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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.21633121 [View]
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There is no idealogy in the modern Russian state, it is a kleptocracy. It possesses no greater statesmanship than a wake of vultures that will take what it can, regardless of how much of the flock is killed while the rest feed on carrion. Ukraine is the same, only they are far weaker and thus can only wait and respond as prey.

>> No.21532053 [View]
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I have just written an essay of over six pages on the privatization of the food supply.
I began with motives and incentives, had methods and tactics in the middle and concluded with results and what it means for society. It is stupidly easy to write an essay. I am not even taking an academic course, i wrote it entirely because i wanted to organize my thoughts better on a subject.

Write it out, you mong, you are not allowed to quit.

>> No.21502520 [View]
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Europe was in decline since the First World War, the second one was a result of the first. Had he not achieved what he did, we may never have known that the greater society envisioned in the literature of National-Socialists existed, let alone possible.

There is nothing to stop it happening again, in light of this it appears the conditions that preceded his arrival in Germany are being repeated in half a dozen Western Nations. To the extent that all media and existing state controls are being used to absolutely prevent this sentiment from coalescing in to a mass Fascist or National Socialist movement.

Maybe not in a few months, nor a few years but i think within our generation we shall see it.

>> No.21446710 [View]
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>> No.21445258 [View]
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>If there are any, they’re fraudulent.
Fascism is about statist power and racial and sexual division.
By division, you mean those divisions inposed by our landscape and nature? Why West Africans dominate distance running ot Northern European are the strongest? Or why men have increased muscle mass and women higher pain tolerences?

>Land grabbing wars and technological advancements.
This is true of any State, Polis or country going far beyond recorded history.

>Their mirror image is the progressive liberal pseudo-socialist and carry with them eugenics
This sentence is too sloppy and vague to respond to.

>They stand for “civilization” and the only traditionalism they like is that of Roman style imperialism.
They stand up struggle, which is central to life and from where they obtain their reputation for vitality. The hilarious accusation of muh traditionalism is utterly false as it is as revolutionary (new) as it is reactionary (old), it is a sythesis of both of these things. New values based on old truths. Keeping with the vitality mentioned before, one such truth obvious to all is that excessive lesiure and the fullfillment of all requirements for life breeds terrible sloth and weakness.

>None of this is eco-friendly. Doesn’t matter how many trees they planted, how many farmers they employed.
Because you emphatically believe it, does not make it true.

>More of them and their policies don’t foster any ecological restoration. Only anti-state, anti-civilization movements do that.
Only the complete break down of every single institution, law, service, science, group and agency capable of action at the nation level can protect the enviroment? Not even you believe that. Mass action, with violence is the only way to obtain a sustainable result.

>> No.21419053 [View]
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>> No.21226776 [View]
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>He doesnt. All he says is "My opinion is objective because I so

There are reasons why many things, most things have never been considered beautiful, why most people look upon the world and see disgust. This is because beauty is, and has always been, objective. You can deny it, but it remains true. This beauty in the eye of the beholder garbage is just that, Post-Modern thought applied to beauty, as ever they are wrong. You fat-lipped, wide-nosed, sloped-forehead, jug-eared sack of shit-shaded filth.

>> No.21212001 [View]
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>By definition of their disorders they would not
These disorders have not been present in the numbers we see now which suggests a variable we can control for.

>Those who hang around on solo hobby board like /lit/ are among the least likely
I hang around on this board, i dont think reading is a solo hobby either, one of the main focuses is, but the greater joy comes in talking and discussing it. I think that is why people are here, is it not? I maintain that most men would be able to change for the better if societal conditons changed as i mentioned above.

>a nazi society will solve all problems?
Many of what we face today, yes.

>will women be rationed out?
I get it, you have a parody view of crude totalitarian Fascism where the incels take over and impose their will on those who wronged them? No. You purposefully ignore my presupposition that under a National-Socialist regime, men will be in better shape physically, mentally and will have been socialized sufficiently that courtship comes naturally to both boys and girls.

>my query of why the loneliness question isn't posed to women
Because everybody wants to spend time with women. Children, infants, men and other women. It is the key and lock analogy. They not had the societal pressure and have always been in group since most big events of their life require support. Pregnancy, puberty, child rearing. Only recently has this begun to change.

>im also a jew now
Probably, yes. Based on your ad-hominem and general tone.

>> No.21054364 [View]
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The war for our hearts.

>> No.21027802 [View]
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It is a world-view, anon.

When I feel unmotivated and loathe the idea of working out, I am able to motivate myself rapidly with very little effort. When i feel immense joy, almost to the point of tears, lying on the couch with a book and my fiance laying against me sleeping, i can not help but think it is because of my adoption of this world-view that secured it for me.

I want those like me to understand it is possible to obtain what the frog posters meme over.

>> No.21012998 [View]
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The race of kikes is dying out faster than ever before. Hilariously by white Europeans.

>> No.21011913 [View]
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>127 / 35 / 33
Kikes and those outside of Europe will do anything to stop the growing interest in National-Socialism.

>> No.20997680 [View]
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>Writes about his childhood
>Independantly verified by hundreds of sources
>Writies about his war service
>Independantly verified by hundreds of sources
>Writes about how he will take over Germany and what he will do
>Over 6,000,000 verified sources

You're a special kind of kike.

Blood and Soil is the only lens with which one should view the world. Especially if you are possesed of the most coverted blood and soil.

>> No.20964145 [View]
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>The Folk-concept of the world. Introduced, or rather, discovered, by Adolf Hitler

It predates Hitler by a good 100 years, it was a growing movement combining a back to the soil movement, nationalism, german romanticism. But yes, the Volkisch Movement, how i would love to embrace such a movement in my respective nation.

These are bait questions.

>> No.20955109 [View]
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This is why you were colonized.

>> No.20950464 [View]
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Why? They have no practical use for the average man. Far better to read For My Legionairs or Mein Kampf.

>> No.20936862 [View]
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Almost their entire canon is dedicated to destroying, subverting, poisoning and rendering foul the works of another. They do not create beauty, only sensationalize the deaths of other works and people.

>> No.20934863 [View]
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>stop playing video games
>lift some heavy weights
>shower daily

That is literally all you need to do. Instead you cleave to Jesus and call women whores, further alienating yourself from duty, life and fullfillment.

>> No.20922147 [View]
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>You will never have this.
>They will never want you.

>> No.20782016 [View]
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Yep. Based.

>> No.20781274 [View]
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This man is the end goal of refusing to wash, lift and read.

>> No.20701761 [View]
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This is true. This can be further simplified as needing a strong heirarchy, those at the bottom deal with micro concepts such as the personal, the intimate and the local. Thoee at the top deal in grander narratives. Both are needed to encompass a whole people fully. The comfortable middle class is detestable.

>> No.20672598 [View]
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Your posting is part of the problem. Everything from the anti-Peterson threads, the lust provoking bait threads, the subversive Tolkien threads. It is all very tiring.

>> No.20538802 [View]
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You can smell the communist-kikery.

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