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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.20364093 [View]
File: 830 KB, 2861x1717, augustinus_aurelius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1. Which philosophers are the most incomprehensible?
The general consensus is that probably Hegel and Heidegger are the most incomprehensible, but it's only due to their style of writing because it's not really that hard to understand their ideas if you have a solid background in philosophy before them.

>2. Which philosophers have the infinite depth for exploration?
I would say none. Every philosophical system is complete in its own way and its depth depends only on the topic, discussed by certain philosophers and the model of reality they provide.

>I'm curious, and wonder if any of it is worth spending time on.
It depends on what do you expect from studying philosophy. As I see it, the point of philosophy is basically to develop a specific worldview and acquire some related terminology to operate with.

>> No.18264809 [View]
File: 830 KB, 2861x1717, augustine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pardon the schizo rant, but I feel I should interject regarding the meme trilogy.
been reading GR. pretty fun. but I guess no one on this board thought it was necessary to warn me that it would turn any SERIOUS reader into a cock hungry twink? I just came to simultaneous images of choking on chad white's massive, multicolored cock and froting with a sissy twink I found while perusing /lgbt/. How did this happen? jee, so many scenes of complete sexual submission, how could you come out of it not wanting to be someone's gottfried? this book REQUIRES you to submit, and at some point you begin to enjoy it. first, you have to submit to the rocket (can't hear it coming in, just accept it, right?). then, you have to submit to the encyclopedic complexity of the prose and then to the tangled mess of characters and coincidences. then you submit to the IG, then to the SS who took your little squirrel who you were about to take to the moon with you, to live on the beach at the sea of tranquility. you submit in one way or another, and I've read enough Nietzche to know that you're supposed to enjoy this kind of inevitable suffering, right? and so here I am, imagining myself being dominated by twinks and a literal chad.
my real question - where the fuck does it all end? everything is so arbitrary. is this what it means to be "deterritorialized"? I really want to suffer for something. I really just want something I can die for. But everything ends up slipping out of my grasp. Today it's my sexuality (which is completely fine, I don't mean to imply any homophobia of course), a few years ago it was my direction in life, and last century it was God. what is worth preserving? what is worth dedicating my life to? along this particular dimension, we've inherited nothing from our parents.
if it's our job to now to seize meaning ourselves, where do we start?

>> No.16275575 [View]
File: 830 KB, 2861x1717, conversion_de_saint_augustine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think you all have a point. The current ordering of the world is one that creates and exacerbates sadness. The reasons for this are many and I won't attempt to summarize what plenty of people have put so much work into elucidating, but considering the thread we're in I don't think you'll find "modern society breeds sadness" too much of a stretch. So yeah the world is shit and is falling apart and everyone is alienated and all that. Of course everyone is sad. That initial sadness, the seed of it, is not the fault of the individual. What they are "responsible" for is how they interact with that sadness other than the obvious of inaction.

As I see it I have two choices other than necking. I can lean into the shit world, hoping that it consumes and obliterates me, simply become part of it. Chomp some SSRIs and watch Love Island, numb the sadness to the point that I can enjoy the things that essentially cause it (gamification and commodification of intimacy, spectacle culture, The Conceit), become part of the spectacle. The harder alternative is to find joy in fighting against the current of raw sewage washing over me and everyone around me. Adapt and create space in myself and my world that can be kept dry from it and find some purpose and pleasure in the process of building that space for myself.

For me, battling the alienation has manifested lately in a weird amount of volunteer type work. I think working alongside people who are also deeply dissatisfied with the world, but are determined to try and make changing it – in their small, relatively insignificant way –a part of their lives, has helped me stay a little more sane. Also the people I end up meeting are all really nice.

Thats my long-winded diary entry of a take on Living in A Society.

>> No.14491810 [View]
File: 830 KB, 2861x1717, conversion_de_saint_augustine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the first autobiography ever written is a pretty cool read imo

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