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>> No.17394568 [View]
File: 132 KB, 807x583, PublicSchoolsFightingBack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But it could work if we just cared about it enough. A lot of schools in America are extremely underfunded (because of Republicans) and they teach stuff like evolution being just a "theory", or "abstinence", and there's a bias towards a christian god.
You're saying we should get rid of compulsory schools when we should really be making college free!
I've taught at High Schools before and the level of ignorance is astonishing.
For example, a few kids thought the Earth was flat, some kid thought Jesus was actually born of a virgin (and existed), and another person tried to argue with me that Mexicans where taking jobs from people (his dad voted for Trump). One day, I was talking about reparations and a kid said that "blacks should get reparations like the Jews did a long time ago and are still getting". He supported the right thing but for the wrong reasons, I sensed that it was motivated by some possibly anti-Semitic elements that he might have picked up somewhere which is extremely problematic. Our education should be stopping young impressionable people from thinking that way.
People wouldn't be as anti-scientific as they are now if we could get them from the crucial ages of 5 to 23. The people who advance onto colleges, where I've also taught, tend to become more enlightened about social issues, society, science, etc., even if they came from ignorant backgrounds. I know a lot of this is anecdotal but I genuinely believe this is what we as a society should be doing for everyone!

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