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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 207 KB, 800x572, mira-gonzalez-1438794726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10091934 No.10091934 [Reply] [Original]

>Street cred. Anybody who got in before ’97 is considered OK – from ’97 to 2000 it can go either way, maybe they’re not not always cool, but usually they’re not quite the kind of full-service dickhead you’re seeing in the business now.”
>“He’s considered cool?”
>“No, he’s a dickhead, but one of the early ones. A pioneer dickhead.

>> No.10091943

I want Mira to fuck me with a strapon

>> No.10091947

Why is she so obsessed with her feet. She even posted about how its a shame she never dated anyone with a foot fetish.

>> No.10091953

She's a self proclaimed sub. Read her article on violent sex

>> No.10091965

That only means all the more reason for her to try role reversal

>> No.10091970
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Who is this escort lady and why is she relevant?

>> No.10091976
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I am thinking about those tiny clams that bury themselves under wet sand at the beach
I identify with the tiny clams
I want to bury myself under wet sand
my cat is giving me a disapproving look
I pick up my cat and forcibly hug her
my cat meows loudly and jump-kicks me as she runs away
I think I would like to be a cat
I want someone to forcibly hug me
I want to jump-kick them and run away

>> No.10091978

I thought she was a cunt but when I heard the Stoner podcast interview she seems kind of nice.

>> No.10091984


>> No.10091988

She is nice her poetry is just garbage

>> No.10091996

the phone call that saved europe

>> No.10091999
File: 57 KB, 500x375, 1495287616393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So winter's coming up /mu/, what will you be listening to in bed with your gf on cold winter nights?

>> No.10092000
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I googled that and couldn't believe she actually dared to publish that or anything

>> No.10092005

I like her work in a way.

>> No.10092019

Beach House

>> No.10092022

Could you pls reccomend anything to change my opinion?

>> No.10092031

I will spend hours on one sentence sometimes, and if I feel that sentence isn’t expressing exactly what I want it to express, I will delete the sentence entirely. I think it takes a lot of precision and tedious work.
—Mira Gonzalez

Why don't you guys have a work ethic like Mira?

>> No.10092032


it's still autumn so this

>> No.10092042

>you will never smoke reefer in bed with mira soflty reading her work to you while you hear the coffee machine in the kitchen going put-put and the cars idling by the traffic light in the rain on the intersection below the partly cracked window

>> No.10092048

Mira doesn't do Drugs

>> No.10092052
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>> No.10092075
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>My relationship before I met Daniel was with a person who was loyal to me during a time when I desperately wanted to feel desirable. He hit me the first time we had sex and gave me a bloody nose, then wouldn’t let me wash my face. This was a period in my life when I had begun wanting things like that.

>Daniel never hits me during sex. Not being injured during sex might be normal for most people but I have spent a large portion of my life requesting violent sex from people who are unsatisfied with themselves and with me.

>> No.10092089

Check out the last paragraph

>> No.10092104
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>> No.10092127

>From a young age I have enjoyed a very specific kind of porn. I frequent a website that is all in Japanese and only has videos of tiny women being groped in public.


>> No.10092133

Oh god shes so hot wheres my mira gonzalez gf

>> No.10092160
File: 186 KB, 583x428, 23423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one of us is Mira?

>> No.10092170 [DELETED] 

She was the "sunset found her squatting" spammer

>> No.10092176
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>> No.10092178
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It is I

>> No.10092181

"Like every other skinny woman, she looked naturally good around 20~ with minimal effort, which made her a VIP wherever she went. She consequently built her entire personality, lifestyle, sense of self, and all her relationships around that brief VIP period, even though it fades almost as quickly as they realize they're in it.

It's pure pain for her, from here on out. She will spend the next ten years trying harder and harder to convince herself she doesn't care she's not young and hot anymore, trying to show how completely okay she is with her fading body by showing it off on Instagram and Twitter. If she herself makes fun of how old she's getting, she must be cool with it! She's transcended the pain with irony! Right?

The really sad thing is that this whole process, the whole VIP-to-hag cycle, is such a routine one in our society that men are instinctively on guard against it. Any man with any prospects whatsoever can immediately detect the subtle corpse stink of a 24-30 year old woman who is past her prime. It's impossible to miss. There are a dozen subtle indicators, physical signs that it's happening, of course. But that basic physical decay is also distributed across everything they do. They start dressing and primping differently, paradoxically putting more effort into their appearance even though it's not working nearly as well anymore. Working twice as hard to achieve half the effect, then four times as hard to achieve one fourth, and so on. They invent a new style, but no matter how they experiment with it, they can never make it "cute" again. It's always somehow "mature." The best a 25 year old girl can manage is "my, you're a handsome woman." She will never again be cute. She will never again cause yearning in high-quality men who want to possess her. She has become settlement material, even for second-rate suitors.

The best way that I can describe what is happening to Mira is this. Imagine being at the produce section at the grocery store, and going to buy some of your favorite fruit. As your eyes scan across the fruit on display, you instinctively and imperceptibly skim over the wrinkled ones, the pitted and shriveled ones, the ones that a peasant in the 15th century would be happy to eat but that we have the privilege of discarding today. A firm, taut, luscious, vibrant fruit, one that anyone would have loved to eat two days ago, has been left out just a little too long, and now it's withered and forgotten. At the end of the day, an employee will come by with a cart and throw it and all the other unwanteds in the trash. Meanwhile, the discriminating customer, who might have purchased it had he seen it two days ago, passes over it without even thinking - those are the "bad ones" - and reaches for a newer one. One put out that morning, still full and firm and juicy.

Mira Gonzalez may still be edible, but no one wants her, and no one's mouth will ever water while looking at her, ever again."

>subtle corpse stink

>> No.10092182

Marie Calloway? Mira's aren't that large

>> No.10092183

Don't ban for titflashing Ill delete if needed

>> No.10092189

I piss perfect prose. Perfect sentences dribble out of my mouth while I sleep. Unlike you, anon, I edited out my autism a long time ago.

>> No.10092192
File: 105 KB, 768x1024, DAd2owUXUAE74gl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think her and Tao ever like you know?

>> No.10092196

i hope she really knows we love her desu

sometimes grills can take our affection the wrong way like katie and onty

>> No.10092202
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Mira already hates herself more than anyone else ever could

>> No.10092204
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>if 4chan had existed during the '70s we'd have gotten Pynchon, Ginsberg, Kerouac, Vonnegut, maybe even Stephen King or John Updike

>instead we get Tao Lin, Mira Gonzalez, Joshua Cohen, Adam Levin, and Nathan Hill

>> No.10092209

She would be better if she were a little more aloof and distant. This is the stock basic bitch sassy but not really funny response to e-misogyny. She's saying it like it's a Mira thing to say, like it's part of her unique apathetic brand of humor. She should be above that basic bitch level.

Disappointed in you Mira.

>> No.10092211

mira has proper zimzams desu

>> No.10092218

> as a man i am a customer
> as a woman she is an inanimate piece of fruit
> i take for granted this perspective as universal truth
> this should make an accomplished author (her) feel bad and elevate me (totally not a narcissistic toddler)
> okay

>> No.10092219
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>> No.10092220

It honestly probably is her shes the only girl on /lit

>> No.10092221

Hahaha you got fucking mad at a repost

>> No.10092224
File: 13 KB, 263x249, +.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who says Tom doesn't browse /lit/ my boy?

>> No.10092226

I am triggered by that mirror

>> No.10092228

Kerouac's corpse would be an interesting guest for sure

>> No.10092231

pls tweet proof

>> No.10092235

Not true, we still have Laurie Penny

>> No.10092236

It's a shame she smokes, she's was so youthful and sexy. Looks likes she's beginning to hit the wall

>> No.10092242

Imagine being her boyfriend.

>> No.10092252

why are girls like this?

i had one that wanted me to punch her during sex. i'm not falling for the repeatedly striking teen girls with a closed fist at full force meme

>> No.10092253

I unironnically loved those threads

i laughed at all the posts

>> No.10092264

Its not her, its brittany venti lol

>> No.10092283
File: 120 KB, 669x597, 3124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WTF Mira?

>> No.10092293
File: 207 KB, 900x1200, C16uPWaUAAEKsBp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her mum is Frida Kahlo?

>> No.10092309

how young is her mum?

>> No.10092312

Tom Waits

>> No.10092314
File: 635 KB, 960x958, 05473068dc9743f48c6c250d96627576f64304e5feed8b663feb649a45ce645c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a full on, accurate critique of her shitty art and shitty character completely btfos her forever
>all she can do is respond with lol they're virgins

>> No.10092344

She's right though

>> No.10092358

What did OP mean though?

>> No.10092359

holy shit shes my waifu

>> No.10092387
File: 184 KB, 901x1200, DFD66Q2UwAAnaf3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mira post some OG poetry ITT

>> No.10092392

Mira post how you'd tie me up and make me lick your feet ITT

Actually Mira please tweet this post so lots of your cute twitter friends can see that I want to lick their feet. Hello cute girls of Twitter. Would you like a 4chan boyfriend? I also eat ass. Holla

>> No.10092395
File: 28 KB, 600x400, 34534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine how bad they smell

>> No.10092396

My rat tickled my butt
cat spasm create and I'm a driver in a blues ridden night
I am a bad person
I think my liver hurts

>> No.10092407
File: 11 KB, 542x71, 324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to find something you guys disagree on for that to happen

>> No.10092409
File: 8 KB, 194x260, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here. This was supposed to be a Pynchon thread. You all ruined my night.

>> No.10092415

Laurie needs to come back so we can abuse her some more.

>> No.10092417

Its sad because you can tell she would be a pretty nice and fun girl if it wasnt for liberal brainwashing

>> No.10092421

I don't like her writing but shes funny tho.

>> No.10092427

She loves Trump though. Every other Twitter post is about him

>> No.10092429
File: 1.04 MB, 2560x1440, 0928171127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ask a drunk guy who's finished his novel and scouting literary agents for publication anything

>> No.10092444
File: 76 KB, 334x250, death-of-socrates-AB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is justice?

>> No.10092452

What genre is the novel?

>> No.10092458

why does that picture make it look like your entire life is a roiling pot of misery waiting to spill over into a homicidal outburst

>> No.10092463
File: 61 KB, 576x1024, BmUkZfRCYAAC7_9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did she mean by this?

How do we get her to read Gravity's Rainbow?

>> No.10092465

>the phone call that will save literature
>mira doesn't pick up

>> No.10092468
File: 60 KB, 478x720, 123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We must protect her

>> No.10092474
File: 27 KB, 500x353, 5390291-1158092069_4990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

christ if she wasn't a cute grill this would be the most cringeworthy shit.

>> No.10092477

>"Here's the rundown..."

>> No.10092479

It can be both

>> No.10092480

Mira, If you are reading this I want to tell that I want to bully you online but not in a mean way.

>> No.10092484

She's the voice of our (your) generation

>> No.10092500

No.Who is the weird face calling u?

>> No.10092513

she posted a pic of her shelf and it was pretty much lits wet dream, she may have not read it but she is definitely aware of it and 99.99% own it.

>> No.10092516

Do you remember some of the books?

>> No.10092517
File: 132 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A God

>> No.10092526
File: 52 KB, 1000x562, getting-high-from-david-foster-wallaces-infinite-jest-1455900747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10092565

Never heard of him, would you have some sort of rundown?

>> No.10092571


LMAO do you really believe this you dumb faggot? She's some ugly brown-eyed ratface. Who the fuck is she anyway? Some degenerate bourgeouisie cunt seems like.

>> No.10092573

I want to cum in her girlpucci

>> No.10092577

> spit in my mouth daddy
What is this? Is this something people say these days?

>> No.10092578
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>> No.10092603

People? No. Women? Yes.

>> No.10092612
File: 1.59 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170930-223443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jr recognitions Europe central Barth 3 copies of Taipei a little life we all die alone

>> No.10092614

Doesn't matter. The fact that she couldn't conjure up a better response shows just how right the anon in the screencap is.

>> No.10092615

You could be reading the Greeks instead of this emotionally troubled nonsense.

>> No.10092623

Why should she care about coming up with a better response? This isn't Jonah Hill vs the French lady

>> No.10092627

Pynchon or Mira?

>> No.10092631

Lmao, no one reads Mira. Ironic tumblr girls pretend to read stuff like that but no one actually READS it.

>> No.10092632


Most pretentious faggotry I've ever seen, holy shit. Wow look at me smoking DUDE WEED LMAO, look at the books I spent money on btw.

>> No.10092639

Speak for yourself. Ive read through selected tweets twice

>> No.10092640

Well honestly, she shouldn't care at all but she's clearly vexed enough to show her entire following just how much she doesn't care about what anonymous people from nowhere have to say about her, so it follows that she'd want to come out on top in the 'exchange' by saying something that's actually witty.

>> No.10092644


Absolute faggot.

>> No.10092646

Exactly. They just wanna hate without even going to the trouble of actually reading

>> No.10092650
File: 1.57 MB, 3541x2739, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is the vanguard fighting against capitalism. What have YOU done for the cause lately?

>> No.10092653

Implying there is anything wrong with being gay

>> No.10092657

Whats the true deal between Mira and Bogdanoffs? I think she mentioned that shes related to them in one of her Tweets

It seems too me that they are funding her but why are they doing that? Are they seeing something that we dont see?

>> No.10092659

The perfect gurl

>> No.10092660


I grew up in a working class family.


Implying there isn't.

>> No.10092663

To add to that: putting the anon down by saying he's a virgin while ignoring the rest implies that she thinks having had sex means you're fundamentally not only morally superior but superior in general. Whether that's true or not hardly matters in this case; it's not exactly a charming outlook on life and again proves anon right that she's little more than a temporarily attractive cum recepticle rather than, you know, a worthwhile poet, and evidently she knows it.

>> No.10092664

>/lit/ makes me think this bitch is some kind of celebrity
>check out instagram
>gets fewer likes than regular people I know

>> No.10092667

Being proletariat doesn't mean you are helping the cause. Its their fault for not seizing the means of production like Stirner said.

>> No.10092670
File: 24 KB, 600x315, 160b99befe5c7ba5e4c7491d26512a84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is her without the makeup and shitty tatoos and hipster clothing

>> No.10092671

wutchu think literature is bro? If Don DeLillo had an instagram how many followers would even he have?

>> No.10092673


Of course. I don't know what I am saying, I'm drunk as hell, but obviously this little slut is just another upper-middle class attention whore.

>> No.10092677

100-200 likes each? sure

>> No.10092681

Nothing wrong with that. Who doesn't want attention?

>> No.10092684

Delillo's demographic is too old for instagram and he isn't a 19 year old girl.

>> No.10092686

And those are just the black books

>> No.10092690

She's a diversity hire.

>> No.10092692

and you're just another lonely nobody who drinks to pass his time while also discussing the popular kids culture provides for him

>> No.10092693

Still, why should it matter how many followers you have. 5K is still a lot by any measure.

>> No.10092699

Never said there was anything wrong with it, the thing is, she doesn't have anything else worthy. The only thing she has is her womb maybe, but I'd bet it's relatively easy to dump your seed in that anyway.

>> No.10092706


You're right, I am a lonely nobody, but I don't drink to pass my time but rather to make me calm down. I have no job, no education, no training, no friends, no girlfriend. I'm not sure what you meant with the rest of your sentence though, can you rephrase?

>> No.10092711

Go there and try, buddy.
Many peoplr here are jealous of talent and beauty

>> No.10092714

Lol check out Joseph McElroy Instagram

>> No.10092715


I'm not gonna waste my money to fly to the US, why would I do that? What a waste of time and money. She has neither talent nor beauty by the way.

>> No.10092721

Not him, but I literally know people who are in no way at all famous who get that many likes on an average Instagram post.

>> No.10092723
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>> No.10092728

Id like to see some of your examples of beautiful women, or are you not into that?

>> No.10092729

good for you

>> No.10092735


What's wrong, friend? Once you have reached rock-bottom and have admitted this honestly to yourself, it all becomes something you can laugh about. I think my lot in life is rather funny.


I'm heterosexual, if that's what you're asking. I just don't find this women to be exceptional in any way, shape or form. Whether physically or mentally. I'm not sure what your point is.

>> No.10092743

Well, do you know any young woman more beautiful and talented than she though?give me the names,because I might be missing out.
I am talking about real people, not anime girls.

>> No.10092769


You might be 'missing out'? What do you mean exactly? Do you know this woman? Are you in contact with her?
As for beauty, are you serious? She looks completely average, and her nosering and all that confirms Loos was right.

As for anime; I don't like anime.

>> No.10092784

I mean that I read the classics, but I also enjoy being in touch with young n talented writers.
If you know one better, please recommend.
The nosering makes her look kind rebellious, which comtrasts with her youthful and innocent looking smile.
Sorry for thinking that you were an anime fan, no one should ever watch anime besides death note.

>> No.10092792
File: 53 KB, 573x363, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did she mean by this?

>> No.10092795

Hahahha. I sent her the shot

>> No.10092801
File: 229 KB, 1200x2000, 1504474121183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We did it reddit!

>> No.10092807


Her nosering doesn't make her look rebellious, it makes her look conformist to her exact class and environment. Noserings, piercings, tattoos are all just marks of criminals or degenerate bourgeoisie.

I don't know anyone 'better' in the sense you seem to mean, but I hope and pray that the vast majority of women are much more kind on the eyes and kind on the mind as well. Often, kind on the mind results in kind on the eyes as well. I know for example that the reason she isn't more than average on the eyes is because her mind chose a certain path of silly aesthetics, such as piercings. Perhaps it is simply an American phenomenon.

>> No.10092813


This degenerate whore of Babylon incarnate should stop before she loses the sliver of soul she still has.

>> No.10092818

ok ignatius

>> No.10092823

Mira, do you like Hitler?

>> No.10092831


Are you her? I have the sneaking suspicious I have been talking to this filthy slut the entire thread.

>> No.10092833
File: 777 KB, 1000x667, tao-lin-sunday-routine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mira, what we really want to know is how long Tao really is? I mean everyone here has wondered at least once

>> No.10092834

You seem to be more into 17th century women perhaps?
Or do you live in a province where people are organized under the authority of a feudal lord? not only criminald have tattoo and piercing nowadays buddy

>> No.10092838

Tbh he looks like a gook

>> No.10092844

> not only criminald have tattoo and piercing nowadays buddy

I never said that, I also said degenerate bourgeoisie, which is probably half of the tattoo-bearers nowadays.

As for what kind of women I like, I don't know what you're talking about, I like normal women. Are American women never normal? Is your culture that theatrical that they all put on this degenerate tattoo-whore act?

>> No.10092848

Are there really people on lit defending this degenerate beaner slag pretending to be a writer? You need to go to reddit, this is unacceptable here.

>> No.10092849

>Le you are dumb conservative arguments
He literally said that body art shit is conformist garbage, which it is

>> No.10092851

We know you use self deprecating humour but this is a bit much.

>> No.10092855


That's not me, but he's absolutely right. I also never used self-depricating humour, I really am a lumpenproletariat.

>> No.10092866

No, I'm serious. People like you are the worst. You are a beta orbiter defending a retarded, attention-seeking beaner girl. Got the fuck away from this place.

>> No.10092870

Nice opinion but I humbly disagree

>> No.10092872

Mira do an ask me anything with us. We love you. You are what we want from a girl minus the extreme aging and liberal views.

>> No.10092879

The only thing we like about her is that she is a female and reads, unlike 203027% of other females and isn't raging rabid feminist. Other than that we got nothing in common with her.

>> No.10092881


I'd also prefer my girl not to look like a degenerate beaner whore.

>> No.10092886

Your view of normal: never having fun, only one parner in life, fat.

>> No.10092891

Fun is a social construct

>> No.10092892


Fat implies American. Having only one partner in life? How is that bad? I don't like to use this vulgar word, but are you a cuck?

Never having fun? How so?

>> No.10092902

I thought /lit/ was pretty liberal itself

>> No.10092905


/lit/ Is more into either Marxism or religious conservatism.

>> No.10092907

Low self esteem. Why do literally all women have low self esteem? I don't know.

>> No.10092909

Wow, why do you hate americans?where are u from?
No, im not a cuck, but do you expect twenty something year-olds to never have a boyfriend or girlfriend?

>> No.10092912

>Three copies of Taipai

>> No.10092913

>but do you expect twenty something year-olds to never have a boyfriend or girlfriend?

No, they should be married or trying to get married.

>> No.10092917


>> No.10092920

Capitalism causes alienation

>> No.10092923

Didn't know u were allowed to use 4chan in Saudi Arabia

>> No.10092924


I am not Muslim.

>> No.10092929


See >>10092924

>> No.10092932

Ok, Mr. Orthodox Christian

>> No.10092934

Bismala! Alhamdulila!

>> No.10092936


In fact, I'm not religious at all.

>> No.10092943

Marriage has no value then

>> No.10092954


Marriage had no value to prechristian tribes? Why did they marry then? Marriage isn't a Judeo-christian concept you know. It is a very materialistic one. A reproductive contract.

>> No.10092957

Mira, do you have a fixation on your own feet? You post them an awful lot.

>> No.10092961

This entire thread is a collage of worthless walking womb/slut/whore/wilted piece of fruit that no one wants/etc. Objectification and devaluation ad nauseum.

>why do women have low self esteem


>> No.10092967

Mira, is Sam Hyde your father and your opinion on his art?

>> No.10092972

At least she is into it

>There are a lot of aspects of this that I enjoy but the main one is objectification. When these women are groped ‘against their will,’ they literally become objects. Their bodies are no longer something they have any control over. The same way a table could be used to put a glass of water on, their bodies are being used to create pleasure for another person.

>Shame and objectification have appealed to me for as long as I have been having sex, but until last year I had never felt so bad about myself that I was ready to be with someone who would actually go through with the things I fantasized about.

>> No.10092977


I'm not sure whether you're saying she's a 'worthless walking womb/slut/whore/wilted piece of fruit that no one wants/etc' or whether you're defending her with the latter part of your message. Please clarify.

>> No.10092981
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>> No.10092985

>This entire thread is a collage of worthless walking womb/slut/whore/wilted piece of fruit that no one wants/etc. Objectification and devaluation ad nauseum.

Mira, if you had married instead of gotten your nose (along with your holes) pierced like some kind of cow, you wouldn't have been objectified.

>> No.10092987

We should coax her into posting her 2010 album. That was prime Mira

>> No.10092990

God she was so cute before she went sour

>> No.10092991
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>> No.10092995

That cow is gorgeous, tbqh

>> No.10092998

I would unironically go on a date with Mira and maybe return her texts

>> No.10092999

Female "emancipation" or whatever you want to call it has been a major mistake and is one of the primary causes of western decline. Telling women they should want to compete with and act like men and that it's okay to sleep around instead of finding mates and raising children and continuing our civilization is the main source of female despair. Men shaming women who act like this is a very normal, and I would say necessary, reaction. This is not how societies function, it's how they die. And no, I'm not a virgin and routinely defend women because they aren't the main problem; they are being manipulated by the main problem, jews, and don't know any better. White women are going to need to learn to get in line and listen, but beaner girl here is excluded.

>> No.10093003


Enjoy AIDS, degen.

>> No.10093009
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>> No.10093011

I'm actually Mira

>> No.10093030


Stop posting about this weird spic with her bowl haircut and cow ring.

>> No.10093039

Henlo Miralema

>> No.10093049

No, I'm Spartacus.

>> No.10093052
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>> No.10093057
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>> No.10093059


Where does she live by the way?

>> No.10093070

On my small arab dick

>> No.10093071

I just realized after reading that blog of hers about how she enjoys being humiliated that I was probably being baited into fulfilling her sexual fantasy by calling her a 'whore of Babylon', 'slut', 'degenerate', 'spic' etc in this thread. Goddamnit.

>> No.10093074
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LA I guess

>> No.10093081


>> No.10093087
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>> No.10093093

Honestly, I hope you burn in hell, spic.

>> No.10093095

Mira reminds me of a grandmother in a twenty-something year old's body.

>> No.10093102

Her tongue is really tiny.

>> No.10093104
File: 409 KB, 550x403, thighs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you think she starts these threads?

>> No.10093112
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>"That’s when I discovered that my gag reflex is almost nonexistent."


>> No.10093114
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>> No.10093116

>instead we get Tao Lin, Mira Gonzalez, Joshua Cohen, Adam Levin, and Nathan Hill
who the fuck are any of these people?
I hope no one on this board is stupid enough to read anything contemporary...

>> No.10093119
File: 961 KB, 436x246, tumblr_m9jcmt2pAe1ro8ysbo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep going

>> No.10093121

Hey, don't post my waifu in vain.

>> No.10093123


Why do you have her pictures saved you absolute faggot. Yeah I got baited into fulfilling her retarded sexual fantasy, but at least I'm not a complete faggot obsessed with some ugly spic whore.

>> No.10093125

Why wouldn't you want a contemporary viewpoint on consciousness in the 21st century? Tao Lin's Tai Pei is alright.

>> No.10093128

Because some of us actually like her and her poetry. Its very relate able to anyone living in this late capitalistic age

>> No.10093133


No it's not you upper-middle class bourgeoisie faggot. It's trash, she's trash, and you're trash. I swear to God I will pray tonight for him to smite all you filthy faggots.

>> No.10093141
File: 35 KB, 264x663, DK_JWzIWkAA7ofD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on Tao's new stuff?

>> No.10093142

because I only ever want to read people who are capable of significantly better prose than I am
which excludes all of these 21st century pop writers.

>> No.10093147

Thats fine enough. I read for experience as well as prose.

>> No.10093149
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>> No.10093156

Beta orbiters like you are worse than this mudblood hoe you worship.

>> No.10093157
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>> No.10093161

Its called being a fan. Who are your idols? I will claim you are a "beta orbiter" of them.

>> No.10093165
File: 44 KB, 641x480, « Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ».jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blocks your path

>> No.10093170

Imagine Mira getting right up in your face and giving you this look, then lifting up the pair of panties she was just wearing and shoving them against your mouth and nose with the palm of her hand so you are forced to breathe through her panties. As the shock dissipates and you realize this is a very sexy situation you have gotten yourself into you simply let yourself go with it, you realize you are about to be ravished by Mira Gonzalez, you can feel the warmth and the squishiness of her palm as it presses the hot, silky fabric into your lips and covers your nose with it. You let yourself go completely, your muscles go lax, and you take a deep breath of the humid cloth that just seconds ago was tightly hugging Mira's pussy and asshole and her ass cheeks. And just as her sacred air rushes into your lungs, your whole mind waiting for her sweet musky girl smell to overtake you like a blissful pink wave of ecstasy, all of your expectations are shattered, in an instant. Like the opening theme song from the tv show Goosebumps where the spooky wave of evil energy rushes through the town, and turns everything good into a ghoulish, rotten, decayed version of itself, your expectation of Mira's sweetness is transformed instantly into the all-pervading sour vinegary stench of her rotten ass sweat. You refocus your eyes on hers, she's still looking right back at you, she's completely confident that she's being sexy by making you smell her feminine juices and aromas, but you can think only of death, it's like smelling the taint of a male cyclist. There is nothing sexy or feminine about it at all. Its like she was working outdoors in these panties for multiple days. Your brain tries to rationalize the psychic trauma of the experience by imagining various pungent foods that Mira's disgusting pussy smells like, you want to choke, you want to beg her to stop, but she tightens her grip around your mouth, and a little bit of the fabric pushes past your lips and onto your tongue. Mira Gonzalez is not going to take no for an answer.

>> No.10093173

Real thinkers who are intelligent and not stoner spic bitch attention whores.

>> No.10093174

Is that that jewish mod commie woman?

>> No.10093185



>> No.10093189

Suit yourself. But remember taste is subjective and people can draw value from places you might not.

>> No.10093192

She's nice though, not like the forced meme itt.

>being this new

>> No.10093194

Most of us are Jewish Marxists here. Are you new?

>> No.10093195
File: 27 KB, 480x480, 10986376_1609388175942145_1031295614_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's hot, despite -- or perhaps because of -- your attempt to make it not hot

>> No.10093197

Quality is not subjective. I hope you aren't white but you should go to reddit regardless.

>> No.10093198


I've been here for just over a year or so, how did I not know this shit already? I will vacate this garbage place immediately.

>> No.10093201

>tfw butterfly will never be your mom

>> No.10093204
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>> No.10093205

I browse both sites

>> No.10093209


I've been here for just over a year, I have no problem with Marxist theories (as dead end as they are), but Jews really freak me out.

>> No.10093218

You're a better fit for the one that isn't here.

>> No.10093235

Marx's big area was critiquing capitalism even if you don't agree with his solutions.

>> No.10093238


I'm not sure what your point is. I know what Marx was on about.

>> No.10093239

What did you mean by "(as dead end as they are),"

>> No.10093242


They will never be achieved, the revolution will always fail. Leninism will always fail because of vanguardism, Maoism will always fail too, what's next? Marxism is a dead end, ultimately.

(Religious) Ultraconservatives have the highest birthrates. There is no future for liberalism, nor for Marxism.

>> No.10093252

I don't think publicly owned capital is that impossible, it already happens in lessor forms like socialism and unions. What about if we get so efficient and producing materials that capitalism becomes irrelevant?

>> No.10093253
File: 198 KB, 516x596, bf6dccdced6645b6238accc2fe7f23bf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread again?

I'm starting to think you guys just like being mean to women...

>> No.10093269

>What about if we get so efficient and producing materials that capitalism becomes irrelevant?

More likely we'll get a situation like the Roman Empire, where free bread and games are handed out to keep the population alive and content. The great capitalists will do everything to maintain their power, including handing out free products. On top of that, as I said, I'm afraid the wave of religious ultraconservatism coming will wipe out any semblance of class consciousness.

Who doesn't enjoy being mean to women? Are you some kind of faggot?

>> No.10093273

Trolls always have to vent.

>> No.10093274

Women who try to obtain attention from beta males by posting slutty pictures of themselves and talking about their lack of gag reflexes deserve all the shame directed toward them.

>> No.10093292

busted a nut to this tbqh

>> No.10093297

"talking about their lack of gag reflex" No, you absolute moron, not talking about. Writing about. In regard to bulimia, in a piece on body dysmorphic disorder. This is a literature board, not /pol/, not /r9k/, not whatever you, the moral arbiter, apparently, decide it should be. Fuck off back there.

>> No.10093300

>le /pol/ /r9k/ deflection meme

Literally no one here is from /pol/. This board is for literature, not some retarded, degenerate, bowl-cut having, cow-ring wearing S P I C SLUT.

>> No.10093313

No, you fuck off to reddit. Morality is important, as is setting an example for others, and spic bitches who smoke weed and make sexual innuendos about sucking cock and ink their untoned bodies up and post half naked pictures of themselves to rope in low-T kissless virgins like you are cancer for society. You need to admit you are pathetic and grow the fuck up.

>> No.10093325
File: 35 KB, 512x512, CreS3-nWYAE-DVa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess the idea of it or seeing it in porn can be enticing, but do you realize she's actually reading this and actually feeling bad? How can you feel good about hurting someone for no reason?

Why does that upset you? Honestly, have you pondered the reason why it enrages you so much? How does a girl being openly sexual, and admittedly somewhat histrionic, personally affect you enough to make you lash out? I'm sure you witness ''cringe'' all the time from innumerable sources, but only when it's a woman being slutty that it urges you to ''punish'' them. Kinda funny innit.

>> No.10093340

Dear idiot: you are an immature drone who has no concept of what is good and healthy for a society. These are not role models for kids, they are bad people who are promoted by bad people who want to turn others into selfish, myopic retards like yourself. Grow up.

>> No.10093359
File: 26 KB, 320x400, amy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okiedokie m8.
Not gonna bother arguing with your moralistic ass. Just hope you grow out of those memes soon.

>> No.10093367

None of these girls will ever fuck you because you are an emotionally stunted numale.

>> No.10093369

>I guess the idea of it or seeing it in porn can be enticing, but do you realize she's actually reading this and actually feeling bad? How can you feel good about hurting someone for no reason?

Let's hope she feels so bad that she kills herself then.

>> No.10093538

Tao is homosexual. I met him at a party and he blew me while I read 'Dubliners'.

>> No.10093582

Tao here, can confirm. He cried during the Dead.

>> No.10093634
File: 30 KB, 554x471, 8c11ae6297fc545869b4ce21d68f8d89.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a lesbian so I know she won't fuck me.

>literally a grown man bullying women on the internet
>calling others ''emotionally stunted''
Do you even know what that word means boy

>> No.10093637

This remind anyone of Infinite Jest?

>> No.10093639

Pretty funny, tbqh. I aspire for humorous though realistic dialogue. One failure in DeLillo, I think, is that his characters' voices are indistinguishable from his narrators'.

>> No.10093641

Its Pynchon. I forget the contex4

>> No.10093658


>> No.10093673

And look how great you have been, my friend - standing above your brethren like a tower amongst rubble.

And those women, you speak of? Can we really call them human - human in the full sense of the term? Or have they degraded themselves beyond recognition, so that to understand them as one understands another human - that is to love them, sympathize, to feel sorry for them - so that to do this, would be to cast pearls before swine?

And perhaps this is true, only I do not see what is so wrong with it if a woman has been, for a moment in her life (or even many), 'promiscuous', or if she has sought attention for her looks or sexuality, or used the appeal of her body in her favor or even simply for her amusement. But, even if such activities and behaviors are nearly so terrible and disgusting as you have suggested, I would in this case try to see them as providing all the more reason to love womankind as I would any other person, and to see them as weak and flawed as any other person, and to know that they have felt the same sorrows and joys that I have, and that they too might feel sad or uncertain, or scared or uncomfortable, in this life each of us seems to find ourselves stuck inside. so perhaps if such behaviors have been unhealthy or egotistical, or if they seem to reflect some sort of insecurity or desire for acceptance, I would try to understand why they have been driven to such lengths, and why it is they feel so badly about themselves or the word, or why they feel so alone.

Remember, my friend, it is not you alone who are human. If I might suggest to you, our first task with our fellow man is to understand them, to see them as another human being who has borne witness, in their own way to the beauty and sorrow of life; and only then, and only if is absolutely necessary, ought we to judge them. see a part of my selves in them , and that perhaps I see and feel their sorrows and imperfections as I do my own, even if it is only as a miniscule and limited aspect of my own.

Finally, I might say that I myself have dated one of these women whom you might hate or call a "slut". And I must say, she was "promiscuous" and she did have a deep seated desire for approval and attention. In fact, she has come up on several occasions before on /lit/ for these reasons, as well as the fact that she was something of an 'internet celebrity'. But it was not as though she were evil, or that she was wretched and depraved person. All she was, was scared and alone, and she loved the world and little animals and wanted to feel like she meant something to someone.
But if their greatest sin has been to be im that I

>> No.10093691

I didn't know she was actually funny.

>> No.10093702

>I was 15 the first time I did cocaine. At the private high school I went to in Los Angeles, doing cocaine for your first time at age 15 was about average. If anything I was a late bloomer, cocaine-wise. I had bodily insecurities then too, but up until that point, I had never been exposed to a drug that literally took my appetite away. It was an incredible discovery. But at age 15 I didn’t have the money or resources to develop a cocaine habit.
>However, when I was 20 and living in my own apartment in Brooklyn with a full-time job, a reliable 24-hour cocaine delivery service that was available to me after nothing more than a 5-minute phone call, and a boyfriend who was ready and willing to do/pay for drugs, a cocaine habit was well within my reach.

Why are Los Angelinos so uniquely terrible? They make New Yorkers look like down-home salt-of-the-earth types.

>> No.10093710

>>However, when I was 20 and living in my own apartment in Brooklyn with a full-time job, a reliable 24-hour cocaine delivery service that was available to me after nothing more than a 5-minute phone call, and a boyfriend who was ready and willing to do/pay for drugs, a cocaine habit was well within my reach.
I wonder if the author knows much money was wasted there.

>> No.10093723

Shit, growing up in Baltimore, I was already doing oxy by the time I was 14. I didn't do cocaine, but I imagine it would have been pretty timid in my case. Of course, by the time I was 21 I had developed a heroin habit (albeit very mild).

>> No.10093733

Was she trying to emulate Bolano's looks?

>> No.10093746

I don't mean to offend you, but those are poor person drugs. I'm guessing you didn't do them because you got them from your private school friends because someone's dad had too much money laying around, and I sure as shit am guessing you didn't move to the other coast to fuck up some other city with your excess cash and private heroin delivery service.
>inb4 butthurt east coaster

>> No.10093754

Is it true that the purest heroin is found in Baltimore and have you heard people speculate that this is because it's flown into DC then funneled through the ghettos there?

>> No.10093763

This is fucking gold

>> No.10093866

Rape protection.
You know historically, raping the women of the defeated was the presumed course of action. And the defeating of enemies happened all the time.

>> No.10093886

Is that from Bleeding Edge?

>> No.10093894

i am still drunk and can relate
best thread on /lit/ right now desu

>> No.10093901

so what?
you think you're hot shit because you post anonymously?

>> No.10093903


>> No.10093905

Mira relax its not personnel

>> No.10093910

funny how i did just that last week tbqhwyf

>> No.10093918

Anon drunkposting, go to bed and get your life together.

>> No.10093930

So /lit/'s hatred of her was really just sour grapes?
>browsing 4chan in 2017
what a lame

>> No.10093931

thread of the month

>> No.10093939

yes, but she's fucking taking pictures of herself with an open pack of cigarettes
and a paintbrush, for some reason

>> No.10093943

i'd marry/fuck/kill her desu

>> No.10093947

shut up you're gay

>> No.10093954

I accuse myself of being Mira.

>> No.10093956

sasha grey is still cool?

>> No.10093977

One thing I praise Mira for is not going to college. It's very rare for women in the arts not to be super qualified after blowing hundreds of thousands of dollars on that shit. Plus she's putting herself out there, publishing her work and taking the criticism in (what seems like) humorous fashion. She probably hates herself and cringes etc because of what people write here and elsewhere, but ultimately it's an interesting contemporary perspective, "high quality" or not.

>> No.10094004

According to Google, at least.

>> No.10094020

Decent reinterpretation Mira, but no matter how well thought out your comebacks are they shant stop time

>> No.10094148

why are faggots always the best at everything?

>> No.10094155

no u

>> No.10094209

i'm with you

>> No.10094224

The rundown does not include the attestation of taste to the Bogdanoffs.

>> No.10094497

These writers are so 2007. What is wrong with you hipster faggots?

>> No.10095468

>using "hipster" in 2017

>> No.10095472

I'm pretty sure her phone case looks like an open pack of cigarettes

>> No.10095482

/lit/ likes her now?

>> No.10095551
File: 146 KB, 1080x1080, 21227049_117298792240577_1901697487287091200_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*breathes in*

>> No.10095602


We were a bit too forward with Katie.

>> No.10095817

she probably went straight from knitting patterns on pinterest to piss bottles

poor girl

>> No.10095819

always did secrelty b-baka

>> No.10095827
File: 210 KB, 583x400, mirage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how does it feel that she thinks about you?

>> No.10095829

she basically has the same sexuality as me.

>> No.10095850


>> No.10095859
File: 317 KB, 583x767, miraculous.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's our girl for sure, the others couldn't handle us

>> No.10095875

You just know she was fingering herself thinking about all those mean big white guys

>> No.10095916

This one got me
10/10 would ground and pound

>> No.10095970


not even the Dostoyevsky reference can save this garbage

good enough for a woman tho

>> No.10095972

american apartments are fucking disgusting, no wonder y'all turn into mass shooters and trannies

>> No.10095981

You think mia would be into me hurting her a little but not really in a trusting way but itd still be sexual well for me atleast

>> No.10095994

you look like a nice guy, i'd have a beer with you

>> No.10096006

they never got over the wall to wall carpet meme

that and the cardboard walls and wooden frames and it's like a third world movie set of a first world life.

>> No.10096009

who's she talking to?

>> No.10096024

Kill me.

>> No.10096059

You wish you were American.

>> No.10096060

why is her tongue so small...

>> No.10096088

only third worlders do at this point m8.

first and second world has gotten over you

>> No.10096191

This always happens when times get soft and degenerate. Come World War 3 you'll be back at our feet

>> No.10096300

>nation that never had a real war on its home turf talking about softness and degeneracy

top kek

>> No.10096443

because his entire life is a roiling pot of misery waiting to spill over into a homicidal outburst

>> No.10097432
