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>> No.16195056 [View]
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I hate women. I don't have any reason why I hate them in particular. I never allow myself to formulate an argument about why I hate things. Doing so ruins the intensity of the hatred, and you suddenly find yourself thinking rationally, making compromises, and coming to terms with what you hate. I don't want to do that. I just want the angst filled volcano of hate to burst through its brim, pouring firey passion over my entire being, fossilizing my rage for all of eternity, and clouding the skys with the woestricken ash.
So today I hate women. I'll probably be hating something else in a couple hours, but for now, I sit back, and quietly, ever so quietly, seethe.
"Oh darling, you haven't laid eyes on me in quite some time." The luscious redhead moves yet closer to him, draping herself around his shoulders like a scarf. "Oh dear, is babysitting the child taking up too much of your time?"
The sinful young one stretches out across his lap. "Oh noooo! An evil hag has come to steal my treasure!"
She extends a hand towards his face, which he catches in his own. "I would never abandon you. Buried treasure always returns to its owner. "
"Then what does that make me?" The luscious redhead pouts, drawing her face close to whisper in his ear.
"You're the bandit in the night, come to steal me away." He turns his face and kisses her.
I look away, towards the bar. Nebubradnezzar has always been a ken. It's never been a problem, since he's a good friend otherwise, even though we were never siblings.
I met him back in Second Care, before he wore his bangs slicked back up in a headband. He was short, skinny, and lonesome. I picked a fight with him because I was tough, buff, and knew I could win. He went all in, fighting like a mad dog. He still lost, but as I was leafing through his wallet, he praised my strength.
Well, nobody had ever complimented me before, so I didn't know how to take it. I spat on his crumpled form, and took my leave. It took me a couple idle days to think of something to spend the money on.
But the something smart came to me. I went to that crappy casualized gym I used to go to, and bought a membership card for a couple months. Next time I saw him, I chucked the wallet at his head. And the very next day, there he was. We still workout together on Pisces, Leo and Cancer, though he spends a little too much focus on his abs for my tastes. I always preferred having a tough stomach that could take a punch, but I've seen enough women doing body shots off his stomach to understand the reasoning.
So I don't hate Nebubradnezzar. In fact, I think I like him. But women, I cannot stand.

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