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/lit/ - Literature

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10089382 No.10089382 [Reply] [Original]

Who will get the Noble this time?

>> No.10089396

it's going to be determined by whoever can come up with the funniest joke about drumpf

>> No.10089401

Whoever writes the late night comedian's scripts

>> No.10089403

Calling it now:

Ngugi Wa Thiong'o

I was right about Svetlana Alexievich so you might as well believe me.

>> No.10089407

Probably some ooga booga anglo nigger rapper.

>> No.10089409

obviously Rupi "I was one salty museum" Kaur. without a single doubt in my mind.

>> No.10089414

this is gold

>> No.10089415

William T Vollmann

roth is still alive

not murukami

>> No.10089425

>giving it to V, someone who actually deserves it
Ha. It's goin to Kanye and you know it.

>> No.10089433

Not him, but I'd be happy if Kanye won the Nobel.
He's a good artist imo, probably the only worthy modern rapper.

>> No.10089457

i would be happy if he won as well, it would at least dismantle the pressure of winning a nobel, as the artifice will have crumbled well before i had the ability to succeed in acquiring the prize.

>> No.10089476

Trump for his Twitter mesage

>> No.10089500

Not this year.They dont like to give Nobel to the same country two years in a row.

>> No.10089503

I can not comprehend why anyone here would give a single flying fuck after Bob Dylan won last year.

>> No.10089504

Billy Joel or Shakira

>> No.10089518


>> No.10089535

Chester Bennington posthumously

>> No.10089557

I too wonder who the (((Swedish Academy))) will tell me to respect this year. I hope I can buy their book and regurgitate their ideology like a farm animal waiting to be fed!

>> No.10089569


>> No.10089656

Just give it to Pyncherino already

>> No.10089708

this is the correct answer.

>> No.10089731

I cheated - last time Alexievich had the best odds of winning on most online betting pages, it's the same for Ngugi Wa Thiong'o this time around

>> No.10089763


Anyone here read her books, specifically the Chernobyl one? Looks cool.

>> No.10089775

Henning Mankell

>> No.10089795

Please stop. Your rambling only makes me like Jews even more out of spite.

>> No.10089841
File: 58 KB, 600x392, facet z liściem na głowie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yoko Ogawa
And I mean it

>novels that are not very long (which is a trend: Modiano, Alexevitch [journalist lol], Munro, Dylan
>Good writer actually
>From outside Europe/US
>she got every possible prize in her yellow country

>> No.10089844

>online betting pages
link pls

>> No.10089850

You fool! tat is exactly what the false flagger is trying to achieve!

>> No.10089859
File: 94 KB, 1420x945, haruki_murakmi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me. It's been a long time coming. Also, I am not white. [I also like to cook pasta.]

>> No.10089879
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Ladies first, Murakami-senpai

>> No.10089894

No idea, but I guarantee they won't be a native Brit or have an Anglo name.

Somebody Muslim is my bet.

>> No.10089898


He definitely deserves it and has for years.

>> No.10089900
File: 1.75 MB, 1475x891, 5749-100236392.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boualem Sansal
for the novel "2084" about the islamic dystopia (and when I say dystopia he really criticizes it)
he is very succesful in France and in Maghreb

>> No.10089903
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>Deserving of anything
>Let alone a Nobel

>> No.10089911


>> No.10089912

>Just transposing Islam onto Orwell's 1984

Seems kind of hacky desu. At least Houellebecq's novel had some nuance

>> No.10089913

I read Voices from Chernobyl and Secondhand Time (about what happened to 'normal Russians' during and after the fall of the USSR)

Both are absolutely great, but be aware that the structure isn't everybody's cup of tea. It's essentially many mini-interviews followed by 'scenes' like with a Greek drama's choir. It gives you a really good insight into what actually happened (and it's so depressing). I'd recommend if you're into history, but again, the structure doesn't make it really feel like novels, more like experimental non-fiction.

>> No.10089920

4chan won't let me post betting pages, but here's some magazine's summary with links: https://www.bustle.com/p/betting-for-the-nobel-prize-in-literature-2017-show-that-ngugi-wa-thiongo-is-most-favored-to-win-2465427

>> No.10089932

Why does he deserve it? He's an average author who appeals to low-brow audiences.

>> No.10089933

>n near-future Abistan, where history has been eradicated and other cultures banned, Ati finds cracks in the world constructed by the prophet Abi and the rulers, the Just Brotherhood. He and a friend, Koa, investigate the legitimacy of the government and religion.

Maybe price for 'most typical YA dystopia'

>> No.10089935


>> No.10089942

b..but Munro, another Canadian. Who else, Nancy Huston? lol, fucking no. Canada shouldn't win another Nobel Prize in next 20 years.

>> No.10089944

Been a while since I saw the brow meme here.

Murakami deserves it but I don't feel like this is his year. Pynchon would be a cool choice, so it'll probably go to someone nobody's heard of but """high brow."""

>> No.10089948

YA dystopia that got awarded Grand Prix de l'Academie Francaise? I don;t think so.
>young men in books
"Golden Droplet" by Tournier is also Youn Adult, you idiot?

>> No.10089953

if she wins I will kill myself

>> No.10089954

>literally appealing to authority, a French one at that

Also nice redirect, I said the story is a typical YA cliche with muslims added (so relevant and topical!!!11!) borrowed from Hunger Games and Maze Runner

>> No.10089958

Read it first. Not only the description.
Then comment.

>> No.10089960


>> No.10089966

I forgot where we are. That's OK :)

>> No.10089974

OK :)

>> No.10089979

Noice, my greek/latin prof in high school said he was one of her favourite writers, but i haven't checked him out yet.
It has also been a while since an Italian won the prize (and the last one who won it was a complete hack) .

>> No.10089987

You didn't say why he deserves it. Nobel winners in literature do more than write 'good books'.

>> No.10089993
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when the Nobel gets announced you all have a surprise lol

>> No.10089997


>> No.10090000

Does anyone here actually care who wins?

>> No.10090005

Murakami winning is the same as Steven King winning.


√'d em

>> No.10090006

>not wanting some new prime shitposting material

/lit/ would go nuts if someone like Pynchon won it

>> No.10090012

Yeah if they give it to Pynchy he has to give a Nobel lecture; even if its just writing, he's obliged to give something, which is what I would be interested to see. He wont win though.

>> No.10090023

No. The Nobel's been dead since at least when Toni Morrison won

>> No.10090069

No. These awards are more political than anything.

>> No.10090073

Amazing digits friend

>> No.10090085

if is somebody without a translation in my main language then I will care

>> No.10090090

Come back to me with something better than Bustle and we can talk. Link an archive of a WSJ article or something.

>> No.10090110

Literally google any betting page and 'nobel prize literature', the odds are right there

>> No.10090119

LIL B 'THE BASEDGOD" for his new great achievement BLACK KEN MIXTAPE

>> No.10090122
File: 101 KB, 1058x1464, harold bloom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bloom for his masterpiece in fanfiction

>> No.10090137

I bet they award it to either a North/South Korean. Just to stoke the fire a bit

>> No.10090147
File: 82 KB, 1280x720, KarlOveKnausgaardAndWhatWillComeWillCome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Karl Ove Knausgaard with congratulatory tweets from Trump to follow.

>> No.10090152
File: 6 KB, 400x300, clarence-thomas-will-get-his-hearty-laugh-back-after-obamacare-loss-justice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To North Korea's supreeeeeme leader for standing up to Drumf's aggressive posturing and imperial ambitions in Asia!!!

>> No.10090241

>akademien will never turn full dadaist and do this
damn shame

>> No.10090263
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Seconding this, although it should be Javier Marías.

>> No.10090362

hackvier marias is nothing more than a glorified purple prose imbecile

>> No.10090376

Not a fuckin chance they give it to a white man

>> No.10090380
File: 141 KB, 511x683, Wellbeck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Houllebecq wins

>> No.10090404

he should.

>> No.10090618


It's settled then

>> No.10090919

going to be some rich hookers in san fran

>> No.10090964

>implying Dylan didn't deserve to win

>> No.10091003
File: 100 KB, 750x750, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

krasznahorkai or vollmann if they're serious

if not, well, some """poet""" or sjw pick

>> No.10091012

If it's either of these two I'll be so happy. I'm usually the one shilling Vollmann on here. Even tho I'm sure the masses who flock to bookshops whenever the winner of these prizes are announced will no doubt not even risk opening up The Dying Grass or Melancholy of Resistance

>> No.10091062

Pope Francis will win

>> No.10091073

Zinky Boys made me cry like a bitch in public, so if that's your thing then go ahead.

>> No.10091101

I only want one of my countrymen to win so I get a reason to get drunk and talk about lit shit with plebs who don't really care.

>> No.10091135

I want Adonis to win

>> No.10092271

My diary, desu.

>> No.10092276
File: 45 KB, 620x383, NeilGutBusterGorsuch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying Dylan did deserve to win

>> No.10092369

One of the following: Magris, Thiong'o, Fosse, Atwood, Lianke, Oz, Marias, Lobo-Antunes, Tokarczuk, Ogawa, Krasznahorkai.

>> No.10092386

At this rate, maybe it'll be a painter.

Fuck institutional """awards"""

>> No.10092435

Mira Gonzelaz is going to win this year

>> No.10092461

Unironically could we ever see Franzen or McCarthy or Pynchon

>> No.10092531

Out of the realistic options we have, I honestly hope Krasznahorkai gets it. If not, Murakami.

>> No.10092545


>> No.10092697

Wouldn't even be mad, but give it another ten years until he writes his magnum opus

>> No.10092710

After the Dylan fiasco, I don't think they'll give it to another publicity-shy figure, so Pynchon's probably out, maybe McCarthy too. Franzen's probably not the academy's cup of tea, plus his past controversies (the "Wharton is ugly" and "adopt an Iraqi orphan" comments, for example) may have made him too controversial.

>> No.10092726

Bob Dylan one last year. You tell me what the Nobel prize is awarded to.

>> No.10092737
File: 40 KB, 346x500, fukyoupleb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know who shouldn't win, not who should win.

>> No.10092741

Any fake prize put out by some guy who got his obituary printed pre-death should be ignored. Someone DYNAMITE I would suppose.

>> No.10092804

Who even cares? This prize has been beyond meaningless for 22 years now.

>> No.10093002

It's going to be Ko Un. Screencap this comment.

>> No.10093463


>> No.10093466

All day long she was out in the Man’gyong River’s mudflats,
where there was neither bone nor unhulled grain of rice;
she came back home after gathering sea-blite ankle-deep in that distant, wretched mud:
Why, it was already early morning, with the Great Bear already setting ! She was exhausted!
With no time to lay down her weary body, she was obliged quickly to hull barley in a mortar;
the pestle soared up, struck the dark void, came down pounding and pierced the ground.
Drops of sweat fall into the barley, added seasoning:
Well, with food of that taste, the brats should grow fast.
Where, if not here, would our irrepressible lives be maintained?
A woman’s life surely saves a multitude of lives.
Borne in a palanquin, she crossed over muddy, slow-flowing waters from Changhang,
in Ch’ungchong Province to her husband’s home, and after that hard journey
began married life in a household with not so much as one crock of bean paste or soy sauce.
Two days after delivering her first son, she had to pound barley,
prepare food in a basket and carry it on her head to the paddy-fields
where the second weeding was in progress.
After childbirth the blood kept seeping out,
she had to wash her underclothes secretly five times a day.
But the way she walked, like a clothes pole, was brisk:
look, she was already walking that far, arousing a breeze.
She had no time even to sing as she had to do every job while the spring famine was passing.
If you left the fields untended in summer, why, that was as terrible as raising ten tiger cubs!
Living amidst flourishing grass, amidst poverty, amidst all those damned tasks,
my mother, my mother, how could she be only my mother?

>> No.10093470

Yahoo chatbots go home.

>> No.10094294

thanks kind stranger


>> No.10094325

Bruce Springsteen.

>> No.10094411

>implying Krasznahorkai has a chance at winning
It would be super cool, but he isn't hip enough for this shit.

>> No.10094458

Don Delilo

>> No.10094521

Inb4 some obscure Eastern Europe no one this side of East Berlin has ever heard of

>> No.10094662

Vollmann hasn't got a chance either because there's no way the Nobel committee will consider his work to be "in an ideal direction"

>> No.10094670
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>Vollmann shills still at it to this very day
he writes like he looks

>> No.10094720

*24 years

>> No.10094727

it's going to be Bei Dao you fools

>> No.10094730

Screencap this

>> No.10094743
File: 279 KB, 750x500, IMG_8677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, what if it actually happens?

>> No.10094762

Peter Handke