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>> No.23233145 [View]
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>be me, a modern tech-savvy philosopher
>decides to dive into René Guénon's "The Reign of Quantity and the Signs of the Times"
>expecting a chill read about how everything used to be better in the old days
>instead, gets hit with the metaphysical equivalent of "back in my day, we walked uphill both ways in the snow"
>Guénon starts off with "modern world? more like MODERN WORST"
>me, sitting in my smart home, surrounded by IoT devices, feeling personally attacked
>he's all about the spiritual over the material, saying we lost our way chasing the latest iPhone release
>can't help but glance guiltily at my collection of slightly outdated tech gadgets
>Guénon goes hard on traditional values, like a spiritual grandpa
>says we should return to ancient wisdom, kinda makes sense until he suggests my smartwatch is the reason I feel empty inside
>starts questioning if my microwave really does bring me closer to enlightenment
>he's not all about that modern progress, says it's basically quantity over quality
>meanwhile, I'm here thinking about how many more episodes of "Ancient Aliens" I can binge in one sitting
>"Is Guénon suggesting I won't find spiritual fulfillment in Season 12?" I ponder, deeply offended
>decides to take his advice, try to connect with my inner traditionalist
>turns off all electronic devices, attempts to meditate or something
>lasts exactly 2 minutes before I'm bored out of my mind
>realizes my drive to reach for the stars might just be coded into my millennial DNA, or maybe I just really like WiFi
>tries to imagine a world as Guénon wants it, where we're all happy growing our own food and dying young of boredom
>pictures self in a village, living the simple life, no internet, no memes, no Metallica
>a single tear rolls down my cheek as I whisper, "Enter Sandman" to the uncaring cosmos
>comes to the conclusion that maybe Guénon has a point somewhere in there
>but also realizes that perhaps there's a middle ground where I can keep my tech and still find some deeper meaning
>decides to start small, like using my smartwatch to remind me to meditate or something
>Guénon might be onto something, but I'll take my enlightenment with a side of WiFi, thanks

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