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File: 36 KB, 500x501, 88e350d5f272465ccbd8e2af2ac5d55c--lovecraft-cthulhu-hp-lovecraft-monsters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10130681 No.10130681 [Reply] [Original]

Why was he so racist?
Was it the lack of pussie?

Also what are his best works in your opinion.

>> No.10130792

>Why was he so racist?
He was just a product of his time, sadly.
>Was it the lack of pussie?
he had a wife at some point

Shadow over Innsmouth

>> No.10130819

>He was just a product of his time, sadly.
Was racism so common among litterary circles?

> had a wife at some point
Yeh at some point. But how much time did he spend being sexually frustrated.

>> No.10130850

I guess pretty much everyone was a racist back then. Some people a bit more than others, and he was one of them.

>Best works
I really appreciated reading (and I still do) everything he wrote, but I have a tiny preference for the stories related to the Dream Cycle

>> No.10130874

>why was he so racist
Why are niggers so inferior?
>was it the lack of pusie

The Color Out of Space

>> No.10130907

Have you ever read about Woodrow Wilson's racism?

>> No.10130908

Living in New England around the turn of the century he probably rarely interacted with minorities and went off stereotypes.

Probably wasn't lack of pussy

Mountains of Madness is probably my all time favorite although I always had a soft spot for Dagon

>> No.10130912

Everyone was a racist back then. But he was especially so because he was deeply fearful of the unknown, and he didn't understand other races.

At the Mountains of Madness is his best literary work.

>> No.10130916

I miss visiting forums.>>10130681
I recall reading him defending his views once as Christian sensibility. It was interesting, or at least we'll written.

>> No.10130925

because he had the type of mind that viewed foreign/unkown things as horrifying. thats why he was a good horror author

is /lit/ not as smart as it claims to be, isnt this obvious?

>> No.10130946

read houellebecq's book on Lovecraft; you can get a free e-book easily.

Lovecraft wasn't particularly virulently racist - no more so than the average white conservative in New England at the time - until after living with his wife in New York for a few years. Houellebecq - and his wife - think that his aggressive, spite-filled racism came from being a poor and ignored writer living in a very diverse society: his racism was a means of survival - psychological and emotional - for him as his hatred for city life and his obscurity was sublimated into a hatred for blacks, immigrants jews etc. - this, combined with the wider social influence of "scientific racism", nativism etc. is possibly what made him the racist he was

>> No.10130964

>I recall reading him defending his views once as Christian sensibility.

Lovecraft? He was an outspoken non-believer.

>> No.10131127

>"if you're racist you don't get pussy"
When the socio-cognitive engineering is just right

>> No.10131138

>because he had the type of mind that viewed foreign/unkown things as horrifying. thats why he was a good horror author
This makes absolutely no sense.

>> No.10131144

Not even him but that makes perfect sense and is probably the best explanation of HP's racism, are you fucking retarded?

>> No.10131169

How does swimming alone top open seas make you feel anon? How about standing on and peering over the very ledge off the top of a skyscraper with no railing? Or how about noodling for catfish, where you blindly reach your hand underneath openings in rocks below the surface of murky waters?

The tinge in the back of your mind in those moments is fear of the unknown. That any number of possible or unexpected outcomes may occur which would harm you or kill you. Lovecraft ran with this emotion to show how the mind may mold it's darkness within into pit fiends and elder gods of the utmost horror.

>> No.10131193

>socio-cognitive engineering
Yeah by (((them)))
It could not be possible that people just notice, the fact that usually sexually frustrated people tend to have racist feelz.

>> No.10131194

Desu he was very awkward around women, him being racist doesn't really have much to do with it though.

>> No.10131214

Yeah, if your sample is 4chan. In the real world there's probably the opposite effect if anything

>> No.10131316

Yep just post a half naked girl on /pol.
In regards to real world people, i do think it kinda the same, but if you can provide any evidence to the contrary, i would gladly change my opinion.

>> No.10131341

>Lack of pussy
He got married you dip

>> No.10131343

Why don't you provide your evidence? lol

>> No.10131365

even reasonably progressive authors were racist back then. hg wells for example

>> No.10131389

>Why was he so racist?
1) It was basically the norm back then.
2) He was brought that way by his mother and aunts.
3) He was an autodidact, and extracted a great deal of his knowledge from 18th and 19th century books
4) He rarely engaged in social interaction during his childhood and youth.

>> No.10131423 [DELETED] 
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>Racism is the result of a lack in communication
>Tfw I was never racist until I lived around black people and engaged with them on a daily basis
Fucking niggers.

>> No.10131427


Racism is usually the result of paranoia, wich is highly correlated with sexual frustration.

>> No.10131438

>Also what are his best works in your opinion.

On the Creation of Niggers
by H. P. Lovecraft

When, long ago, the gods created Earth
In Jove's fair image Man was shaped at birth.
The beasts for lesser parts were next designed;
Yet were they too remote from humankind.
To fill the gap, and join the rest to Man,
Th'Olympian host conceiv'd a clever plan.
A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure,
Filled it with vice, and called the thing a Nigger.

>> No.10131444
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>How does swimming alone top open seas make you feel anon? How about standing on and peering over the very ledge off the top of a skyscraper with no railing? Or how about noodling for catfish, where you blindly reach your hand underneath openings in rocks below the surface of murky waters?
pls stop

>> No.10131454

It's objectively the sensible choice to be racist towards black people. Every real fact we have about them as a population group suggests that they should be avoided when possible.

Until this gets honestly addressed utopians will keep clinging to 'it's just fear of the beautiful people they do not know yet' meme though. But in the end realism always wins out because you can't thrive without navigating the actual landscape rather than some idealised image of it.

>> No.10131469

He was a pretty pathetic human being to begin with. I can see him making endless rants and posts on /r9k/ about how his life sucks and it's all the black's fault.

>> No.10131498

Fuck off you little bitch (male), racism is more than common today, even after two generations of muh white guilt indoctrination, and in Lovecraft's time actual literary circles were concerned with stupid things like how to redefine literature and actually write it, not with whether your 90% state sponsored colored female freshman class, who has never had to live on fucking doughnuts and icecream between lit magazine paychecks, might potentially fuck you, if you weren't a trap loving cuck posting on /lit/.

>> No.10131504

You have never read anything Lovecraft actually wrote.

>> No.10131512


>> No.10131533

But he was really, really racist though.
He wrote a several page long explanation on why rednecks are inferior and how they're a byproduct of incest just to introduce a redneck character that he was going to kill off.

>> No.10131554

Yeah Lovecraft wasn't a product of his times at all, he was /pol/ by 13th century standards

>> No.10131580


>> No.10131646
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>Fuck off you little bitch (male)
Kek anon, are you assuming muh gender? We are in the current year.

>if you weren't a trap loving cuck posting on /lit/
Why are you so butthurt anon, are things going so bad in you life.

>> No.10131665

Everyone is a realist. Only back then it wasn't stigmatized .

The whisperer in the dark still gives me the spooks

>> No.10131675

I'm not assuming anything, though.

>> No.10131759

Prejudice and paranoia
Sexual distubancesbrole in paranoia

>> No.10131769

Well that is a bit exaggerated, though i could see him posting on /pol.
Also he was a fascinating writer.

>> No.10131773

He didnt care enough about women to be posting on /r9k/

>> No.10131775

Racism is natural, it has to do with in- and out-group, you fucking cuck-quack.

If you're affluent, you travel more, see more, and get laid more, so you somehow come to see Thai and Pinay whores as more equal to French ones.

Correlation is not causation.

>> No.10131784

>wich is highly correlated with sexual frustration.

How do you measure sexual frustration?
Surely a "paranoid" person would be more likely to be frustrated about anything

Psychology is such a fucking pseudo-science

>> No.10131808

Lovecraft was into Gobinau and Chamberlain-tier racism. He was not just a normal racist like all other people of his time. He would be racist now and we would be racist in any society.

>> No.10131835

>muh racism is natural
Killing, raping, stealing are all natural, so what? Kek naturalistic fallacy.

>> No.10131845

1930 is a bit too late to excuse racism

>> No.10131860

>how do you measure sexual frustration?
Number of sexual acts per month

>> No.10131864

That's really dumb

>> No.10131871

People don't have the same baseline for that though, you could be sexually frustrated with 15 a month and not be at 0.

>> No.10131883


He was a racist because reality was not ignored by "intellectuals" back in those days.

>> No.10131889


Not him but do you really think racism is as bad as rape or murder? I see it as at worst a minor character flaw. Throughout human history it hasn't exactly paid to be tolerant of outsiders. If you're too accepting and open minded you can be taken advantage of or even killed.

Let's not forget that modern liberal democracy is a very recent and short lived phenomenon, and is already showing signs of strain.

>> No.10131893

>Living in New England around the turn of the century he probably rarely interacted with minorities and went off stereotypes.

Quite the opposite, it was his interaction with the teeming foreign hordes of New York City that made his racial views transition from coolly scientific to viscerally disgusted. As today, it is usually those who interact least with other races that are most tolerant of multiculturalism

>> No.10131900


He was an absolute moral relativist who saw nothing contradictory in an atheist choosing to be an Episcopalian for aesthetic reasons

>> No.10131908

>muh correlation is not causation
Multiple correlation from different angles can be a sufficient evidence of causation.

>> No.10131911
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Does masturbating count?

>> No.10131913
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This. Made my day

>> No.10131920


Hmm, what other natural behaviors should be stigmatized, perhaps even outlawed, in the name of the common good of society?

>> No.10131925

Procreation for white people

>> No.10131934

>do you really think racism is as bad as rape or murder?
Of course not. Just saying that because something is natural it isn't necessarily good. Also racism is just a prejudice, it is not a crime.

>> No.10131962

People can refrain from killing, raping and stealing. People can't refrain from cognitive biases like racism because it effects you on an unconscious level.

>> No.10131966

gated communities love open borders

>> No.10131992

You can have an unconscious desire to rape but your super-ego (societal indoctrination) stops you from doing that.
Same thing in case of racism, you may unconsciously to discriminate against different human subspecies but your super-ego should stop you.

>> No.10131999

It can't because racism is more subtle than rape. You won't even notice it some of the time.

There's also the difference that allowing rape tends to make society worse for all involved, while racism tends to make society better for most involved.

>> No.10132030

Same anon
Also i would not call our modern society democratic (democracy is utopian), but rather a plutocracy.

>> No.10132083

>You won't even notice it some of the time.
Then it doesn't matter. It is only a problem, if it's open discrimination (wich would cause social unrest).

>racism makes society better
Mhh i not sure about that. In a multiethnic society it would be quite damaging to be openly racist as mentioned before. Open racism would not be a problem only in a ethnically pure society, but to get there it would take a massacre, quite bad for every part involved.

>> No.10132112

>a product of his time
This is the one thing that Lovecraft absolutely was not. He totally rejected everything about his time, including its liberalism and decline towards egalitarianism. Lovecraft was a product of the 18th century

>> No.10132125

>but to get there it would take a massacre
Get rid of wellfare, the nation will be racially pure in no time.

>> No.10132141
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>Racism is usually the result of paranoia
Why do people engage in such anti-dialectical means of engaging intellectual rivals? You realize that here is more to race naturalism than just a knee jerk reaction, right?

As in, biological determinism is an actual field of study and the concept of genetic heritage occuring on a racial basis goes beyond shallow phenotypical traits? So your entire refutation of the links between race naturalism and neurobiology is that everyone who doesn't have your views is in someway sexually impotent and paranoid?

>> No.10132145

He was racist based on observing the world around him. Talmudvision didn't exist yet to brainwash people on race realism.

>> No.10132178

30% of people on wellfare in america are white. Asian use less wellfare than whites
so they are going to stay. Only 54% of blacks are on wellfare, what are you going to do with the rest?

>> No.10132202

>what are you going to do with the rest?
They'll leave.

>> No.10132227
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>what are you going to do with the rest

>> No.10132234

>Only 54%
Nigger that's more than half

>> No.10132250

Ah that chart is from the Alternative Hyphotesis, isn't it?
However i don't deny biological differences among human subspecies. Just don't approve active discrimination and hatred, based on it.
Quite often racist and antisemites are paranoid people (check out pol for that), and usually sexually frustrated (again check out pol), there also seems to be some evidence to suggest that sexual frustration is causal to the developement of paranoia.

>> No.10132268

>Just don't approve active discrimination and hatred, based on it.
When did the meme from being a Nazi wa an uptight God freak and hyper Industrialists/militarist too a paranoid nerd or redneck? Either way it's ad hominem
>Ethnic conflict is due simply to sexual impotence among white males
I sincerely hope you don't think this. Hatred is not driven solely from paranoia, if you think otherwise then you're nuts.
>Graph is from Alternative Hypothesis
No, but it's probably featured on the website. Would it be a problem if it was?

>> No.10132293

>Ethnic conflict is due simply to sexual impotence among white males
Never said that, it isn't only a white males problem.

>Nazi wa an uptight God freak and hyper Industrialists/militarist too a paranoid nerd
Nazism was always associated to extreme paranoia, it is not a new thing.

>> No.10132302

Mhhh but isn't race mixing the worst crime, the destruction of your genetic legacy, according to /pol.
How is that a solution now?

>> No.10132315

Obviously ironic

>> No.10132352

Do you have any practical example of a peacefull mass deportation of million of peoples in history?

>> No.10132362

he was slightly before lovecraft's time

he was also a leader in WW1 where every country was ran by genocidal racists

>> No.10132368

Also it would create a massive rise in criminality. Among all racial groups.

>> No.10132371

holy fuck he was the original larper

>> No.10132377

>Never said that, it isn't only a white males problem
Oh , fair enough. I'm used to hearing the "only whites can be racist" meme a lot.
>Nazis were always seen as paranoid
Actually they were hailed as a revolutionary ideal before the lead up to the war. Then they became evil and paranoid. Not only the Nazis believed that Jews were the conniving capitalist tricksters that the Nazis expounded about

>> No.10132378

this isn't /pol/ mate

also you won't find anything on milo and lauren here, sorry

>> No.10132381

It's a meme you dip. You know how there is BLACKED? Well there is also BLEACHED, CHINKED, SPIC'D etc that is a reference to race play as well

>> No.10132382

are you fucking twelve?

>> No.10132410

Having regular sex is for teenagers?

>> No.10132419
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And they say, that racism has nothing to do with sexual frustration.
Yeh sure

>> No.10132448

It's just a funny meme you pseud, fucks sake.

>> No.10132491

Mhh memes are jokes
Jokes indicate unconscious content that is repressed. I don't have time to fully explain this dear /poltard.
So if you want to understand go read, Jokes and Their Relation to the Unconscious by Freud (yes he is a jew, don't be scared).

>> No.10132573

Yeah were smart here fuck off we dint want yoiur kind newfag pol cancer

>> No.10132592

He was one of the first recorded cucks. His thicc Jew wife who never put out for him was getting BLACKED by a bull in San Francisco while he was writing his shitty genre fiction at his aunt's house (basically living in his mom's basement) and refused to give her the divorce she wanted. Scholars say he got off on the humiliation and would furiously masturbate his tiny dicklet to thoughts of his wife being filled by superior black and Pacific Islander men.

>> No.10132593
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I got a better question for you

Why are we fixated on a single poem and maybe like 4 sentences of one man's writings?

There's like 80 replies in this thread, so I expect an answer.

>> No.10132597

>Jokes are sexual repression
>T. Guy who thinks all of human behavior develops in child good in relation to the behavior which has been thoroughly debunked by modern neuroscience
Mmm nope sorry, a joke is just a joke mean to poke fun at other people.

>> No.10132599

Good bait, very respectable attempt

>> No.10132608
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You know they say liberalism is linked to mental illness. Did you know that the majority of murders occurs in democrat majority counties?

I think the reason that liberals are so scared of 'toxic masculinity" is because they are afraid of themselves and project themselves onto conservatives; their impotence, their irrational violence, their neurosis, etc

>> No.10132620

Racism is the natural (and best) state of man.

>> No.10132748

this is horseshit pseudo science. paranoia is genetic.

>> No.10132762
File: 949 KB, 1060x1110, Lovecraft India.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lovecraft did nothing wrong.

>> No.10132765

Sorry anon i'm not a liberal, and i don't believe in democracy.

>> No.10132774
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Lovecraft may have been a recluse, but even he (a literal attic dwelling invalid social outcast) was less deluded about the realities of the world than most college """educated""" Americans today.

>> No.10132780

>hasn't read Lovecraft's "The Unnameable"

>> No.10132795
File: 164 KB, 1148x659, Racism is selected for.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Racism is natural
evolved response to tribal/pack pressures

>> No.10132862

>paranoia is genetic
No link, just you dear anon pulling that out of your ass.

>> No.10132864

look at all of this projection

>> No.10132876
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>Was it the lack of pussie?
You're confusing Lovecraft with the original Fedora-lord.

>> No.10132878

Ironic that the foremost expert on Lovecraft is a pajeet.

>> No.10132896

Yeah, look at all the people who self-deported from India to be here.

>> No.10132903


>> No.10132913

according to whom?

>> No.10132915

what about that poem is live action role playing?

>> No.10132951
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Based on my personal experiences, especially on this website, I'd say there is at least a decent correlation between racism and lack of pussy.

>> No.10132959

Confirmation bias; you are only seeing what you want to see.

>> No.10132987

Honest question to people who consider themselves non-racist: Do you actively deny human biodiversity?

Or is it more of a vague prescriptive 'heyy be nice to everyone and don't look to deep into it you know'?

>> No.10133011

I wish I could find the quote. It was something to the effect of Lovecraft saw and understood a conservativeness of spirit typical to the white protestant race and found its glaring lack in Africans disturbing, the very ease with which they regarded life, their readiness itself to enjoy things and be happy...it struck him as animal. Fuck, I wish I could find the quote.

>> No.10133015

This anon
>'heyy be nice to everyone and don't look to deep into it you know

Also i don't think i know people who deny the existance of human subspecies.

>> No.10133078

>in a multicultural society
Doesn’t exist in the world outside of a few urban centers. It’s an exception being peddled as the norm.

>> No.10133103

People having a different juridical status because of their etnicity is immoral and philosophically unjustifiable.

>> No.10133158

He was born in a time where Darwin's work was being used by every intellectual to create a climate of massive bigotry and eugenics.

It's not surprising that he wrote opinions similar to the views that basically everyone (or at least intellectuals) held.

>> No.10133427
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Leftism, liberalism, it's all based on the same humanist and egalitarian lie :D

>> No.10133452

*Truth that only sheltered white kids from the suburbs don't believe in , or really anyone who is a sheltered bourgie fag

>> No.10133463

Mountains of Madness. Never liked the Dream Cycle stories. Some of his older horror stories are amusing, like the cannibal hillbilly variants.

>> No.10133587


>> No.10133989

But is it anon?
Also there are enormous differences among memebers of the same race.

>> No.10134423

some of the most openly racist people i have ever known were also very socially successful though

>> No.10135293
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>Why was he so racist?
It makes for good writing.
> knew that Nigger-Man was not vainly excited. Whether the arras actually moved I cannot say. I think it did, very slightly. But what I can swear to is that behind it I heard a low, distinct scurrying as of rats or mice. In a moment the cat had jumped bodily on the screening tapestry, bringing the affected section to the floor with his weight, and exposing a damp, ancient wall of stone; patched here and there by the restorers, and devoid of any trace of rodent prowlers. Nigger-Man raced up and down the floor by this part of the wall, clawing the fallen arras and seemingly trying at times to insert a paw between the wall and the oaken floor. He found nothing, and after a time returned wearily to his place across my feet. I had not moved, but I did not sleep again that night.

>> No.10135787

How is it unjustifiable to not let in people who sabotage the thriving of a nation when the thriving of that nation is your goal?

>> No.10135793

>Mhh i not sure about that. In a multiethnic society it would be quite damaging to be openly racist as mentioned before. Open racism would not be a problem only in a ethnically pure society, but to get there it would take a massacre, quite bad for every part involved.
The reasons ethnically pure societies exist because multiethnic societies always result in massacre.

The best way to let racism not escalate into genocide is to not force multiethnic societies on people.

>> No.10135836

its because he was smart

>> No.10135844

Have pure babies as the main course, fix some black babes' heritance on the side my man

>> No.10135862

>The reasons ethnically pure societies exist because multiethnic societies always result in massacre.
not so sure this is true, anon

>> No.10135938

I can't think of one that didn't.

>> No.10135955

Stereotypes are true. He encountered loud black people and didn't like it, read on their rapine and criminality. That's all there is to it.