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File: 901 KB, 760x6006, 1984bnw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10115172 No.10115172 [Reply] [Original]

You can only select one

>> No.10115214

BNW hands-down

>> No.10115223

bwn is the turbo brainlet answer

>> No.10115254



The ideas in BNW are good, but as a novel it's pretty poor. There are many fewer interesting scenes, phrases, etc. The characters are all idea taps.

1984 conversely has much more emotional subtlety and tons of really striking scenes and phrases in it. There's a reason so much of it has entered into the popular vocabulary.

Don't get me wrong, they're both good books.

>> No.10115260

>both are early high school lit
>both are inferior copies of We

>> No.10115266

Anthem > We

>> No.10115276

randfags need to leave

>> No.10115372

1984 is better written but BNW offers interesting alternative ideas

stop pushing this shitty contrarian meme

i got tricked into reading WE and it's just not a good book

>> No.10115532

Stop posting that retarded reductionist meme image made by someone who's too stupid to understand what carbs are.

>> No.10115605

Or maybe they are both wrong and we aren't living in some sort of dystopia you stupid reddit fucks.

>> No.10115622

This validated my superiority complex as a young teen but otherwise it has no value.

>> No.10115636

1984 is a better read. BNW feels increasingly like the real world

>> No.10115640

but the use of langauge in 1984 is the most important and relevant part. that isn't even mentioned in that shitty meme image

>> No.10115681

Someone left their paper ON BNW in the lunch hall of my school today on a table I was at, and I went ahead and wrote "Huxley > Orwell" at the top to save any readers their time.

>> No.10115817

1984 is the better book, BNW was far more accurate in its predictions of a totalitarian future state/the direction we are heading in.

Overall I enjoyed BNW more but 1984 is objectively better written.

>> No.10115867
File: 587 KB, 806x606, a10inbritain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>direction we are heading in

>> No.10115874


>> No.10115904
File: 259 KB, 1002x583, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BNW, but that might just be because I read it when I was older

>he finds nothing wrong with an insane meme magic timeline

>> No.10115919

Past Master

Raphael Lafferty understood what fucks the world up better than anyone. All utopian experiments are headed for suffering and disaster without exception.

>> No.10116026

I enjoyed both, 1984 is more nuanced. I feel it was better constructed than BNW.

>> No.10116031

I read the book the comic spams
it says almost nothing about 1984 or BNW
its just someone rambling about how people aren't well read anymore

>> No.10116057


>> No.10116060

The Bible did a better job of predicting the future. Everyone of us will die and be judged.

>> No.10116080

>writing a book to complain about people not reading books

>> No.10116122


Every turbo-normie I've talked to about 1984 mentions constant surveillance as the biggest deal, when orwell makes it abundantly clear that it's language manipulation. There's a reason the ending scene is what it is and not something else.

OT: BNW and 1984 are not mutually exclusive despite what the retarded comic says

>> No.10116184

1984 is a more enjoyable read; BNW is more relevant in regards to prognosticating a 'utopian' state.

>> No.10116207
File: 308 KB, 800x1000, 1455898582129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10116208


>> No.10116576


>> No.10116584
File: 14 KB, 500x436, 1506702832099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're obviously gonna get bic belated

>> No.10116589

I agree with this. BNW is arguably more correct, but 1984 is better.

>> No.10116653
File: 11 KB, 355x350, nubbun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got dayummmm

>> No.10116666

if you are dissatisfied with a certain element of society (albeit, a very, very irrelevant element), maybe you should stop propagating it

>> No.10116684

1984 felt very cold and distant and St the same time was much better written.

BNW while it did predict some parts of the future, it really lacked out towards the ending

I like both books, but am going with 1984

>> No.10116741

BNW, everything in 1984 is so fucking cartoonishly evil that it made me laugh a couple times while reading it, even after the state had won they still shot him just for shits and giggles, it's like the entire time he was writing while stroking his little proletariat while screaming "WE MUST SEIZE THE MEANS OF REPRODUCTION". The only interesting idea he had was in the use of language i quite liked that idea but it's moot when you realize the concept of slang exists and it's even prevalent in his own fucking word, the proles speak differently than those even just a notch up.
In short 1984 is fucking stupid

In BNW things were a lot more complex because the world was not this black and white mess, it was a fucked up world that had a clear and moral reason to it which made it all the more fucked up. Even when he met the world controller it did not end in some type of fight, no brainwashed security guards were their stick one up john bum, it ended in them just talking and him giving a cold logical response about how the world literally has no choice but to become the way it is now

>> No.10116787


>> No.10116819


I feel like the author omissed some critical details in BNW, in particular the human engineering/indoctrination/ritualizing/etc.

Actually, it seems to have been written by someone who had both of those books vaguely explained to them by other people.

>> No.10116842


>> No.10117051

t. missed the point of both books