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/lit/ - Literature

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10086956 No.10086956 [Reply] [Original]

She's 19 and already published. Cute, quirky, smart as a whip and a reddit celebrity. What excuse do you have, /lit/?


>> No.10086971

all great authors seem to have a crazy obsession, is that so?

In this lady's case, she just can't get enough of the giraffes, hahahaha, I mean they are so tall and yellow, are they even real, lol.I know it's weird, but who isn't, right?

>> No.10086972
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we can never compete with beautiful flowers like her

It's OVER for us fellow /lit/erati

>> No.10086976

Dostoevsky: gambling
Hemingway: drinking
Poe: opium
Proust: masturbation
Goux: giraffes

>> No.10086984

>old hag
I fuckin hate capitalists man!

>> No.10086995

she united to shit genres: YA and sci fi

>> No.10087008
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She's going into debt to support her art! A regular Dostoevsky

>> No.10087019

>friends with marketer
>Parents paid for editor and self publishing

The only thing I envy is that she's getting her under grad at Iowa, and the inevitable reddit success with that book.

>> No.10087021

based on this link
the book looks pretty bad.
I will say though, the key to good writing is writing a lot, and if she writes enough to publish more books, she will probably get better. she's got time, clearly

>> No.10087072

Unlikely. Women don't make for good writers. Artistic ability offers them no biological advantage unlike men, which is why men create all good art. Not that I don't wish this girl success assuming her book isn't full of degeneracy and she gets her act together soon by being less of an sjw and popping out some white babies. She can pretend to be a writer for a while.

>> No.10087089

ie. it's fucking nothing

>> No.10087090

So, you're petty, cynical, and resentful because of the cognitive dissonance brought about by simultaneously deriding popular acclaim and desiring monetary success, right?

>> No.10087139

jesus, not even memeing at this point

i could literally eat anything that oozes out of her body, up to a week old, and still get hard from it

>> No.10087141

op, why are you on reddit?

>> No.10087146

A modern Joyce

>> No.10087148

Read Flannery O'Connor you faggot.

>> No.10087167

Or Alice Munro, Rosa Luxemburg, Simone Weil, Anais Nin...

>> No.10087175
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Wait, has nobody noticed that this is pretty much the plot for Kingdom Hearts?

>> No.10087206
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It looks awful

>> No.10087214

First sentence is already trash.

It's obvious why she got published, but its nothing we need to dwell upon.

>> No.10087217

>shes a horse girl

seriously anyone who indulged their kids by getting them horse (unless they're farm hand) are fucking spoilt brats

>> No.10087222

The “””intellectuals””” of /lit/, everyone

>> No.10087225
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Somebody on Reddit proofread the first chapter

>> No.10087226

This is high school English class writing. Why aren't you lot published /lit/

>> No.10087227

"Fled the battle scene" Wew lad.
I wouldn't read it, but good luck to her.

>> No.10087230

>self published
doesn't count

>> No.10087231

Reading this reminded me of why I loathe defenders of the Hemingwayian short sentenced, simple worded prose style. It really does lower the bar for entry / set low standards. But that was always the intention: to dumb down writing and literature.

>> No.10087234

>tfw unpublished at 27 despite putting more than a decade of effort into writing and submitting drafts
>19 year old qt gets published and probably makes enormous amounts of money when her YA series becomes popular
I want to be angry and spiteful, but it would be blatantly obvious it’s all coming from envy and angst. My morale couldn’t be lower.

>> No.10087240

This is why self-publishing is the future. The so-called "gatekeepers" have no value if they let shit like that pass through.

>> No.10087242


She borrowed money from her rich parents and is self published.

>> No.10087246

If she’s fucking self published then why would she do a Reddit attention interview? I could self publish my TracerXWidowmaker femslash novel right now if I wanted to.

>> No.10087253

I didn’t realize she was self published. Thanks guys. My morale isn’t quite as low anymore if she took the path of literally no standards whatsoever.

>> No.10087254

Is it bad that I feel sorry for her?

>> No.10087256

Ah, that makes even more sense.

>> No.10087261

Go away Brianna. You're transparent.

>> No.10087262
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Gloria Tesch 2.0

>> No.10087263

She self published on amazon like any idiot can and did a reddit AMA because grassroots marketing

>> No.10087264
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Ego, unwarranted self-importance and a glimmer of commercialization. Hows she going to pay her parents back if only the immediate family knows about her "work"

>> No.10087268

Well at least it's getting a hammering in the Amazon reviews.

>> No.10087276

People do reddit AMAs to sell their products you dingus. not to have "banter" with their "fans"

>> No.10087278
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wonder what the next stage is

>> No.10087279

Anyone lol

>> No.10087281

She was in my intro to lit class that's required at Iowa.
Insufferable cunt.

>> No.10087283

underrated post

>> No.10087286

Fall and hurtle are not the same thing lmao. How is that tautology?

>> No.10087289

B-but my favorite actor told me he would rather fight a horse sized duck than 100 duck sized horses!

>> No.10087298
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>> No.10087300

Yeah repetitions, am I right boys?
I'd be much more concerned with her lack of substance, ridiculously poorly brought up exposition as well as her inability to narrate in the same fucking tense throughout a single page.
She is trying so hard not to make it look like she's basically explaining things, and it becomes that much more glaringly obvious.

Well, she is self-published so I'm not THAT angry.

>> No.10087302


"Nearly falling" and "hurtling" both describe the same action and either one could be omitted without losing anything.

>> No.10087303
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>I have an unhealthy obsession with giraffes
>Future animal hoarding problem
>The only Brianna Goux alive (and probably ever)
>Hello! I’m the author of Amara’s Rose- a Young Adult Science Fiction/Fantasy novel with kickass female leads.
>I started writing this novel because when I went to middle school all of my friends when to different schools so Rose, Phoenix, Sylvia, and Derek became my friends.
>Rose, Phoenix, Sylvia, and Derek became my friends.
>This book is groundbreaking for this genre in that four out of my five main characters are female
>I’ve been writing for as long as I can remember and have gone from writing short stories about a border collie named Millie to writing 400 page novels about Rose and her intergalactic adventures.
>Ask me anything about life, writing, or giraffes- I’ve got answers for you.

>> No.10087312

Should I really feel sorry for someone if they don't understand how pathetic their situation is

I don't think I should but I can't help it

>> No.10087314


Yeah it is. Don't feel bad for these spoiled little bitches because they are the worst sort of people when the veil drops.

>> No.10087320
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Wtf I suddenly love Reddit!

>> No.10087323

>This book is groundbreaking for this genre in that four out of my five main characters are female
How much science fiction has she actually read?

>> No.10087325

> What excuse do you have, /lit/?
I am not going to rush my franchise starting bestseller, nigga. All the props to the chick for being successful so early but let's see where she's in couple years. Besides, she's self-published.

Also damn, the bar seems low:
>This book is groundbreaking for this genre in that four out of my five main characters are female, there are no predominant romantic plots or love triangles

>> No.10087327

Hunger Games and Divergent, so the best of the best.

>> No.10087361

>do shit you love
>get money for it
Sure, her writing is ... questionable but it's not like the average /lit/ poster is any better. Unlike them, she's going to earn money and win a fanbase while improving. I doubt her writing will have a huge impact on her career when she can win people with her giraffe obsessed persona and "young writer who published" narrative. Then add that she's good looking, it's a formula for success.

The girl is smarter than the majority of this board "writers"

>> No.10087364

i noticed

she will be litigated as hard as she will be BLACKED

>> No.10087371

>graduating university

what sort of fucking clown college is that?

>> No.10087374

I'm not rich enough to vanity publish like Gloria Tesch

>> No.10087384
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>biological advantage

>> No.10087405

even a 85 IQ harlot can be smart enough to take advantage of her "goods" in order to persuade neckbeards to give her money. see camwhores
you're downplaying the average /lit/erati's intellect. it's only we weren't born with an ATM between our legs

>> No.10087407

Why is reddit being so brutal to her

>> No.10087415

She's basically an insult to anyone who cares about their craft.

>> No.10087419

What a horrible proofread

>> No.10087427

>I have a friend that owns a horse. She's always taking care of the horse during weekends, constantly talking about it, posting on facebook about it, competing in those jump races, etc.
it is good that she loves a horse more than a man. it reduces the risk of being cucked by another man. the only problem is that a horse is expensive and the girl stinks.
Also, girls lose their hymen to the horse and not the first man they choose to retrieve harmless fun

>> No.10087433

Is this the legendary /lit/ falseflagger?

>> No.10087434

hard dose of reality that not everyone is going to praise you

>> No.10087437

>Please be aware that most if not all of the low-star reviews are from non-verified purchases, and are likely false. On 9/29/17, the brave author hosted a question seminar on the popular website Reddit; of the tens of thousands of people that saw her seminar, a handful seem to have come here and reviewed her book poorly, using similar wording, terms, and trends. Reddit is famous for its occasional hive mind. Be cautious to believe that the low reviews are real accounts, as they are likely the same person using fake accounts, or a few insecure teenagers/young men who feel insulted that they are not published authors, despite playing DnD all day long.
Quality amazon review

>> No.10087446

She's cute, so she lives in a different world. It makes it unlikely that she'll ever produce anything of real value, because she doesn't need to. She doesn't have to go through the maddening process of getting good at something. The world will be nice to her anyway.

>> No.10087449
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>> No.10087452
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Sounds like the same response to Clinton's "What Happened".

>> No.10087455

Tons of camwhores are university students from second world countries, where education isn't a joke like in the west. To make nice money with it, you have to establish a connection with the neckbeards too, creating your own brand, otherwise you've going under in the sea of tits and pussy that's the Internet.

>you're downplaying the average /lit/erati's intellect.
I've seen their writing attempts. So all that's left are marketing skills but look at people like pewdiepie or that faggot nazi who was popular a while ago, if these people can make money, the "but ze wimin" excuse doesn't hold.

That's the case for (almost) every middle and upper middle class writer in the end.

Why does amazon still even allow non-veried reviews?

>> No.10087456

>girls lose their hymen to the horse

HOLY SHIT, thats what happened to my 7th grade sex ed teachers sister.

>> No.10087462

Isn't she a wannabe rapper now?

>> No.10087478

kindle unlimited is counted apparently
People aren't making it out of the sample chapters

>> No.10087485

I did not notice that, but to be fair, I never got past that first island when I played KH. Every time I hit the cutscene with Donald and Goofy, I turned my console off and put it aside to try again another time. Another time never came because it turns out I hate that premise of world-hopping almost as much as I hate the voices of Goofy and Donald.

I read the prologue and the first chapter in the free part you can view, and it didn't look very promising. I mean, good on her for trying, though, and managing to finish a manuscript.

But you don't publish the first thing you finish. You probably don't even try to get the fifth one you finish published. Maybe by the time you're sitting on ten or fifteen manuscripts, and you're closer to 40 than 10, then you'll have written something that you can sit back and objectively say: "Yes, this one is worth seeing the light of day. Let's give it a go." And you keep the rest as a dusty stack of papers in a drawer somewhere to come back to later, if the inspiration to recraft one of them into some better comes along.

>> No.10087486

wrong. success for a female was literally as easy as wearing a revealing top. that's the reason why twitch has been so adamant against boob streamers, they caused a whole lot of turmoil
and of course men are able to market themselves into success too. who said otherwise?

>> No.10087494

It was, that horse was a known Don Juan

>> No.10087497

5 thousand dollars for what? 1000 books? That sounds too expensive.

>> No.10087500
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>I know it's weird, but who isn't, right?

>> No.10087512

>success for a female was literally as easy as wearing a revealing top.
Great, you put on a revealing top and are about to get into e fame ... but what if another female does the same? And another? And so on? The competition is stiff and even neckbeards have limited time, so they can't support them all.

>> No.10087513

>success for a female was literally as easy as wearing a revealing top
This is a very fleeting and superficial kind of success though, and it's more popularity than success. If they want a real one, they have to work as hard as men.

>> No.10087519

> in b4 "white privilege".

>> No.10087522

Have you ever stopped to think how worthless some people are? Not me.

>> No.10087525

Horseback riding and other strenuous activities can all cause the hymen to break.

I probably lost mine horseback riding. Never had a horse, but I used to ride weekly at this farm that is now a housing development when I was a young teenager. It's not particularly surprising.

Unless, of course, you mean the other way of losing a hymen but not many people keep stallions unless they're horse breeders because their temperaments make them generally unsuitable for many purposes. I wouldn't imagine this happens too often.

>> No.10087529

>white privilege
A bit off-topic, but the whole "white privilege" thing is more anglo/American privilege than anything desu.

>> No.10087539

>the force of my momentum

>> No.10087545

It's generally used in context of the first world, and applies to all countries there. No one is calling out Belorussians in Belorussia on their white privilege.

>> No.10087547
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No, it's jewish. That's with whom the bogus concept originates (of course).

>> No.10087548

My wife broke hers in a particularly violent ballet recital when she was 14. Its crazy.

>> No.10087550

Who the fuck cares /lit/, why don't you talk about literature you actually like for a change rather than complaining about the shit you dont

>> No.10087551

animal life

>> No.10087554

Name a sci-fi where majority cast is female.

>> No.10087557

I see she has a generic arm tattoo like every other 19 year old girl in the world.

>> No.10087570

>David and Alethia Sanders of Planet Amara

>> No.10087577
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they still have a natural advantage over males. do you think a similar AMA with a male writer would attract as much attention?
there's this one dude on twitch that spends upwards to $20k weekly on donations to top female streamers.

>> No.10087581

She might be completely talentless as far as writing goes, but looking at her situation, she'll probably live a happier life than 99% of people here. In the end, she wins.

>> No.10087614

I've published 20 peer-review publications but no fiction. I sometimes thing about trying to write a story I've had in my mind for some time, but I'm just way too busy at this point in life.

I sometimes feel like I don't have enough creative outlet though.

>> No.10087617

The most recent science fiction novel I have read, Revenger by Alastair Reynolds
Numerous others, but I just read that and it was published last year

>> No.10087630

Submit to zines or magazines, don't try to crank out a novel on your first attempt

This process seems to have been lost at some point, traditionally people spent years submitting to magazines and apologies before they attempted their first novel

>> No.10087634

Advantage in catching more initial attention if they play their cards right (similarly as with dating), for the big picture it doesn't matter.

>> No.10087636

Only because she will never know struggle

>> No.10087649
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>> No.10087674

Well if she did it just as a hobby, or like some random small goal on her life, sure she won at losing 5k and self publishing. And I am saying this as someone who worked on an publishing house. Rich people don’t give a shit about money or fame, they just do this for vanity, and somehow I respect that attitude more than the regular idiot who put everything on their work and then is surprised when their 1k books are not sold.

>> No.10087678

Any stories? Who were her favorite authors?

>> No.10087701

>would not stop talking avout her YA shit
>stopped the twacher to say that some author was sexist
>used to stay on her telephone every xlass

>> No.10087704

Why is there such a commotion about this? She's self-published her book; anybody can do that.

>> No.10087705

That's because this people don't need this to be happy. The only way to make something good is by dedicating yourself fully to it. If you have already all someone could hope for, why the fuck would you spend thousand of hours alone weighing words and arguing with imaginary people.

>> No.10087710

Look at those tattoos, dude. You're better off rimming that cat.

>> No.10087713

She's cute for now. That's the only reason anyone cares about any of this. She could have farted and some people would have applauded her.

>> No.10087719

>this makes someone an insufferable cunt
Jesus, the people who take lit classes are really as whiny as everyone says.


>> No.10087720

Now write it like if you were Irvine Welsh

>> No.10087728

>settling for mediocrity

>> No.10087732

>so they can't support them all.
except they can. twitch and patreon are straight poison these days, and its not getting any better. you just wait and see, pal

>> No.10087737

>the key to good writing is writing a lot
no. A unique perspective and the language to encapsulate that, is innate. if you're not born with these traits then i highly doubt you can ever become a good writer

>> No.10087755

In that case, I'm doomed to failure. Guess I'll go do that course on dog grooming after all.

>> No.10087756


>> No.10087765

So, guys, if you were rich, would you take the self publishing route with absolute control over your work from the writing to the covers because only you knows better abou your masterpiece, or would you pay the best editors in the best publishing house to make sufe your work is the best of the canon best?

>> No.10087768


>> No.10087773

If the goal is to see your name on a book and be able to hold it up for Reddit, the former is better. If quality is the goal, the latter is.

>> No.10087783

Pay the editor, but I would want a say over the cover. At least a say.

I did art and design before I was into writing. I'm going to know what will fit the tone of the novel.

>> No.10087786

The sexism in this thread is very problematic

>> No.10087788

also see >>10087577 for proof

betas have no limit and it's fucking disgusting

>> No.10087792 [DELETED] 

I don't, I'm part of those that try to do something good, but I also realize there's about a 90% chance I'll fail since I'm writing weird shit and as much as try to I put it off, odds are that at some point some ridiculously small event will push me to give up and off myself. This person seems to have a pretty nice life and be a happy person. The whole Dunning-Kruger effect might be off the charts with people like this, but generally people like them and they have pretty pleasant lives.

>> No.10087796

a decent writer should be able to edit his work himself. if you can't edit, you can't write

>> No.10087802

You can become a competent/good writer, but not a great one, etc.

>> No.10087807

jesus what a useless "proofing"
the guy was in such a hurry to have everybody suck his dick he forgot he was just as shitty at writing as she is

>> No.10087816

If I was rich I'd maintain control over my work while hiring the best editors

Duh, think big.

>> No.10087817 [DELETED] 

I looked at it quickly, yes a lot of it is dumb. He just wanted to put a lot of read, I don't think he gave it much thought. I'm bad at it but I would get fired if I was that shitty.

>> No.10087820

To be fair, at least he had excuse to do it just to shit on her. What the fucking fuck was her editor doing getting paid and allowing that into print?

>> No.10087830

Brianna’s editor, pls.

>> No.10087831

You have no idea what it looked like before. Maybe it was just a proofreading pass, but who knows.

>> No.10087840

>the key to good writing is writing a lot
Wrong. If all you write is shit, it doesn't matter how much you write, it's still shit at the end of the day. JK Rowling couldn't even sell Casual Vacancy under a literally who pen name.

>> No.10087843

It's both. You write alot to know the craft and have command over the language to the point you can tell any story without flinching, and from there the real art begins with unique ideas, themes, etc.

Too many people try to do the second without having their craft together, so you get rambling 2deep4u nonsense that people worship because its impenetrable, as if that's a virtue in itself.

>> No.10087862

>Proust: masturbation
I'm going too need more information on that...
You also forgot
Joyce: bbbbbrrraaaaaaps

>> No.10087864

Its not simply writing a lot that learns the craft, its submitting the writing and getting editors to look at it and proof it and give you feedback or rejection letters
And its submitting to zines and short story magazines and anthologies where you have a tight word limit and that forces you to throw out exposition and overly descriptive prose and teaches you how to pace your plot efficiently

>> No.10087871

Beta readers can serve the same function if they're well read. When it comes to publishing houses 80% of the time you're working with the reviewers own subjective taste anyway.

>> No.10087879

er, magazines I meant. Publishing houses care more about marketability and what's trending.

>> No.10087888

So, does this girl thinks she is going to get her money back or she is going to turn rich with her books?

>> No.10087932

>retard writes poorly
>surely HEMINGWAY is to blame

>> No.10087956

I looked her up and it made me sad seeing how bulled shes getting. she seems sweet enough

>> No.10087967

Yea I dont think she's particularly malicious or cynical, she's just excited and a bit naive.

I think her being a rich girl adds alotta venom to some of these posts. Sad.

>> No.10087978

I'm guessing you're this guy
How did you live to be 300, and how bad is the culture shock? Do you need to drink about 5 whiskeys every day?

>> No.10087981
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>dyed hair
>Clown makeup
>lifeless eyes
>le quirky animals xp
>had to borrow money from her fucking parents to self publish her worthless cliche ridden garbage novel
>probably won't pay them back
>Whores herself out on Reddit because she instinctively knows her beat chance is to use her youthful and "I'm just a nerd like you" sexuality to lure neckbeards into supporting her
>her book is completely awful, literally middle schoolers write more interesting stories with much better prose
>she wants people to give her money that they earned through hard work in exchange for something that you could get for free at any shitty fanfiction forum

>will still be more successful than 99% of writers on /lit/

>> No.10087993

I get that her writting isn't that good, but imagine being so assblasted over her getting published that you have to do this

>> No.10088002

Life is terrible, and then you die.

>> No.10088025

the saddest thing is, she doesn't even have an instagram for me to fap to

>> No.10088040

She's a teenage attention whore. I guarantee she has one somewhere.

>> No.10088127

it's self-published
her parents paid for it
it's fucking trash

>> No.10088140

So was Eragon but it's n........oh wait.

>> No.10088156
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eragon is fucking shakespeare compared to that atrocity >>10087206

>> No.10088208

She's not gonna fuck you, dude.

>> No.10088216

Hard for something to be a legend when you can't go 30 seconds without seeing it. At this point the legend is a thread that he doesn't shit up within 100 posts.

>> No.10088219
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>This much of people triggered by the truth
Women should make babies, if you think otherwise fucking educate yourself, disgusting liberal piece of human garbage

>> No.10088229

Stopped at the first sentence, desu.

>> No.10088236
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Same with Gonzo writing. Injecting your hot opinions everywhere makes every piece of work good, guaranteed! Works extra well with political journalism.

>> No.10088248

>A unique perspective and the language to encapsulate that, is innate. if you're not born with these traits then i highly doubt you can ever become a good writer
Bullshit. Writing is like any other skill - practice makes perfect.

>> No.10088270

Practice makes better, but let's take singing. Anyone who can talk can technically sing. The barrier to entry is low. Still, most people kind of suck at it at first. Some people sing all the time and are still terrible. Through focused practice, I guess everyone can become a good singer, but most have a kind of ceiling they hit at some point. It takes takes some genetic luck/talent to really be special at it. Same goes for writing. And that's just the voice aspect.

>> No.10088283

>genetic luck/talent
Genetic luck/talent will only take you so far though, you still need the practice and I don't care how genetic talented you are your first attempt at writing is going to be dross.

>> No.10088295

At least none can claim that the author died.

>> No.10088320

Oh, absolutely, you can't be a good writer without putting the hours in. I'm just saying that it's unfair in the way that you can kill yourself at this, dedicate all your time to it and never write anything anyone would want to read.

Unless you're completely tone deaf or suffer from a type of disability, your writing will become technically competent over time, but there's a big jump between a technically competent and a great writer.

You also need to put a absurd amount of hour before you know if you'll ever be really good at it. It's fun to write and everything, but this can get depressing.

People like the AMA girl are the kind of people others are often eager to praise. She's probably nice and people like her, so they praise her. And she looks to be a happy person.

All that to say that I'm not into the "you have to be a tortured soul to be an artist" thing, but when you are a relatively well adjusted person, you likely won't put in enough hours or effort alone to even find if you're good at it.

Her gender hasn't much to do with it. It would be the same thing if it was a guy in her situation.Those people end up living happy lives, but they unironically have better things to do than producing art.

>> No.10088455

>Same le ebin quirky catchphrases used over and over (can confirm, me_irl, you like that you fucking retard)
>Cringe tier novelty accounts
>Le randum bots

Can anyone give me an honest answer as to why Reddit is completely devoid of creativity?

>> No.10088459

Simmer down schopes

>> No.10088470

>I'm woman with basic liberal values
She could probably publish her own shit if she wanted

>> No.10088475

ITT: guys are triggered by a qt3.14

never change 4chan

>> No.10088478

>pretty much the plot for Kingdom Hearts?

So the twist is it turns out everyone is actually Xehanort?

>> No.10088484
File: 26 KB, 315x475, 156780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Amazon (COUGH REDDIT) is destroying this woman

>> No.10088487

It's jealousy at an adult having lived a life that led them to be so naive as to think that they should be praised for their achievement after doing the costly equivalent of pressing crtl+p, and resentment at finding out that they are.

>> No.10088519

It's frustration at seeing a pretty girl when 4chan can't get laid.

This is her first attempt at writing a novel. Of course it's not going to be brilliant. Gee, some people are being encouraging to a fledgling writer? Quelle horreur. 4chan wants to shit on everything because their own lives are fucked up.

This girl's probably going to get a MFA from the Iowa Writer's Workshop and land a book deal afterwards.

>> No.10088527

>This is her first attempt at writing a novel. Of course it's not going to be brilliant
Everyone knows that, the problem is that she's expecting people to pay $12 for what's essentially a first draft. And she mightn't gotten away with it too if she didn't do the masturbatory AmA like her marketing buddy told her to do.

We can bullshit and say "oh it's YA so the barrier of entry is lower" but thats bullshit since YA takes some very conscious thinking on how to write for a younger audience. At least if you give a fuck about writing well.

Her craft just isn't there yet, and only she hasn't realized it.

>> No.10088539 [DELETED] 

>Her craft just isn't there yet, and only she hasn't realized it.
It will at some point hopefully, and she'll wonder what the hell she was thinking when she wrote this. I know that my early stuff, which I was convinced was genius, probably wasn't much different than this. I kept at it and got a lot better. So here I am, years later, working on a dumb story at 4 am while trying to push away thoughts of suicide. If she keeps up, she might be as successful as me some day. Or she might just give up and live an actual fulfilling life.

>> No.10088541

I know, it's almost as bad as her actual writing. The Twilight 'corrections' I've seen are even worse.

>> No.10088544

>$20k weekly
This is not a beta income.

>> No.10088547

It's "my dad is in the oil biz" income

>> No.10088548
File: 137 KB, 900x576, 1470809684753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that moment when you realize Joyce was the greatest BBBBBBBBRRRRRAAAAPPPTTT poster of our time

>> No.10088555

Regardless of what she does with this criticism she's getting now it's pretty good for her. Clearly the people she's shown before have been giving her fake feedback. Now she has a legitimate chance to improve.

>> No.10088566

She must be like, so smart that she graduated high school early 'n stuff because that's how awesome she is.

>> No.10088571

Well, looking at her blog, it's just posts about depression and a poem about cutting her wrist. I'm guessing the critics seem harsher now and people could have eased up a bit, but the book simply wasn't ready to be published. Hopefully she perseveres and get better next time, but it's a long journey.

>> No.10088572

she did some acceleration program while in HS for college credits, but her degree is Creative Writing so that says it all lol

>> No.10088579

>This girl's probably going to get a MFA from the Iowa Writer's Workshop
if she keeps writing like that she will never ever be accepted. kids who enter the workshop usually have an already decent if not stellar grasp of the medium

>> No.10088586

She made 28k a year when she was 17. She's doing fine.

>> No.10088590

>She made 28k a year when she was 17.
thats literally allowance money

>> No.10088593

When you're living at home with your parents paying for everything. It's a lot. She's not going into debt over her art.

>> No.10088595

Congratulations, you were born rich and will never achieve anything of value.

>> No.10088596

I do agree that people are being bigger cunts than they need to be. Well it'll either break her drive to write or make her write better. It's cool to see someone happy and following their dream so I hope it's the latter.

>> No.10088599

cope more

>> No.10088605

I'd say the feedback was proportional. She framed herself as some young hotshot and the reality was she's below mediocre. You can find infinitely better writers on fucking Wattpad and they aren't gassing themselves up like that.

>> No.10088612

Hey, my sister's degree was in creative writing. She's actually good at it. She won awards.

This girl is terrible.

>> No.10088613

I think that with a lot of people, it's because they're self-conscious about their work and scared about rejection, so when the see someone beaming to put their stuff out there while it' not very good, they're reassured about their own writing. "At least I'm better than that!" Of course, a lot of them don't write at all and only think they would be able to, but that's another story.

>> No.10088620

Link to blog? Only website I could find was this


>> No.10088621

Her cat is so cute

>> No.10088624

I have zero reading comprehension. I'm sorry.....

>> No.10088627

>"my own" is a tautology
How the fuck do you use the word "own" without a personal pronoun before it, plebbit?

>> No.10088631

consider the full context
>my own harsh breathing

it can just be
>my harsh breathing

>> No.10088634

Wait so where's her blog?

>> No.10088639

Yeah but that doesn't answer my question, how do you ever use "own" without a personal pronoun, making it a "tautology"?

>> No.10088643

Don't pay attention to that copy edit jpeg. Whoever did that also circled all occurrences of "portal". I guess he would have preferred she uses a different word each time. So portal once, then:
>disappearing hole
Sure, that would have made the text much clearer.
>tips fedora

>> No.10088645

he probably dosent know what tautology means, its really just a redundancy

>> No.10088657

It's redundant, but there's nothing inherently wrong with it as far as I'm concerned. It's a choice the author can make for a few reason. The same redditor would probably have changed:
>I can change the world with my own two hands
>I can change the world with my hands
So don't pay attention to him, a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, etc.

>> No.10088658

Trips and lel....though, is he really that wrong?

>> No.10088665

That was her blog. The first post is about cutting. I skimmed it so I didn't notice at first.

>> No.10088666

To play devil's advocate, this explains the original anon's argument. Just replace "funny" with "good writers".

>> No.10088687

It's fun and all to laugh at unselfconscious people, but yeah it doesn't seem to be the case here and Reddit has been shitty with this one. She looks like she might have the right profile to become a good writer as long as she keeps at it for long enough.

>> No.10088697

Assuming this is the quality of the whole book, then it literally got published because "look a girl writing Sci-Fi - HOW PROGRESSIVE"

>> No.10088704

She self published you fat retard. Did you even read the thread?

>> No.10088709

I blame her support group. Everyone around her probably told her it was a good idea. Her reddit mod boyfriend probably pulled a string or two to get the AMA thread approved and redditors skyrocketed her to the top of the 4th ranked US website.

I hope she gets better. I bought the $5 dollar copy. I'll probably never read it.

It literally got published because she self-published it on Amazon.

>> No.10088718

also cuts herself. she might just be the next great american author senpai

>> No.10088723

Does self-harm make for a better writer?

Does it scale with the amount/severity of self-harm?

>> No.10088725
File: 107 KB, 620x390, 1505770048544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The letters that had the strongest impact on me, for both quality of writing and for personal enlightenment and connection, were Proust's letters. Aside from his philosophically brilliant and stylistically delightful epic, I identify with Proust as a person and an artist. You see, according to letters from Proust to his loved ones, he was a chronic masturbator.

Not like your average adolescent, we're talking 10-15 times a day, well into his late 30s. It's no wonder he didn't start seriously writing ISOLT/Swann's Way until the late age of 38, because his wrist must've been devoid of cartilage by age 35 requiring strenuous recovery, like how some 30-year-old NBA players have the knees of an 80-year-old after a modest career. And who could blame him? His hands wrote the most masterful human creation ever, as art is the most superior form of human creation, literature the most superior form of art, and ISOLT the most superior work of literature; I'm not gay but I would enjoy a handjob from Proust's divine hands, the only greater tribute to art I imagine would be to pierce the canvas of the Mona Lisa smile with your cock and make love to Mona Lisa's mouth in the Louvre.

I too have this problem of chronic masturbation, it's a curse. But it comforts me knowing that there is an upper echelon of chronic masturbators who are brilliant artists and philosophers and minds throughout human history. It comforts me knowing that when I die there might be a glowing castle in the clouds where all the great chronic masturbators throughout history occupy, and Proust, from the highest tower, upon seeing my one normal arm and muscular arm with a chaffed lumberjack palm, blows smoky stardust from his divine pipe and shouts "Lower the drawbridge, he's one of us!", and I am greeted with Target 5 for $5 hand creams as I take my rightful place in eternity.

>> No.10088729

You know you can jellify your cum with everclear and reuse it as lube later. Save yourself some bucks.

>> No.10088739

Anyone else irritated by the obvious staging of this photograph. It's not enough to just state she has a cat. No, it's reddit so the cat was either put on the chair as a prop, or else she waited until the cat was there. But wait, not even this was enough. This fucking dickhead off camera has to also gesture for the cat to look towards the camera. Fuck this "pefect moment", "instagrameque" "fake society".

>> No.10088745
File: 18 KB, 620x414, 1504989773421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10088747

No, but up to a point being introverted and a bit neurotic does. That said, she might be on some meds that make her delusional on something. I looked at the reddit thread, and she talks about crying like a baby when she found out she was published. She self-published on Amazon. That's like crying because you just got a gmail account. The whole thing is weird as hell, I give up on this thread and whoever this person is.

>> No.10088781

To Live is to Suffer, but it won't stop me from writing

>> No.10088783

>Unhealthy obsession with x
Every single tinder profile, alongside
>Love travelling

>> No.10088793

It's like theres a videotuber or google search teaching them all how to atttact the best of us

>> No.10088795

Or it could be her reddit power mod boyfriend.

>> No.10088856

Why are girls so shit at naming things?

>> No.10088888
File: 37 KB, 350x437, IMG_9321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, I went to the same class

She actually pretty friendly, just a bit eccentric

>> No.10088938
File: 6 KB, 230x219, sounding.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I blame her support group
>supports her anyway by buying a copy

>> No.10088950
File: 34 KB, 352x387, 1495180123390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


beautiful digits wasted on a whiteknight goober

>> No.10088957

Too many adverbs

>> No.10088973

shouldnt your first couple sentences be the best you have to offer? they're awful.

>> No.10089016

Why do I come on this fucking website.

>> No.10089024

Because your opinions are too shitty to get upvotes on reddit.

>> No.10089044

idk what it is, but even without seeing this thread you can tell this was written by a woman

>> No.10089048

I am going to use this bait as an opportunity to remind people of the great wealth of Catholic female writers and mystics- Flannery O'Connor, Catharine of Sienna, Hildegard von Bingen and Teresa of Avila should be more widely read.

>> No.10089061

fell a victim

>> No.10089077
File: 191 KB, 362x463, 1500558983594.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Studying in the prestigious English Department at the University of Iowa

>> No.10089104

yeah....and fuck sake, she is only 19

I don't get where is all this hate coming from

>> No.10089136
File: 30 KB, 450x573, 234050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


she does sound super pathetic

an attractive rich girl living in the world's super power cuts her wrist because she is sad :,-(((

I earn minimal wage, living in the shittiest place in Eastern Europe, have a flat chest, both of my parents gone but I never felt depression.

bitch just can't handle real problems

>> No.10089169

any favourites?

>> No.10089174

hang yourself you kissless spastic

>> No.10089177

she wont have sex with you, just stop

>> No.10089189

I have no interest in having sex with her

I am women myself

>> No.10089196

>I am women myself
No, steve, you were born a boy.
Stop acting like you're girl, you're a shame to your parents.

>> No.10089199

Pasta detected.

I like it though, I'll save it too

>> No.10089204

>already published
Through First Choice Books, a Canadian vanity publisher. Means nothing. Get back when someone actually pays her to publish her books.

>> No.10089207

do I get a big penis or a tiny one?


>> No.10089211

>"look a girl writing Sci-Fi - HOW PROGRESSIVE"
I'm not even going to bother mentioning any names but women writing SF is hardly new or unusual.

>> No.10089240

So, being a woman and writing sci-fi brings gender issues? If I want to avoid that type of recognition, should I use a male pen name?

>> No.10089286

you will never get recognition in whatever form

>> No.10089301
File: 29 KB, 960x956, REALLY makes you think.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yet you come here to beg for attention and sympathy.

>> No.10089341 [DELETED] 



>> No.10089352
File: 48 KB, 1533x418, Screenshot_16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10089358

Reddit is based!

>> No.10089363

>write a shitty book in the least demanding genre that there is
>parents pay for everything
>haha im a published AUTHOR at 19 haha im soooooo gooood


>> No.10089465

The key to good writing is READING a lot as well. How much has a 19 yo who spends her life on social media read? 5K is a lot of editing....

I can tell when a writer gets most of their 'inspiration' from TV or movies.

Maybe she has natural talent, but I'm not holding my breath.

>> No.10089471

The U of Iowa MFA is actually pretty prestigious. I knew a guy who went there and has done somewhat well for himself.

>> No.10089488

The reason few girls her age get published.

I wrote utter shit when I was that age too.

Some kids don't want to wait to develop their skills and publishers these days will sign up anything that can grab news headlines.

>> No.10089496

>like one of those ostriches on earth.
Cringed hard.

>> No.10089505

Did I accidentally stumble into Reddit?

>> No.10089524

Oh, I know your mistake! See, you think 4chan is like some culture opposite to reddit! No, sorry buddy, 4chan doesn't have a culture. That's the point. It's an amalgamation of anonymous users currently online. If you want predictable social norms so you can have your dick sucked by random strangers who all agree with everything you type, this ain't the place. Maybe try a Facebook meme group or something? Or just a blog where you can whinge about pussy to MGTOW losers? Either way, fuck off with your autistic safe space faggotry.

>> No.10089549

How did she get onto the front page of r/books as a SP author though??

I thought to do an AMA you had to already have been fairly accomplished. I've usually heard of, if not read myself, most of the ones doing AMAs on there.

>> No.10089552


Apparently she's friends with a mod

>> No.10089581

More like indulgent/well-off parents privilege.

>> No.10089595

The terrible quality
Her lack of awareness of its quality

>> No.10089600

Why is reddit filled with poorfags? I never understood this. There is always this circlejerk where they put poor people on a pedestal. Read that last comment. I don't know what it is about it, there's just something underlying I always see whenever money is mentioned on Reddit.

>> No.10089602

>she's going to earn money

>> No.10089609


There are no shortcuts to becoming a good writer, though many think they can do it.

>> No.10089611

She is a manic pixie dream girl come to life

>> No.10089620

If that's after $5K worth of editing, I can only imagine what it looked like before.

>> No.10089621

>I probably lost mine horseback riding.

>> No.10089625

Its the fact that she paid for it to be published
And then goes on reddit with this perky upbeat introduction about how nerdy and quirky she is
Like there is a serious amount of detachment between what she does and her awareness of what she does

>> No.10089631

She has to make more than $5,000 to make a profit. Do you really believe that will happen?

>> No.10089632

Don't worry, the Wall is still a thing.

>> No.10089636

whenever i see young and happy people i feel incredible fury, i hope she fails and that disgusting smile disappears

>> No.10089644

>its not brilliant
Its literally unreadable. It is full of spelling mistakes and bad grammar, it repeats itself, it has unnecessary exposition, it has awkward prose.
And it is self published.
And she is oblivious to its faults.

>> No.10089657

I'd have to agree.
Hers has me wondering how she got into a university-level program.

>> No.10089666

>Anyone who can talk can technically sing
Not true.

Some people are tone deaf. You can't hit a note you're unable to hear. However vocoder technology makes the need for that obsolete.

>> No.10089678

Its self published
Its awful
She talks shit about how good she is

>> No.10089680

(((Volume 1)))

>> No.10089689

>should I use a male pen name?
Did you ever hear of James Tiptree Jr?
>brings gender issues?
Not for 95% of readers, but for a teeny tiny but very vocal minority and a handful of marginal politicised authors its a very triggering thing

>> No.10089690

I feel bad for her. My novel from age 19 has improved and changed so much. If I had finished and published it then I would never have realized the full potential of the work. I would look back on it as a premature ejaculation.

>> No.10089691

When they do fake reviews, they really should put four stars instead of five to make them at least remotely believable. To me it just said "my best friend bought this"

>> No.10089695

>unsubstantiated claims
Seems legit

>> No.10089710
File: 136 KB, 273x787, shittyscreenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I opened the thread just for you anon, I hope you will take a look https://imgur.com/a/6LfHP

>> No.10089711


There's a strong correlation between depression and being utterly self-absorbed. Sometimes because of prolonged trauma, sometimes just spoiled.

>> No.10089738
File: 81 KB, 1440x584, fisfdishfsd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

btw she's almost finished with her degree

>> No.10089751

>It's not financially in the cards for me

>> No.10089752

She's also being disingenous about the horse.

You can even buy a pedigreed thoroughbred for next to nothing. However vet bills are well out of the budget for the average teen and there's a reason for the idiom 'eats like a horse'. You're forking out 500 bucks a month to stable them unless you have friend with extra stall space.

/own horses

>> No.10089754

This is literally Attack on Titan...in space

>> No.10089757

can we please go through the whole book together and ridicule it?

>> No.10089780

I'm legit worried about her.

>> No.10089782

Just browsing the thread:

>[–]mydogisagrizzlybear 114 points 19 hours ago

>So you're self-published. It's extremely obvious based on your, frankly, lackluster cover design and lack of information on Amazon. This is no impressive feat, and I'm not trying to be mean. >Literally anyone can self-publish a book.

>How did you convince the mods otherwise?

>[–]BriannaMGoux[S] 126 points 19 hours ago

>I showed them how many copies I've sold :)

Yeah, she deserves the flack she is getting, then.

>> No.10089813

haha fuck the haters xD I'm special and nobody can bring me down! :)

>> No.10089823

>all the butthurt nu male redditors replying to this

>> No.10089825

>fled the battle scene
>battle scene
>warrior instinct

This garbage gets published.

>> No.10089884

He opened a thread on twoxchromosomes promoting the AMA and saying it's his GF.

>> No.10089886

>nu male
You mean roasties?

>> No.10089887

This isn't your safe space, mongrel.

>> No.10089889

Underrated post.

>> No.10089938

Holy fuck

>> No.10089946

>I bump my own shitposting - the post

This should be a bannable offense

>> No.10089963
File: 9 KB, 250x250, 1498137529808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this shouldn't have been happening

>> No.10089975

I'm not saying I'm some sort of great author or anything but if that page is anything to go by this book fucking sucks

>> No.10089986

i wrote better meme-tier sci-fi than this when I was twelve

>> No.10089990

>Her blue form, crackling with energy, was eagerly taking in Its handiwork.

>> No.10090001

Not just "its." Its, anon. Capital I. Like the Stephen King monster.

>> No.10090025

No you didn't

>> No.10090029


>> No.10090143

>the least demanding genre that there is
Quit it. Sci-fi is not an easy genre, and for that matter (good) YA isn't either. The false idea that they're easy is what gives rise to abomination such as this one.

She probably would have had a much better reception if she had written a "deep literary story" even if was as bad as this, because most of Reddit's audience wouldn't have been equipped with the necessary skills to understand how much it sucks. Instead she tried to bamboozle them by writing to the favorite genre of many there, of course they'll call her out on it.

She did the equivalent of shitting in a pie and taking it to a pie tasting convention. People know what a pie tastes like and it sure isn't this. She would have fooled more people if she had went to a gourmet place and went on about how it really was some rare bitter tasting ancestral delicacy. Most people still wouldn't have liked it, but a good portion would have went along with it fearing that they were the ones who were uncultured. The pie people don't have this pretense.

So if you try your hand at sci-fi (or YA I guess even though I never read any) your skill needs to be solid because people will realize quicker than almost any genre if you're trying to feed them shit.

>> No.10090154

Value your time more than this anon.

>> No.10090165
File: 56 KB, 620x372, Jarvis-Cocker-photoshoot--009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stupid tree, stupid portal, stupid woods with more stupid trees
wtf is it narrated by homer simpson?

>> No.10090174

there is nothing wrong with a noblewoman taking a leisurely ride on a horse- so stay mad, plebian. i will however freely admit that when a parvenu does it, its cringe.

>> No.10090178 [DELETED] 

Lol, did her editor's notes make it in the final copy?

>> No.10090197

Anon said buys them a horse, not ride one. This things are expensive and you can't really keep them in your garage either, and it's also completely useless in modern life, so it's an extravagant expense and he sees it as a sign that the person is probably spoiled in general. Nothing wrong with riding one as a hobby or whatever.

>> No.10090198
File: 37 KB, 600x480, stepf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10090201
File: 12 KB, 300x300, nothanksman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She was almost the perfect waifu, lads

>> No.10090218

Not only the tattoos but
>dyed hair

>> No.10090229

omg that's a cute kitty cat behind her

>> No.10090247
File: 92 KB, 634x477, woolf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys I did a critique of page 1 of Virginia Woolf's Orlando hehe feel free to comment and maybe, if you're lucky I'll edit some of your writing for you

>> No.10090258

I think dyed hair can look okay (in her case it's fine), but nevertheless it is a huge red flag and usually means the person is mentally damaged. Agreed

>> No.10090261


You have to be fucking a mod there and then, no probs! He'll create a bot to create fake upvotes too.

>> No.10090265

found her boyfriend

>> No.10090266

It's Paolini all over again
At least she's cute

>> No.10090272

She wouldn't date any of you losers, why are you judging her?

>> No.10090283

reading that makes me cry with thinking about what we lost when she killed herself and what wonders we might have seen if she had lived. it's just beautiful

>> No.10090305

From my understanding, the Eragon guy was good for his age. He published a bit early and could have let his work mature more, but he still had good success which enables him to write full time, so he made the right choice in the end. I doubt any of us would have wrote something better when we were 15 or whatever. This shit's hard.

I just realized through autocorrect that Eragon is Dragon with the first letter +1. All, I'm off to write Fragon, and possibly Gragon. Wish me luck anons.

>> No.10090309

The guy who wrote Eragon was actually garbage and was refused by many publishing agencies until his parents forced his way in.

>> No.10090373

They wouldn't date you, why are you judging them?

>> No.10090403

Maybe. But his books had success in the marketplace in a way that was completely outside of his parent's power, and I heard about many kids who really liked those books. In the end, he might have had help and luck, but his writing managed to stand on its own.

>> No.10090568

>unironically quoting that meme interview
You know there is such a thing as intellectual prudence and integrity. It all flows out the window the minute you start pulling untested evopsych crap out of your ass.

>> No.10090726

Incels, but honestly I don't know what she expected

>> No.10090732

Is the person who wrote this 60?

>> No.10090740

That's what happens with fake popularity.

>> No.10090811

Can't remember the last time I saw a /lit/ thread with 320 replies

>> No.10090823

Here's an ethical dilemma: girl with history of anxiety and depression completes a project. Ignorant to the actual degree of quality of her work, she shares it with the internet in good faith, looking for increased sales and positive feedback. However, users demolish her exploitation of her looks, her lack of ability, and her boyfriend's shameless appearance. But, she increases her sales and in the end makes more money.
Who is in the wrong here? The girl for being a ditz and an attention whore (explainable by her history of mental illness), or the crowd, who are drawing attention to the very glaring flaws she probably knew existed in the act of posting an AMA?
I feel bad for her, since she's a sensitive girl who is so desperate for positive feedback she pulled this, but on the other hand, her book sucked and it was all a ploy.

>> No.10090994

>in good faith
>asking for her bf to use bots to get her to the frontpage
I don't understand.
She didn't get there because of people reacting, people are reacting because she got on the frontpage shadily.

>> No.10091045

200+ happens all the time with political threads but they usually get deleted

>> No.10091078

No proof her bf used bots, though. And honestly given her looks, I don't think vote manipulation was involved. But I may be wrong.

>> No.10091094

There may not be proof, but he pretended to be a random person asking questions, and he is a mod on the subreddit. It makes no sense at all that her post got so much attention so fast. Even if she's pretty she's still a nobody.

>> No.10091156

Seriously. Do girls actually think dying their hair blue or fucking yellow looks good? Do they think they're anime characters?

>> No.10091161

>Instead of explaining why the book is good, I'll complain about the people who reviewed the book poorly

>> No.10091206

maybe you shouldn't pussy

>> No.10091332

>blury and unreadable
Seems legit

>> No.10091366

>her boyfriend
This is looking like your typical 4chan gas lighting

>> No.10091385

>I feel bad for her,

I don't. Cheaters and scammers suck. She wants fame without the requisite effort. When I was on r/books the other day the upvote count alone made me suspect something fucky. Even GRRM wouldn't get that many upvotes if he was liveblogging Winds of Winter

>> No.10091400

it's true, her bf is a mod. evidence here:

>> No.10091509

>hahah I have an obsession with grifaffes haha isnt that how you spell grifaffe? hahaha anyways their so funny haaha
why do w*men think having "an unhealthy obsession with pink flying bunnies" is funny, cute, smart, creative or anything but fucking childish? I've seen alot of females who say they have such "obsessions"

>> No.10091519

It's "humor".

>> No.10091613


>> No.10091629
File: 377 KB, 594x422, 1484331663403.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dont you are bully m'women, am I right m'ladies?

>> No.10091793

It makes them quirky/relatable. Undermines the notion that women have to be perfect.

>> No.10091815
File: 58 KB, 500x750, ramonaswing[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's pic related's fault

>> No.10091857

I meant that it was the same thing as writing. Anyone can technically "write" too, but some are tone deaf as far as the written word goes.

>> No.10091872

If it was a gritty book about the depths of one can sink to to satisfy a giraffe addiction, I probably would have read it to be honest.

>> No.10092096

You're trying too hard.

>> No.10092121

the delusions of a man who tried writing literary fiction and failed, and had to resort to sci fi to pay the bills, ladies and gentlemen

>> No.10092424

How does it feel to think in memes every waking second of your life?