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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.23185327 [View]
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He was particularly astonished, for example, to learn that the eight-hour workday is regarded as one of the greatest achievements of the October Revolution. Before the revolution, it turns out, workers worked for ten, twelve, even fourteen hours a day. “That’s really fucked up!” Eddie thinks. “What kind of slave would you have to be to agree to work twelve hours a day?”

>> No.23132854 [DELETED]  [View]
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>ah finally. I'm going to get in touch with my heritage and read the old greats
>its just peepee and poopoo jokes in something barely resembling English

I wish I was Italian.

Anyway heres a pepe as the op fuck you

>> No.23036596 [View]
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I think I'm about to flunk out of my stupid arts degree

>> No.23031065 [View]
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I thought all of it was: whitey bad, gibs me reparayshuns n shiet and stop oppressin me n shiet

>> No.23031009 [View]
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Just finished reading about the conversion of Clovis in Gregory of Tours' history for an assignment and oh boy, is his Latin fucked but also significantly easier

>> No.23024121 [View]
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>for all conflict is created and sustained by a clash over what is considered good.
I could be strawmanning, but this seems retarded. Does the conflict between, say, the proletariat and the bourgeoisie really have to do with their conceptions of justice or their own material interests, to steal Marxist terminology?

>> No.23023504 [View]
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I wonder how rightoids cope with the fact that the culture they venerate so much had fluid notions of gender and prized homosexuality and other forms of sexual deviancy? This is a huge contradiction at the heart of right wing ideology.

>> No.23023123 [View]
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I started posting BBC memes ironically at first, then I looked up BBC porn out of curiosity, and now I get off to it

>> No.23012391 [DELETED]  [View]
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It's just you.

I finally realized this after searching for years for that special piece of insight that is going to transform me into the ubermensch. No book is going to hack your biology into giving you that dream life you think you deserve. There are no laws for power. No secret insights to wealth that you don't already know. There are no magic incantations to make yourself irresistible charming if you aren't already. No amount of Jungian dream analysis is going to give you that secret puzzle piece and "Aha!" Moment. There are no hacks and no Faustian bargains. You will be the same as you always were, just older. At the age of 16, a man's morals, ambition is set and is at it's apex. Only decay and a hollowing of that ambition is what follows

>> No.22995950 [DELETED]  [View]
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This board is full of tryhards attempting to "out-pretentious" each other. Touch grass, faggots, nobody cares about your specialized tastes in literature

>> No.22959088 [View]
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Stop wasting your time with airy fairy ideas that have no basis with reality. Stop reading fiction. Dostoevsky will not turn you into a better person. Neither will reading about figures like Alcibiades or Napoleon. At best you become good at spouting trivia.

Get good at sports. Get good at math. Get a skill that makes money. Get rich. Get fit. If you spent less time with fiction and instead chose to do math Olympiad or chess from a young age you'd be a top percentile human instead of wasted potential on /lit/.

>> No.22938769 [View]
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>le lightning and le steel tho!!!
Hitler was a shrieking loser and nothing more than a semi talented orator. If he was born 500 years earlier he would be inciting a peasant-lead pogrom. Meanwhile Genghis Khan is nothing more than a brute and Alexander just a nepotism baby and hedonist who won unimpressive skirmishes for pride. Caesar is hardly greater than any other general of his time with only circumstance to thank for his victories. Napoleon is an unimpressive, ugly, portly man whose life ended in failure. Normies today regard him as a tragicomic figure; a simpering manlet with a chip on his shoulder.

Even handsome actors of the past like Alain Delon have a far greater legacy and are far more loved simply because of their beauty. Le great men are regarded as nothing more than over-compensating genetic subhumans. Instinctually, most recognize that only Christ is deserving of admiration. The only "man" to cheat death and live a sinless life. He is the most beautiful, the most fearful and the most high

>> No.22571553 [View]
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>honor is posting herself again

this is an advertisement thread.

>> No.22500639 [View]
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I am greco-roman polytheist though

>> No.22210978 [View]
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I've got my girlfriend into Mishima and now she wants to kill herself before she will get old and ugly.

>> No.22165274 [View]
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Mexico has a very large and capable upper class, if not perfect at least as intelligent as the average person in any well developed country.

The problem is that there's also a very large, violent, dumb, underclass. Pick your favorite, most developed, advanced, perfect nation in the world. They would start to look like Mexico too if they also had to deal with these hordes.

The problem is that the Mexican upper classes have almost always chosen to imitate the institutions of richer countries than deal with the realities of their own nation. When the USA and Europe finally go to shit, I don't know what the fuck they're going to do then.

>> No.22138640 [View]
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>It is this false moneyer with his gravers and burins who seeks favor with the judge and he is at contriving from cold slag brute in the crucible a face that will pass, an image that will render this residual specie current in the markets where men barter. Of this is the judge judge
So, judge holden judges... counterfeit coins?

>> No.22041781 [View]
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In my country (Scotland) every time I check a new fiction release, it's either generic 'noir' crime, the author graduated with a 'creative writing' Degree, or they're a YouTuber or tiktoker with a decently large following.

I want to get published but I'm none of these. I don't really want to sell my own personality to get a book over. Am I fucked?

>> No.21907544 [View]
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This is a /pol/ psy-op right? There is no way someone could read this and think it makes them look good

>> No.21722365 [View]
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Was Ismael the captain of Moby dick or the whale?

>> No.21480715 [View]
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Women written by women
>Slutty or very sexually free
>Masculine in all the bad ways e.g Domineering over others
>Attractiveness rating in the middle. Sometimes ugly but most of the time plain looking.
>Is somehow loved by every male lead, especially when the male leads are tall handsome, and rich.
>somehow smarter than everyone else, especially the men.
>lacks a strong sense of morality and emotionally driven. Often lies and doesnt mind doing bad things to get their way.

Women written by men
>Caring (Feminine)
>a little Masculine but in good ways: Brave, and self sacrificing
>Almost always described as attractive or top tier in looks or is designed as such.
>Isnt overly dominant
>Isnt described as sexually free but unfortunately sexualized by the male writer. (Only con)
>Has a strong sense of right and wrong.

Why do men write women as better people
than women do themselves?

>> No.21456608 [View]
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>> No.20676300 [View]
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How can you kill someone who can shape reality at his/her will

>> No.20117281 [DELETED]  [View]
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Can someone explain to me why do commies, or leftists in general come to 4chan? I never understood this. Don't they know that this site is extremely racist, homophobic, sexist, transphobic, anti-feminist and basically hates most stuff that leftists/commies stand for? (For example, private ownership or the age of consent). Are they trying to subvert people here? Books about this?

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