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I'm actually kinda blown away how little people talked about the fucking story. I'm wondering if I'm going mad, or if it just flew over everyone's head, or what.
I mean you can give a lot of shit to the game for all kinds of major cokups from tech state, gameplay design perspective or whatnot, but damn the story, quests and setting are easily the best that CDPR has done so far. And again, I say that as someone who actually got the fucking point of TW1, which so far was actually their most serious story telling ambition.

As someone into the genre, Cyberpunk 2077 is amazing at being cyberpunk, way better than Deus Ex, Night City is the perfect cyberpunk shithole, it's a horrible place just like the Neuromancer, it takes onto Neuro rather than Deus Ex and Blade Runner.
You actually play as that scum from high tech low life, you interact with scum rather than fancy agents, you're deep into the shit and there's jo save the world, Deus Ex is pleb when it comes to this, there's only V trying to make it out alive.
Some players and anons hate the montage with Jackie but that speech tells you all you need.

it’s a game with grounded characters and good worldbuilding. It rewards paying attention to the little details and conversations. I think immersion is a two way street and whether you take it from a perspective of taking it all seriously or not makes a huge difference.

It hits a lot of emotional notes that really resonated with me. Because like Phillip Dick it’s a story not really about technology in its own right, but more about humanity and how we relate to each other and the various ways technology and other factors impact that.

I kinda guessed the rather grounded nature of the story may be a part of the culprit, but then again the game's story presentation is absolutely fucking stellar (to a point where I wonder if they did not really blow up too much budget on shit like minor animations during story-interactions), and has plenty of "epic bad-ass" moments too, so I would assume it's not too inaccessible.
I feel like people LITERALLY just did not realize the core dillema which the game is like fucking nailing into your head. Which is: Where do you begin and where do you end: What are the boundaries of human personality.

I guess the ending is pissing a lot of people. I haven't gotten the rest of the story spoiled yet, so I don't know the details, but I do know the "nature" of most endings, and honestly again, I have already guessed so from the Helman dialogue.
But I can't for the love of me figure out how could anyone fucking think this story is "generic" and less interesting than the studios previous works.

This game is like ketamine videogamified. It's unlike any other video game story to date, and easily blows the fuck out of actual movie games like TLoU or RDR1&2. WITOUT being a movie game&in fact being the most gameplay heavy AAA title in years.

The story features a literal dissolution of your personality. Kino

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