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/lit/ - Literature

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10062075 No.10062075 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10062144

The Turner Diaries.

Couldn't put it down until I finished.

>> No.10062178

Oddly, The Shadow of the Wind. YA shit, but it pulled me back.

>> No.10062192

Unironically Infinite Jest

>> No.10062341
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I had spent years w/o reading. In the end, it was a big waste of time but it did get me back into books

>> No.10062396

The Red and the Black. Julien is a really compelling character to follow

>> No.10062406

Mason & Dixon

>> No.10062583


>> No.10062588

who is this qt

>> No.10063936

Swann's Way

>> No.10064067

Lolita got me back into reading when I was 18

>> No.10064615
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my gf, no lie

>> No.10065113

timestamp it with the word "CC is the best" (your gf)

>> No.10065137

The Call Of The Wild for a while, and more recently Heart Of Darkness.

>> No.10065344

No Longer Human. Even worse is how it’s slightly relatable.

>> No.10065492

Go back to Mexico.

>> No.10065519
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>> No.10067268

poast more of her

>> No.10067316

extremely good book

>> No.10067449

This bitch is so fucking ugly.

>> No.10067810


>> No.10067820
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Pale fire

>> No.10067872

Objectively untrue.

>> No.10067888

That's sweet. You two seem nice together. I'm also a Seinfeld fan as well. I hope you two have a long and healthy relationship together.

>> No.10068093

The trips of truth and love

>> No.10068094
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>> No.10068098

no mexicano in my lineage friend, italian and french

>> No.10068099

David Irving's books about Nazi Germany.

>> No.10068111

It's usually a Murakami book that does it

>> No.10068135


Do you ever reflect a bit on why you're lonely and loveless, and come to the conclusion that it is because all women are horrible?

>> No.10068171

which one? most recent? at swim-two-birds.
before that, turgenev.
my youth into adulthood? dostoevsky and dumas.

>> No.10068194

When I first read Gemmell's Legend, I loved it so much that I re-read it over 20 times--once per day--while eating my roast beef & sprouts sandwiches at the Sub-Stop at my university.

Every day I'd go there, get a sandwich after class, and then sit there and read the entire fucking book. I swear I could recite it all by memory now.

I don't know what I liked the book so much. It wasn't even that good (jk it's great) but it resounded in me so powerfully.

>> No.10068215

Hyperion snapped me out of it

>> No.10068218

Shes from a movie I think

>> No.10068308

Siddhartha. Loved the book. Bought a physical copy after reading it for free.

>> No.10068317

r u down for getting for real cucked?

I'm not above letting you lick my butthole

>> No.10068694

The man without qualities, more than once.

>> No.10069606
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mm those lips tho.. moar, pics i can fap to?

>> No.10069872

lol what movie

>> No.10069962

Andrei Rublev

>> No.10069963


>> No.10070002

>Andrei Rublev
is that the one with the scene with all the peasents sheltering from the rain in a barn?

>> No.10070025

4-5 years ago I read a song of ice and fire. from there i read lotr and then some old childrens lit i was feeling nostalgic about. then i found /lit/ and haven't had too big of a slump since. I felt like I've hardly read at all this year but I'm still averaging 2 books per month.

>> No.10070046
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Yeah. The chick in the OP stars in it

>> No.10070050


>> No.10070072
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u blind she's a QT3.14

>> No.10070186

I caught that scene and thought it seemed really good and then some pansy ass priests starting talking about paintings and shit and I was like fuck this pansy ass shit, shit

>> No.10070189

Yeah it is a pretty pansy ass movie haha

>> No.10070683
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>> No.10070699


>> No.10070719


>> No.10070725

Getting a galaxy tablet. Digital is the fucking way to go mate.

>> No.10070787

Such beauty makes me believe a God does exist.

>> No.10070901

Last year a friend gave me The Heart is a Lonely Hunter. Was great.

>> No.10070903

She looks like an alien. Did you pick her up from area 51? Still attractive though.

>> No.10071029

she's cute but needs to learn how to take proper pictures

>> No.10071469
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lets keep it going praise praise praise

>> No.10071547

OP: >"C'mon guys the best comment will give you the chance to have an one on one with my girl!"

Wtf, OP?

>> No.10071565

That's a really great book. The convergence of all the storylines really was masterful.

>> No.10071599

Awesome body and the first pic instantly reminded me of Kiki D'Aire from American Bukkake 11. Watch it with her tonight.

>> No.10071697


>> No.10071834

Dude I'm on 3 weeks nofap don't post this shit on a blue board.

>> No.10072207

do you have any pics of her cervix?

>> No.10072211


Broke a solid three year drought (besides mandatory reading)

>> No.10072213

Jesus fucking Christ what a reveal

>> No.10072215

Herman Hesse is a geneous

>> No.10072222
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oh and she's read IJ.

good luck to you guys hope you find the One some day

>> No.10072224


yea Hesse is the king, so amazingly good and smoothly readable

>> No.10072344

Is it too late to enter the draw?

>> No.10072618


>> No.10073192
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>> No.10073259

still waiting on that cervix.

Also could you share a pic of her with blood in her mouth?

Please don't hit her just figure something out, perhaps one of you is prone to nosebleeds. Also keep it fully vegan


>> No.10073264

All the presidents men

>> No.10073268
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alien girls are ultimate qt.

also kurt v is always a good go to for breaking reading slumps.

>> No.10073282

She has the facial structure of a black girl but is white as fuck -- how's that work?

>> No.10073434

dude your gf's ass is hot af, more of it? I love her in that skirt and her lips are delicious..

>> No.10074480

No Longer Human

>> No.10074546

"no LONGER human"
This is me after seeing

>> No.10075208
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going 2 marry her

>> No.10075230

She looks like a white nigger.

Big nose, fat lips, weirdly-spaced asymmetrical eyes, weird jaw, nappy hair, etc

Nice body though. Nigger body.

>> No.10075251

Wide eyes and big lips are hot, black women are more attractive to me than asians tbqh.

>> No.10075260

I don't find wide eyes attractive, kind of froggy to me.

>> No.10075408

White people look like that. Are you black yourself?

>> No.10075768

White people do not look like >>10075208

>> No.10075789

Anna Karenina
rly brought back for me that feeling of reading 80 pages in a sitting and still only reluctantly putting the book down after

>> No.10075823

>italian and french
The Mexicans of Europe.

>> No.10075824

Evidently they do

>> No.10075827
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i wanna fug her

>> No.10076002
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unfortunately never gonna happen friendo but there's someone out there for ya

>> No.10076015

Nah. He'll fuck her one day.

>> No.10076016

you're just mad bc YOU also won't

>> No.10076024
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<3 eternal bond my dude

>> No.10076032

I probably will, though.

>> No.10076034
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>> No.10076376

she looks like a fun girl
but what the fuck is wrong with that dude's face

>> No.10076385

You tell us

>> No.10076396

millennial hair, weird orangutan lips, even weirder outwards slanted eyes, wide upturned nose in the middle of acne stricken cheeks, and widest and longest chin ever

fuck you for making me look at that photo for so long

>> No.10076397

There is literally nothing wrong with any of that

>> No.10076399

alright, homo

>> No.10076404

Didn't realize the hartley hooligans were still around.

>> No.10076508

nice tiny nips

>Nah. He'll fuck her one day.

>> No.10076524

Actually they passed in 2016

>> No.10076525

2001: A Space Oddessy

>> No.10076559
File: 90 KB, 490x375, ram2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my guy, I've asked politely but you still aren't listening. I want to see a photograph of your girlfriends cervix, where is it?

Get it together

>> No.10076683

I never understood posting yourself and a love one on 4chan. Do you say to her, "hey babe, can we take pics for this /lit/ thread" or do you just take pics and surreptitiously upload them?

Maybe it is because I'm not a millennial and have a sense of privacy, but this behavior is perplexing to me.

>> No.10076821

As a millennial, I cant say I understand how it happens either. I assume his gf doesn't know though
>harry potter poster

>> No.10076853

>not a millennial
ouch dude, do you need to borrow some money?

>> No.10076859

It's probably his first gf that's mildly attractive so he feels the need to post her everywhere for validation

this generation is filled with such weakness

>> No.10077138

I had made out with a girl once who was mildy attractive but she was very skinny. I fingered her but it wasn't so much fun.

>> No.10077237

I have something similar. Prolly irish

>> No.10077409

don't need validation, just bored and it's fun to see people react

so, the same reason anyone posts anything

>> No.10077719
File: 96 KB, 900x1344, baudrillard-seduction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best book I've read in a while. Maybe my favorite from Baudrillard. Will reread it a couple of times after I finish it.

>> No.10077724

Kohlhaas by Von Kleist

>> No.10077731

house of leaves

this is a shit thread

>> No.10078325
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youll understand when u find love

>> No.10078341

How many men has your girlfriend had sex with.

>> No.10078651

>ouch dude, do you need to borrow some money?
Are you sure you don't want to save your cash so you can take the night off from one of your low-paying "side hustles", put it towards the house you'll never own, or put it aside in case you get sick or have an accident (because you have zero benefits)?

>> No.10078720


>> No.10078791
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Decided to re-read pic related because it's a very easy book and there was also that whole female-only adaptation controversy going around. Realized that the way they teach it in schools is absolutely retarded and Jack had the right idea all along.

>> No.10078862

nah, you need it more

>> No.10078887

actually. just 1 = me
no kidding

>> No.10078994

How old was she when you guys hooked up?

>> No.10079455

The Festival of Insignificance

Wasn't great just so easy to read and reminded me that I love Kundera

>> No.10079512


>> No.10079524

based cervixposter

>> No.10079530

just remember that you could post a literal pile of shit and 4chan would still want to fuck it

>> No.10079594

t. watches too much porn

>> No.10080881

I'm still waiting