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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.17037902 [DELETED]  [View]
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sooo for englishh i have to likee write a short story that like borrows a fairy tale idea, or like an aspect of a fairytale, and theen like the moral of the story or whatever has to like connect to a relevant issue in the world todaay!!! What would be the coolest thing ever to write? also super deep--- like my picture---see ?

>> No.14090821 [View]
File: 633 KB, 550x432, hermetics2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>entry level to western esotericism:
>Secret Teachings for all Ages

Thanks, Is Prometheus meaning Prometheus Rising?

Do you know of any good lectures on the topic?

>> No.13625259 [View]
File: 633 KB, 550x432, Screen-Shot-2012-09-17-at-14.00.44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's /lit/'s thoughts on Zoroastrianism and hermeticism?

>> No.13004994 [View]
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What Follows is a little summary


>Change your Life by changing your habits
>only one habit at a time
>contemplate deeply: wich one habit, when done every single day of my life, will bring me the most reward over time?
>do it first thing in the morning until it's a part of your identity

Compound Effect

>constant small effort over time creates incredible, exponential growth
>Every small success speeds up the progress
>One good habit will create a ripple effect that brings micro habits, wich brings more success wich brings more momentum
>Worship Exponential Growth
>It will take years


>You are afraid of your own potential
>Your true motivation is to hide away from your trauma
>material success will not fill the hole
>Face the Trauma, release the pain, get your life back
>Do it slowly, do it in a controlled way, have your shit together before going deep


>Lifting Weights and Sport in general
>creating authentic art


Emotional Healing: Letting Go: The Pathway to Surrender, The Sedona Method, The Work by Byron Katie, The Gift of Imperfection

Productivity: The One Thing by Garry Keller, Essentialism, The Bullet Journal Method

Other Stuff: Meditations by Marc Aurel, Siddhartha by Hesse, Psycho-Cybernetics, Mastery by Leonard

Youtube Channels


The greatest Self Help Resource on Earth:

>> No.10138490 [View]
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>I'm wondering how you rationalize believing in the supernatural though.

Given the very strange nature of reality, the world, and human nature, I'm not sure how much of a stretch it is to believe in the supernatural.

Consider that to believe in a Creator God actually makes sense, in that it explains the evident rationality and design of the universe. Now, it doesn't necessarily follow that that Creator God is the God of the Bible, because of the problem of evil, among other things.

But what is the alternative to belief in a supernatural Creator -- that everything evolved out of nothing, or if not nothing, then a tiny dense speck of matter smaller than the period at the end of this sentence, which exploded.

And how plausible is that? How much faith does *that* require?

>> No.9802601 [View]
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>I don't mean to tip my fedora too hard, but seriously, how can you guys possibly believe in Christianity in this day and age?

What's the alternative, everything evolved out of nothing? How plausible is that?

On the other hand, one can "entertain the idea of believing in God."

Then one must account for Mozart and Shakespeare, the complexities of the universe, the complexities of my own psyche, the complexities of my body ("fearfully and wonderfully made" is an apt description), etc.

What is this God that can do all that? A God something greater than which the mind cannot conceive, perhaps?

Oh, but what about the problem of evil? Aye, there's the rub.

As for Jesus, you might try something like Introduction to Christianity by Josef Ratzinger, who currently goes by the handle Pope Emeritus or something, I forget. But that's rather a good book that's spends it's opening chapter addressing the issue of modern skepticism, with the kind of beautiful analysis and comprehension that's characteristic of Ratzinger, a world-class theologian.

On a rather different note, this passage from Macaulay comes to mind:

>There is not, and there never was on this earth, a work of human policy so well deserving of examination as the Roman Catholic Church. The history of that Church joins together the two great ages of human civilisation. No other institution is left standing which carries the mind back to the times when the smoke of sacrifice rose from the Pantheon, and when camelopards and tigers bounded in the Flavian amphitheatre. The proudest royal houses are but of yesterday, when compared with the line of the Supreme Pontiffs. That line we trace back in an unbroken series, from the Pope who crowned Napoleon in the nineteenth century to the Pope who crowned Pepin in the eighth; and far beyond the time of Pepin the august dynasty extends, till it is lost in the twilight of fable. The republic of Venice came next in antiquity. But the republic of Venice was modern when compared with the Papacy; and the republic of Venice is gone, and the Papacy remains. The Papacy remains, not in decay, not a mere antique, but full of life and youthful vigour. The Catholic Church is still sending forth to the farthest ends of the world missionaries as zealous as those who landed in Kent with Augustin, and still confronting hostile kings with the same spirit with which she confronted Attila. The number of her children is greater than in any former age.

He wrote that in 1840. Strangely, it's still true today. I guess the Catholic Church is just lucky, or it's survived because of the absence of any corruption in its members, eh?

Or maybe it's like one of the miracles in the New Testament, but one that's stretched out over 2000 years.


>> No.5021664 [View]
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>It's only the most important esoteric tradition of Christian Europe
Well, down the rabbit hole I go again

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