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/lit/ - Literature

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10129272 No.10129272[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>qt shy girl living literally right across the hall from my dorm
>cute feminine voice, petite figure, dresses conservatively
>have spotted her reading quietly to herself in the isolated computer lab multiple times, reading woolf, plath, murakami, shit like that
>I'm too autistic to make conversation and rope in the only literary qt I will probably find in my life

any books for this feel?

>> No.10129280

anon just do it. you'll regret it for life if you don't. odds are she's as awkward as you. if it doesn't work out, at least you'll know.

>> No.10129282

Read a book you see her reading and strike a conversation up with her about it.

>> No.10129289

give her turn of the screw for halloween

>> No.10129295

Please do it anon
keep larping and for gods sake make it interesting and with a happy ending. We need better /lit/ lifestories to follow than that poor guy in London

>> No.10129300

This, or at the very least try to catch her reading a book or author you are familiar with and strike up a conversation then. I don't date anymore, but, trust me - literally all you have to do is start talking to people man. It's not going to work every single time, but you'll be surprised how often it will.

>> No.10129304

Write a story about a girl like her her falling for random Chad's casual mating behavior, and degrading into a sex-having normalfag. Gently slip it into her bag. Its name, "A D M O N I T I O N", should be written by your own hand with red marker.

>> No.10129311

Wew, where else would you find a girl with such distinctive tastes? Not like girls who read Plath and Murakami are a diamond dozen or anything

>> No.10129340

When you see her reading next time, imagine her wet oily vulva that, in the very same moment, smells and tastes like piss, grease, and, which is even better, bloody mix inside the pad that sticks to it. It will either give you an entrepreneurial spirit, or kill it completely.

>> No.10129374

Stalk her to find out where she lives, then dress up as DFW and sneak into her room during the night to surprise her in the morning. Odds are she won't even know he's dead and you can score easily.

>> No.10129385
File: 192 KB, 384x405, dfwhappy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a good plan

>> No.10129386

>Stalk her to find out where she lives
Read the OP again,

>> No.10129415
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Dress up as DFW dressed up as a girl who is going to become her best friend.

>> No.10129429

I've seen "diamond dozen" twice today. Is this a new meme?

>> No.10129432

tfw OP is a wasteful little shit

Just go for it and fucking fail, you'll be better off than crying in this shithole

>> No.10129458

plot twist: op is white, she's asian, and he's an omega

>> No.10129460

Decently old, actually. Might be just because it's fallen out of usage from its peak.

>> No.10129936
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obviously do nothing and just enjoy the sweet agony

>> No.10129961

Just be careful, anon. You may think she is a unaffected, virginal, literary woman. She even may be. But once you actually have her, it can all change.

The devil always has a good time with adorable, unaffected young women who love their lawfully wedded husbands very much. When they’ve been married for a year or so they start to feel a strange homesickness for a land they know. But they’ve never been there. How can they miss something they don’t know? How can you know something you don’t actually know? Strange. What do they long for? They fling open the balcony doors one spring morning, singing, and suddenly feel vaguely sad, and why? C’est là qu’il faut être. Là? Where? “I’m crazy.” And they hug their child tight and kiss it all over.

In the corner sits the devil, twisting the ends of his mustache. I once heard a woman, a high-minded, principled woman, say: “A man like that, what does he take me for? Does he think I’ll fall in love with him just because he tugs at a wisp of hair? Bah!” Don’t trust this woman too much. Now she’s lying awake at night clenching her wet pillow in her teeth.

>> No.10129985

that's why we have holy water and exorcism

>> No.10129987

i enjoyed this post

>> No.10130036

You dodged a bullet. But seriously, follow this advice: >>10129280

>> No.10130044


The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock is mostly about impotence and regret, should echo you just right.

Or, y'know, just talk to her about literature. First impression, which you have probably already fucked up by not doing this, doesn't matter much in the long run.

>> No.10130090

Then dress up as Bret Easton Ellis and slither up to her and talk shit about yourself-as-DFW and see if she defends you/him/you

>> No.10130262

she reads plebcore.

>> No.10130266

Offer her anal sex.

>> No.10130390

she probably wants nothing to do with you and she's probably a horrible person

>> No.10130897

Can we get an update?

>> No.10131176

He watched her today for a short while before he left in the morning. He was pretending to work in the lab. Truthfully, he was working in the lab, but he was pretending to have a reason to do so. He had even thought one out in advance in case anyone confronted him. Nobody did. Nobody confronted her either. She read quietly for two hours and left. He followed. Of course, he did not follow her but back to his room where he remained for the rest of the day, fantasizing non-sexually about a life he didn't have and lying about aimlessly. This continued for days, then weeks, and as the time went by his impotent fantasies became more and more desperate until at once they converged with one wonderful, extravagant gesture, a proclamation of his love for her on the day they were to move out from the dormitory. She admitted she had been drawn to him as well, watching his practiced work from her nest in the old lab. She told him that she dreamed all year that he would come to her. At this revelation he was overtaken by emotion, and they shared a kiss that he could build the rest of romantic life with just its memory. Of course, this was all his imagination could produce as he watched her move her things from the cramped room to the dim hall, out the front door and to her car, where after a few trips she took off and the girl who he had loved, whose name he knew only from a sticker on the front of her door, became just one more ghost in the head of a quiet man.

>> No.10131330

shit anon who hurt you

>> No.10131346

good posts

>> No.10131507
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this one

>> No.10131517

The lead pill.

>> No.10131518

Damn dude, you joke but I feel everyday I get closer.

>> No.10131524
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>> No.10131536

I'm too autistic to live a normal life

>> No.10131538

read Steppenwolf buddy

>> No.10131543
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>> No.10131544

You need to just do it then

>> No.10131556

Doubt it, if you were so autistic you wouldn't even be aware of it. If there isn't anything specific, it might just be depression and a psychiatrist needs to be consulted.

>> No.10131558
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>High school
>Spot the prettiest girl I've ever seen
>Redhead, very fit, jiggling breasts
>Always try to get eye contact in halls, smile at her, she never notices me
>I just wish to see her when she would be alone so I could go and chat with her
>She's always with her friends, I don't want to embarass myself in front of them
>Last year of high school
>Getting on bus
>She's running for the bus, I keep the bus door open so she can make it too
>She thanks me and we exchange smiles
>Sit in the back, she sits in the middle, the bus is almost empty
>She has her headphones on and looks thoughtful, looking out the window
>This is my chance, but I start wondering what should I talk to her about
>I hung out mainly with junkies and chads at high school, my school closet included Joyce, Aristotle and Absolut, but I didn't spend any time with my schoolmates outside school, just books and drinks
>I wonder what her image of me is; I wonder what she does in her freetime
>She's a sportsy dancer girl, she probably thinks books are for nerds and likes bailando
>get really nervous that she probably would hate me interrupting her moment
>Get really anxious, we wouldn't be good together
>Sit and burn
>High school is over
>Accidentally find her insta
>She turns out to be a romantic introvert who likes daydreaming, literature and spanish
>She's currently an au pair in Spain, getting fucked by sensual spanish intellectuels

>> No.10131560


Letting life pass you by as you find more and more reasons to justify your passivity is the /literary/ lifestyle

>> No.10131562

>>She's currently an au pair in Spain, getting fucked by sensual spanish intellectuels
More likely shes getting fucked by other foreigners/tourists.

>> No.10131564

Tristan and The Joker by Thomas Mann OP.
Except you can live out a /lit/ or /fit/ or whatever lifestyle without love, Mann was just a huge homo and pedo which frustrated him.

>> No.10131600
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Getting fucked by someone else than me anyway
It was a while back, but I saw a dream in which I saw her and was happy until I noticed she was pregnant. Never before has a dream made me so sad and depressed and just confused like that.
I just I'd talked to her, we could have worked or we might've not worked, either way I failed both and now I just look at her photos
Here she is; on the right, with a beautiful smile

>> No.10131627
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That was beautiful.
I really like your writing style anon.

>> No.10131637

Our right or stage right? Either way, lol

>> No.10131639

fuck she is pretty cute, that sucks dude

>> No.10131653

She looks like a goblin

>> No.10131658

Very good thread

>> No.10131659

Now listen hear young man I hole-hardedly agree, but allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong. In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument you seem to throw everything in but the kids Nsync, and even though you are having a feel day with this I am here to bring you back into reality. I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blonde eye to these glaring flaws in your rhetoric. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of moral righteousness. You just need to remember what comes around is all around, and when supply and command fails you will be the first to go. Make my words, when you get down to brass stacks it doesn't take rocket appliances to get two birds stoned at once. It's clear who makes the pants in this relationship, and sometimes you just have to swallow your prize and accept the facts. You might have to come to this conclusion through denial and error but I swear on my mother's mating name that when you put the petal to the medal you will pass with flying carpets like it’s a peach of cake.

>> No.10131668

You don't know anything about her and even less about yourself in a relationship with her. It's not worth bending the ends of your soul out of shape just for a though

>> No.10131672

>notice girl
>glance at her every time i see her
>my heart pounds for her every time
>i get excited and tell people about when she's looked at me
>she's begun to look at me every time i look at her too
s-should i talk to her?

>> No.10131673
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oh c'mon, you're just being edgy

>> No.10131690

she's okay, i guess, but she's not that pretty

>> No.10131705

>Move to new city so my Fiance can go to university
>She makes a new friend in a beautiful girl a couple years younger than her
>I can't cease thinking about her
>Never felt so gravitated to anyone before in my life
>Begins to affect my everyday life and my work
>I sit on my balcony and cry when I tell my Fiance I'm going out for a smoke
>I ask my Fiance to bring her over more, encouraging her to be more serious about having friends
>Begin to think that perhaps I never found my Fiance beautiful at all
>More unhappy than I've ever been

Books for this feel please, lit

>> No.10131719

>this thread
Anyone got that greentext of Anon visits France?

>> No.10131724
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>> No.10131732

>She turns out to be a romantic introvert who likes daydreaming, literature and spanish

This is every brainless, illiterate person on instagram, though.

>> No.10131749

wth, fuck books about it, next time you see her reading something you like, just try approaching her, and say, oh hey, you like... I really like... And just pay attention to her and remember to nod and smile a lot.

>> No.10131776

if you just go over to her and say something like "oh your reading murakami I love him/ I've always meant to read his stuff" she will probably be so impressed that you know him that if your kind of awkward it won't matter. also you will have a common interest to talk about so it won't seem forced. just go for it anon, nothing to lose

>> No.10131782

You can even talk to her awkwardly, you have a subject to talk about.

>> No.10131813
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>>all these fucking encouraging replies

The cancer has taken over. RIP /lit/.

>> No.10131854
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Won't make you any more confident, but you'll accept your solitude.

>> No.10131863

>reading woolf, plath, murakami


>> No.10131888
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>don't trust this woman too much
Why shouldn't he trust her again? Because she might start wanting to be somewhere she doesn't know? Your post doesn't make any sense, is it an allegory of unfaithfulness of women? That she might cuck him?

>> No.10131931
File: 84 KB, 700x700, munapää.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the work of a fennoswede bohemian lesbian is flavored with a hint of fascism

>> No.10131933

But that should draw him towards women as a source of salvation

>> No.10131940

Literally don't do this. She'll smell your desperate interest from a mile away and if she isn't already interested in you (she isn't) she'll think you're a creep, possibly a stalker.

Look, every woman older than 13 who is >4/10 in looks is a veritable expert when it comes to courtship. Pretty much every post-pubescent day of their lives has brought at least one man staring at her, attempting to flirt with her, get her phone number, get into her pants etc. They are forensic detectives at detecting a man's interest and can diagnose how pathetic you are based on your tactics as easily as a doctor can diagnose influenza in a patient. How many times have you approached a woman? Okay, multiply that by 10,000. That's how much EXP she has, at least. She's seen it all before, and you're just the most recent iteration of some poor man trying to screw her. And it's a pretty pathetic attempt, really. She'd need about 50 of you to perform this tactic before she could even level up again.

Wanna approach her? Don't try to snake your way in. If you've noticed her there's no doubt she's noticed you noticing her. "Oh I just happened to notice that we're reading the same book" will translate in her mind to "This is the only way I could think to display my worth to you, and I spent money purchasing and time reading a book by an author you have no reason to believe I'd otherwise have been interested in; in fact you can't even be sure I'm interested in literature to begin with."
Be genuine and honest about it. Don't pretend that her being cute has nothing to do with the reason you're there. And, in fact, if you approach her without having read the book or even knowing what it is or what it's about, it might display a more genuine interest in literature than if it waa something you """"independently read and enjoyed"""". It says "I saw you reading and then in itself was enough for me to be interested."

>> No.10131943

>During college never drank alcohol, smoke, went to parties, went to clubs, tables, cabarets, used drugs nor actively hang with girls
>Always said I was focusing on my studies and the little time alone (which wasn't that little 2bhonest) was gonna be my me time
>Graduated college even if It took me more than it should be, i had to pay most of my studies.
>Realize that I can't talk to woman as easily anymore. I had only 3 dates since college to this very day
>Currently working along a lot of woman of all ages, most of then have already a boyfriend, are married and/or have kids.
>I have no experience on how to talk to them. Dunno what to talk, where to look them, how to react to them or how to court them in general
>Realize I didn't used my young days to be bold and learn from my mistakes.
>I'm 30 now
The thing that scare me the most is if I would go back and live college once again I don't think I would do anything different.

>> No.10131948

that's the goal isn't it?

>> No.10131967

>got drunk at a party, like stumbling level
>spotted a qt in my lit class
>talked with her about lit for 3 hours
Alcohol will save you anon

>> No.10131986

talk to her
it's not unlikely that she wants a relation ship but is too shy to go out to get one

>> No.10132001

Notes from underground

>> No.10132011


>> No.10132014
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this was nice desu

>> No.10132137

>just b urself
Unironically this.

>> No.10132169


> reads Woolf and Plath! ha, stay the fuck away from her xD she sounds horrible

>> No.10132205

don't know why, but that made me laugh a lot

>> No.10132256

Yup, at the first chance

>> No.10132269

Hm, maybe
Read the "buddy" as condescending, as in: "You'll be freed of your longing after you read this, buddy". Maybe I'm wrong/autistic

>> No.10132279

brilliant, underrated post

>> No.10132296

>>Redhead, very fit, jiggling breasts
Good taste anon. There was a girl just like that in my high school, and she also was into literature. Her favorite book was Clockwork Orange. Talked with her a few times. She had a boyfriend though.

>> No.10132297

delet this please

>> No.10132449

>Hey, Anonette. How's it going?
>Alright, Anon. How about you?
>Good, too.
>Seen you at the lab a lot lately. You like to read?