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>> No.6205644 [View]
File: 506 KB, 1280x1280, Nietzsche-e1353955245351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone actually properly disputed Nietzsche's claims against feminism? I mean... in only a handful of pages he utterly destroys the entire movement and its proponents (as well as takes a jab at the failing masculinity of our age and "white knights") in Beyond Good and Evil. See below:


>Women want to be autonomous: and to that end they have begun to enlighten men about 'women per se'—that is one of the worst signs of progress in Europe's overall uglification. For look at all the things brought to light by these clumsy experiments in female scientific thinking and self-revelation! Women have so much reason for shame; there is so much hidden in women that is pedantic, superficial, carping, pettily presumptuous, pettily unbridled and immodest (just notice their interactions with children!), so much that has heretofore been most effectively repressed and subdued by their ultimate fear of males. God forbid that the 'Eternal-Boring' in women (they are rich in it!) ever dares to come out, or that they begin completely and by conviction to forget their cleverness and their arts, those of grace, playfulness, bidding care begone, easing our burdens and taking the world lightly, their subtle readiness for pleasant desires! Already we hear female voices that frighten us, by holy Aristophanes! with medically precise threats about all the things that women WANT from men. Doesn't it show the very worst taste when women set about being scientific in this way?

>Until now, thank goodness, enlightenment was a man's business, a man's gift—and so men remained 'among themselves'. And ultimately, whenever we read something a woman has written on 'women', we can reserve our mistrust about whether women actually want to be enlightened about themselves—whether they can want it... Now, if women are not doing it to get themselves some new adornment (self-adornment is part of the Eternal-Feminine, is it not?), then they wish to instil fear: perhaps they want to dominate. But they do not want truth—what do women care about truth! From the beginning, nothing has been more alien to women, more repellent, more inimical than truth—their great art is the lie, their highest concern appearance and beauty. Let us admit it, we men: it is precisely this art and this instinct that we honor and love about women: we who have it difficult in life and are glad to relax in the company of creatures with hands, glances, and tender follies to make our seriousness, our difficulty and depth seem almost like folly. Finally, I would ask whether any woman herself has ever conceded that a woman's brain can be deep, a woman's heart just? And isn't it true on the whole that until now 'women' have been disdained most of all by women—and certainly not by us men?

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