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>> No.6722585 [View]
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Well no. I mean if someone makes a large post it begs a large post in response to all of the former's points. Quotes just add clarity, though I guess they might give the appearance of making an argument go longer than in should, when really it is just the actual argument itself going on for a while regardless of quotes or not.

(See no quotes here just an indent, you only made two points)
I really have no pride in this. Appearances I can't control, I just want a suggestion or a conversation on my topic.

I mean, people are trying to discuss the point all works on this topic are all of the same quality. And they are trying to defend it, I just think they are doing it poorly.

I don't get that point, sure. Besides that it is just mud slinging from the other side that "I don't get art" or "I don't belong here". Which is silly.

>> No.5965608 [View]
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Thanks ill be checking back up on the thread

>> No.5574246 [View]
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Wow, thanks anon!

>> No.5245484 [View]
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Thank you for this

This is a great response

>> No.5094164 [View]
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Glad to see youre still keeping up on it. This will be pretty nice to have.

But seriously OP.

At some point youll have to stop, this is going to get way out of hand way before the modern period.

Just fuck off

>> No.5070854 [View]
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Best books on learning and perfecting English grammar?

>> No.5036953 [View]
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OP I was about to start doing something similar. Keep us updated and keep going

>> No.4983204 [View]
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>Who pays to clean up that mess that wouldn't have happened without that charity effort?

> there's people paid by taxes to collect the trash, organize the property and clean up the mess.


>Where do you put your dumpster/box donation?
Where you normally keep dumpsters, in the back. The problems you listed should already be happening to markets that dont give out their food, so giving out their food wont create these problems as if they were new.

>In places where no one is interested in giving away some of their body, convenience, money to feed others, it can't happen.

All right, seriously, what are you going on about? I am not arguing that we should force people to work in Food Shelters. Giving food to a Food Shelter is one possibility, and yes, a wonder, you need a Food Shelter to exist in order for you to give the food to said Food Shelter. If there is none, then they can give the food out in another method, say, like holding it in the back like I said before. Food Shelters are fairly common anyway and are usually in lack of food to give out, so its not that big of a problem.

>It's just hypocritical while you don't do anything on your own level.
You do not know what my "own level" is, so you cant possibly make that claim. What if, another wonder, I was someone who regularly dumpsters dives behind my local Trader Joes because I have no money as a university student? Would make sense, seeing as how I seem to know a little about it.

Also, even with my "own level" being hypothetically "low", who's to say I dont help out in my own way? You listed giving out my car (which I dont have) or my bus pass (which I have, its a student ID, which clearly a stranger cannot use, and even if they could, would be highly impractical since I would have to go about looking for said poor person and ask if they want to borrow my bus pass for a few hours, or something?), and these few ways are clearly not the only ways to help out others.

Why are you so desperately grabbing at straws here?

>> No.4814914 [View]
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Nice! Thank you for this

>> No.4665310 [View]
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Well youre either the guy who said the sentimental is bad when overdone, or cheap when overused.

I then replied, is the way to get around this just to repackage the sentimental? Or do you have to get something else all together.

You really have said nothing.

Do you actually believe in what they are trying to do, getting closer to "true" emotions? How exactly do they go about doing that? I havent read Woolf yet, Ive been meaning to read her.

>> No.4485795 [View]
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Everything Buddhist, specifically Zen.

Zen's Mind, Beginner's Mind by Suzuki is good, but just keep in mind that its trying to teach you how to meditate correctly, not much than that.

The book of tea is a good one. Books on Aesthetics (particularly Japanese) are pretty nice too.

May I ask why youre being put into a rehabilitation center?

>> No.4332062 [View]
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Hipster is a pretty interesting phenomenon. I think there actually is something really telling about our culture when you consider that it created this thing

>> No.4328847 [View]
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What video are you talking about?

>> No.4237414 [View]
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How about something that isnt a play?

I know I listed Hamlet, im just curious

>> No.4203150 [View]
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It would help if you've read Kant or Aristotle, but his intro into BandT is pretty good at introducing whats about to happen.

>> No.4184518 [View]
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This guy knows, was just about to post the same thing.

If you read Marx, youll realize that he would have hated the idea of Russia, of all countries, becoming communist. They were far to rural and not developed enough to go socialist, the world probably itself wasnt ready to go socialist in any country.

>> No.4086816 [View]
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Inaction is an action. The only true non-action is non-existence, which a being cannot do.

Also you're not being clear. Are you referring to quietism? That still falls under idealism. The practitioner's ideal is to not prescribe, or to do the minimum needed. That is what he/she thinks is best, and so it is the ideal.

Inb4 first existential crisis

>> No.3973740 [View]
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Very nice, how about some interaction with Arianna and the other characters? I'd just like to see how your dialogue is compared to your descriptions.

>> No.3857286 [View]
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God damn! This is what im afraid of!

I really, really dont want to dislike this book just because im so naive. I mean I know im naive, but to be so naive that I just dismiss a book that I really suck, fuck that.

Please have this conversation with me. Lets compare Esther and Holden. First thing I want to bring up, either being shallow.

Both are shallow, but Holden fights against it. He hates himself for it, and even when he is shallow, I dont think he is as shallow as Esther. Esther describes some people just by what they where and their occupation. I cant remember when Holden does this, he judges people on authenticity, as well as more shallow characteristics.

>> No.3803400 [View]
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I dont believe you understood my conclusion, maybe you should reread it again. Actually ill help you out and spell it out.

I provided social factors which CAN, be sufficient for explaining hows something came to be.

You, I believe since you replied to me but I cant tell if you are someone I mentioned in my post, are arguing that it is, conclusively and primarily, genetics (if not, clarify for me). Because of what i have posted, it cannot be conclusively and primarily genetics. You are jumping the gun until you provide the genetic research. So actually, you have the incorrect and irrelevant conclusion.

See above

>> No.3797594 [View]
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Im always torn between this line of thinking and Nietzsche

>> No.3753230 [View]
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To be honest I was hoping it was a homework assignment, because the question itself is embarrassing. I thought the boku no pico bit would allude to that, but oh well

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