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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.20025560 [View]
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Based advice. I'm not OP but I too am a young adult who has failed to find an aim around which I can orient my life. I believe you are right that one needs to choose a rigorous apprenticeship through which one can form an identity. The problem is, like you said, this also means giving up a lot. Tarrying in pure potential is what I am doing right now. I need to choose an identity but I'm not sure what that should be.

>> No.19989784 [View]
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I guess its about not being able to choose as well. I have all those images and stories at hand but i feel i cant do anything with them because they dont belong to my life in a way.

>> No.18818932 [View]
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big booty big booty’s hella rooty tooty
ima make ya holla fo’ i stick my snooty in ya tooshie

you got a phat ass; and i a rap track
n’ together we could make some big ol fat stacks

>> No.18678089 [View]
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your mother comes into your room
"What are you doing anon?"
"Nothing just on 4chan, like usual."
"Why don't you go out with your friends?"
"I don't have friends mother"
"Just get out of the house for some time"
"Do it now"
Later you hear sobbing, from your mother talking to your Father
"Anons not right, he's not right"
"He has no friends, no job, no girlfriend"
"I think anon has failed at life, and we failed him as well"
You hear this and start sobbing looking around your surroundings.
Nothing but dirty dishes, books, clothes,and Trash
You come to the realization that you're spending your prime years in front of a computer screen
Your classmates are gone, your crush is being fucked by chad, all that while you stare at a screen with a cartoon frog.
You sob harder as you realize whats happening
Even more so as you come to realiziation that you're only in your bedroom sobbing because you were born with the wrong skin color.

This is your fate, and there is no turning back

>> No.18620638 [View]
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Books on filling an empty life?

inb4 the bible

>> No.18390853 [DELETED]  [View]
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I am forcing myself to study, read, memorize and focus for the first time in a long period after being a shit student my whole life and after years of neetdom, and I feel like I am recovering from brain damage.

I can't focus on shit, I forget something basically as soon as my eyes move away from it, I have to read or watch the same material again and again in order to understand it, my ability to synthetize what I learn when I have to practice seems literally inexistent, etc. I swear I was not that dumb ten years ago.

>> No.18298517 [View]
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Anyone have videos, or tips/articles on how to read faster/ more efficient? take notes? re-read until good? I get distracted easily so I smoke weed to focus while reading for long periods of time. It fucking sucks but steve jobs ruined my attention span, and I don't know what else to do.

>> No.18204394 [View]
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>This is overkill
the autodidact pseuds of /lit/ never like the path to knowledge

>> No.17201189 [View]
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I find the first book pretty comfy. Especially on the philosophy of the East.

As a Classics PhD, his books on Greece and Rome are insanely comfy. Yah, like Gibbon, it's "outdated", but the prose and his integral history method are still top-tier for a general survey. I find, again, his understanding of philosophy is excellent, as that was his training, along with his art-criticism, and unlike my other favorite work, Gibbon, he is more than just historical events.

I'm on the 'Age of Louie 14th' and this Anon is correct. It's apparent that it's focused on England and France. However, I won't fault him for that - translations and his own knowledge. But I enjoy the "deep-dives' into the oeuvres of philosophers and writes. Like Racine and or someone like Swift. Give you their biography and the milieu occurring around them.

Yes, but it's best to read them in order. I didn't know much of the history of the reformation or age of reason but the preceding books helped establish the basis for the events.

>> No.17137023 [View]
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How to sit down and read when you have severe, life-destroying tinnitus?

>> No.16667274 [View]
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Hello anons
Some months ago I entered the crypto market, but ever since I have only lost my money and gambled every penny, I don't know how the people that get steady gains on this stuff do it, but i'm too much of a brainlet to do it.
And I lost everything again, I think I have lost like 10k gambling in this shit
How do I get rid of this greed? How do I cope with being a brainlet fucker?
Is there any good book about greed lads? About ignoring material desires?
Please help me frens before I rope myself

>> No.16401087 [View]
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>my girlfriend
on the first page the book is already ruined

>> No.15283176 [View]
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Good questions. I suspect that they speak like girls specifically middle class dumb white girls who themselves are imitating black girls to try and seem cool because they know men are hated in that space. Same reason they are have to be at least bisexual to get into lefttube. Find me one male leftuber who isn't at least bisexual or well claims to be. Vaush is 'pansexual', Destiny, Shaun, and Hbomb are all 'bisexual'. Destiny is a coomer so knows with him the other two have never been seen in a relationship with a man. And of course contrapoints is a straight man LARPing as a woman. Intersectionality places white straight Christian non-tranny males as the worst. So my guess is they do all this to throw off the scent.
So basically a reference to a shitty movie that internet nerds boasted about knowing before social media. Cringe.
It was based when the main basedboy on that show told everyone to kill themselves. Only non cucked thing he ever did.
This is the problem with talking to an audience especially over the internet. It's not just a politics thing.
Wrong. Leftists are split on immigration and always will be. It's the only good for thing the right has is that they hate brownies so will vote against immigration whenever possible.

>> No.15257504 [View]
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Pseud here, what makes you think that you can consider yourself as an intellectual?

>> No.15177688 [View]
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I've spent so long throwing myself at the brick wall that is trying to succeed socially, to have "social skills".

People talk about social skills as this objective thing, but who decides what qualifies as good social skills?
...people with good social skills. It's recursive. And trying to adjust myself to that just makes me feel like I'm prostrating to people who would never accept my presence anyway.

>> No.14286095 [DELETED]  [View]
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>ywn be deep cause you're a lazy faggot who can't read for more than 30 minutes straight

This is why I don't post in /lit/, everytime I do I'm laughed out of here. My wisdom will perhaps forever remain in teenage edginess phase of depth and nuance.

>> No.13734060 [View]
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>discover goodreads
>read over 100 books in 2009, 2010 and 2011
>discover imageboards
>last reading challenge was in 2012
>did not finish
>read no more than a dozen books since

>> No.13575442 [View]
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>tfw you try to be smooth charming litcore tortured artist but find yourself pulling one heck of a Gregory Berrycone

>> No.13544363 [View]
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>not having an 8gb flash drive full of various pepe/apu images

Something is definitely not right here, OP. You can talk to us

>> No.13502391 [View]
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>last book
Book of Numbers(KJV)
The Box Man by Abe Kobo
Lives of the Caesars by Suetonius or some short stories by Dostojevsky

>> No.13062585 [View]
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How do I build my working vocabulary? I currently use Anki to learn new words, but then I go back to using regular vernacular whenever I speak or write. How do I incorporate these words into my vocabulary effectively?

>> No.12999254 [View]
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i try real hard to dream of the work I read that day

>> No.12794274 [View]
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Help me write a story Anons I only have a few hours

I need a story that involves

Loyalty vs. Duplicity
Cultural Duality
Moral Ambivalence and Purpose

Basically anything where the main character is split between two groups, has to choose which one to be loyal to, deceives the other in either a small way or a big way, and trys to find his purpose in life.

For example: An African American police officer who is tasked to infiltrate a local gang that kidnaps children for ransom so they can afford housing. The police officer joins, is reminded a lot of his childhood because he too was raised in a gang, and feeds the police some wrong information about their future plans and whereabouts. The policeman is now in the higher ups of the gang and feels that he is more accepted in the gang than with his other policemen.

>> No.12033173 [View]
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I wouldn't know what it feels like

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