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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.14354761 [View]
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I teared up when Levin and Kitty's baby was born in Anna Karenina.

>> No.11717672 [View]
File: 130 KB, 674x500, [MORE THAN A FEELING].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He hadn't already unironically confronted those questions during puberty.
Brainlets, when will they learn.

>> No.11709772 [View]
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Who is this Deluze and what contributions to his field are substantial enough to warrant my interest?

I'm a busy woman.

>> No.11703540 [View]
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>I remember very vividly; Peterson was doing something with an interpretation of Crime and Punishment. I vividly recall that I don't remember exactly what he said but it was something something.

>> No.6624532 [View]
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Within the second month of my stay, I had become used to the friendliness and open dialogue of the locals, who were never ashamed of talking to each other about the American within their midst during the off season, where normally they existed both as fishers and housekeepers for the set of shacks that they had lined up facing the ocean. Thanks to my rudimentary work watching soap operas on the television and simultaneously flicking through a set of flash cards I had written and collected over the course of a year leading up to the execution of my plan of self-extradition, I was versed enough in the lingua franca of the citizens of Argentina to understand the general idea that I was welcome, si, but not in the way that one would invite a guest into their house. All business among the locals was conducted out of doors, with the exception of the singular housemaid who dutifully wore her housekeeping apron every time I would depart from the shack. On the off chance that I would run into her, she would avert her gaze and hurry off with her arms full of towels and sheets on the way to the laundromat that inexplicably was the only business that required its own building among the entirety of what, laughably, could be considered a town. I preferred to think of it as a hamlet.

On the fourth day of the second month of my stay, I had awoken to the skittering noise of some insect on the kitchen table, which I had positioned next to my sleeping bag for the sake of my own drunken convenience, though I would often hurl it away in fits of rage as sitting cross legged without a chair and straining for the food atop a table at eye level would send me into a fury where something, any single object, had to be moved with all of my strength. I attribute the sturdiness of the table and the other localized furniture to the fact that I have not yet killed a man, but I fear with my eventual return to the United States that I shall accidentally pick up some furniture stamped with 'made in Usa," Usa being a town in China that was only named so that the producers could pretend that it was of American construction. As the veteran consumer knows, anything made in China is suspect to breakage, malformation, and a general ability to be useless in roughly four situations out of ten, which would qualify it for being so remarkably cheap that only a desperate and destitute man would willfully purchase an object so cursed in its origin.

>> No.6381024 [View]
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There's a lot of factors within creative writing ability. One is the ability to turn other people's and your own experiences into things other people desire to experience. Another is the ability to come up with imaginary events, people, on your own. There's also prosaic quality, and whether people actually enjoy it, which is a huge factor in deciding 'ability'.

To some extent, some people will be better overall, and some will be worse. I don't think it's completely 'innate', since I was born to a STEM mother and a deadbeat music major father, and I've been steadily becoming better through practice and help from others, but there's bound to be those who completely blew me out of the water the first time they set ink to paper.

Long story short, it depends.

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