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>> No.23334357 [View]
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You must cultivate beauty and strength anon. When compared to other men, would you say you are more an incel (the male counterpart to slut), stupid or ugly than the average? There are basic traits that women, all over the world, are hardwired to find desirable. You must embody them and exhibit them, not merely express and support them.

>> No.23066798 [View]
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>I have a healthy BMI. I'm not skeleton thin, just not fat.
You have said you do not work out beyond a little amount of walking. That is not healtht anon. Your BMI is not useful for determining good health, its only use is for determining broad unhealthy body composition based on height and weight.

I implore you to add a simple weight training regime 3x a week.

>> No.22980679 [View]
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Sure and then she slowly loses interest and blames anything other than that, she will find any excuse in what you have done to not have to admit that she says she wants thing but actually dries up for it.
I'm not entirely sure what you are saying here, but it does sound like you have a depressing view of courtship and relationships. It saddens me. I can only offer the cliched advice that many, maybe even most, women are not like that. But there is the caveat that one must be worth it, if you rest on your laurels then so will she, one must continually be trying to impress and be worth the company of the other.

If you look for a traditional woman, are you a traditional man? Are you stronger than others, are you practical around the home, are you a little rough around the edges, do you play sport? Were you in the military? These are all things that increase your worth in the eyes of women. And with each of these comes the want from a woman.

They want you to show vulnerability and intimacy they do not want to see you weak and crying like a child.

>> No.22917942 [View]
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>Finished A New Nobility Of Blood & Soil
>Made 4lb 6oz of Sauerkraut
>Meal prepped for tomorrow
>Did weekly shop
>Got in a good cigar at the local lounge

>Take down Christmas tree
>Mealprep for the working week
>Pick & Start a new book, probably Faust or For My Legionaries
>Stick one in pregnant wife
>Source a reputable guttering and drain company before the wet season hits

It is not hard anons, drag your hoop up and do something. Anything. Hate what you are and use that for motivation. Become angry that the jew has you complacent and weak. It was truly that which motivated me to do something. Anger and hate are great motivators which can be channeled in to bettering yourself and those around you.

>> No.22743548 [View]
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These comments mean nothing, they always have a spiteful and angry cast to them.

Find a social group, also supplement with magnesium and try to get a solid 8 hours sleep a night. I hope you beat it.

>> No.22662636 [View]
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U can not recommend anything until I know more about you. What motivates me is different from you. Share more of your life and what caused your creativity to die.

>> No.22612941 [View]
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>Most don’t read them
More and more people are reading them.

>> No.22563758 [View]
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>Spengler lived though nazi Germany and opposed them despite being a conservative
Spengler voted for Hitler, he also enjoyed much of what they did for Germany, its people and the nation. He was against the most extreme aspects of their antisemitism, read more than wikipedia.

>Wagner while antisemitic saw assimilation of Jews to German culture and adoption of Christianity as the solution for the Jewish Question.
No. No he did not. He was against their inclusion in all of German society in all aspects, not even a conversion to Christianity would suffice. As outlined in his essay on Jews and music.

I can not vouch for the others statements you make, but I suspect they too are horseshit. Your talk of Nietzsche, we know he personally did not like the Nazis but to deny his writing does not support National-Socialism is a very modern, left-wing view of his work. Having read people like Schmitt, Spengler, Hitler, Darre, Eggers and more. They all quote Nietzsche in their works and voice immense support and inspiration for various parts of his work. Cunt.

>> No.21697538 [View]
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Ive found writing with a good pen and on a layflat pad of immense value, ive found my concentration is not broken by constant readjustment of the writing position, nor was my hand able to outpace my mind. I found myself settling in to a great rhythm that i have never had with a computer. An added bonus is to have a place you are able to write, im a member of a cigar lounge, that does not sell vapeware, where i can gain peace, quiet and comfortable surroundings in which to write. It is a completely different beast to a coffee shop.

>> No.21662819 [View]
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Read aloud to yourself until you are able to parse information better. It is a trained skill and can only be achieved by repeated engagement.

Go to a library and boldly read out loud to all.

>> No.21621366 [View]
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This is always terrible advice. And is little more than virtue signalling.

Books can't really do what you are asking anon, there is no book that you will read and simply turn your life around. There must be a will to change and a yearning for something first, then you may read a book and find something completely alter your world-view. If you are truly as you present yourself we can have a back and forth here, see if there is something we can find to improve the life you have made.

>> No.21621106 [View]
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It is not bullshit, but he approached the problem as one of the most intelligent and highly educated people in society. What is true for somebody of his unique ability is not at all true for the average man who will gladly shovel dirt for 8 hours if he has a good crew around him and a family and home to go to when the work is done, this is true especially if the wife does not work and is able to maintain a home for him, as well as raise a family.

The genius or uniquely gifted individual can not see this as they are unable to form these relationships with the average man as they are typically far removed from the common bonds that form amongst men.

>> No.21550899 [View]
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Talk to us anon, what is your situation and what were the events that led to you being like this? You are right, it is not normal, nor is it normal to daily consider suicide. Between the few of us here we may bang together a rough way for you to get out. Twenty-seven is not too late at all, you can do fix this.

>> No.21511467 [View]
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Please post something here, i will be happy to read it anon. Though not a 3rd party link, but a generous piece of your writing with context. Take a half dozen posts if you need and i shall read it on my lunch, provided you post it before the top of the hour.

>> No.21503928 [View]
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>"Left-libertarians" are downright laughable.
All libertarians are laughable, they ignore that all signs point the idea that men need duty and responsibility. They need a strong and clear hierarchy, and only some men are able to occupy the highest points of this pyramid.

>The state provision of many things is a value-add. Competition in many sectors adds nothing and serves to undermine social unity.
Everybodies conceptualization of the State is different depending on what ideology you follow. Myself I like Schmitt's one that the State is an expression of the will of the native people and their land. That it should be the vanguard of uplifting the people, mentally and physically. It should be encouraging families and supporting them with realpolitik.

>Someone needs to hold a monopoly on violence, it just must serve some purpose. NAP doesn't work in the long-run. In a larger or multiracial society, it won't work for five seconds.
Fully on board with you here,

>In my opinion, a state can be a very good thing.
I agree, but only one that has as it's core a blood and soil ethnic imperitive. Anything else be it economic, a virtue or value, or anything else and it turns in to something else. Without the racial, flesh and blood, connection with the people it can not accomplish it's primary directive.

>There should be a channel for the populace to ask for things. Some will understand the natural limits to that while some won't: The white man is a net contributor while nearly everyone else takes.
Public forums and such are utterly fine. There should always be an open dialogue between the elites and the non-elites. You keep mentioning white man, I am speaking strictly from the perspective of a white/European ethno-state. Anything less and no system can survive.

>And then one day Commodus is the sole ruler of the Empire. His tutelage and noble father don't matter. It would take many generations of selective breeding to get anywhere all imo. Noble houses and imperial examinations fail in the end. The state falls and the Huns come in.
You ignore the early foundations of Rome wherein families banded together to rule justly and autocratically for four hundred years, if not longer. So too did they rule in Greek City-states for centuries. When I say elite families I do not mean a hereditary position, far from it. But a caste of many families with whom leadership is given and they may raise their children as the almost every single past polis has done. With dedicated training, upbringing and values that are conductive to leadership.

The British Empire too was able to rule the greatest empire in the world without too much trouble, was able to administer peace and justice all over. Yet now it remains unable to keep its own streets safe, the correlation is obvious to me.

>> No.21499913 [View]
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>Go to Archive.org
>Search a New Nobility Of Blood and Soil
>Click on the one that looks like it
>On the right side of the screen select download as pdf

Away you go.

>> No.21498137 [View]
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Saddened to hear that, pal. Hope you get better.

>> No.21469704 [View]
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He keeps using awkward poetic language. Some people have a gift with that, he does not. He then also keeps making cringy remarks in an attempt at humor. The Ed Calderon episode was a great example of this, the man he was interviewing I have a great deal of respect for and he was being brutally open and honest, but Lex was just a dumb brick wall.

Related to that episode, I did get the strong impression that Ed would support a hard Adolf Hitler style takeover of Mexico.

>> No.21468634 [View]
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>I'm nearing 22 and i'm very worried about cursing myself forever by choosing to be a veggie NEET for the past few years, with an extra emphasis on the previous one because i fucked it up really badly.

You have been lucky and have landed on the best time to come to this realization, you have not lost out on anything and may in fact be better suited to take advantage of further opportunities because you have had the delayed start.

Use the fear and anger you have experienced in this realization to propel you onward to better heights. Good luck anon.

Great, can you expand on how?

>> No.21468613 [View]
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>What do you guys typically write?
I write a few things of what happened today, if anything. Then expand on what I thought and what goes in to my reasoning for thinking what it was that I thought. If it is a quiet day I write that then pick a subject to expand on and better organize my thoughts. The last one was the primacy of family in my world-view and then also the whisky and cigars I enjoy. It's Islay and Perdomo.

>> No.21462052 [View]
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>i'll probably be better off than you in a year, fiscally and socially.
Do it, see what happens. You will be better than what you can become.

>> No.21461652 [View]
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>What are some books which actually made you cry?

Anton Chehkov's short stories. There was about an old, tired man. He drives his horse around the city making pittance as he ferries the rich about, what little he does make he spends to feed his horse. All he wishes is to talk and share a connection with somebody again, he tries with every single passenger but nobody wishes to hear him. In the end he must confide to his horse as he is the only one who would listen to him when he says he has lost his son.

It was really heartbreaking. It was named Misery. Don't suffer in silence anons, don't turn away an honest voice.

>> No.21426216 [View]
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You won't find self worth unless you begin doing things worthy of value. The fat, unwanted neet understandably has little self-worth because he objectively understands his is of little worth. Begin achieving goals with which you can find value in. If you have done and still struggle to find it, Meditations is always a popular one.

>> No.21425885 [View]
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>sometimes I feel like I'm reading in the wrong way and no one can tell me
If you read the book and it evoked some emotional response from you, you read it well anon. I found an author like Moorcock who does not carve out a whole cathedral in his words but uses broad strokes to allow an easily generated image to form in your mind. Glen Cook does this too. I have found I enjoy this style in fiction.

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