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/lit/ - Literature

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10134202 No.10134202 [Reply] [Original]

Military SFF Edition
What's the last Mil-SFF you read?
What's the next Mil-SFF you are going to read?
What Mil-SFF would you recommend?

NPR's Top 100 Science Fiction & Fantasy Books:
SF&F author listing with ratings and summaries (incomplete, mostly pre-Millenium):

Previously In Threads:

>> No.10134232

thanks anon having a look.

>> No.10134246

>Any books you'd recommend to people who liked the Buried Giant?
The Complete Manual of Suicide by Wataru Tsurumi

>> No.10134320

warp speed don't rainbow read me

>> No.10134335

great moment

>> No.10134340

What exactly count as military sff? Does Fifth Head of Cerberus, Left Hand of Darkness, The Moon is a Harsh Mistress or Hard to be a God count? Otherwise I've read none and the next one I'm going to read is Starship Troopers, hopefully before the end of the year.

>> No.10134386

>What Mil-SFF would you recommend?
Life During Wartime by Lucius Shepard

It's not pulp like The Forever War, Old Man's War, etc. so your mileage may vary.

>> No.10134428

>What's the last Mil-SFF you read?
Last MSF I finished was Poor Man's Flight which is a pretty fun series. I also gave up on Falkenberg's legions pretty early on.
>What's the next Mil-SFF you are going to read?
Currently reading Vick's Vultures which is cool. Humans are technologically miles behind most of the galaxy but they gain an upper hand in conflicts by imitating the behaviour of what's basically the alien equivalent of a boogeyman myth
>What Mil-SFF would you recommend?
Vorkosigan Saga isn't always military scifi (which is a strength desu) but it's miles ahead of most of the other stuff I've read in the genre.

>> No.10134438

Why is he walking like that?

>> No.10134444

Radiation from the Zone.

>> No.10134549

So I read all of Jim Butcher's Codex Alera series over the weekend, because I heard he wrote it on a bet, that he oculdn't write a series about Romans with Pokemon, and it was pretty cool. Got a bit inconsistent towards the end in terms of plot though. the first book was the best.

What are some other series that just took some wacky ideas and ran with them?

>> No.10134558

>Codex Alera
It had no right being as fun as it was.

>> No.10134559

Maybe his butt hurts

>> No.10134568

Kitai was olev. I liked that it stayed pretty low key on the romance with no real drama. Also Attis Aquitaine was a really good character (and antagonist) considering how little presence he actually had.

>> No.10134716

Evolved slavsquatting

>> No.10134740
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From what?

>> No.10134745

None of those count. Military SF is naval battles in space, typically written by right-libertarians.

>> No.10134811

luv to minimise the state whilst asking for a large military

>> No.10134875

Finished re-reading A Storm of Swords, considering Varys kills a Lannister male heir at the end of ADWD do you think the Dornes are planning something? Hard to say really whether it is purely the Dornes to begin with but I think they are largely involved and it's some kind of grand revenge scheme for what Tywin and his house brought down upon them and the Targs. Giving that Tyrion told Aegon to go to straight to Westeros rather than go to Daenerys I think they'll probably spare him for giving them an excellent tip. Thoughts?

>> No.10134877


I'm looking for an ebook of Space Mowgli by Arkady and Boris Strugatsky, can anyone help me out?

>> No.10134903

Moon is a Harsh Mistress feature artillery battles in space and is written by a libertarian.

>> No.10134906

Have you tried searching for "The Kid" which is the other title it goes by

>> No.10134914


Yeah I have, no luck.

>> No.10134944
File: 279 KB, 1024x576, ADF7CDAD-FC12-459C-90D9-C0F02ECDF633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone recommend me science fiction books that deal with some of th following things?

>fascist or authoritarian regimes (like Starship Troopers)
>space colonization
>massive human civil wars
>humans being a weak presence in a galaxy of hostile aliens
>society having aristocrats and a feudal system (like Dune)

>> No.10134949

The Traitor Baru Cormorant

>> No.10134962
File: 330 KB, 1184x1829, Red-Mars-Kim-Stanley-Robinson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>space colonization
Red Mars by Kim Stanley Robinson

>> No.10134972

a learning experience.
group of /k/ommandos get obducted by ayyliums and instead take over their ship.
because us gubment sucks they make their own on the moon. they then get dragged into earth and interplanetary wars and politics.
rest of the books build on the foundation the first book builds, but changes characters.

>> No.10135005

I didn't know about the naval battles, but is Heinlein a right libertarian or a wacky libertarian?

>> No.10135007

Baxter's Xeelee universe. Vacuum Diagrams gives a pretty good overview of it.

>> No.10135126

Got really bored with the Black Company after Murgen became annalist desu

>> No.10135195

i cant find the thorn of emberlain in anywhere? week google-fu?

>> No.10135197

anyone else read metal boxes?
whats your opinions?
i liked the series a lot.

>> No.10135216
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Thanks guys

>> No.10135225


I don't understand

>> No.10135251

if i can find it in libgen and b-ok, where do you anons suggest to look at?

>> No.10135255

I re-read the Wheel of Time.
First time was for learning "tower politics."
I didn't know they all usually act like a gaggle of little sisters.

>> No.10135309
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>A languorous dragon, cheekily reclined atop mounded dinosaur books in lieu of gold :3
>Where is my dragon, frogman? Will you really leave us to fester in these stale memes?
I have Two versions.

Part One

>> No.10135312
File: 1.03 MB, 1024x576, Dragon on Nest of books 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Part Two.

>> No.10135317

What kind of concepts can I do in a "cold western", a western set entirely in a frozen hell hole?

>> No.10135319

on the off chance you're not being facetious, it hasn't been released yet

>> No.10135323

>I re-read the Wheel of Time

>> No.10135329

Yeti stampede?

>> No.10135373


Could work but there's a lot of stuff and creatures I could work with I just have no idea how to benefit from the backdrop.

>> No.10135403


And I just thought of something, Were Yeti.

>> No.10135409

Well, if you consider Earth and the Moon to be two ships it's basically a naval battle. I'm not sure what you mean by wacky libertarian, but if you ask for libertarian literature Heinlein is one of the recommendations you'll get.

>> No.10135417

That dragon have quite a tasteful collection.

>> No.10135462

We answered you in the other fucking thread. You couldn't have finished alln those suggestions already. Fuck off.

>> No.10135478

Then you are a brainlet. Enjoy starving.

>> No.10135486

I have 78 iq, I am a brainlet, I never denied it. I still want to understand though

>> No.10135503

How many meme books are in this picture?

>> No.10135504

Very nice :3
I like the distinction you chose for both versions, but perhaps option 2 edges ahead for me. A most commendable meme.

>> No.10135509

A....... Are you low iq anon from years ago?

>> No.10135512
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Any other series like this?

>> No.10135518

I am indeed, I started reading Sabriel again, I've forgotten a lot and I remember enjoying the story, I want to enjoy it once more, but that one thing bugged me even the last time

>> No.10135523

Sure, it feels like we've been here forever, but I think she'd been posting earlier this year.

>> No.10135525


>> No.10135527

Silly anon, boys don't read.

>> No.10135534

Most of the time I don't.
I usually listen to audiobook while doing jigsaw puzzles, it clears my mind and helps me focus very easily, the jigsaws take no concentration away from me hearing the words and understanding, while keeping my mind busy in other ways

>> No.10135536

Oh, sorry anon, I forgot. It's just a meme. Pay us no mind.

>> No.10135543

Sffg was in existence for 2 years and I was here from the beginning. Please free me.
Looks like the same less than 80iq anon that asked obvious questions.

>> No.10135556

Indeed, been here nearly that long myself. Could be worse. I remember anon.

>> No.10135567

Why haven't you two left the board yet? 9/10 of the people here don't read and if they read they have a cursory understanding at best. How could you spend so much time on this shithole of a website?

>> No.10135572

Hmm. Feel like making a macro of sffg chained (with those old leg to cannonball chains) to /lit/, and on the wall 2 years is scratched off in tally.

>> No.10135587

Honestly? I'm so shy that participating in normal forums requiring some kind of username is uncomfortable. I initially tried /g/ as a homeboard, but it's horrible. This thread is home right now. I don't need much socialization, this is plenty.

>> No.10135598

Well i was in lit since 2010 (talking about fiction was frowned at severely those days). I migrated and made sffg my new permanent digs when it first popped up (2-3 years ago ).
I actually read (audiobooks cause no Longer NEET) and I get some nice recs in the general while I get to show my recs in the form of charts :3

It's not bad, once our friends from the pole don't try to annex/colonize us it can be an interesting place. And compared to outer lit people here actually read. The ones out there read wikiedia and sparknotes, then pretend to know what they are talking about.

Last pointIf I leave sffg might die, seeing as I'm the one always autisticly keeping it alive

>> No.10135765

What you guys reading?
Bout to tuck in to some Meme Shills.
what should I expect?

>> No.10135780

Hey /lit/ I'm not too big on fantasy or scifoi... Or anything fictional really.
But I have a friend that isn't into reading and I want to Starr reading with him. Problem is, he's into exactly fantasy and sci-fi. So I want to find a book that will be good for both if us. It needs to be a good on that will drag someone in who doesn't even really like to read.

Maybe something about demons, or the end of the world.
I've already read Feed and world war Z. But I haven't read the two apocalyptic ones on the flow chart.
Maybe something about demons? I don't know I hardly read this kind of stuff and just what suggestions for even little things I have a bit of interest in. Maybe I'll true persuade him into reading something more crime related. That would be pre fun. But yeah I'm open to suggestions

>> No.10135786
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Finished pic related. Overall, I liked it. Four of the five stories had a macabre ending, which I found repetitive. I thought 'The Ecology of the Unicorn' had the most potential; I wonder how it would have read with more witty exchanges between the sorcerer and the faerie.
Hernstrom's main characters are hard to differentiate so I would say he needs work there. He tries a few standard types on for size in 'The Saga of Adalwolf' but none of them are exceptional in my mind.
'The Challenger's Garland' I liked best. Clean, elegant, concise: the ending felt like it fit best here.

Related to our 'color word' topic from several threads back: Hernstrom seemed to pointedly avoid using anything but simple terms for color. The exception I can recall is ochre.

Hopefully the library has K. J. Parker back on the shelf so I can read it next.

Step up your game with the cover images. That Cesar faceswap was ridiculous.

>> No.10135794
File: 359 KB, 835x1393, armor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What Mil-SFF would you recommend?
Armor is GOAT.

>> No.10135843

What's your opinion on Neil Gaiman? You could try American Gods, I've had great success recommending it to people that usually don't read that much. Another idea would be to try some anthology of short stories, and if you find one you both like read something by that author.

>> No.10135882

Does Chuck Palahniuk write YA novels? This shit reads like the "oh so smart rich 13 year old girl who has a large vocabulary". This is the shit outer lit memes? If I have to hear her say she's 13 again I will go and defeat big oil and find a way to store the sun in liquid form.

>> No.10135897

Library at mount char.
^ has world ending, crime (some detective work), demons (minor)

>> No.10135899

Look into the history of the Yukon Gold Rush.

>> No.10135902

>Cesar faceswap was ridiculous

>> No.10135908

>That Cesar faceswap was ridiculous.
Are... Are you funnin', mule man?

>> No.10135913

More like Neil Gay-man desu familia.

>> No.10135920

Why isn't anyone answering? Is it because none of you dont read?

>> No.10135943

Your post, taken in it's entirety, was confusing.

>> No.10135975
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considering his obsession with nudism, i'd say pic related

>> No.10136051

wacky libertarian = seasteading

>> No.10136070

Is armor really that good? Starship troopers has a large amount of recommendations but after the first few chapters it wasn't good at all

>> No.10136234

Aes Sedai are impossible to take seriously on reread because you know in advance how incompetent they actually are.

>> No.10136237

He's right libertarian. He started as a socialist, converted to conservatism, then finally settled with libertarianism.
You can tell he's a right winger anyway from all the soviet union/communism allegories and his low opinion of women.

>> No.10136416

I am reading day watch, its actually refreshing to see the perspective of both watches at the same time

>> No.10136419

Will science fiction be doomed to forever explore the nature of social media and popular psychology meshing with epistemology and theory of knowledge - that is, be forever Dickian or will it move towards post-scarcity / back towards hard-sci fi utopias about Space Age and use theoretical physics as crutch to simultaneously negate aforementioned "hard" sci fi throwback?

Will it become an escapism of a genre or will it move something meaningfully forward? Look at the "visions" in the new BR. Zero futuristic gadgets, zero tech that isn't already available save of course the AI meme.

>> No.10136585

haha that guy is silly!!!

>> No.10136609

I asked to get other people’s opinions because not everyone lurks here all day like you.

>> No.10136618

What are some good post-apocalyptic fantasy novels? And by post-apocalyptic I mean actually post-apocalyptic. Not a survival story, but one where society has already picked up the pieces and started (or is beginning to start) anew.

Something like Shinsekai yori

>> No.10136622

Ever watched the movie /series?

>> No.10136629

>Is armor really that good?
Arguably the best military SF standalone.

>> No.10136630

Read Stross' Accelerando. I think that is where we are heading.

>> No.10136636

>it's a galactic empire
>but they haven't figured out how to stop aging
Are science fiction writers really bad at making realistic technological timelines or are they just intentionally being wrong to fit their narrative?

>> No.10136648

>they’re capable of 3D printing, traveling to the Moon, cloning, heart surgery, genetic engineering, and small-scale teleportation through quantum tunneling
>they haven’t yet mastered immortality

I guess we don’t live in a realistic timeline either.

>> No.10136664
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>this upsets the manchild

>> No.10136670

>travelling to the moon with insane budget
>comparable to a ftl galactic empire where space travel via some kinda physics bending theoretical device is trivial
These are all fairly below or on the level of the complexity of figuring out immortality, while most of the things in space opera and other sci fi is well into the incredibly advanced, possibly impossible level. Shit argument.
I never said immortality is simple, but it's easier than, say, curing cancer

>> No.10136677

suburban commando book written and read by hulk hogan when?

>> No.10136761

Not really, heard it was okish

>> No.10136788

When has /lit/ ever consistently recd chuck? He's very unpopular

>> No.10136794

>btw I'm a boy xddd
Go away

>> No.10136873

You're reading shit scifi authors desu.
Neal Asher and Bv Larson.
Immortality could easily be achieved by mapping someone's neural network, storing their memories, then cloning the body and implanting the memories.

Hell a dinosaur like Vance figured this out in "to live forever". SLOPE SLOPE SLOPE

>> No.10136879

Wasn't what I imagined when the dove beneath the layers of reality. Wait till you find out the big secret

>> No.10136886

They were shilling "damned" a few months ago, like how our resident blindshill works. I never read fight club, and after this book I never will.

>> No.10136938

I just wanted to clear away confusion, I never claimed to be a woman and he used "she".

But back on Sabriel, I have read all the 5 books before, but I never remember there being any hint that the Wall was a "gateway" to another world/universe, though it makes sense considering the season/time differences

>> No.10136941

The spaceships in Foundation didn't even have computers. They were navigated using paper star charts and analog tools like slide rules. There's really no reason to think that building some type of FTL drive is in any way related to stopping or reversing aging.

>> No.10136949

The big ass spider? What kinda shit fanfiction are these guys writing?

>> No.10136954

hey /sffg/, how much do you think you can possibly fix in the editing phase?

Right now, I'm a bit concerned that I've fucked everything up

Wendigo. Can make for an interesting story when it's a western and works better than played out capin-in-the-woods horror. When you get right down to it vampire/demon hunters are basically just edgy cowboys

>> No.10136964

in their defense, if you've got an animal in middle earth that's abnormally big and intelligent it's less an animal and more some primordial entity like an angel (hence the shit with the eagles. They'll bail their cousin gandalf out, but they don't get involved in mortal bullshit). Shelob's the child of an eldritch abomination

>> No.10136991

>What's the last Mil-SFF you read?

First four books in the Alexis Carew series. Pretty standard Space Hornblower about a woman who becomes a midshipman in the space navy, not high art at all.

>What's the next Mil-SFF you are going to read?

Probably either the new Lazarus Wars book or do a reread of the Black Company.

>What Mil-SFF would you recommend?

David Drake's stuff is great.

>> No.10137069

The latest book or one before iirc went more into depth how the wall was made, and what it contains. The book with the possession across the wall iirc

>> No.10137187

Do you have an editor? If not then it probably won't be all that big of an ordeal because the only person you have to contend with is yourself and you already know what you like and don't like.

>> No.10137198

Ah all right, yeah I'm still on the first one in my relisten.
Thank you.

>> No.10137438
File: 94 KB, 250x396, 1489583426870.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adding your memories to someone else's body IS NOT IMMORTALITY. That's immortalising your memories, you're just giving someone else an exact imprint of your brain while they walk away with what you are, while you experience the same lifespan as someone else and just die. A clone isn't the same person as you and has a high likelihood of not even looking like you (which is where shows like Rick and Morty take creative liberties and many books as well) because although the genes are the same, your expression of them and the environment in which you grew up with is different.

The idea that you can implant memories (and with no funky cloning) but the resulting person isn't the same as the base person is explored in James Blish's "A Work of Art" (download the short story collection here: https://www.sendspace.com/file/lxj9xp0)) where Strauss is recapitulated and in Hyperion with the Keats cybrids which "are" Keats in a technical sense taking on his history, but they aren't even the same as each other..

The concept of immortalising the memory of you through clones but not memories is explored in Cyteen where Ariane Emory II is reared by her successor in the same environment as the original in the hopes of recapitulating the original but even then she has a different personality to the orig.

At the very least, immortality is brain transplant - eg in "The Extra" by Greg Egan where it all goes horribly wrong.

Preferably, immortality isn't a brain transplant but something that constitutes the essence of a being, being transferred. So for example in Lord of Light where the atman ("soul") is transferred via mind transfer and it's funny how there's a montage in Rick and Morty in which there is a high focus on the mind being transferred and not just a simple lateral memory transfer, because who the fuck wants to actually die in the process, unless you're the madman Satō from Ajin? (Ajin can regen from any wound post death, but growing a new head means (you) effectively die.)

A bad concept of "immortality" is in Altered Carbon with the meths and all the fucking double sleeving shit. To me, owning a copy of your mind repeatedly in cold storage clones is a terrible idea especially if they can be hijacked.

And the worst, most horrifying true immortality concept in existence has to be in Hyperion The Bikura and the cruciforms. Although in subsequent books post perfection cruciform isn't that bad, I'd rather have one than Aenea's blood.

But let's get real here, immortality would be fucking complicated. There's telomeres, you need to fix all of this: https://i.imgur.com/zwKqO9G.png and we're not even sure what causes aging https://i.imgur.com/UqGZr1i.png.. Cancer cells are immortal and grow uncontrollably - you need cells to die normally! A lot of cell culture lines for experimentation use immortal cancer cells.

>> No.10137442

Jesus christ, what an assholic way to describe ones spider-waifu.

That's the one with the psychic kids and skaven yeah?

That's not post apocalyptic bro.

I second your request though.

Ask china, currently western sci-fi is devoted to poc talking about their dickholes, allegorically.

>> No.10137476

I've said it before and I'll say it again, the closest you'll ever get to Shinsekai Yori is the first book of the Broken Earth trilogy, right down to kids who are walking nukes who need to be controlled. And Squealer is based off Squealer from Animal Farm.

>> No.10137497

While the Americans are asleep.
Post what text your eyes reap.

>> No.10137507


>> No.10137521

All i'm reading at the moment is my crappy story i'm writing as practice.

>> No.10137567

I'm unironically reading Hegel's Phenomology of Spirit so I can write my shitty nihilistic fanfiction story practice and I'm trying to copy Stand on Zanzibar's narrative style.

He keeps making the distinction between determinate nothingness that has content as opposed to actual nothingness as derived from incomplete consciousness.

>> No.10137597

>the world of the self-alienated spirit
This shit sounds like something out of PKD.

>> No.10137662

Though it is meant for young audiences, give Philip Reeve's Mortal Engines a try. They are apparently making a movie out of it. People have lived in a world after one-or-two apocalypses for a while, with remnants of old advanced technology making an occasional appearance.

>> No.10137848

are there any decent books with a human/demon romance out there?
preferably not written by a woman

>> No.10137851

just some bad erotica if you look around

>> No.10137991

theres good intentions but its smut of the highest caliber.
it'd be much better if there wasnt a half our sex scene for every 10 minutes of actual story progression. still its kinda alright. only because the character might grow on you. not gonna lie i actually shed a few tears when learning of the mcs backstory and what hes been through.

>> No.10137994

Nope. As complicated as this seems, findijg a way to satisfactorily account for chemical factors is actually still the simplest of the solutions listed

>> No.10138033

>Preferably, immortality isn't a brain transplant but something that constitutes the essence of a being, being transferred.
First human head transplant is scheduled for December 2017. Does that count to you?

>> No.10138036

You'd have to be pretty fucked up to consent to that. You'd be on immune suppression drugs for the rest of your life.

>> No.10138050

The head transplanted is a guy that's basically never walked or had any arm mobility in his life, and the body donor is a brain dead veggy.

>> No.10138052

biotech's going to be going leaps and bounds in the next 20-30 years, things are going to heat up pretty quickly
the only thing that'll hold us back are ethics

>> No.10138075


>> No.10138076


>> No.10138082
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Worth it?

>> No.10138093

pleb trash. Literally, color coded social classes. Some people are into that kind of thing though.

>> No.10138098
File: 586 KB, 536x535, 079799accc6060330d4445cf5b28ef6a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any good bookaroos about cute halfie girls

>> No.10138103 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.10138217

I wish dykes would leave

>> No.10138221

definitely not

I still don't understand why there were people shilling it here last year

>> No.10138227

It was fucking terrible.

>> No.10138235

Apparently there are whole chunks of the books plagiarised from shit like Charlie Chaplin's Great Dictator speech.

>> No.10138274

what do you think?

>> No.10138279
File: 40 KB, 500x500, 1436981901332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have any decent pulp/ sci-fi horror short story collections to recommend?

All anime, romance is dominated by women, you'll be hard pressed to find any written by men which isn't just smut.

>> No.10138282

Harry Potter is good, though

>> No.10138285

it doesn't even have to be in the romance genre desu

>> No.10138330

wat does this even mean?

>> No.10138353

>are there any books with a human/demon romance out there?
The Dante Valentine book it's abo-
>preferably not written by a woman
oh. alright. Then try imajica by clive barker, it's about an inter-dimensional being that tr-
Well fuck

>> No.10138359

>the only thing that'll hold us back are ethics
Thank god (hehe) the Catholic church doesn't have as much power as it used to have

>> No.10138377

>Catholic church doesn't have as much power as it used to have
Then why is it that, people who are put in power, usually have to be Christians? Why do, the presidents of the nuke world, have to visit, and kiss the hand of the devil, i mean pope?

>> No.10138394
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>rape, cannibalism, incest, gay, torture, sex slaves, mutilation
>still saying Red Rising is YA
When will this meme stop?

>> No.10138416

How mentally impaired should you be to bash a novel for having "colonial undertones"?

>> No.10138428

About as intelligent as a cabbage or the average tumblr user.

>> No.10138435

that is YA these days

>> No.10138476

It really boggles me how some people think this is a valid criticism. By saying that the novels of someone like Jack Vance carry colonial undertones you imply that he fantasizes about conquering foreign lands and dominating their people, which is plain fucking retarded if you ask me.
Similar to the colonial undertones criticism is the "phallus symbol" criticism where swords and spaceships all become symbolical manifestations of masculinity. I've seen GRRM and Moorcock both accused of fascism on these grounds, even though both are hardcore leftists.

Goodreads is fucking cancer.

>> No.10138487
File: 472 KB, 500x578, 1507596218297.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey, how is the "molten salt reactor" as a slang for a penis?

>> No.10138536

She doesn't want a tour of your molten salt reactor anon.

>> No.10138547

I don't have a molten salt reactor

>> No.10138560

any YA fantasy novels where the female protagonist rapes/sexually assaults a man?

>> No.10138562

Want to inspect my molten salt reactor bby?

>> No.10138567

Contrarians who only read the first part will tell you no, but they are shitters and wrong. It is amazing.

>> No.10138570

Oh, right, of course we don't.

>> No.10138574

No? Where did you hear that?

>> No.10138589

Do you have a plutonium reactor control tube?

>> No.10138592

I thought it up and thought it was funny if the context was right, but I wasn't sure.

>> No.10138596

ITT: People who never read a book / read 10 pages tells other anons how good said book is.

>> No.10138597

>Oh, right,
can you stop this gaslighting attempt you're doing where you're implying this is a meme? dick or gtfo

>> No.10138601

Sorry, my human is a bit rusty.

>> No.10138608

You appear lost anon. /lit/ is over here >>>/lit/

>> No.10138642

Not YA but I hear that happens in Mirror Empire a lot.

>> No.10138758
File: 19 KB, 225x337, Blindsight_(book_cover).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10138811

Loved every second of it. Just don't expect it to be BotNS tier.

As I see it, "adult" media asks and explores questions, YA media give an answer and revolve the story around that answer.
Many "adult" books don't have GRI elements, many also do, but does that mean the ONLY reason BotNS isn't YA because Severian probably raped Jolenta or because it's implied that Dorcas and Jolenta fucked? Many young adults look for "edgy" things anyway.

>> No.10138844

>Nicholas Olivo Caulborn series has a literal god as the MC. It starts rough
That is an understatement. This shit reads like pop culture young adult kiddie trash. I don't even know why i am continuing with this novel. The cringe is off the charts. I would rather read Anita Blake than this shit.

>> No.10138851


>> No.10138858

Severian is gri adult because he fucked his granny and made his father.

>> No.10138871

If Blindsight had better prose it could've been the sci-fi book of the decade.

>> No.10138881

agreed, I hope Watts gets a decent editor for the final book

>> No.10138965

Please recommend me the best sci-fi short stories you know.

>> No.10139111

Time Locker by "Lewis Padgett" (pseudonym for Henry Kuttner)
All You Zombies by Heinlein
The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas by LeGuin
The Brooklyn Project by "William Tenn"(pseudonym for Philip Klass)
Grass by Lawrence Miles
Divided By Infinity by Robert Charles Wilson

>> No.10139194

>Almost done outlining my worldbuilding document before I outline the plot of my magnum opus high fantasy story
>Realize you have no one to critique it


>> No.10139205

Go get /tg/ to critique world-building. They're autistic enough to tell you why your rivers sucks, if that's what you want.

>> No.10139235

>Lawrence Miles
Why does he look like Hugh Mungus

>> No.10139248
File: 1.12 MB, 1298x922, Rejected Author 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's some bad bait. You think we are going to accept and read your slopp for you?

>> No.10139265

Is The Happy Prince and Other Tales from Oscar Wilde any good?

>> No.10139267

Anyone know any good fantasy that takes place in a greek/roman type of world? I find the family politics that Macedonians and Imperial Rome had interesting, and would like to see it only with magic and elves and shit.

Already read Sailing to Sarantium and it was top notch.

>> No.10139288
File: 603 KB, 1657x933, 9cb57510c6254f3ef10995eb250cb284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, any good bookaroos about cute hafus?

>> No.10139348

I..is that a trap?

>> No.10139365

if I remove that nail will you die ?

>> No.10139367 [DELETED] 
File: 999 KB, 642x717, 93cf7aaa779cab7053be740995fb7d83.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10139392


>> No.10139402

Please stop posting these photos, they aren't topical. You'll need to explain your slang if you actually want reccs and aren't just shitposting (newhalf?).

>> No.10139414
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>> No.10139433
File: 536 KB, 1290x2000, 91D3swwncwL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fantasy that takes place in a greek/roman type of world
>Macedonians and Imperial Rome

Lion of Macedon and Dark Prince by David Gemmell

>> No.10139451


>> No.10139452
File: 40 KB, 309x475, 233F4908-4A1F-4B49-A65B-0370B34422A3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone read this? Mainly concerned on if the author is a sjw or not

>> No.10139460

How do i name places?

>> No.10139477

Not too SJW. Hope you like 16 year old saves the world by losing every fight he’s in. Also lots of Christian themes, if you care about that at all.

>> No.10139481

Maybe combine existing names? (ie Zurich + London = Zurdon)

>> No.10139487

The physiological effects of decades spent indoors ranting about time paradox

>> No.10139495

Not too much Marxism and some some Christian themes? I’ll give it a go.

>> No.10139496
File: 539 KB, 680x765, 4bd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10139501


>> No.10139504

that would work okay. combining names of cultures that are similar enough would maybe help it be not so jarring to the ears.

>> No.10139508

Warhammer 40k novels.

>> No.10139510

I stopped reading it about half way through. Felt like I was reading hunger games on the moon. Glad I did since the author is going to be introducing gender fluid characters or some insanity in the next books

>> No.10139526 [DELETED] 
File: 825 KB, 888x857, 338a71ffc041d718279043f15b0fd148.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nina chrome :3

>> No.10139541

what a horny fucking slut

>> No.10139574

Whats GRI?

>> No.10139599
File: 31 KB, 333x499, 41MCmDajZbL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Show benis.

>> No.10139604

>Macedonian nuts

>> No.10139614

Stop lying. You read the first few chapters. Anyone that reaches past the hunger games fingers in air / hands on chest part can't put down the book.

>> No.10139619

Someone post the seal of approval

>> No.10139651

Is this any good?

>> No.10139653

Gay/Rape/Incest. It's a catch-all term used in /sffg/ for whether a work includes any of these elements.

>> No.10139756
File: 99 KB, 500x375, 479387674d71d7f8e06dfc7d5a63a40b--cairns-australia-photo-montage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More Bas-Lag when?

>> No.10139757

Any good book focused on fey-like characters?

>> No.10139767
File: 2.52 MB, 800x451, The Aleppo Party.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He is literally the living emblem of Johnsonian Libertarianism, and single-handedly killed an already dying party.

>> No.10139897

It's a 4channers dream. Japan (the absolute madmen) actually made qt walking onaholes robot gfs as companions for unsociable cucks. The book is about a boy and his robot. I would love part 2.

>> No.10139904

Maybe he was "sent".

>> No.10139946

So his ideology is wrong because he's not wearing clothes?

>> No.10139952

>trying to be taken seriously as a party and dispel the memes about being a bunch of pot-smoking retards
>dance around on stage naked

no, nothing wrong with that at all

>> No.10139956

The world is the one that is wrong.

>> No.10140031


fucking liberretarded clowns

>> No.10140036


>> No.10140045

I'm not even a libertarian, I just think it's silly to judge by shit like that, it's just a distraction.

>> No.10140060

That was the whole convention though
The Libertarian party has been taken over by SJW leftists for a long time, now whatever it used to be is dead
Good Riddance to it

>> No.10140061
File: 306 KB, 1650x1638, wrath of johnson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10140112

That's not true though, it's just a teenager's idea of what it means to be an adult.

>> No.10140115

>Title starts with The

Instant drop.

>> No.10140127

>authors first name is an initial


>> No.10140156

The Lord of the rings
The book of the new sun
The barbarian (conan)
the outsiders
The demon princes
The foundation trilogy
The man in the high castle
The never-ending story
The moon is a harsh mistress
The once and future king
The road
The fifth head of Cerberus
The last unicorn
The buried giant

>> No.10140160
File: 3.88 MB, 3108x2493, Argonath on the Anduin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"The Fellowship of the Ring"
>"The Two Towers"
>"The Return of the King"
>J. R. R. Tolkien
Stop this heresy at once, ladies.
Some cool LotR artwork in here.

>> No.10140164

How do I know it isn't JANE R. R. Tolkein? I won't read womens books

>> No.10140171

It's the two statues from naruto. The one they fought on.

>> No.10140173

Wait I'm lost, I thought we were all women now. Or is that normal catty behavior?

>> No.10140178

Is that why you like hot boys with donkey dicks? To filled your middle aged sinkhole?

>> No.10140184

It looks like a Star Trek styrofoam setpiece. I think if you jump between the statues, you turn into a Nazi or something. I forget how the episode went.

>> No.10140238

>Wait I'm lost, I thought we were all women now
Wait, we're now little girls?
When did this become /a/?

>> No.10140245

It was always women. now fuck off

>> No.10140254

The average modern reader is literally unable to understand or evaluate any media on anything other than sex/race/gender theory. I mean, shit, can we at least get some Marxist critique or something?

>> No.10140283
File: 44 KB, 297x475, The Domains of Koryphon - Jack Vance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair, "The Domains of Koryphon" examines colonialism. Vance's take in the book is, 'you can keep whatever you can defend'.

>> No.10140302

Fuck off

>> No.10140377
File: 23 KB, 192x300, 9781435162556_p0_v2_s192x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm suddenly cripplingly disappointed in my writing and I don't even know why. It's not all that bad, but I hate it anyway and don't want to continue

>> No.10140388

stop being a bitch nigga and keep writing

>> No.10140413

pls send help

>> No.10140441
File: 941 KB, 1684x2560, 82f22798a6e57dfc5f757ed5357d94a0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is anyone else looking forward to this? Comes in November

>> No.10140443

Iron druid chronicles
The immortal series by Joy Nash (book 1-5)
iron fey by Julia kagawa
The broken sword
A midnight summers dream

>> No.10140447

Not really. My hype died sometime ago. His YA shit is taking up cosmere time.
Speaking of cosmere... Anyone seen cosmerefag? Didn't see him in months. He dead?

>> No.10140469

what's the projected GRI content of this novel?

>> No.10140485

You do know that women who actually read have the same prejudice against women who write that men do? I'm not saying the ratios are equal, but it is a thing.

>> No.10140489


>> No.10140516

Yes. Preview chapters already have me hooked.

>> No.10140521

All trash my girl

>> No.10140550

oathbringer is a hecking stupid name when you think about it.

>> No.10140599

No. Sanderson is a hack

>> No.10140615
File: 52 KB, 324x500, 51RHTJxnhtL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is it? Should I pick it up?

>> No.10140625

Where's our Clark Ashill Smith?

>> No.10140636



Is it similar to Final Fantasy? I never read his books.

>> No.10140656

>women who actually read
you do know that like 80% of fiction and literary readers are women, right?

>> No.10140662

Sanderson's a mormon. The worst you'll get is gore descriptions and female characters trying to be witty.

>> No.10140663

That's not related to the percentage of the population that actually reads.

>> No.10140672


>mfw 80% of the posters here are girls

I need gf, please help me.

>> No.10140677

the way you phrased it it seems like you're saying that "women who actually read" are somehow an exception. as if that doesn't describe almost all women.
stop attention whoring, no one cares that you're a guy

>> No.10140735

>as if that doesn't describe almost all women
Readers being mostly women isn't the same as women being mostly readers anon.

>> No.10140738

this is young adult normie trash

>> No.10140929

Fuck off dyke.
Dick or gtfo

>> No.10140989
File: 61 KB, 817x720, 1506704272017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're all cute little girls here.

>> No.10140998

This isn't /a/, lit is full of megane-wearing feminine males

>> No.10141021

Women, this isn't /a/.

>> No.10141027

post qts but only if they're lewd

>> No.10141033

/sffg/ official notepad

>> No.10141049

Does this look like the /crit/ general to you?

>> No.10141094

from walking like that

>> No.10141097

black library, mobilism

>> No.10141160

That's it, you've fucking ruined the meme.
Why do men always ruin any space they try and join?

>> No.10141235

DESU, no. I admit to assuming the vast majority of women were on Goodreads or Reddit, virtue-signalling like semaphore dervishes.

>> No.10141365

>The book of the New Sun
Jokes on you I bought the editions named Shadow & Claw and Sword & Citadel so they were actually good when I read them!

>> No.10141368

Everyone's a hack. The problem with Sandersson is that he's a boring as fuck hack.

>> No.10141403

Just finished Red Rising trilogy, would that count as Military SFF?

>> No.10141408

Can you just fuck off?
Also, reported.

>> No.10141420

Agreed. Peter didn't get beaten up by border patrol guards then catch flesh-eating zombie virus for this bullshit.

>> No.10141896
File: 3.41 MB, 1242x2208, MVlHGYA.jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That cover American only? All I can find in my country is this piece of shit

>> No.10141945

>Shallan uncovering her safehand in the presence of a man

>> No.10141958

Your cover is the UK/AU one. I honestly prefer it to the cheesy American one.

It's a shame, because Way of Kings had such a great cover in America.

>> No.10141971

they both look cringey to me tbqh, I wouldn't want to be seen reading either in public

>> No.10141999
File: 418 KB, 1280x672, china.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree. Very generic stuff.

>> No.10142107

Anon please, this is a safe for work board

>> No.10142568

About to start loli headpat earthbending. Is there any GRI in these pages? I want more milf pusseh.

>> No.10142682

Any dirty sff book with lots of rape? I mean people can't keep their penises od vaginas in their pants.

>> No.10142701
File: 839 KB, 1280x1628, the_night_land_map_by_ivymantled-d4vfvqy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Night Land was amazing, doesn't get recommended enough. I read the pleb version by Stoddard to avoid the prose, I think all the ideas are still done really well.

Going to check out the story Wright did in the same setting, are any of the other fan works worth reading? There's a whole collection of them on the fan website.

>> No.10142801

Not much GRI in the latter books, but the milf does get fucked.

>> No.10142842

>loli headpat earthbending
what the fuck is that

>> No.10142857

Broken Earth trilogy

>> No.10142983

>the way you phrased it it seems like you're saying that "women who actually read" are somehow an exception. as if that doesn't describe almost all women.

It literally doesn't, hardly anyone reads of any gender. No, Twitter and salon.com do not count as "reading".


I would be genuinely surprised if there were one single cis female in here

>> No.10142993

We had one verified she always talked about pregnancy she left early last year I think.

>> No.10143010

Anon, it was one time. She remains an inspiration to us all.

>> No.10143021

>I would be genuinely surprised if there were one single cis female in here

>> No.10143030

u find big butts hot on guys?

>> No.10143037

Any chance I could get this one without the 'SFFG'? I really love this pic and wanted to save it for general use, but the text makes that untenable.

>> No.10143048

Yeah it's alright, but I don't really focus on it.

>> No.10143109
File: 551 KB, 1500x1137, hyperion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn have a girl like Moneta
feels bad my friends

>> No.10143120


I don't believe you. Who is your favorite sffg author

>> No.10143125

Depends on how you qualify it. I learned to read with Earthsea so I guess Ursula had the biggest impact

>> No.10143161

erotic trip or gtfo

>> No.10143185

>erotic trip
what does this even meme

>> No.10143225

Probably a trip with a name that sounds sexy?

Like TightPussy!sg4r4sag-1vB or SizeQueen!547dsfgad56 or something.

>> No.10143249
File: 65 KB, 309x400, GURPS_Horseclans_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10143369
File: 166 KB, 294x424, Screen Shot 2017-10-13 at 5.37.35 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just read pic related. Looking for more where the AI suceeds by understanding humans perfectly, and letting human stupidity do the rest.

Also, a threeway with both a clone and sexbot really doesn't happen enough imo.

>> No.10143403
File: 17 KB, 314x475, 29923707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to read about 3 teenage girls brutally murdering each other
>get 5 teen romances in one book

>> No.10143435
File: 25 KB, 480x480, 1241453216321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does everything have a female protagonist now?

>> No.10143436

Probably because more women are writers

>> No.10143437
File: 142 KB, 313x475, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unironically love retro gaming, 80s pop culture nostalgia (probably more than I'd actually enjoy living in the 80s lol) and shonen tournament arcs. Will I hate this anyway?

>> No.10143440

It's probably still less than half lol

>> No.10143452
File: 93 KB, 1199x458, cline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10143459

And they're all fucking assassins too

>> No.10143462

why in the fuck would you read that shit, anon? what did you expect?

>> No.10143463

>pic is in French
>minority report cover

>> No.10143467

Which books? Female assassin sounds cool, as long as they use stealth and seduction not strong womyn punch or something, is there anything not shit of this kind?

>> No.10143468


>> No.10143474

most of them are YA

>> No.10143478

Anyone here read Singularity's Ring by Melko?

>> No.10143488

I don't think that's true, actually

>> No.10143513

Why not?

>> No.10143516

Female warriors ruin books

>> No.10143520

Just doesn't line up with my experience

>> No.10143533

But it is a fact that there are more women writers than there were ten years ago. Your experiences do not change that.

>> No.10143539

>But it is a fact that there are more women writers than there were ten years ago.
is it? also more =! most

>> No.10143544

Is this supposed to be crongey?
It's obviously silly, but if it fits the rest of the atmosphere then I don't see why not.
I think I might try it.

>> No.10143548

>also more =! most
I said more here
Read better next time

>> No.10143625
File: 162 KB, 604x395, 1q9SX7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is a key cleaner, not a fork cleaner.

>> No.10143650

>i don't even read but I will post shit to be able to stay in the thread and remain on topic

>> No.10143707

what Clark Ashton Smith story should I read tonight?

>> No.10143846

I've been lurking instead of posting - I've been reading some non-SFF stuff (The Hustler by Walter Tevis.)

I haven't read a bad one yet and I've read maybe 40. The Weird Of Avoosl is a funny little Hyperborean story about a greedy money lender who gets his comeuppance.

>> No.10143850

meant to tag
>>10143846 too

>> No.10143883

New Thread

>> No.10143886

mam is down guys.

>> No.10144012

What did Cline mean by this?

>> No.10144418

Broken earth started well enough but I haven't been able to finish the last book.