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>> No.16193373 [View]
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What parties? What the eternal normalfag doesn't realize (or rather, chooses not to) is that their whole life, the whole set of options available to them at any given moment, is contingent upon circumstances that they had little part in bringing about, and more importantly, circumstances that one can't just change on a dime.
Imagine this: you're a friendless NEET. You're told to go out to parties. Where are you going to find them? As previously noted, you're friendless, and strangers aren't exactly swarming the streets inviting random people to parties. Are you supposed to go on parties.com or something and find some that way? News flash: there are no parties on parties.com; it's just a parked domain name.
The normalfag says "just go to parties" because for him, it's as simple as just going to parties. The option is always present because there will always be someone texting him "Hey, Brad's throwing a party at his place tonight, wanna come?" and all that he needs to do is show up. Whereas for the friendless NEET, to get to that point, you have to make friends from scratch first, which is a task far from trivial. How do you make friends? Uhh, go outside I guess. What do you do outside? Go to parties and meet people.
I'm far from the blackpill event horizon. I believe that there are ways for anyone, no matter how far gone, to pull themselves out of whatever hole of friendlessness and loneliness they're in. But what I don't believe is that pulling yourself out of that hole is easy. In fact, it's usually paralyzingly difficult. It takes more courage and self-worth than most people have, and definitely more than your average NEET has. In other words, if a normalfag were to one day be transported into the body of a socially awkward, ugly, friendless NEET, I imagine that not even he would be able to cure himself by his own prescriptions.
I don't know. It's just so tiresome.

>> No.15541368 [View]
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This world is created by people. Why can't I be one of them? I feel like I'll always be doomed to follow the rules prescribed by others. I feel like I'll never be the guy shaping the culture. It's like life is one big casino and I'm just another of the faceless shmucks throwing away their money into someone else's slot machine.

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