drone parts, and hosts an annual Womens Conference featuring field trips to the Martin Luther King Jr. memorial.

>One can also hear echoes in the annual diversity report of corporate messaging platform Slack, which releases its employee demographic figures with an apology and promise to do better if the figures fall short (We are going to keep talking about it. Of course, talk is not enough. We will continue to regularly report on our status so that we can be held accountable.) This kind of simultaneously self-flagellating and self-flattering apology for failures on race and gender issues has become a standard part of progressive call-out culture online, with the promise to do better becoming a ritualistic public performance.

>> No.10152044

This has been a problem for a long time. Reformists ("SJWs") are intellectual lampreys.


>> No.10152081

If anything Stirner is so coldly Germanic that there is nothing to attack in his intentions because there is no agenda really there apart from joyful destruction of memes.

>> No.10152121
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So basically I get your point, bud just don't becomes one of those drooling antisemites.
Chinese values are OK with racism, and that's cool, just keep it over there.
But racism in Europe and America? Nah B, those countries use diversity and immigration as their strengths, real shit y'hear?
So microaggressions are real. And the war on drugs and war on this or that... just stop being a butthurt libertarian and accept there's nothing you can do about it, it makes CASH, for the guys in charge that is.
No problem with this, just natural selection bro. What are you a spooked dumbass or something? What's with this "late capitalism"? You know that ideology doesn't exist and "capitalism" just describes what actually happens, and works, right? Try to make a real change in the world bub.

>> No.10152146

You're reading too much into it. Capitalism is very adaptive and will always find ways to profit, whether it's selling rainbow flags to fags or made in China MAGA hats to alt-righters. It's on of the biggest strengths it has, you don't need to buy into the ideology to support capitalism, most of your actions will, even if you try to act against it.

>> No.10152153

I'm an accelerationist, I just want the whole thing to come crashing down already. the chance for Civilisational collapse is the only thing that makes life bearable.

>> No.10152157

This is objectively a shitpost, there are no arguments made here, only unsupported assertions. Please return from whence you came interloper.

>> No.10152288

the best fucking shitpost in all the website tho. continue dwelling in la-la land I couldn't care less it's your spook not mine LOL

>> No.10152361

Know it's a bit cringe but really related to this post https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MG7y8J0DXhU

>> No.10152370

Just wait for peak oil to hit.

>> No.10152404

Stop trying to make "baizuo" a thing Nick, ya goddamn Chinaboo.

>> No.10152406

>now now, we're not saying diversity is bad, neoliberalism just perverts it!


>> No.10152416

Check out /ourjew/ Paul Gottfried, author of 2EDGY4U classics such as Multiculturalism and the politics of Guilt: Towards a Secular Theocracy.