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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.10728899 [View]
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/lit/erary confessions thread.

Confess your sins. You hate yourself anyway.

>> No.10703369 [View]
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>side-by-side translation and original text
>helpful footnotes explain contested words and unclear paragraphs, provide alternate translations
>glossary of technical terms
>essay written by a respected academic on the text
>lengthy Further Reading section with explanations for each entry

>> No.10464121 [View]
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Let's scare her off again.

>> No.10217799 [View]
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Write a paragraph of erotica. Let other anons judge your writing.

>> No.10021934 [View]
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Aristophanes is full of dirty jokes and cheeky songs. He's a lot of fun, plus he's got a semi-political commentary that is still somewhat relevant (in the most basic way imaginable).

Lewis Carroll's Alice In Wonderland comes to mind too. Fun silly adventures with a little eccentricity to it. Don't let anyone see you reading it though or they'll assume you're a fat girl who works at hot topic, dying their hair black and masturbates to Nightmare Before Christmas. Really wish that this book didn't give off that impression, but what can you do, humans are trash.

I think HP Lovecraft is fun and easy. Not in a literal sense, as in everyone is having a great time in his stories, but they are very accessible and often they're very short so you could finish a couple of his short stories in one sitting. His Necronomicon and Eldritch Tales collections from Golliancz are pretty good.

John Dies At The End is an unpretentious pulpy body-psychological-supernatural horror comedy adventure science fiction etc etc. A lot of cool ideas in the book and a lot of imaginative moments. I really want to re-read it actually, I had such a good time with it when I first read it. Avoid the film like the plague. The book isn't perfect but it offers a lot more than can be fit into a 90 minute movie.

If you're open to graphic novels, Jeff Smith's Bone is brilliant. An epic fantasy adventure almost as if it was retold through Tex Avery cartoons. Fun sense of humour, absurdity, character development, lore and even tragedy. Genuinely worth picking up the single volume tome. It's about 1400 or so pages but you'll be done with it within a week, I swear.

Some quick-fire recommendations for you to check out:

Graphic novels: Tintin, Calvin & Hobbes, Junji Ito's Tomie, Uzumaki, Gyo, Fragments of Horror, Azumanga Daioh, Bryan Lee O'Malley's Seconds, etc.

Novels: Audition (the less you know about it, the more effective it is), In The Miso Soup, The Golden Ass, Ubik, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, I Am A Cat, The Last Unicorn, Cloud Atlas, etc.

Non fiction/Autobiography: Miles Davis' Autobiography (very accessible, don't have to like jazz, dude was a cool motherfucker), Akira Kurosawa's Something Like An Autobiography, Herodotus' The Histories (genuine fun, mixture of ancient history and folklore/hear-say - has flying snakes and gold stealing ants), Ernest Shackleton's South: The Endurance Expedition (survivalist tale, exploration, failures and perseverance)

>> No.9986422 [View]
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> books
> expensive

> implying books aren't cheaper than ever
> not buying books online
> not buying books from thrift shops or library book sales
> not taking the unwanted books from your library
> not finishing what's already on your shelf
> implying you even read

No sympathy for the wicked, OP.

>> No.9958148 [View]
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Do you read any fanfiction, /lit/? Be honest.

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