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>> No.18794489 [View]
File: 121 KB, 788x768, bunch_of_smug_''dissident''_clowns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why I don't understand online political commentators.
What purpose do they serve, except amplifying their own echo chambers, acting like a bunch of fucking clowns and getting involved into petty drama? (-> Debord's Society of Spectacle)

I semi-watched Tim Pool's new livestreams by curiosity, and sweet Jesus, he went from being a bugman Bernie Bruh to a desperate Qcumber / MAGAtard. To me, it doesn't make sense.

I'm starting to wonder if the Chud Skeptics and Commiefags of BreadTube are linked to a CIA-funded program to brainwash the American youth through brainless emotional drivel.

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