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>> No.23379745 [View]
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Well done anon. Your joy beings me contentment.

>> No.23020035 [View]
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>Sartre was strikingly ugly, but does it matter at all?
Yes. I did not read beyond this sentence.

>> No.22992659 [View]
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>> No.22967463 [View]
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This man was truely gifted. Intellectual, action-oriented, charismatic leader, authoritarian and enduring.

>> No.22948865 [View]
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>mfw im a far right extremist who has always loved womem
>mfw i married a beautiful woman and am now beginning a family
>mfw my political views have become more extreme im recent years
>mfw we moved to the countrtside
>mfw my mood and manner are great and uplifting
>mfw no blacks or browns in the area
>mfw still a far-right extremist

>> No.22938572 [View]
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Im European.

>> No.22854229 [View]
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This. It is biological, the arguments he uses for explaining differences between the sexes are somehow immoral when used to explain the differences between ethnic groups.

Favoring your in-group is based on biology.

>> No.22648653 [View]
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Aristocracy was predicated on leadership in war, be it the county, the country, the tribe, the polis or something other else. Without martial leadership one has no aristocracy but a simulacrum. No different from a trans woman, they can adopt the dress, the mannerisms and have all law bent towards enforcing this charade but will never be the real thing as they lack the most fundemental aspect.

>> No.22561398 [View]
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Daily reminder that the only source of aristocracy is martial leadership. Everything else is simply hanged upon it. If one does not serve in a leadership capacity, specifically that of an officer, you are not nor will ever be aristocratic.

People will use all manner of authors like Evola and his position on aristocracy of the soul/geist/spirit, this can work be useful but it alone is worthless. Even Nietzsche criticized this thinking, and said only Blood can enoble a man, this is also true, but without the martial aspect a aristocrat it does not make.

>picrel had all of it.
>Fencer and foil champion in dueling
>Violently retaliated against a student who struck him in Sandhurt
>Recieved a Commission anyways
>Served in WW1 as a pilot
>Served in WW1 in the trenches as a brave and wreckless leader of men
>From an old family
>Be Oswald Mosley

The very point of aristocracy is that almost nobody is able to become one. Only the best of us.

>> No.22519109 [View]
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Great advice.

>> No.21705137 [View]
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>> No.21662190 [View]
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This. I despise them and the middle-class that supports them.

>> No.21653819 [View]
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>Terrans are universally white European

>> No.21631805 [View]
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>British Army
>Pulling stag duty in a guard box in the arse end of the South of England
>took either speed or coke because got caught sleeping by the badge
>2am and ready to fuck
>smart phones not yet a thing
>cant fuck
>read books instead
>drop coke, stick to speed
>could still smoke cigs everywhere back then

I miss those times.

>> No.21606384 [View]
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They all smell good, you can't go wrong with any well known brand. Ask a sister or any female you feel comfortable to pick a scent it does not matter what. Yes, any time you have the potential to be around women, slap a little on. Don't go wild, it is made to attract women, so you get what you pay for in this department.

Do not do that, write an encouraging greentext instead.

>> No.21575090 [View]
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You'll never know.

>> No.21550545 [View]
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>mfw i coined Lone Fort State and the Texas Expiditionary Force

>> No.21550455 [View]
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You are a deeply unpleasant person.

Good luck OP

>> No.21542057 [View]
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National-Socialism is not traditional, it is revolutionary and looks to forge new values which do not nor have not existed in the nation. Their may be commonalities with history but to say National-Socialism is traditional betrays a complete ignorance of both terms

>> No.21527244 [View]
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I'll take that win.

>> No.21521044 [View]
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Yes, only if you pair it with physcial exercise. Otherwise you have seprated your scholars from your warriors and we all know what happens after you do that. Reading will provide better ways of viewing a problem but exercise give you the means to enact them.

>> No.21513757 [View]
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Well done anon.

>> No.21511742 [View]
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A good diet and frequent mental and physical exercise. But that would do it, obviously in the short amount you posted one can not assess your story. But i would encourage you to make it more obvious than you mean to, readers typically do not pick up ob subtly in writing m, it needs to be obvious, have her looking at an amulet of a lost child, watching children play with teary eyes. We are dense and will assume things are included just to pad out a chapter.

Hope it goes well anon, good luck.

Did nobody read you writing anon? Would you like me to?

>> No.21510649 [View]
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>The most aristocratic thing ever is power.
No. You are confusing the result with the cause. Aristocracy, nobility of being; is being asked and able to lead men and being able to do so. Anybody with resources can acquire power, but to be asked and hoped for to lead your community. That is the real essense of it, everything else is achieved by manipulation.

That is not to say you can not manipulate yourself in to a position of leadership, but you can easily realize who earned their place by meritous action and who did not.

All other physical manifestations, clothes, mannerisms and speech are degredations.

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