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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.13443121 [View]
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Is this generation too much ideologically influenced? (I don't mean in a strictly political sense where you label people as left/right, but the things that get shoved down your throat)

I stumble upon comments that say how it's hard to approach women because they are afraid of being labeled as rapist or how we've become too sensitive or things about the current general social climate or whatever and in this regard I ask myself what happened to the good old conservative approach of having a strict code regarding sexuality for example (e.g. no sex before marriage) and simply not giving a crap about it.

I'm aware of Zizek's "ideology works even if you don't don't believe in it", but do people nowadays believe too much in it?

>> No.13411350 [View]
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Sometimes an important issue is mentioned briefly, to be taken up at length later in the novel; e.g. Light Paint, which features (post-Iceland-Greenland) in the Ibis/Laponie story in the underground city; or the ocean-excavating that halts the Pacific fleet in the Urals War: the vision of Mutumbo excavating the Arctic Ocean to provide his fleet with a refuge from the Iceland-Greenland disaster was Döblin’s initial stimulus for the epic.

Döblin has an almost cinematic vision. He cuts rapidly from a wide-angle scene to a close-up, from a broad-brush paragraph covering a large expanse of time to a more traditional story-telling account of specific people and incidents. His language in almost every paragraph includes vivid, intensely poetic touches, easily missed if you skim too fast. This happens even when he presents an encyclopaedic description, as of the Sahara:

>Winds tore at naked glowing hills, flying sand abraded crags splintered worn down by the heat. Whirlwinds worked like whetstones.

As you read, remember that Döblin was writing almost a century ago. Ask yourself: what aspects of his vision are still valid today? How does the actual development of our techno-industrial society in the intervening decades match with or negate his vision (not in terms of this or that invention, but of underlying trends and currents)? Can anyone deny that greed, war, wealth concentration, elite dominance of politics, gender relations… remain of critical concern today?

>> No.13211950 [View]
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Just check the number of posters for the threads with 150+ replies. This one has 36 and 50+ is for threads that are up for like 12 fucking hours. Covering two time zones. People are demanding quality from 50 people who don't give a shit about the quality of the board because they have their own reading backlog to finish and are here to fill some time with a little discussion and/or for legitimate recommendation to expand their backlog. They want to pass that demand for quality as intelligent critique and get mad when they get called out for their retarded bullshit. Wow, you've figured it out. 50 people can't fill up 100 meaningful threads.

Can I open a challenge too. A question to the people who put up challenges. Answer me, where the hell do you think you are?

>> No.13176449 [View]
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You should never back off. I don't think I've ever successfully changed someone's perspective. With this I mean in real life. They agree with me and later they act contrary to that what they agreed with. I don't even give a shit. I don't care if you agree or disagree with me.

I'm developing ideas that I think are worth developing and I'm using various literature to do so. Once it took me a whole year to add one paragraph to a topic I was thinking about and then another three months to realize that it was based on nonsense. I thought five months about a topic that was for me done in another book, but I've forgotten that I've read it. And the wheel keeps spinning.

I pick literature on random. I literary got refuted a dozen of times in the span of ten pages that paralyzed me for 2 hours only to realize that the eleventh page lead the argument in a direction that was not talking about what I was thinking about.

On top of all this, I allowed myself to get lectured by people who base their viewpoint on fucking YouTube videos never picking up a book in their life. (not people from /lit/)

>> No.11088255 [View]
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Why the fuck did le gay thesaurus man win the Nobel prize in 1929 instead of Döblin? Based Alfred was a far superior writer. Berlin Alexanderplatz is by far the best expressionist novel of all time and contains some of the best German prose and dialogue. Plus he wrote a Pynchonesque interpretation of the Wallenstein material and published a collection of stories which wipe the floor with Kafka. Everything he wrote shits all over Magic Mountain or Buddenpoops

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