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10081943 No.10081943 [Reply] [Original]

Cyberpunk as it is now, is dead. Critique of anarcho-capitalism has been done to death. All arguments exausted. The only ones who stick to it are either ignorant or naive. The way forward then for the genre should focus on the nature of political and social movements. The rise of Trump being a good example to dissect, or is the genre unrecoverable? A product of the 80s?

>> No.10081946


The problem is that Cyberpunk thrived when it was speculative dystopian fiction and it's now fact. Nobody wants to read a work of fiction which is just a find and replace for names and places in our present day reality.

>> No.10081949

I'm using a lot of cyberpunk stuff in what I'm writing now but it's played as a joke almost. I'm not sure if "serious" cyberpunk can work too well anymore, it has been surpassed.

>> No.10082100

We live in a cyberprep reality. Steve Jobs gave us the Taco Bell and the three sea shells future.

>> No.10082398

This is true, but this should mean we have more to draw from

>> No.10082564
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I love a good cyberpunk thread.

>> No.10083616

Not sure what you mean. Cyberpunk is indistinguishable from most SF. You mean SF stories now exclude computers entirely or take them as given?

>> No.10083752

Well, cyber punk had its rise along side computers. They werent as widespread as they are now then.
So perhaps what we should be tackling is AI and sex bot territory.

>> No.10083766

"Anarcho-capitalism" is a nonsense boogeyman. Its system is flatly contradictory, and when pressed at any length on how such a project would be implemented, the adherents of this system inevitably fail to give an account of their ideology that fundamentally differs from private-property statism.

Every "cyberpunk critique" has been a rehashing of the same tired reformist regurgitation: technology is dangerous and has to be moderated by an executive branch. Cyberpunk merely replaces the antiquated modern model of futurity developed in the 1950s with, as OP says, an updated conception more in line with the technological advancements of the 1980s.

It could be revived if it engaged in a qualitatively different critique. This movement has its basis in films like "Tetsuo: The Iron Man."

>> No.10083781
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Those are great topics with potential. if you want to be timely and relevant I'd include climate change because we're fuct if we stop society and we're fuct if we don't. If you wish to exclude climate you have to have a non-earth culture story to be relevant to the current timestream.

>> No.10083787

SciFi and Cyberpunk are just blanket set pieces for a marketable flavor of postmodern anxiety.

There is no way forward; sci fi is stuck in the present

>> No.10083799
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I agree with anon for the most part. Everything formerly horrific is now possible. If you take climate change as self evident, there is no future unless it occurs off world.

>> No.10083825

This makes me feel a certain kind of horror, because deep down I know its true.
Perhaps the genre is not dead, but now is really just fiction.

>> No.10083833

Then really the genre needs to take a few speculative steps ahead, as in only years time ahead. Before, tech took so long to manifest we could write 20 or 50 years ahead, but now we need to think 4 or 5. This changes the longevity of the relavancy, but also rams home the point. Odd relationship.

>> No.10083843

Cyberpunk has been dead since the Bigend trilogy. This thread is over a decade out of date.

>> No.10083850

Near term stuff is what captures the masses, in the sense that lots of movies are just now plus one additional scifi element presented as fact. Scifi has never been known for its longevity. Heinlein's Harsh Mistress seems dated already. If memory serves that fits the anarcho -capitolist thing.

>> No.10083875

Nice reference, is it from that movie where people have sex through a machine because they are too afraid of bodily fluids?

>> No.10083887

>Cyberpunk as it is now, is dead.
it's more popular than ever