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/lit/ - Literature

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10111713 No.10111713 [Reply] [Original]

In the spirit of october, let's have a "books that spooked you" thread.

Now I don't read horror and as of yet haven't read a booked that scared/terrified/spooked me, so I'll start off the thread with a meme iamge

>> No.10111806 [SPOILER] 
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My diary desu

>> No.10111813

Honestly, nothing's freaked me out as hard as the transition on page 72 of The Lost Scrapbook. I knew that it was coming, but I was still trying to wrap my head around what the book was, so to suddenly be addressed (or so it seemed) was incredibly disconcerting.
Fuck aurora148 for gatekeeping, this book should be easier to get a hold of.

>> No.10111830

>tfw you read the section where the books asks you to imagine the darkness and what is in it while you are in a giant concrete tube they used to test nuclear devices in El Paso.

Fucked me up

>> No.10112124

yep. meme or no meme House of Leaves fucked me up

>> No.10112226
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The ego and their own

>> No.10112399

the instructions

it does the same thing that a lot of lovecraft sotries do where they act like the text is actually real and was written by the protagonist and then they allude to the fact that repeated exposure to the writer's thoughts can change you mentally but unlike lovecraft it never warns you about this so when it starts to sneak up on you it coughts you by surprise and with your guard down

i had a literal panic attack because of reading the book and thinking too hard about it's contents and never finished it afterwards

another book that spooked me a lot is the northern caves

>> No.10112573

>mother goose's nursery rhymes

My mother's throat was slit while she read it to me. It probably wouldn't be so bad if she didn't keep coming back every october to tuck me in.

>> No.10112865
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Thanks, /x/.

>> No.10112888

Does anyone else think if it went easier on the typography meme it would be a postmodern classic?

>> No.10112892

The ending of Revival by Stephen King was actually disturbing. I rarely get spooked, but this one did it for me.