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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 379 KB, 603x1024, The Texas-Israeli War - 1999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10101090 No.10101090 [Reply] [Original]

Continuing the theme from the last thread:
Bizarre covers! This one seemed apropos to the discussion that ended the last thread.

BEHOLD! The Blessed Charts!


NPR's Top 100 Science Fiction & Fantasy Books:

SF&F author listing with ratings and summaries (incomplete, mostly pre-Millenium):

Previously on 'Why Does One Anon Keeping Asking About Women Authors':

>> No.10101097

Trial listing the author ratings link. Feel free to fling poo if you disagree; my Teflon is fresh.

>> No.10101148

I certainly don't mind its inclusion. If nothing else, it is a valuable resource for dinoposters.

>> No.10101185
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Should I?

>> No.10101251

It's not as good as the first book but still fairly enjoyable.

>> No.10101381

>reading the first book of Acts of Caine
>the obvious villain is (((Kollberg)))

Is M.W. Stover, dare I say, /ourguy/?

>> No.10101590
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I should have waited for her to finish the series, then at least I could plough on all four at once

>> No.10101608
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Welcome to the eternal wait. I hope that the first person in line is going to rip a copy of these suckers the same hour it releases.

>> No.10101714

> vegana author

>> No.10101881
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>natives kidnapped the president and jews has to rescue him
Are the natives trying to stop the NWO from taking place? It's 1999, so they obviously know what will happen in the 2000s.

It's okay. Just hope an autist donates because the site is going to get more traffic. Just enough to pay for domain/server use.

>> No.10101904

It's awful, though Republic of Thieves is surprisingly good by comparison.

>> No.10102007

Give me some fantasy where it starts out happy and genre typical then goes full GRI out of nowhere.

>> No.10102035
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>Bizarre covers!
I think the bizarreness of a cover scales directly with the number of naked fat men on it.

>> No.10102072
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>> No.10102163

Anyone here read Anita Blake books? I heard she does good necromancer novels.

>> No.10102181
File: 48 KB, 338x468, the-fifth-season-the-broken-earth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

worth the read?

>> No.10102183

>made over 120 memes for lit over the past 6 years
>only saw them posted less than 10 times by others
>i forgot more than half of the memes I made

>> No.10102195

It has s&m, lolis, grannies, milf, rape, "wtf is that a trap?", gri, Stockholm syndrome, anime, earth no jutsu, stands in the form of mole people, etc.
You decide.

>> No.10102201

>made 2 memes for /sffg/
>see one of them posted every other thread
feels good man

>> No.10102202

>earth no jutsu
oh my
It's at least veiled or it's plainly weaboo sjw shit?

>> No.10102203
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>> No.10102206

why did you greentext a news website

>> No.10102213

The best lolis ever

>> No.10102220

if Salon praises something avoid it like the plague

>> No.10102227


>> No.10102231

>t. /pol/

>> No.10102269
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>> No.10102292

i dont really mind sjw as long as it not
>hey mi name is marina and i am a genderfluid trap with a dick 18 inches hehe
>whats your name

>> No.10102322

Scores high on GRI and middling on anime, highly reccomended.

>> No.10102364

>Reading fantasy book
>Find out the author is a tranny

Should I bother continue reading it? I don't like trannies very much.

>> No.10102411
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well, i made some researchs and looks like almost everyone is black, the girl had a romance developing with a guy but turns out he's gay all along so he and her have sex with the pirate and become a family of 3, really.
Please anons help me find a not so shitty fantasy novel.

>> No.10102427

Schaffa is white and based.

>> No.10102429

The Broken Sword.

>> No.10102485

The entire time I assumed the retarded poison was a lie, I was actually mildly surprised it was real. I found it odd that they didn't even spend a moment considering the possibility that the poison was a bluff

>> No.10102506

i dont like histories with christianity included, dunno why

>> No.10102509

Your loss dude.

>> No.10102551
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what does /SFFG/ think about the black company series?

>> No.10102574

It kinda shit the bed the final two books.

What was up with the entire final book anyway? It seemed like nothing but a setup for something then everyone kind of abruptly died and the series ended. Tobo was prophesied to do something then just sort of got his ass kicked.

>> No.10102908
File: 12 KB, 162x210, clark-ashton-smith-front-13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you get when you cross At The Mountains Of Madness with Barsoom and Ridley Scott's Alien movies? Clarke Ashton Smith's Martian survival horror short story The Vaults Of Yoh Vombis, here excerpted.


If the doctors are correct in their prognostication, I have only a few Martian hours of life remaining to me. In those hours I shall endeavor to relate, as a warning to others who might follow in our footsteps, the singular and frightful happenings that terminated our researches among the ruins of Yoh-Vombis. Somehow, even in my extremity, I shall contrive to tell the story; since there is no one else to do it. But the telling will be toilsome and broken; and after I am done, the madness will recur, and several men will restrain me, lest I should leave the hospital and return across many desert leagues to those abominable vaults beneath the compulsion of the malignant and malevolent virus which is permeating my brain. Perhaps death will release me from that abhorrent control, which would urge me down to bottomless underworld warrens of terror for which the saner planets of the solar system can have no analogue. I say perhaps . . . for, remembering what I have seen, I am not sure that even death will end my bondage . . . .

There were eight of us, professional archaeologists with more or less terrene and interplanetary experience, who set forth with native guides from Ignarh, the commercial metropolis of Mars, to inspect that ancient, aeon-deserted city. Allan Octave, our official leader, held his primacy by virtue of knowing more about Martian archaeology than any other Terrestrial on the planet; and others of the party, such as William Harper and Jonas Halgren, had been associated with him in many of his previous researches. I, Rodney Severn, was more of a newcomer, having spent but a few months on Mars; and the greater part of my own ultra-terrene delvings had been confined to Venus.

I had often heard of Yoh-Vombis, in a vague and legendary sort of manner, and never at first hand. Even the ubiquitous Octave had never seen it. Builded by an extinct people whose history has been lost in the latter, decadent eras of the planet, it remains a dim and fascinating riddle whose solution has never been approached . . . and which, I trust, may endure forevermore unsolved by man. Certainly I hope that no one will ever follow in our steps . . . .

Contrary to the impression we had received from Martian stories, we found that the semi-fabulous ruins lay at no great distance from Ignarh with its terrestrial colony and consulates. The nude, spongy-chested natives had spoken deterringly of vast deserts filled with ever-swirling sand-storms, through which we must pass to reach Yoh-Vombis; and in spite of our munificent offers of payment, it had been difficult to secure guides for the journey. We had provisioned ourselves amply and had prepared for all emergencies that might eventuate during a long trip.

>> No.10102967

>People here read wimmen authors

Never read books by degenerates

>> No.10102986

This. It kinda did shit the bed but for some reason I liked the way the story arcs were set up.
As much as I enjoyed Black Company, I'm in love with Malazan books at the moment.
Tried getting into them earlier but Gardens of the Moon was too much at the time. This time I get the praise totally, currently reading Memories of Ice and it's awesome. Hope the series stays as good until the end.

>> No.10103022


Its such a massive red flag isn't it? They all seem to push the most vile ideas to the point where it makes me want to throw up.

>> No.10103047

what are some far future books (at minimum 500 years from now to 10000 years from now) can you anons reccomend?

>> No.10103056

>he reads any fantasy book not from tolkien
how is it having such a shit taste?

>> No.10103058

Tolkein is top tier pleb & generic

>> No.10103059


At least Tolkien is literature unlike most of the genre fantasy and fiction.

>> No.10103062

This is a stupid opinion.

This is also stupid.

>> No.10103067
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>implying based Wolfeman isn't worth reading

>> No.10103069

>books released up to 10000 years from now
Not Winds of Winter

>> No.10103070

Tolkein promotes race mixing

>> No.10103075

>implying the orcs weren't inspired by Tolkien's disgust at the degeneration of Spaniard to Mestizo

>> No.10103087

no, i meant the story and setting is that far in the future.

>> No.10103107

This actually makes me think more of The Walls of Eryx by Lovecraft and Sterling than At the Mountains of Madness.

>> No.10103129
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tolkien was racist guys, chill.

>> No.10103133

>the black humans allied with morgoth helping him in the siege of idontremember
>the black elf helped in the fal of gondolin(is that the name?)
and so on
he hated nigger

>> No.10103142

Does it show in the book? Or was it fine before you learned of the author?

>> No.10103144

>dark elf destroys gondolin because "muh dik, gimme dat elf cousin"

>> No.10103169


>> No.10103175

Eugenio Loboe seems to be a recurrent /sffg/ approved author. What is the absolute recommended book/series from him? what is the most anime and the least GRI?

>> No.10103188
File: 33 KB, 218x329, 7th decimate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Donaldson one-uped Tolkien with the first two Thomas Covenant Chronicles.
Book 1 of his new fantasy trilogy comes out November 14th.

>> No.10103189

Hi, /SFFG/, everyone knows that BD usually makes songs inspired by fantasy books, so this song lighted up my interest of the source which it originated but i cant find what they used as inspiration, can someone point it out for me?

>> No.10103191

tolkien is god

>> No.10103197

I think it's from Twin Peaks IIRC

>> No.10103203

>What is the absolute recommended book/series from him?

BotNS. Just keep in mind, if you don't like puzzles, references, or hardly ever reread books, then you likely won't get the most out of his work.

>> No.10103222

>What is the absolute recommended book/series from him?
The Book of the New Sun of course
>what is the most anime and the least GRI?
Eh, he's not really anime at all, though Vampire Hunter D was supposedly inspired by BotNS. Also, I personally believe that series wirtten by Dai Satou, especially Eureka Seven and Ergo Proxy do the Wolfeian atmosphere of "you don't understand anything the first time through, and the second time it feels like a completely different work" pretty well. Alas, the question was which of Wolfe's works is most similiar to anime, not which anime are most similiar to Wolfe's works, so I have digressed.

>> No.10103279

The Night Land Retold

>> No.10103294
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Is the Witches of Karres a cute read?

>> No.10103311


>Male feminist

>> No.10103327

Thanks. I'll try to get the omnibus but i rather have paperbacks since I read on the go.
I like The knight's cover, is it any good? From synopsis seems like an isekai story.

>> No.10103342

It's really cute, but the MC is a little too old to keep it from being creepy too, and the prose is so bland you'll spend the whole time waiting for it to start.

>> No.10103439
File: 526 KB, 1709x2589, M2033_novel_cover_west.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything similar? Doesn't have to be post-apocalyptic.

Basically someone going on a journey and dealing with internal conflict or growth and finding their views changed or challenged by the journey

>> No.10103472

It's really funny how often the right answer to a rec question in /sffg/ is Book of the New Sun.

>> No.10103561
File: 277 KB, 931x1417, 81RDvFl3fNL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check out We by Yevgeny Zamyatin if you want some great Russian Science Fiction/Dystopia.

>> No.10103575


>> No.10103587

Thanks for your input

>> No.10103610

I really hope you didn't listen to some nutter talking about how its "creepy" for a guy to be around a younger girl or talking about the "prose"

>> No.10103719

Cutest lolis

>> No.10103767
File: 735 KB, 1465x2273, Zamyatin - We.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really excellent book.

>> No.10103989

Hypothetical question: is a character with a gamebreaking power who can't use use it to its full extent for ethical reasons (for example, a fire bender who doesn't want to hurt people or commit arson) still OP, or does it more or less cancel out?

>> No.10104108

Yes, he's still a broken piece of shit, unless him using it has actual negative consequences, beyond muh morals.

>> No.10104131

wait, do you mean it has to have a consequence every time they use it, or it had permanent and horrible consequences one time they used it that they can never forgive themselves for?

>> No.10104207

>the science fiction classics consist of stand-alone 200-400 page novels and I can read all the important works in a couple of months
>the fantasy classics consist of 3-10 part series where every book is at least 1000 pages long

why is this allowed?

>> No.10104214

Only, and I mean only, if they stick to it the whole way through. No loopholes, no rage moment, etc. Otherwise it just becomes a convenient deus ex machina in disguise.

Although, it's not like broken characters aren't inherently bad. You just have to tell a different kind of story with them.

>> No.10104220

name one "fantasy classic" where that is true

>> No.10104241

yo, is there a collected edition of all of CAS's stories? i have the penguin classics one, but it didn't have the story you posted yesterday. i assume there's some more that were left out.

>> No.10104244

Science Fiction is a million times better than Fantasy in terms of story, covert art, characters, and prose.

Prove me wrong.

>> No.10104248

too much liberal propaganda in sci-fi

>> No.10104269

What if their character arc is about them learning to use their powers a different way to do the right thing without violating their morals?

say for example, going back to the firebender, instead of using it to burn people, they learn to use it for stuff like cauterizing wounds, thawing roads so ambulances can get through, melting walls to give innocent people an escape route or reshaping screwdrivers for when the villain's time bomb uses nonstandard screws

>> No.10104280


I disagree. Most fantasy books and authors tend to be a queer or lesbian woman or MtF pushing some female power fantasy. Science Fiction on the other hand has a wide range of subjects.

>> No.10104337

Any good historical fiction about Rome or the tribes of the classical antiquity?

>> No.10104353

SF is Fantasy, you brainlet.

>> No.10104357

The King Must Die. Till We Have Faces.

Well, I suppose those are more Greek.

>> No.10104371

What makes Sanderson's prose workmanlike? What does it mean to have workmanlike prose?

This is one of the main gripes I've seen about his writing on here.

t. brainlet

>> No.10104375

Obviously you look up the bio's of the author and don't read shit by women, haven't seen any trannies, I don't think people post too much of that faggot stuff on Mobilism, which is the only place I get books from.

>> No.10104379

The First Man in Rome by Colleen McCullough
Imperium by Robert Harris
Roman Blood by Steven Saylor

>> No.10104384

>Most fantasy books and authors tend to be a queer or lesbian woman or MtF pushing some female power fantasy.
when the worms have started eating into your brain but it feels good

>> No.10104396

It's bland. I don't know how else to describe it. Like if you made a computer program that took in millions of samples of writing, from the greats like Nabokov, Dostoevsky, Faulkner, Hemingway (I'm just throwing names I remember out there) to the dregs of genre fiction and told it to churn out text that will be an average of all of these, Sanderson's prose would come out.

>> No.10104405

I loved that book as a kid. But it is a kids book. Don't expect epiphanies and revelations to come springing forth. Read it, enjoy it for what it is,and ignore the haters.

>> No.10104415

>MtF pushing some female power fantasy.
that's unironically more common in sci-fi

>> No.10104426

It means not much description and isn't very lyrical. AKA Beige Prose. So Sanderson, Asimov, PKD, Alfred Bester, Vonnegut etc all have that sort of prose and they also tend to be the sort of authors who write more plot than description.

>> No.10104427

>like almost everyone is black,

>a black author writes primarily black characters
>the horror...

>> No.10104450

white author doing that is racism

>> No.10104455


How can I self insert as a nigger without going full /pol/? This is currently unreadable.

>> No.10104502

There is but the shekelgrubbers split it into five volumes.

>> No.10104508

Basically means being simple and unobtrusive, without any flair or artistry. Doesn't get in the way of your reading but also doesn't leave much of an impression.

>> No.10104545

That does make sense. I thoroughly enjoyed The Way of Kings, but the writing left no impression on me. Thank you.

Thank you as well.

>> No.10104574

It's plain, straightforward, to the point and puts clarity before artistry. He doesn't deliberately obfuscate meaning with convoluted grammar or obscure references or bizarre metaphors. He describes things in simple terms, using simple sentences, to craft unambiguous images in the minds of his readers.

Also, only pseuds claim workmanlike prose is bad. It's fine to not like it or to call it boring because he doesn't try to do anything fancy or interesting with his language besides tell a story, but that doesn't make it bad. It does exactly what it is supposed to, no more no less. Getting your writing to that level is a skill in itself, but for many writers it is considered merely "acceptable" or even just the bare minimum of what a writer should be capable of, and a real artist should aspire to something more grand.

Of course there's also such a thing as knowing your audience, and many people do not have the patience for sifting through dense, heavily wrought prose and just want a fun, easy to read story.

>> No.10104585

Some of the best stories ever written use a straightforward style, because the characters and themes speak for themselves, not word wank.

That's not to say word wank dosent have its uses and pleasures, but too many avant garde types fly right into it and think themselves artsty. The truth is such things can encourage very bad habits and even limit you before you really know what you're doing.

I had to learn this the hard way in my own writing, and now I have a much greater appreciation for prose that's straight and to the point.

>> No.10104603

There's also the fact that reading artistically crafted prose is more time consuming and mentally taxing, which when you stack up page count can make a book very intimidating to pick up. For example if I had a thousand pages of Sanderson to read I'd happily dig into it and finish in a weekend probably. But if I had to read a thousand pages of Joseph Conrad I have to make a lot more time available to get through that, and I have to gear myself up for it. I absolutely adore Conrad, but I cannot lightly read anything he writes, his books engulf me.

>> No.10104605

>The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel.

Give me three good reasons I shouldn't drop it right now.

>> No.10104657
File: 202 KB, 803x1200, the-fall-of-dragons-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only one here hyped for the next/last Traitor Son book?

>> No.10104690
File: 388 KB, 452x2195, Anita Book 24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read this excerpt review from book 24 and tell me.

>> No.10104731

What's the fantasy equivalent of Dune?

>> No.10104738

The Alzabo Soup podcast will be doing a weekly 1-2 chapter discussion of BotNS if anyone wants to jump on the meme train.

>> No.10104739


>> No.10104751

>There's also the fact that reading artistically crafted prose is more time consuming and mentally taxing

I gave up trying to read foucault's pendulum because the first 30 pages seemed to be an endless jerk-off session of 'I'm so intellectual' allusions

>> No.10104797
File: 498 KB, 1772x1688, roadside picnic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roadside Picnic by the Strugatsky Brothers. It inspired a movie and the game STALKER.

You could also always read Metro 2034

>> No.10104835

If you write in a heavily artistic prose style you also have to tell less story (it's a filler, if you get what I mean). There's a lot of fags who try to write fanfiction by opening up a thesaurus and plenty of published authors who do it. You get to a point when you are reading a novel when it sounds like the author has no idea what they are doing and are just cloaking their plot in shit words to avoid the reader finding out.

I'm also a bit of a Conrad fan. In my opinion, his prose is pretty simple and straightforward apart from random odd words like cicatrice (and by the way, even medical databases never use this word.) But then again, his prose possesses balance, you read it, and it seems to possess flow and rhythm. You read Vance and he has that spark - and so do Vonnegut, Wolfe etc. But amateur writers just lack something fundamental in the style.

Now, you might have great prose and a shit story. This is a frequent issue, in my opinion.

>> No.10104990

You don't need to be pol to have a deep hatred for that garbage site

>> No.10105217

The Second Apocalypse

>> No.10105224


>> No.10105230

t. never been outside /lit/

>> No.10105275

>Second Apocalypse
>Hasn't even been out for 20 years

>> No.10105388

It's an instant classic m8

>> No.10105393

It doesn't do what it's supposed to. It's not up to the kind of wonder he's trying to convey. Look up Le Guin's essay "From Elfland to Poughkeepsie" to see what I'm talking about. The things we're seeing should fill us with awe, but the language isn't helping with it like it should.

>> No.10105397

I'd agree for the first trilogy, actually, but the second-trilogy is too spotty for me in terms of quality. PoN trilogy is much better paced and constructed than AE

>> No.10105447

>ctrl f
>no belgariad or david eddings in general

fuckin disgusting

>> No.10105471

Here you go my good pleb.

>> No.10105479

That's your average anime.

>> No.10105501

Im reading Ready Player One, and Jesus fucking Christ, I want to stick my head in a kiln. I knew it was going to be trash ("'Harry Potter for grown-ups!' - Huffington Post" printed on the back cover), but I didn't think it would be THIS bad.

Can anyone recommend me a palate cleanser for when I'm done? Inb4 I did this to myself, I know.

>> No.10105504

Read some Lord Dunsany, 51 Tales will do it.

>> No.10105567
File: 180 KB, 312x475, the core.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh shit I forgot this came out today

hopefully it's better than book 4

>> No.10105569

Guess I know to avoid that blog in the future, thanks. What a fucking idiot.

>> No.10105571

Not until recent years.

I also don't like anime

>> No.10105717

Really makes you think.

>> No.10105768

Currently trying to get some ideas for an Eclipse Phase game, and according to the creators these are the authors they borrowed from for the setting.

Iain Banks (Culture universe)
David Brin (Uplift universe)
Warren Ellis (Transmetropolitan and Global Frequency, among others)
Peter Hamilton
Ken Macleod
Richard Morgan (Takeshi Kovacs novels)
Alistair Reynolds (Revelation Space universe and other stories)
Kim Stanley Robinson (Mars trilogy)
Bruce Sterling (Schismatrix and Holy Fire, among others)
Charlie Stross
Vernor Vinge
Peter Watts

For anyone familiar with those authors, which would you recommend I start with first? Or alternative authors of the same flavour?

>> No.10105777
File: 60 KB, 1714x666, 1503862592712.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the end of black company really that bad?
I don't want to get through the whole fucking series of 7-9 books just to be mad at the end.

>> No.10105808

>it's the avatar fan fiction anon come back at last

>> No.10105853

I googled eclipse phase and it says its horror oriented. So I'd say Watts is a strong bet. Rifters and Blindsight are his best novels. Iain Banks is great but he's not really horror oriented. Try Player of Games or Feersum Endjinn.

>> No.10105908
File: 68 KB, 900x900, Yes I mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This pol shit is getting out of hand.
To all intelligent anons, when the rollie pollies come and try to subvert our general with an authors Wikipedia page just tell them these simple words: "Death of The Fucking Author".

>> No.10105942

jeez this is a slog

I remember enjoying this series early on

>> No.10105948

Nice rebuttal faglord.

>> No.10105954

>quoting Death of the Author like it's some physical law
How's freshman year going?

>> No.10105990
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>> No.10106001
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He's going to turn himself into a Wub first.

>> No.10106047


>> No.10106058

Why would you read something you knew was going to be trash?

>> No.10106073

pls respond i dont want to invest my time reading something that will disapoint me

>> No.10106083

infinite kek

>> No.10106097

>It's not up to the kind of wonder he's trying to convey
Sounds like you're just making demands of the text.

>> No.10106215

It became a slog when a certain person stopped giving it up to daddy, and the not-muslims invaded the green paradise.

Never will forgive him for that last book. He is waxing poetic on his site about it was supposed to be five books, but anyone reading book 4 can see it filler trash. He didn't have material for 5 books, yet, he saw how successful the series was and tried to cash grab as much as possible.

>> No.10106220

Never went to college :^)

>> No.10106233

It really is a mess of a series.

>here's an edgy Mary Sue
>a slutty Mary Sue
>another slutty Mary Sue: Arab edition
>here, let's kill the one if the few interesting characters we have so we can focus more on his Mary Sue wives
>also, let's handwave away the actual confrontation between two leaders trying to save humanity in different ways

Just gets worse and worse with every book that comes out.

>> No.10106277
File: 38 KB, 272x498, IMG_2063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are the sequels as bad as people say they are?

>> No.10106288

imo Dune Messiah is like a epilogue, Children i disliked, God Emperor is alri, havent read last 2

>> No.10106289

the book ended after leto became a prophet and gone wandering the desert.

>> No.10106292


>> No.10106298

They are pretty bad. I bought all four at once and regretted that decision. If you can make a few big leaps, you might find something ok in them. Imagery or some shit lol. The books get steadily worse, like the padishah emperor makes a return, like, wtf paul dumb ass you should have dealt with his ass. Stuff like that. Oh, and duncan idaho comes back from the dead and fucks teenage alia. Wierd shit brah.

>> No.10106303

"he" does not come from the death
just a clone with his memories.

>> No.10106320

here's something you'll enjoy, it's not a big spoiler because it happens in the second chapter

leesha's baby is a hermaphrodite lmao

>> No.10106327

It's not a clone. They took his body and revived it. Then rick and morty used that dream machine to enter duncans subconscious and triggering that part of him with a hard on for teenage pussy and his hard on broke right the the surface of the illusion. Get your facts right faggot.

>> No.10106345
File: 180 KB, 500x333, 1497763604972.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 years i've read it, sorry.

>> No.10106404




>> No.10106417

Got any emotional fantasy that isn't melodramatic

>> No.10106442


>> No.10106450
File: 28 KB, 487x423, 1467405768266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a manga about a guy who is completely bored by life. He hates work and is depressed to the point where he doesn't care whether he lives or dies. He gets into a fight and realizes that his passion lies in battle. He trains, and becomes so strong, that nothing can even challenge him anymore. The manga is about his struggle with the drudgery of existence, his hopeless longing for the exhilaration only a real fight can bring, interspersed with scenes of meaningless heroism where he saves the day but in a way that is utterly unsatisfying for him.

The character is infinitely powerful, but it doesn't help him accomplish his goals, more the opposite really.

>muh morals
Only a teenager can think it can be possible to get hung up on something as stupid as guilt or morals. I challenge to come with a scenario that your average person can't think himself out of within minutes without violating your edgy moral principles.

>> No.10106628

>Friend tried to get me to watch Made In Abyss
>Honestly tell him it sounds like plenty of stuff I've read before
>Says it's different because the show is like Dark Souls where the world is put together logically and it's groundbreaking for fantasy

Took me a minute to realize he was talking about worldbuilding. W

>> No.10106631

*Was going to say a lot of fantasy books do worldbuilding but I wanted to keep my autism in check

>> No.10106633


>> No.10106651
File: 15 KB, 282x335, when your neighbor smooshes someone's gerbil violating the NAP so you sell his tissues for scrap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does it sound like?

>> No.10106670

stopped reading his Demon Cycle Series when it went full muh islam

>> No.10106678

Baxters xeelee sequence
House of Suns by reynolds

>> No.10106689

What the fuck? I shouldn't believe things on the internet but knowing how terrible Brett managed his own story, seems possible.
I'm still curious on how it all ends though, after dropping book 2. I know I will probably rage on how whorish Leesha became.

>> No.10106699

He described it by saying "As they get deeper into the abyss the show gets darker and it's really cool," which is probably him poorly explaining it. The whole dark elements become more apparent as narrative progresses and leaves not so dark beginning isn't as literal as he made it sound. Can't name a book that does it off the top of my head, but anime/manga wise Bokurano, Narutaru, Madoka, etc all do that, and I have mixed feelings about all 3 of them.

>> No.10106714
File: 117 KB, 712x825, [rumble of scientific triumph].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You get told about the horrible things the abyss can do to you right at the beginning but since the art is cute it doesn't feel threatening. It's faster-moving than Bokurano and Narutaru and while it has I would say worse things happening to its characters it's not as anger-inducing as some of those were.

I'm really enjoying it, the cute art does well at showing the struggle of innocence against an uncaring world, the messed-up things that happened feel more inevitable than mean-spirited, and there's a lovely sense of adventure and exploration. Too bad the author hasn't updated since the anime started.

>> No.10106723

>Only a teenager can think it can be possible to get hung up on something as stupid as guilt or morals. I challenge to come with a scenario that your average person can't think himself out of within minutes without violating your edgy moral principles.

I'm a repressed religious gay who has never touched a penis besides my own (age 30). Checkmate, atheists

>> No.10106754

>be virgin who gets raped
>become a whore
>befriend whore mother who you hated but now understand because now you're a whore too.

What did Brett mean by this?

>> No.10106763


>> No.10106774

I already know about One Punch Man, but that's the way to do it, if he insists on morals.

>> No.10106827

It's not as good as the first one, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. Don't expect tLoLL, but read it for its own merits.

>> No.10106833

Are you retarded? Salon's shit regardless. /pol/ can be right occasionally, you know.

>> No.10106863
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Help me find a Sci-fi book(can be fantasy science) where the story is intriguing.

>> No.10106886

Nah, Sanderson's prose and dialogue are frequently very awkward, to the point where it's distracting.

>> No.10106926

I believe this anon >>10101090 posted a number of lists where you might find some success.

>> No.10106933

yeah but these are mainstream

>> No.10106938

Then ask for something non-mainstream, and while you're at it ask something specific.

>> No.10106953

ok i want something like many years in the future, where tecnology has some "magic" parts about it, somehawt like the numenera setting.

>> No.10106956

Book of the New Sun.

>> No.10106979

>ok i want something like many years in the future, where tecnology has some "magic" parts about it, somehawt like the numenera setting.
Tales of the Dying Earth

>> No.10106984

As well as the Penguin Volume there is a Fantasy Masterworks volume from about 2002, about six hundred pages of his fantasy stories (none of his SF though.) Then there is the five volume thing that >>10104502 mentioned, which seems comprehensive but split up into several volumes. Apart from that there are the 70s paperbacks from Ballantine books, and various self published and small press things. They're all available on eldritchdark website, and probably e-book. CAS was very prolific, way more than Lovecraft. It will be a long time before I read everything. If enough people bought the Penguin volume then another would be published but this seems unlikely.

>> No.10107052
File: 22 KB, 258x400, 18143067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today's excerpt comes from SF story The City Of The Singing Flame, where the protag has stepped through an interplanetary portal.


August 5th. — I have visited the new dimension once more. I thought I could resist that summoning music, and I even took some cotton-wadding with which to stuff my ears if it should affect me too strongly. I began to hear the supernal melody at the same distance as before, and was drawn onward in the same manner. But, this time, I entered the open gate!

I wonder if I can describe that city? I felt like a crawling ant upon its mammoth pavements, amid the measureless Babel of its buildings, of its streets and arcades. Everywhere there were columns, obelisks and the perpendicular pylons of fane-like structures that would have dwarfed those of Thebes and Heliopolis. And the people of the city! How is one to depict them, or give them a name!

I think that the gleaming entities I first saw are not the true inhabitants, but are only visitors, perhaps from some other world or dimension, like myself. The real people are giants, too; but they move slowly, with solemn, hieratic paces. Their bodies are nude and swart, and their limbs are those of caryatides — massive enough, it would seem, to uphold the roofs and lintels of their own buildings. I fear to describe them minutely, for human words would give the idea of something monstrous and uncouth, and these beings are not monstrous, but they have merely developed in obedience to the laws of another evolution than ours; the environmental forces and conditions of a different world.

Somehow, I was not afraid when I saw then — perhaps the music had dragged me till I was beyond fear. There was a group of them just inside the gate, and they seemed to pay me no attention whatever as I passed them. The opaque, jet-like orbs of their huge eyes were impassive as the carven eyes of androsphinxes, and they uttered no sound from their heavy, straight, expressionless lips. Perhaps they lack the sense of hearing, for their strange, semi-rectangular heads were devoid of anything in the nature of external ears.

I followed the music, which was still remote and seemed to increase little in loudness. I was soon overtaken by several of those beings whom I had previously seen on the road outside the walls; and they passed me quickly and disappeared in the labyrinth of buildings. After them there came other beings of a less gigantic kind, and without the bright shards or armor worn by the first-comers. Then, overhead, two creatures with long, translucent, blood-colored wings, intricately veined and ribbed, came flying side by side and vanished behind the others. Their faces, featured with organs of unsurmisable use, were ant those of animals, and I felt sure that they were beings of a high order of development.

>> No.10107083

I think this guy puts it well.


>> No.10107169

Unironically The Expanse. As someone who's run eclipse phase the two are pretty similar in theme.

>> No.10107243

Oh shit thanks for reminding me

>> No.10107290

i dont get it

>> No.10107294

That kind of issue will make readers want to ruip their eyes out in frustration if it's anything but that very specific case, and even if it is exactly that they will be annoyed unless a plot point is the character overcoming that, which means he will use his overwhelming power more and more as the story progresses which means there needs to be some other solution.

>> No.10107295

>women are whores
please don't

>> No.10107306

>whores are women

>> No.10107358

hermaphrodites occur naturally retard, they're not trannies

>> No.10107373

Just because you can never get laid doesn't give you the right to offend half the population of the planet, asshole

>> No.10107380

out roastie

>> No.10107381

>half the planet
>implying every woman is sexually promiscuous
>implying you need permission to offend people
>attempting to police behavior on 4chan

>> No.10107388

no sweetie

>> No.10107403


>> No.10107425

>the right
7th million roastie doesn't understand rights lol

>> No.10107463

I didn't realize the entire population of planet earth shitposted in /sffg/. Would explain some things.

>> No.10107509

Especially since the entire population of the planet Earth consists of you, poking at an invisible keyboard while drooling and oozing from your radiation burns, having a lucid dream of 4chan in the last moments before the extinction of humanity.

>> No.10107511

Go back to shitting on the streets with the rest of you shitskin niggers Jamal. Pajeetland wants its poo back.

>> No.10107528

Oh vey you fucking goyshitter

>> No.10107673

>mom cheats on her husband blantantly, with half the village, including the chad who wants to fuck her daughter
>daughter fucks MC, MCs rival who wants to conquer her village, and the local lord, basically anyone with power
>tries to lie to the local lord about it being his son when it's not
>not whores


>> No.10107703

Yea I dnno the first book or two was kinda ok but the rest are fucking garbage
Also fuck all muslims

>> No.10107726

Is Brett an islamic fundamentalist?

>> No.10107792

Honestly, maybe

>women takes over Arab empire
>gay son and lesbian daughter try to lead a coup
>start a civil war, destroy their own nation's war machine

>> No.10107805

He does have some libtard posts on twitter/facebook

>> No.10107857

>There was a time after the election when I felt hollowed out by what had happened and imagined I might never write creatively again. I’m part of online writing communities and saw people echo similar sentiments there. How could we create when the world we knew seemed at an end? And unfortunately, after that first shock, nothing got better or approached “normal” again: every day in Trumpland feels like trying to walk on quicksand—quicksand in which terrible monsters lurk, popping their heads up with alarming frequency. I struggle to remember even a single day since Trump took office that was scandal or incident-free. For many of us, this has been the longest nine months of our lives.

Good to know I'll never touch one of his "works" again

>> No.10107909
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I finished Elric Of Melnibone (1971), an OK book with some cool moments, particularly the presentation of the cruel, decadent and selfish society of Melnibone, and a visually memorable main character. There is little charming or charismatic here, no lovable or funny characters - it's all quite mordant and nihilistic, the humour dark. The action rolls along and Moorcock is an economic storyteller. I thought the ending was underwhelming. I'll be reading the next book in hope that both character and setting are fleshed out. 3/5.

>> No.10107920


>> No.10107932

I made that decision after the fifth OMW book. They get progressively worse even after you think they can't possibly go any lower, it's a complete train wreck. Peter Hamilton has some bizarre SJW-y views as well if his books are anything to go by, but at least his work is readable, so who cares. I like the Ender series even though Scott Card is a religious weirdo.

>> No.10107934

>tfw your favorite author gets sucked into the propaganda machine
I don't know how I'd be able to read a bluepilled author ever again

>> No.10107948

Oh that article was written by some woman, still Scalzi is an anti-trump nutter, and so is a lot of authors.

>> No.10107954

>this thing that affects me in no way and likely never will has completely ruined my life, I can't sleep or think straight.

I just don't know how coddled and divorced from the struggles of the average person you need to be to have such retarded feelings.

>> No.10108015

sunset squatting aside, how much gross or otherwise embarrassing stuff can a protagonist do before the reader either can't relate to them or is too embarrassed/weirded out to keep reading?

I'm asking because I have a scene where my main character nearly wins a darwin award with a helium canister and then in an unrelated incident pees all over herself two scenes later. The worst part is she's supposed to be a genius,
albeit a bit mentally stunted and bereft of common sense

>> No.10108073
File: 42 KB, 250x411, TheDogsOfWarBookCover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read the first book its pretty much crap
the author just made The Dogs of War into fantasy which is not a bad idea but crap he is so bad at it

the novel features an im behind you character grounding it as fanfic tier

>> No.10108240

Not in humans though, no intersex people are true hermaphrodites and most of them are sterile.

>> No.10108284

Marketing. It sells books.

>> No.10108293

Based Godemperor, working the hacks onto writer's block

>> No.10108396

man, I don't like Trump either, but what the fuck. where the hell does this person think they are, Syria?

>> No.10108465

Last and First Men
The Star Makers
The City and the Stars
The Book of the New Sun
The Dying Earth
Xeelee Sequence
Eschaton Sequence
The Quantum Thief

>> No.10108466

I wouldn't say the end was that bad, as much as it left me with mixed feelings. I imagine most of the problems come after book 4 though, since The Black Company loses its band of brothers feel and the atmosphere is never the same. In addition, the Company works best when they are lacking in agency.

Being honest, I think Khatovar could have been done better and I would have been satisfied if Cook took a more generic route, but I tend to actually prefer the generic in some cases.

>> No.10108498

I will never forgive Brett for cucking leasha's father (paternity test clarification warranted). Right under his own roof, in front his daughter.
Fucking made me rage years ago when I read it and I'm into rape

>> No.10108515

i mean, if you define a classic as a series chock full of purple prose liberally doused with black alien semen, then yes, the second apocalypse series is a classic. for the rest of us, it's a door that we regret ever opening

>> No.10108538

Don't forget it was with her daughter's boyfriend too.

>> No.10108540

>fuck all muslims

That's a weird fetish anon

>> No.10108544

It was with her daughter's boyfriend's father.

>> No.10108549

I am still mad that the shill who doesn't read memed me into buried giant. When I came here to confront him he threw meme answers at me thinking I was memeing. When he realized that aI actually read the book he stopped shilling it. Still mad I was caught though.

>> No.10108554

what's wrong with it? ishiguro seems well-respected in literature.

>> No.10108558

>The Buried Giant is a novel by British writer Kazuo Ishiguro
Why would it take more than that to skip it? Fucking asian being called "British writer"

> When asked to what extent he identifies as either Japanese or English the author insists, "People are not two-thirds one thing and the remainder something else. Temperament, personality, or outlook don't divide quite like that. The bits don't separate clearly. You end up a funny homogeneous mixture. This is something that will become more common in the latter part of the century—people with mixed cultural backgrounds, and mixed racial backgrounds. That's the way the world is going."

And he married a white woman

>> No.10108561

British is a nationality you illiterate.

>> No.10108563

You would never see these marxists claiming Japanese is just some social construct, or black, and that it needs to be genocided because it ain't real.

>> No.10108579

he moved to the uk at age 6, mongoloid

>> No.10108591

ok? An identity is not a piece of fucking paper, a nation is not determined by citizenship, and a people are something you are born part of not something you choose.

>> No.10108604

It was father and son. She is one of those vain skanks that got stiff cocks whenever she went when she was younger. Now she old she will grab at any penis to help solidify her narcissistic beliefs that people still want her now more than ever.

Leasha better have a bad end. Her passive self sacrificial ways after the raping pissed me to high hell. Then her wanting "a second first time" whi!e her vag and ass was filled to the brim made me even madder.
I would have raped her myself because I know she would want it and wouldn't tell anyone afterwards.

>> No.10108614

>An identity is not a piece of fucking paper
what does me saying he moved at age 6 have to do with pieces of paper? that's right, absolutely nothing. the point I was making was that you're exactly right, it doesn't have anything to do with pieces of paper. unfortunately for you, neither does it hayve anything to do with the way your eyes look or the hue of your skin or what haplogroups you have or whatever other bullshit you're thinking of.
he grew up in britain, steeped in it sculture (whatever of it those savages have), formed himself as a person in it. he's british.
>a people are something you are born part of not something you choose.

>> No.10108617


>> No.10108630


>> No.10108632

this is how a nation exists, 2 people of that nation marry, have kids of that nation, and so it continues.

>he grew up in britain, steeped in it sculture (whatever of it those savages have), formed himself as a person in it. he's british.
What a laughable concept, perhaps I'll do some reading of Indian history and then I'll be an indian huh?

The marxist governments of the west today seek to destroy our nations by demeaning our identity, dismissing the genetic/ancestral basis of it, and pretending that foreigners are somehow one of us.

A state exists to serve its nation, it does not exist for its own benefit, nor is it supposed to be importing people because its nation doesn't "behave"

>> No.10108637

Just started on the Core and fuck, I don't remember almost anything that happened in the previous ones, and the author isn't the kind who goes on and on about past events constantly like some

>> No.10108647

>What a laughable concept, perhaps I'll do some reading of Indian history and then I'll be an indian huh?
no, you'll still be a moron without reading comprehension who came up with an utterly retarded comparison that doesn't have any resemblance to what I wrote

>> No.10108661
File: 1.08 MB, 1300x867, Pol in SFFG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please. I see you leafing through your manifesto already. Stop or leave. None of this shit pol. Don't want none of your crap.

>> No.10108670

You are a fucking idiot, he's going to be speaking japanese and everything.

>> No.10108680

you quoted both sides of the conversation and I can't really fit your line in any of them

>> No.10108754

New book when? I usually acquire my books in bulk. I liked to know if I can wait a while to pick it up with the others I want to read.

>> No.10108794

Is it okay that I don't read women authors?

>> No.10108834

>Is it okay if I don't read books

>> No.10108860

Le guin is one of the only good sci-fi writers

>> No.10108882

It's perfectly fine it you don't mind missing out. It's not like you'll run out of other books to read anytime soon.

>> No.10108892

Why would anyone want to read books written by females in the first place?

>> No.10108926
File: 134 KB, 340x340, 1482037585705.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why would anyone want to read in the first place he says as he never reads anything

>> No.10108935


It's like you're talking about another species you illiterate weirdo

>> No.10108952

Peter Watts is also a female author!

>> No.10108953

>Getting triggered over such a small thing

>> No.10108960
File: 70 KB, 499x606, 1485235569712.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being so triggered that you actually reply
Go back to /pol/mblr

>> No.10108963

>if you reply to something intensely stupid you must be triggered

How pathetic you are. You're the one that gets triggered by more than half the population you vermin.

>> No.10108966
File: 52 KB, 640x480, 7v5w2pn52xpz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot that most fantasy readers are women. My apologies for saying that I don't read women authors.

>> No.10108971
File: 174 KB, 185x626, GodEmperorofDune-LetoWorm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here ya go just remembered to make this

>> No.10108973
File: 70 KB, 593x569, 1492021650691.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can go back to Tumblr.

>> No.10108977


If anything, for your mental health, you should visit sites other than this.

>> No.10108982

>facebook xDDD
Nice (((reddit)))

>> No.10108983

Sure, no one's stopping you. But I'm curious as to why would you limit your reading in such a way? Especially in fantasy there's a number of great authors who happen to be women. In Sci-fi, maybe not as many, but there's some in there too.

>> No.10108984

>I forgot that most fantasy readers are women.
Most readers period anon. Boys don't read books. Why are you here again?

>> No.10108994

>chinese threadweaving board about reading
>cucklords try to avoid reading
This isn't even my finaru form

>> No.10109023


I'm just looking for a book that's like Dark Souls. Preferably if the main character is nihilistic and has a wicked sense of humor.

>> No.10109031

I know you are but what am I?

>> No.10109033


I'm a guy so most books that are written by a female author tends to have a female main character who's either a lesbian or goes on a "female strong" power trip. Very unrealistic.

>> No.10109036

The only lesbians I've seen are written by male authors. /u/ shit written by male authors, /y/ shit written by female authors, the pattern is obvious dipshit.

>> No.10109042

Two questions: What kind of fantasy novel do you want to see get made and what tropes/cliches should one avoid when writing sci-fi?

At the moment I'm writing a novel about an early human colony created soon after the first contact with a galaxy-spanning coalition of races. What pitfalls should I avoid?

>> No.10109045

He's absolutely right about the "female strong" thing, but men aren't much better with their gary stus and harems.

>> No.10109047

Don't worry too much about tropes, that's surface stuff. Just make sure your story has a defined theme/purpose, because that informs everything you will ever do with the story, down to the characters, setting and overall plot.

>> No.10109048

>what am I

>> No.10109051


>> No.10109052


>> No.10109055

The thing I'm primarily worried about is that good science fiction almost requires that there be an underlying theme packaging the entire text. Criticisms of certain ideologies, observations of the world from certain angles, or a profound moral. Is it possible to make a good sci-fi book without having one of these?

>> No.10109060

>entire books of futa dicks/boys doing gay shit/girls doing gay shit/self insert haremshit/self insert reverse haremshit/marquis de sade: moe version/idolshit/sportshit
Desu senpai, it's the future of literature.

>> No.10109062

>Is it possible to make a good sci-fi book without having one of these?
It's not possible to have a good STORY without one.

Well, you can probably have a story that's mechanically clean and functional, but the stories that are actually memorable always have something to say or explore. I'd say just get the feel of what you'd want down in your personal notes, and as you continue to write and revise you'll come to a definite understanding of what exactly you want.

>> No.10109063

lol I wont read that shit.

>> No.10109064
File: 379 KB, 324x499, 1499190199633.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And don't forget the incoming isekai cancer.

>> No.10109066

Yea, I had a buddy suffer himself through that book for some reason. Honestly the only isekai you need is Narnia, and maybe Worm Ouroboros.

>> No.10109068


And it's all going to be written by women.

Jesus Christ.

>> No.10109069

Alright, I'll keep that good advice in mind. I don't know what I'd explore, something that hasn't been done to death hopefully.

>> No.10109092

Man, if you've got absolutely nothing to say and no ability to come up with anything, maybe writing a book isn't for you. Do you not have opinions of your own?

>> No.10109098

I have ideas and a plan, it's just this site has made me so jaded I'm worried that a singular flaw will cause the entire work to crumble and be labelled a shit work. Besides, I was just asking questions and getting a little bit of help from one of my favourite generals.

>> No.10109103

Meh, have a little faith. All it takes is some encouragement and the person to trust themselves to make something they'd be proud of. I understand all the talk of cliches and tropes can be intimidating, but when it comes to exploring something that's uniquely personal to you that's concern neatly falls away.

Even then, its very possible for an author to explore a theme poorly while another goes to much greater depth. Each being their own unique experience.

>> No.10109127

>I'm worried that a singular flaw will cause the entire work to crumble
Don't worry, it will. That flaw is just writing ability. If you're good it's good, and if you're bad it's bad. There's no way to tell until you actually write something.
I don't know, asking for ideas just seems stupid, everyone has ideas shooting out their asses 24/7, the writing is what matters. Anything you get from me is just going to be things I like, and you're probably not interested or knowledgeable enough about them to do it justice. So instead pick something YOU care about that I couldn't do right.

As an example of what I'm talking about: I only really like stories with extensive underlying themes, multiple layers of meaning and interpretation, and widespread usage of ancient occult storytelling methodology and mythological keying. Unless you're seriously into esoteric symbolism and mysticism, as well as ancient arts and sciences, ancient history, and mythology, you're not going to impress me with a fantasy book.
On the other hand, I'm sure there are shitloads of people who would disagree. And unless you're a modern renaissance man you're always going to have to either write extremely narrow stories or get some group of obscure research fetishists angry no matter what you do.
So, if you can't satisfy everyone's desires at once, and you'll always get SOMETHIGN wrong, it's best to focus on at least satisfying YOUR desires, and getting what YOU KNOW right.

>> No.10109192

Alright then. I guess it was staring me in the face the entire time, that being I shouldn't write to please anyone in particular. . Yes, I suppose I should write it to cater to my interests rather than others. Books aren't movies, you're not trying to get as many people 'watching' as you can in order to make money. I suppose I was approaching this in the wrong way, even if it might be a no-brainer to someone else. Thank you. Doesn't mean much admittedly from some anonymous person on the internet, but I appreciate the help in any way shape or form.

>> No.10109206
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You either love or hate the rest of it.

Many will agree that Frank did get a little too philosophical with God Emperor.

Pic related is the best in the series.

>You will never fuck like Duncan

>> No.10109253

Fucken shitposter.

>> No.10109276
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Why are organic robots in this story called "electric ants"? I feel like there's some reference or wordplay I'm missing, just like calling a tv show a "captain kirk" (only I got that one).

>> No.10109422

Could be a reference to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Langton%27s_ant
I don't know for sure though.

>> No.10109648
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Is she right?

>> No.10109670


>> No.10109678

Ernest Cline and Pierce Brown are two of the fucking worst cancerous authors in existence.

>> No.10109682


>Transgender character in Medieval times
>Focusing on the shitty Morean Princess for a quarter or fifth of the book

The fourth book was incredibly shitty to be perfectly honest which is a shame because I felt each book improved throughout

>> No.10109693

Whats the deal with Red Rising? I've heard it meme'd around.

>> No.10109697


Pop culture references litter the last book to the point where it's like he wrote scenes a particular way just to make a reference

>> No.10109701

The only recommendation from /sffg/ that actually made me want to kill myself. It begins with this fucking shitty Hunger Games story line where the main character becomes a gary stu, book 2 is actually good and kills off all of the main characters, the third book shits the bed (the ending is worse than Star Wars).

>> No.10109702


>> No.10109810

An intelligent character with full autismo? It almost sounds like some people I know from an online community of anonymous posters.

>> No.10109838

>most exciting
i can name one million books better than this shit and i didnt even read it, imagine if i had.

>> No.10109844
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yes anon, we are the elite of the ethernet.

>> No.10109845
File: 797 KB, 1000x562, Stop picking my brain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you not have opinions of your own?
you thought this was just a meme huh?

>> No.10109896

>unfortunately for you, neither does it hayve anything to do with the way your eyes look or the hue of your skin or what haplogroups you have or whatever other bullshit you're thinking of.

No, but there is a common cause. The idea that your genes don't influence your personality in any way has been pushed so hard by anti-racism groups in the last decades that people the simple factual truth seems to make people uncomfortable.

- Your genes influence the personality you will develop in your life. This is true for different individuals within a population that share a common ancestry, as well as for different populations.
- Your education influences the personality you will develop in your life. This is true for different individuals within a population that share a common culture, as well as for different populations.

Your argument is a strawman fallacy. To give you an example, it's indeed true that the size of someone's dick has nothing to do with the way his eyes look or the color of his skin. But it's certainly true to say that if you have japanese facial traits, you're more likely to have a smaller penis, even though the size of your penis is not caused by what your face look like.

>he grew up in britain, steeped in it sculture (whatever of it those savages have), formed himself as a person in it. he's british.
I agree with that, but there's also something called communitarianism that you can readily observe in many western countries. And aside from these idiots, there are also people who would say something along the lines of "I'm British but I feel very close to my Japanese heritage". The journalist's question wasn't so bad.

I'm not >>10108591 btw

>> No.10110011

>this anon still posts here
>he still claiming gary stu because of the learning implants
>still mad that nothing changes at the end

>i can name one million books better than this shit and i don't even read, imagine if i did
If you did read you would actually belong on lit. You fucking non reading shill memer.

>> No.10110018

>rollie pollie killed thread with his "muh genetics"
>thread auto saging and no one wants to respond
Fucking pol every time

>> No.10110085

No they don't.

>> No.10110097

>rollie pollie
It's not going to happen.

>> No.10110098

i didnt even read *it*, you obxonious faggot.

>> No.10110140


>> No.10110154

Shouldn't that be roly-poly, or rolly polly?
Or just take it to the next level with woodlice.

>> No.10110171
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>it's time to post it again

>> No.10110251

Any /ssfg/ where a female character has a gigantic ass? Dudes are always describing female characters tits but always neglect the most important part.

>> No.10110339
File: 217 KB, 1098x630, humble haikasoru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What, apart from the Yukikaze novels and Legend of the Galactic Heroes, is any good here?

Seriously considering buying this bundle, since I've already pirated Yukikaze and LoGH.

>> No.10110402

it's a Pickle Rick "joke"

>> No.10110476
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>people paid the writer real, actual currency for this

>> No.10110553

when did /pol/ take over /sffg/ or is it just 1-3 deeply dedicated shitposters?

>> No.10110567

>when did /pol/ take over /sffg/
Never? They just come out of the woodwork sometimes.

>> No.10110579

People have different politics than you. Get over it.

>> No.10110580

>muh /pol/ boogeyman

>> No.10110585

It's low level bait, usually BS like "I don't read women authors".
I am genuinely surprised people fall for that.
Even /tv/ has better bait.

>> No.10110586

I don't know where these people come from. They don't know what irony's for.

>> No.10110593

is this bullshit?

>character's power is that explicitly the ability to see through time and space
>also has limited influence over these dimensions while looking, such as being able to navigate hyperspace while observing it or being able to pass visions to their past selves when observing their past (though they cant alter the present, only create a new timeline with a different version of themselves living there)

>> No.10110600

it didn't, this is the first time a poltiical discussion has started in sffg in possibly weeks
the "woman authors suck" is a meme, I've done it myself and I'm a huge egalitarian pussy

>> No.10110636

name one good woman author

>> No.10110644

name one good woman

>> No.10110647

name one woman

>> No.10110649

Brianna Goux?

>> No.10110656
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name one good

>> No.10110735

Ursula K. LeGuin
Lois McMaster Bujold
Lynn Fleweling
Martha Wells
C.S. Friedman

>> No.10110753

all shit sjw authors they should die if not already dead
>implying it wasnt their husband who've writen their books and they taken the fame for it

>> No.10110763


>> No.10110776

>implying it wasnt their husband who've writen their books and they taken the fame for it
sounds reasonable

>> No.10110784


>> No.10110794

Probably true in many cases except for Brackett/Hamilton
>ywn be married to Leigh Brackett
>ywn write rollicking space opera at opposite ends of the house and read each other's stuff
>ywn chortle about that awkward kid at the writing group who grew up into Ray Bradbury

>> No.10110932

C.L. Moore and Henry Kuttner were the same way, writing in eachothers books as well as collaborating under a pseudonym. It seems to have been a common thing in golden age SF.

>> No.10111166
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finshed today.

every character gets a few pages to shine
most character arcs found a satisfying end
the overall ending is also okay.

the whole core arc could have been less of a theme park ride, even if i liked some of the attractions.
too many characters get valuable pages. at this point in the story i dont care about xy fucking a random village girl.
there will be another book in the future and there are few references and hints about what will play a part in it. But there are not many, and i dont cared much about them.

Leesha is still an annoying arrogant cunt. fuck her and her cuck parents.
The ending comes abruptly.

it was fun.

>> No.10111178

New thread:

>> No.10111179

Spoil me on what happens to the minstrel's harem, after he was killed in the last book. He was the only character I cared about.

>> No.10111225
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the whole Krasian society is what made the books interesting anon.
doenst play an important part in the book.
leesha reaches the rage peak in book three. she gets a bit better later but i still raged at her overall hypocrisy and asocial behavior.

>> No.10111257

Rojers wifes?
both have they children. Amanvah stays in Everams bounty and basically rules while inevera is elsewhere. Not much happening with her. Sikvah gets her promotion but dies later in lakton.
Kendall is okay but is mostly ignored in the book. She helps in the end with sikvahs child.

Rojer has one daughter and son.

>> No.10111291

Wow what a boring end to his storyline. Good thing I don't have to read this mess of a book.