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>> No.11554776 [View]
File: 22 KB, 325x499, 419A-pLrUEL._SX323_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is some wild and crazy stuff and i love it. the harry potter analysis is especially brilliant.

>After the orgy of liberation, repression itself becomes the only authorised object of repression, that's why the narcissistic culture of transgression that defined the west post 1960s, is now the almost exclusive province of the Right. When you talk about ''punching nazis'' what you really want is to punch yourself.

pretty sure few on /lit/ are into punching nazis but it's a point well made. this is really good stuff anon.

i sort of understand what you're saying. for me it's kind of like acceleration is the horror - the *real* horror - that is the price of postmodernity. one wing cozies up to capital and snuggles into bed with it, the other...is the weird reflection of itself it now sees in the mirror. in terms of Wat Do politically speaking, i find this passage also worth thinking about.

>If, as Roger Caillois claimed, “the profane is the world of ease and security,” then what counts most, perhaps, is leaving
that world behind, whether one's departure take a left- or a right-hand turn. Once the boundary has been crossed, Caillois cautions, there can be no turning back. “One must walk without ceasing in the path of holiness or that of damnation, which abruptly join at unforeseen crossroads.” For the pact with the devil is in truth “no less a consecration than divine grace.”

it's from pic rel, if you're interested. but in terms of the leap out of class contradiction, this. and in terms of deleuze, once you join up with the dark BwO conventional political distinctions should sort of go out the window anyways.

>land is postmodern
land is not postmodern by any stretch. and i don't think he's 'demanding' capital become anything, unless i'm misunderstanding you. capital is gonna do what it does. for land, capital knows you better than you know yourself. that's the difference. it's lacan by way of cthulhu like that, via corporate R&D.

well, obviously. being fake and gay is the prerequisite to continental theory.

>> No.11541825 [View]
File: 22 KB, 325x499, 419A-pLrUEL._SX323_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm reading this now and can confirm.

also this for that OP weil-bataille tag-team. postmodernity can get bent.

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