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>> No.18514803 [View]
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Jesus literally told his disciples to consume his flesh and drink his blood in order to gain eternal life. He was then crucified. Reports circulated that his body was missing. His body was never found. Likely consumed by his disciples. The disciples would retain their faith having consumed the flesh and blood of Jesus, filled with the zeal of faith and willing to die for their beliefs. A bunch of people at the same time were having hallucinations and dreams thinking they had seen an exalted Jesus, obviously in great distress over his death. (((Saul of Tarsus))) would mention this and inflate the number to some arbitrary amount and then millennia later retards like (you) would take them at face value when there is zero evidence except for some jew writing decades after Jesus died.

>two concrete descriptions of (initiation) rites, in which infanticide played an important role, have survived. The first is located on a late-second-century Egyptian papyrus. The text is a fragment from a novel and recounts the ritual murder of a young boy. It features the youth’s heart being removed from his body. The heart is sprinkled with barley, sopped in oil, and subsequently served out to the participants of the initiation rite. Those present swear an oath, eat the heart, drink the blood, and, finally, engage in sexual intercourse with one another.

>An infant covered over with meal, that it may deceive the unwary, is placed before him who is to be stained with their rites: this infant is slain by the young pupil, who has been urged on as if to harmless blows on the surface of the meal, with dark and secret wounds. Thirstily – O horror! – they lick up its blood; eagerly they divide its limbs. By this victim they are pledged together; with this consciousness of wickedness they are covenanted to mutual silence...
"Mutual silence"?

Cannibalism rumors were reported in France, Bithynia, Pontus, Rome, Egpyt - all across the Empire.

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