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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.21700678 [View]
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>I wonder if he feels regret or maybe failure with how things played out?

He must, otherwise the joy that sustained him writing the first few would have reached a fever pitch at the conclusion of the saga. But it has not been a happy time for GRRM being both hugely obese, childless, a coward, a pacifist and many other disgusting things, it is unlikely they will be finished as he nears death.

Further, how can a man who never fought, never had children, never knew poverty, never knew the joy of sports competition, hunting, courtship and all the things that feature in his books ever be taken seriously? He has no idea how any of these things feel and must only imagine them as a poor man imagines riches. That is with a mix of hate, envy, jealousy, unfairneds and anger.

>> No.21654584 [View]
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I can not recommend much, i'm not a law student but a simple mechanic.i did read accounts of Lycurgue and Classical Sparta, perhaps begin there.

>start with the Greeks

>> No.21640328 [DELETED]  [View]
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>Beauty standards change every generation.

No, cosmetic details relared to attraction and fleeting fancy change from time to area. Beauty is its own thing and has remained unchanged since before the Ancient Greeks. There are a handful of people who can not produce beauty, blacks for instance, what they think is beauty is just the oppositie of what we, Whites, have proven to be beautiful. Since it is a reaction it is not beautiful but simply a protest against actual beauty.

>> No.21602350 [View]
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Posession presupposes ownership which implies control, which suggests coercion to stop behavior you do not want. In a deep and longterm monogamous relationship the qualities your position presuposses do not exist.

Not at all. Such circular logic can not produce what love is. Possession is ownership, you can not equally posess each other outside of awful poetry. One owns and the other is owned, that is not love but a corruption of it. Either you enter as complementary equals, where one is weak where another is strong or you do not have love but a facsimile of it.

>> No.21506084 [View]
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>I don't think they deserve to use their blood as a symbol of superiority if they couldn't shed it in a moment of crisis.

Their blood should run as true as those they lead. If it is not there is no real bond. They need to be at the forefront, like Spartans, not Athenians in this regard as thet must demonstrate, repeatedly why thet are the best suited to that position in thr national community

Hence why an aristocracy of the best and brightest, of shared blood is superior. When an aristocratic or noble family fails to display the qualities expected they will be released of their burden, when peasant (old Germanic meaning of the word, a free-farmer-soldier akin to thr Yeoman, not a grubby little man) families display repeated aristocratic ideals they are called up to better put their noble talents to greater use.

>> No.21494364 [View]
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Cope, seethe, die alone. Your reluctance is sad to witness.

>> No.21487789 [View]
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>I think I activated your black and white thinking there. I'm not ant-family or anti-natalist, but I cone from a family background that included the use of fear, guilt, and obligation - and one with physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, and religious abuse.

That is a broken family. Broken families produce broken people anon. It is a strong man indeed who can overcome generational trauma and produce a wholesome family. On this issue, families are binary, either they are good or bad. It is black and white.

> Many such cases. It is important for people from such backgrounds to have voices that do not have such a cultish and idealized view of the family, and to have individualism in order to liberate ourselves.
It is not important, the breaking down of family bonds is why the abuse happens in the first place. It is sad amd disgusting that you were raped, or abused or any number of terrible things, but because of this your concept of the family is not welcome in the national conversation. Except as a warning to others.

>What I am saying ought to be taken on its own merits with my background considered. You are making my background override what I am saying completely, which makes you a fool.
I am saying your merits are utterly inconsequential to a stable society with the family at its heart. So you can make more money on the market, or you can speedrun skyrim, it is meaningless when compared to the ability (and want) to grow a family.

>I am trying to teach you the lessons that suffering you have not experienced and do not understand has brought me. There is truth you can not access except with an open mind, jn the experiences of others.
I do not need to eat the turd on my plate to understand that it is unwanted. Not all experience is valuable or wanted. I do not deny your truth or pain, but your inclusion in the national-familial conversation is a net-loss for us. You have a poison placed in you by your family and you must be careful not to spread it.

>And the family did not create civilization, the all-male gang did.
Men with families, men from strong, noble families. Those are the only families from which strong, dutiful men come from. And from them strong men come strong families.

>> No.21429403 [View]
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There are only two groups who wish to insuate the false claim that the Nazis were some sort of murderous, degenerate gay mafia-state. Christian Fundementalists and the jew, both are hostile to Europeans and need to be cut out.

>> No.21420721 [View]
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>>Christianity is not incompatible with ethno-states.

There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

But if you show partiality, you are committing sin and are convicted by the law as transgressors.

Here there is not Greek and Jew, circumcised and uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave, free; but Christ is all, and in all.

Have we not all one Father? Has not one God created us? Why then are we faithless to one another, profaning the covenant of our fathers?

The religious/spiritual creed of a nation should emphatically support the native ethno-state. If it does not it can and will be weaponized against the native people. Not a single Christian leader or theologian, past or present, has endorsed an ethno-state. For the handleful of ambiguous verse than can be read as passively condoning an ethno-state there are dozens more than condemn them.

It has always valued a brother in Christ over a brother in blood. This is antithetical to an ethno-state.

>> No.21032136 [View]
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Zorba began lifting, reading classic lit, going outside and life greatly improved for Zorba. Zorba encourage you to try it.

Even if it was a larp, your life would be improved by doing it.

>> No.21028256 [View]
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Expecting my first one in May. We are very excited.

>> No.20996841 [View]
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Class is a natural heirarchy, the working class make poor officers, they make great NCOs. Different lifestyles breed different qualities in men, what is needed is loyalty to flow down as well as up.

>> No.20957489 [View]
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I meant smart in the stylish manner, not one that has smart phone connectivity.

>> No.20930373 [View]
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I do not attach any strong, positive emotions to bipoc. Nor do i hate them. When engaging with them at work, watching then at airports, sitting down in a formal restaurant there is always the deep appearance they are just crudely aping our behavior, outside of a few rare exceptions. Everything from their humors, their aesthetics, their values to the way they phrase sentences is unpleasant to me.

They always overwhelmingly represented in the bottom of any performance when diveristy is not ranked.

>> No.20854839 [View]
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Retard take, because the trade has many bad members does not mean the job is worthless. The very opposite of this is true, it is critical to a nationalist state to have commited teachers who can instruct early minds to embrace their blood and soil.

>> No.20820791 [View]
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>Women do not want a "man in progress", which is why they reject younger men and prefer older men

Nobody wants a work in progress if that progress is still below what is typically expected of their age and experience. Nobody deserves a chance to show they are special inside, if you were it would manifest without a spouse. Not all progress is valued the same.

Cultivate beauty and you will attract it.

>> No.20726263 [View]
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You cant have an extended family without the nuclear family at its core. Extended family is important.

>> No.20554794 [View]
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I am deeply self-concious about attending local college with a GED and no education beyond the age of fourteen. I also work full time as a blue collar mechanic. I immediately think i am out of place when walking around the campus.

>> No.20441399 [View]
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>> No.20388291 [View]
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What does it mean to teach your boy how to be a man? Do they ever define what a real man is or how to create one?

>> No.19009815 [View]
File: 83 KB, 486x599, 486px-karl-friedrich-deckler-the-farewell-of-hector-to-andromaque-and-astyanax_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Describe your ideal hero, /lit/.

>> No.17980232 [View]
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Hector was the true and only hero of the Iliad, the protector of his home and family against a savage invader, their despicable leaders like Achilles and Agamemnon, the man who faced the demigod and favorite of Zeus in open battle. It really shows you how deranged the Greeks were and Anglos are for idolizing the Dorian destroyers and slavers.
The fall of Troy should serve as an inspiration to anybody who finds his home under siege from a savage people with destruction in their minds.

And no, its not an anti war play where both sides are bad you fucking faggots.

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