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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.22603175 [View]
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>tfw thought of a conceit
>tfw thought of a title
>tfw it's all even maybe good
>but it's a spit narrative that meets in the middle
Is this cliche? Overdone? Insufferable plebeian shit? Please someone convince me to pursue this. Have any reputable works done this sort of thing?

>> No.18895666 [View]
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There is only one civilization and sub civilizations within it whose rise and fall is part of the natural cycle. The decline of one is necessary for the rise of others and both ought to be celebrated as the fulfillment of human destiny like the overgrown forest being cleansed by fire and made fertile anew.

>> No.17715333 [View]
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I've come to realize I don't actually hate niggers as much as I thought. Considering that this is 4chan I hope someone out there can appreciate the monumentality of this moment. Instead, it's something else entirely. Ultimately I hate the fact that I can't hate niggers, that there's always some insipid counter reaction from well meaning anthro-cattle at the first suggestion of aversion to any things nigger-like. It's the nature of their reaction or defense too...as though having the thought itself is what sets them off, some intolerable break from orthodoxy. It doesn't matter to them in the slightest there's been no discriminatory action or that even if such was desirable it is already illegal and needs none of their championing. No, what they can't abide is the crime of having thoughts they've been taught are impermissible. I just asked my friend of sometime if I'm not allowed to hate blacks in private, even in my own head, provided I don't harm anyone, how is that wrong? Am I not entitled to my reasons, or opinions? They gave me the usual conditioned babble insisting there was something wrong with me and all normal people are like him instead and that our association had grown more questionable with my unwillingness to conform. And it was in that moment I realized...I hated him more than I ever did any nigger, he wasn't white anymore or even human, instead he was some species of weasel.

>> No.16935220 [View]
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>Marx predicted Capitalism would require and eventually run out of new markets in order to sustain itself
>Capitalism turns out to be completely unstoppable, invents entirely new dimensions for markets
>Capitalism now involves convincing functional human beings they are deformed and getting them to buy replacement hormones and surgeries to mutilate themselves, all of which require lifelong commitment and consumption to maintain
>Capitalism concomitantly involves the counter narrative to these people and the counter narrative to that and so forth down an endless rabbit hole lined with souvenirs for the apocalypse and dissolution of society
>reaching the bottom you just pop out the other end of the Earth and find yourself in China as gravity reverses and it all starts over
You have to admire it. What a fucking leviathan.

>> No.15770710 [View]
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>tfw only now reading this thread
It's amazing to see the confluence of greater thinkers across time and space, from the Ancient Greeks to the Samurai to the Prussians all coming together in similar philosophical consanguinity to btfo Anglo cretinism. It might even be a sort of proof of god itself, for disparate groups and peoples to all arrive at the same conclusions in response to the nature of nature.

>> No.15553383 [View]
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I realized all of this when I was in middle school. And I've long since refuted it too. I won't even give you the typical spiel, of how how says nothing about why, or the even more common Cantorian nonsense undoubtedly already posted in this thread about the limits of positivism exploring itself. I will simply say you should worry less about pop-science panaceas for existentialism and learn math. Really learn real math. God demonstrably exists.

>> No.15478489 [View]
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Why do double digit IQs like yourself constantly confuse causation with correlation? Do you think Nietzsche was born in a basement and forbidden to ever leave it? He wasn't a "resentful edgy megalomaniac" because he lived apart from other people, he lived apart from other people because he was a "resentful edgy megalomaniac".

>> No.10779154 [View]
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Is there some trick to recognizing and following the meter? I'm told Shakespeare's
>But, soft! what light through yonder window breaks?
Is an example, but it clearly doesn't follow the definition of 5 Iambs near as I can make it out. Are the stresses meant to be like so, with the 2nd word in the line emphasized?
but soft
what light
through yon
der win
dow breaks

That seems so weird and unnatural that I figure it must be wrong?

I'd appreciate some help from more literate anons, I want to read Shakespeare with the proper intonation.

>> No.7925093 [View]
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call me mum and ask her if she's been feeling demented lately putting flowers in my hand while I'm sleeping that crazy bitch.

>> No.7892517 [View]
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>> No.7890514 [View]
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You have assumed so much and from these assumptions inferred so much while ignoring so much.

>As long as you don't grow up in legitimately dangerous circumstances you will most likely mature at a normal healthy rate and so will never do anything intentionally mean spirited or cruel from the age of like 14 onwards.... (ALL of your greentext).

Definitely not true. You seem to have a ridiculously idealistic and simplistic perspective of people, the circumstances in which they grow up and the beliefs they adopt according to it. Not everyone adopts a peace-loving-love-everyone-egalitarian-flower-distributing-live-and-let-live-hippie. In a limited world with desire, there will always be conflict of almost every sort.

>I don't understand how issues like homophobia and racism exist in the developed world.

same reason as above. not everyone adopts abstract ideals as their own and almost everyone is more heavily influenced by the context in which they grow up. >>7888646 summed it up pretty well. Also, people can be irrational. wow! big surprise!

>Why would grown people in positions of responsibility act like petty little children?

aren't you, just like them, passing out value judgements? same thing as what i wrote about your greentext. most of their "pettiness" can be explained by their goals and the value system they chose to adopt while growing up. what is "pettiness" even?

> do they think mentally healthy adults are just overly nice weirdos?

"mentally healthy". wow fuck off mate. you don't set the gold standard on what is mentally healthy. they might just as will call you retarded for being "nice" and practically giving up on things they believe in.

>Do they not realise people grow up because it's important to have a practical, realistic and comprehensive perspective of the world around you?

a lot of them would probably think you're a sucker for being naive and overly idealistic and might call this a mentally unhealthy and irrational attitude

>What are you even fighting for?

what are YOU fighting for here?

>> No.7880932 [View]
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>ITT: edgy undergrads

there's no time like the present you bumblefucks

>> No.7756601 [View]
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Post your best greentext etc.

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