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>> No.12517712 [View]
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>you aren't wrong and it isn't bad you're talking about. i said you've got a modestly higher understanding than others. even if the language i use is offensive it wasn't a particular attack on direction but rather the method
yeah, and it's all good. and i don't wish to come across as some kind of blowhard asshole either. (and i am a blowhard asshole, i just don't want to come across as one).

put another way, i'm only offended by being confused with somebody else, or when it is assumed that i believe and think things i don't actually think or say. like somehow i am trying to run some psyop here on the boards. i'm fucking *confused,* that's why i ramble so much. it's exactly because i *don't* have answers that i talk so much. i don't want to produce a new ideology, i'm trying to get rid of a kind of deadly substitute that i seem to be stuck with, like a coping mechanism...

so attacks are welcome! go for it. i really won't be offended. the only thing that grinds me is when people think i would actually fucking samefag-compliment myself on my own ideas, this is just ridiculous.

>you need to try and distill all your knowledge into something more simple and pure. the world is very simple just turn your head and look around seeing it. the complexity comes from not understanding and trying to learn. when you master it it's as simple as breathing.
yeah i know. you're right about this. i guess this is the thing i feel like i have to contribute. if people find something useful in it that's enough. Harman said that most philosophies aren't refuted, they're just abandoned - and that most objections are really just misunderstandings, but those misunderstandings also allow for new ideas to germinate. i think that's quite profound. whatever possible good comes from these conversations will be like that, i think. not from anyone becoming a convert or an antagonist, but by a kind of diagonal or register shift. nothing ever gets copied perfectly.

>thinking lots of thoughts and going in every direction is okay but returning to simplicity is what i see missing
yup. it's my feel also. the Tao is fucking great. so is Zen, and the Buddha. makes the hairs on your arms stand up. maybe this fucking trainwreck is necessary to grasp that? very possible.

decocting something less insanity-producing out of this madness...or just being able to cope with the complexity without it destroying your mind. that's what happened to Land, maybe Nietzsche also. Lacan's later years were not happy either. to exit the Wild Ride means a kind of affirmation of chaos, but affirmation itself can become a kind of internal animus-possession. that i think is what is captured by capital, but what it produces is burnout. so partly you have to say, capital doesn't exist - because it can become a Woke ideology like any other. so what replaces it? it's hard to say. maybe these are Spice withdrawal symptoms.

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