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>> No.11996296 [View]
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i will add one caveat: *for now.*

when i started this thread, way back when, it was only to talk about YH's book and perhaps ramble in my usual fashion with other anons. since then it has morphed into quite an interesting discourse on acceleration and other things, and along the way i have found the idea of Cosmotech kind of interesting in its own right, in particular since one anon - the first three posts after the OP - linked together a whole bunch of ideas that got my own noggin' joggin.' so now i'm re-thinking some old ideas of my own as well, and Cosmotech has been the result.

i don't know what it means, really, or where it's all going. i think that there are some interesting similarities, points and threads that line up here and there, and i've read enough of the theorists to able to share what i think are interesting parts of their thought with other anons here. retracing intellectual history up to Land and speculating on what kinds of things one can do with his and other ideas is pretty enjoyable for me, and hopefully it illuminates some stuff for other anons as well. there's an absolute shit-ton of stuff that relates to acceleration, which does have multiple forms: left, right, unconditional, zombie, and so on. i've taken to calling it the Wild Ride, if only because it encapsulates both those aspects and the various intellectual trajectories that come to produce it - Hegel, Marx, Heidegger, Deleuze, Land, and certainly Baudrillard also. SE&D is a really important book in the transitional period that was happening in many senses during the 1970s, and which still informs the way we look at things today.

anyways, that's only my two cents. in the actual world of acceleration, ofc, i'm a nobody. i'm self-taught in this stuff and i don't plan on an academic career either. i am at best the equivalent of the proprietor of an incredibly run-down version of Merlin's Mystery Shop. with the bonus, of course, being that everything is basically free...

anyways, i find the philosophy stuff more interesting than the political theory, but it's all connected. politics and economics are important too, and for more of that, Moldbug/Hoppe/Mises et al are what you want to read. or check out the Dark Enlightenment essay. again, the whole reason for Cosmotech is that the Dark got a little *too* dark, imho.


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