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10077328 No.10077328 [Reply] [Original]

The movie looks like pure kino, is the book worth checking out?

>> No.10077337

Book 1: 9/10
Book 2: 7/10
Book 3: 3/10

>> No.10077343
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Do you think anyone on this board would put the effort into reading random contemperary garbage? And you're spending hours watching a movie? Lmao

>> No.10077351

legitimate answer, it's pretty interesting. it's not super long or anything, just read it.

i haven't started the other books in the trilogy so that's disheartening.

>> No.10077363


>> No.10077444

i-it's a play on words for uh my contempt towards this post

>> No.10077595

Entire first half is just the girls fucking around in a tunnel, second half is pretty top-tier eldritch horror. Haven't read the others, it's fine for the length though. The movie is almost assuredly going to be better.

>> No.10077845

Nice save!

>> No.10078008
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This is the literature board, anon.

>> No.10078028


>> No.10078167

First book is derivative cosmic horror science fiction, second book is more substantial but still hollow, didn't read the third. Might make a fun movie series.

>> No.10078932

The first 150 pages of the first book are a legitimately mysterious thrillride. The ending was kind of a letdown for me, though, and I've heard from a lot of other that the other two books were disappointments. I haven't read them.

>> No.10078954
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>weird fiction
heh. Hope I don't scare your mind into insanity with my nihilistic blend of steampunk and H.P. Lovecraft

>> No.10078987

stop kino 2017

stop dank


>> No.10079242

Saw the trailer so I read the plot of the book on wiki

Story feels like trash

Scifi was a mistake

>> No.10079965

The second book is different, though it gets crazy in the last 20 pages.

>> No.10079995

>memes — on MY board?

>> No.10080012

I like the series. As other's are saying, I liked the first book more than the others. I read each one in a little binge, over a couple days. The mystery and pacing left me a lot more excited than a lot of other books I've read. Personally, I liked the second one the least.

I wouldn't stretch and say that these books are going to stand the test of time, but they were fun.

>> No.10080139

Is it so bad a comment that I'm suppose to think it's funny, cause that shit is boring. Or is it really that you are unaware of nihilism, steampunk, and H.P. Lovecraft? If you are, you'd probably not like to hear that Christians wrote fantasy, too. Like good fantasy. And yeah, same shit, different day.

>> No.10080249

I've read the whole trilogy and the last two felt like unnecessary justification for the mysterious happenings in the first one. VanderMeer said that he got the inspiration from a dream, so it doesn't surprise me that his half-baked explanation for the first book takes four times as long and isn't really that conclusive. I love the first one and Garland is a good director so this film will probably be good.