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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.11206749 [View]
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actually, dummy, many of the objections proposed by Aquinas are misconceptions a half-wit student of theology or layman might have even today. they serve a purpose in organizing not only Aquinas' argument but also identifying common fallacies.

please stop posting, and delete your youtube channel as well.


>> No.11091666 [View]
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AHA. I didn't understand this at first. I am >>11086579 this poster. I noticed before that you dropped the Holy Bible from all your considerations. Bad move if you want to be a writer or erudite or capable of great art. Without even trying to understand God, without that struggle, you might as well smoke some crack rocks and go squat in a hovel with Dutch anarchists spray tagging buildings all day and calling it art. What you want is an aesthetic education. Let me revise the list:

Holy Bible (two of them: NRSV w/ Apocrypha, and the KJV)
Aristotle's Organon (and Physics and Metaphysics if you can)
Plato's Complete Works (or at least: Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, Phaedo, Symposium)
The Apostolic Fathers
Schiller's Aesthetic Education of Man
Rene Girard's Deceit, Desire & the Novel
Calvino's The Uses of Literature
Campbell's Masks of God (4 volumes)
Philostratus' Heroicus

NOW you can add on whatever memes you want. Start with arguably the first novel, and proceed with masters only.

Don Quixote
The Three Musketeers (& co.)
Aristophanes' Frogs
Boccaccio's Decameron
Chaucer's Centerbury Tales
Garland's Main-Travelled Roads
Dostoevsky's The Idiot
Shakespeare's Sonnets
maybe a Norton Reader or two, as a weak stand-in for a literature instructor
et cetera et cetera, you get the picture

>> No.10465669 [View]
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>> No.10333977 [View]
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This question of baptism and hell is one of the things that turned me away from Catholicism. It's a scam dressed in nice robes, based on a misunderstanding.

2Cor 6:2
>"In the time of my favor I heard you, and in the day of salvation I helped you." I tell you, now is the time of God's favor, now is the day of salvation.

Eph 5
>Follow God's example, therefore, as dearly loved children and walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.

Hell is an eternal torment upon the Man who does not know love, which was helpfully personified in Christ. To the hateful, Hell is every waking moment. But it can be turned aside, the moment of salvation is ever present if one is willing to hear the word and follow in his ways. That is, love. The Church has always used Christ as a carrot and Hell as a stick, for purposes of fundraising and political power. They propagate a literalist misunderstanding that is a disease upon Man.

>> No.10294191 [View]
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>relax you bitter piece of shit
this should be added to the /lit/ sticky

>> No.10203667 [View]
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>new-age mumbo jumbo
>Wrong answer.
No, I am correct. Since it seems you are either trolling or proving you haven't actually read the Bible, read this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tree_of_the_knowledge_of_good_and_evil

Like I said. We do. Disobeying God and discerning Good from Evil is not only the root of all Mankind's moral dilemmas, it is literally the cause of the Fall. The allegory that portrays all existential crises. My answer is not only correct, it matches Augustine's analysis.

>Don't LARP as a Christian, it's dishonest and you should be ashamed.

Like I said hours ago: Please, educate yourself before pretending to speak from authority. Now I really am done with entertaining your backwards understanding. I'll be praying for you.

>> No.10200519 [View]
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Most patrician post coming through make way.

Theory: Bachelard's Poetics of Space
Artist: Tame Impala https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBzrzS1Ag_g
Philosopher: Pseudo-Dionysius
Essayist: Emerson
Poet: Tennyson
Cookbook: Mallman
Novelist: Barth
Sci-fi: Bradbury


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