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>> No.20706860 [View]
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So I've just finished reading Dreadgod, realised I was a little late, and I sort of see where people are coming from with some of the negative remarks. The back-half feels weirdly rushed all over. Wight's character-writing is strong as ever but a lot of stuff seems to happen solely as a "tune in next book" sort of deal. Which, I get it, it's the penultimate book, but so little seemed to actually happen outside of Lindon and Yerin's deal. Mercy spends the entire book being basically grounded, the whole gang isn't really together much of the time so a lot of the interactions aren't there, etc. I really did like the Silent King invading Dross' projections, though, and then promptly going "Oh fuck" when Emriss pops in. I just wish we knew Emris more as a character before this because the interaction she DOES have with Lindon is all but off-screened, and for how much of a big deal she is in this book we basically have like 6, 7 lines from her.
Not bad, overall, but a rocky penultimate book. I'm still sort of wondering how the hell the whole series is wrapping up next book, but given the breakneck pacing the series has had since Bloodline, maybe it'll just be that.

>> No.20639064 [View]
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Not really loose ends that I'd like to see resolved, but there's so much ground to cover. The sheer amount of fights and events that occurred off-screen in this book is fucking staggering. Can we expect the entirety of the secondary cast's training to be off-screen? You've also got to make your way through not only the dreadgods, but then the Monarchs while still covering the Judge storyline and whatever you need there to save Suriel and Ozriel. This book was staggeringly short and just... disjointed around the labyrinth's fast travel.

Felt really poorly thought out compared to other books.

Agreed on the pacing. I mentioned above, but the fast travel threw me through a loop. It's also only been around 2-3 weeks of time since the Sacred Valley was decimated? When was Lindon able to outfit the entirety of the Windfall colony with Overlord-tier constructs? He didn't have the forge until the end of the last book, which was... 2 hours before the start of this one.

Seems like he's relying on the transition into a new series to keep this forward momentum, but I'm really... unhappy with every book since Wintersteel?

Seems to be the next series.

Not today, anon. The book bummed me the fuck out. Think I agree with you, Uncrowned and Wintersteel were definitely the height of the series for me.


Don't think I've linked that here and I don't think anyone particularly cares but I'll repost...

[Before Realizing Penultimate Book]

35% in -
S'fine. S'just... fine. The opening with The Silent King and Emeriss felt odd and out of place, but when you introduce fast travel into the core narrative I suppose you've got wiggle room. Seemed like it was only there to setup a Dreadgod foil for Lindon, as the others have lesser intelligences. Suppose we shall see how that plays out... Love a good training arc book though, so we'll see if the pay-offs are worth it.

51% -
Things are starting to roll forward with more purpose, with the exception of Lindon's story. I thought I had a good understanding on the Akura's but with the recent-ish (last 2 books) reveal regarding the Heralds, they've fallen into this more villainous charge. Malice especially, which seems out of character considering her poise up until this point.

70% -
So only about 2-3 weeks have passed in the books since the events at Sacred Valley and yet Lindon somehow outfitted an entire cloud fortress with Overlord level constructs that produce... golems, flame avatars, and imprints of Dross. All in service of protecting his shithead family he's had stifled interactions with ever since... The Jai Long scene? What the fuck?

85% -
For every solid pay-off in the Silent King and Herald fight, there's another chapter that takes the wind out of your sails. Not only did Will complete Ziel and Orthos' fight off-screen, he followed that chapter up by completing Yerin's advancement to Herald AND her fight ALSO OFF-FUCKING-SCREEN.

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