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/lit/ - Literature

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10126130 No.10126130 [Reply] [Original]

I wonder, by my troth, what thou and I
Did, till we loved? Were we not weaned till then?
But sucked on country pleasures, childishly?
Or snorted we in the Seven Sleepers’ den?
’Twas so; but this, all pleasures fancies be.
If ever any beauty I did see,
Which I desired, and got, ’twas but a dream of thee.

And now good-morrow to our waking souls,
Which watch not one another out of fear;
For love, all love of other sights controls,
And makes one little room an everywhere.
Let sea-discoverers to new worlds have gone,
Let maps to other, worlds on worlds have shown,
Let us possess one world, each hath one, and is one.

My face in thine eye, thine in mine appears,
And true plain hearts do in the faces rest;
Where can we find two better hemispheres,
Without sharp north, without declining west?
Whatever dies, was not mixed equally;
If our two loves be one, or, thou and I
Love so alike, that none do slacken, none can die.

~John Donne "The Good-Morrow"

Watts Chapel in Compton, Surrey edition.

>> No.10126168

What's Catholic about that poem? That is, not Protestant, Orthodox or, say, Coptic, for that matter?

>> No.10126219
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English translations of semi-obscure scholastic philosophy and theology including works by Duns Scotus, William de la Mare, Antonius Andreas, Francis of Meyronnes, Ockham, Francisco Suarez, and St. Bellarmine.

>> No.10126225

John Donne was an Anglican, so I would say it's an Anglican poem

>> No.10126239
File: 135 KB, 425x516, 1504488164180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who else successfully resisted the temptation to watch trap bukkake today?

>> No.10126262
File: 505 KB, 932x1024, watts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see it as a Christian poem. St. John of the Cross, a Catholic, also wrote Christian poems. Why get so hung up over denominations? Even at my Catholic parish we sing some hymns written by Anglicans, Lutherans and even Methodists because we understand them to be broadly Christian. There's no doctrine in the Donne poem. I posted it simply because it's a beautiful Christian poem and I feel matches the Anglo-Catholic style of the Watts Chapel in OP.

t. Catholic

I love libraries such as the one you linked. Please share more if you have any others.

>> No.10126266

Ugh. But that music though. I like Satie and all, but why does the curator have to have music on his page?

>> No.10126276

Thankfully I've never reached anything near that point of depravity.

>> No.10126280


>> No.10126413

That was my point precisely. Why is your thread about "Catholic" literature then? This isn't the first such thread that I'm asking this question and I haven't got a satisfactory answer so far, or perhaps one that I can understand. I'm not very knowledgeable about the differences between the various Christian denominations' dogma.

>> No.10126434

To add to this: I guess what baffles me is that Catholics (Anglicans, etc.) se themselves as Catholics first and Christians second. I'm trying to understand how such identities are formed. You yourself named your thread Catholic then admitted to posting essentially a Christian poem. Is it that you're afraid you will attract the wrong kind of people if you say your thread is about Christian literature? If yes, who are those people?

>> No.10126436

Catholicism is hierarchical, formal and based in tradition, with there being around 650 pages of essential documents of binding proclamations, some of it being dogma. The sourcebook is called a Denzinger and it's a collection of primary sources on what Catholics believe and condemn.

>> No.10126441

The term Catholic contains Christian and saying Christian instead of Catholic is just begging the question which domination or whatever personal interpretation you may have, making it necessary to clarify later.

>> No.10126483
File: 3.96 MB, 1648x896, Anglo vs. Papist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm no theologian but here's what I know from my own practice and studying as a layman.

>Why is your thread about "Catholic" literature then?
Usually these threads ARE about Roman Catholic literature, which is what most people presume you mean when you say "Catholic." I'm merely posting John Donne's poetry because I consider his poetry perfectly in line with Roman Catholic doctrine. His sermons, on the other hand, do have some heresy in them, I'm sure.

In fact, plenty of early Protestant poets and writers have some writing that is perfectly acceptable from a Roman Catholic perspective and had they changed some doctrine their churches probably could have easily realigned themselves with Rome. However, seeing how the national churches of England, Germany, and Scandinavian now have gay marriages and openly homosexual clergy, it seems unlikely there will ever be union between them and us in my lifetime. Let us not get started on the idiotic denominations here in America which have contributed virtually nothing to letters (ever heard of a Seventh-Day Adventist poet? a Southern Baptist novelist?).

The reason why Anglicans or other denominations refer to themselves as Catholic is because they view their denomination as representative of the universal i.e. catholic church established by Christ. From a Roman Catholic perspective, however, Anglicans, Lutherans, etc. are heretics while Eastern Orthodoxy are schismatics. If you want a formal definition of what constitutes heresy and ecclesiastical schism, I'm the wrong person to ask.

t. ROMAN Catholic papist who nearly became an Anglo heretic.

>> No.10126535

Why? Bad translation?

>> No.10126624

No, the Satie at the beginning. Otherwise it looks great.

>> No.10126666

Catholics have a strict set of laws to abide by to stay within the "tradition" set up by the church as an authoritative body. That is why they get very paranoid about what is catholic and what isn't, whereas any non-autist would just see a Christian writing as Christian and think critically about their own religious beliefs while tolerating variation. That is why there are Catholic literature threads instead of inter-denominational threads.

>> No.10126784

What are the most inaccessible Christian books? I know nothing on the tier of Ladder of Divine Ascent or Cloud of Unknowing.

>> No.10126798
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If you want salvation, you ought to be paranoid considering the devil and his tricks are everywhere.

This characterization of a Roman Catholic is false. Nonetheless, there are plenty of autists who were Protestants, including Calvin and Luther.

>think critically about their own religious beliefs while tolerating variation
>Roman Catholics don't do this

How will you explain your heresies to Saint Peter? Are you really willing to risk going to hell over your heretical fedora? You're not going to get into heaven because you believe in what some guy named John or Martin said in the 16th century. The Catholic church is THE church established by Christ and one of the few virtuous churches left considering the Protestants perform fag marriages and have dyke bishops.

>> No.10126806
File: 100 KB, 456x434, 1506682687202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now what know what to look up on pornhub thanks anon

>> No.10126838

>How will you explain your heresies to Saint Peter?
I'll explain them to him right after he explains to me his denial of Christ.
>Are you really willing to risk going to hell over your heretical fedora
Nothing heretical here, because I am sensible enough to know good from evil.
>You're not going to get into heaven because you believe in what some guy named John or Martin said in the 16th century
Or Aquinas, or Augustine? You make me laugh with your cherry picked "tradition".
I believe in the words of Jesus Christ.
>The Catholic church is THE church established by *Paul
>fag marriages and have dyke bishops.
So much for the tolerant catholic.

>> No.10126945

>The Catholic church is THE church established by *Paul

Paul converted after its establishment. He aided in maintaining it.

>So much for the tolerant catholic

Granting the prejudice of his rhetoric, when did tolerance come into this?

>> No.10127040
File: 45 KB, 532x559, traps are gay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>St. Peter
St. Peter did more than enough to make up for his denial of Christ.

Protestantism is a heresy. You are a Protestant. Therefore you are a heretic. Heretics don't do well on Judgement Day.

>I believe in the words of Jesus Christ
Good. Have you ever read Matthew 16:18?

>So much for the tolerant Catholic
Though what I've said has nothing to do with tolerance and is a veritable fact, let's go down that path.

Since when are we supposed to tolerate impostors? Have you ever read St. Paul's words on marriage (Ephesians 5:22-33)? Do you think Jesus would tolerate them? He wasn't exactly fond of moneychangers in the temple. What would he have done had he seen two grown men kissing each other in the temple while performing wedding vows? We can only wonder, but it's reasonable to guess.

Face it, proddy, the only morally conservative churches left are Pentecostal and cretinous American denominations such as Jehovah's Witnesses and Southern Baptists. The once mighty Anglicans and Lutheran national churches are now in decay, but Mother Rome is and always shall be Queen.

Pic VERY related.

>> No.10127241

The Catholic Church was established by Christ, through his apostles. One of them was Paul.
Also why do heretics hate st. Paul so much? It's a very popular thing on/lit/ these days separating Paul from Christ (ironically accusing us of cherry picking what Tradition is, while ignoring him alongside every notable Church Father).
Also, Catholics aren't or shouldn't be tolerant of heresy.

>> No.10127344

Article very related